What did that boy do?Are the townspeople rebelling? ?

Seeing the angry expressions of everyone in the parade, Jiang Lin was also a little confused.

"Husband, you're back, why are you so pale?"

When Jiang Lin arrived at the door, Bai Miner and Caiyi rushed into his arms.

Because of the serious injury on his body, Jiang Lin hissed when the two women touched his wound.

Caiyi frowned, and immediately took off Jiang Lin's clothes. Seeing Jiang Lin's terrifying wound, her tears immediately fell down.

Bai Min'er's face was also pale, and her eyes were filled with distress.

Jiang Lin's injury could even be seen in his ribs.

"It's okay, I got some injuries, and I will recover after recuperating for a while."

After kissing the two women on the foreheads, Jiang Lin asked what happened in the town.

"We don't know the specifics. It seems that Ah Chu killed her. You can ask sister Shu Ning. Now that something is wrong in the town, we won't let her go to work."


When they got to the yard, Caiyi told Ren Tingting and the others that her man was seriously injured, and Jiang Lin was surrounded by a group of beautiful women and dragged into the room.

Ren Tingting undressed, Jingjing cleaned the wound, Chen Yu applied medicine, Jin Tianyi bandaged the wound, a group of women became doctors, nurses and nanny, treating Jiang Lin as a serious illness.

"Okay, don't cry, I'm fine. Aning, what happened to Gantian Town? How did it become like this."

Jiang Lin appeased a few wives who were barely able to bear it, and then asked what happened in Shu Ning Town.

Shu Ning told Jiang Lin what happened in the town during this time. Most of these things were related to the gods. She went to the Demon Temple to interview Wang Cai before, so she also knew a little about the gods.

"Prosperous wealth, divine religion, Zhou Yuan actually changed his mind, and his father Zhou You really died. That stinky boy at Achu was actually kicked out of the school by Master Mao, and he may still have lives on his hands."

Jiang Lin heard what had happened recently, and felt a little unbelievable. With Mao Xiaofang around, there was actually a cult of gods, and there were even disciples who betrayed their teachers in Fuxi Hall.

"These things are quite evil. I will go to Fuxi Hall to see."

Jiang Lin was injured now, and the sequelae of raising his spirits also appeared. In this case, it is best to cut off the source of the evil sect in the town, otherwise there will be troubles in the future.

Ren Tingting and the others didn't want Jiang Lin to walk around and let him rest in peace, but they couldn't beat Jiang Lin.

"Friend Bai, are you okay?"

When he got to the front yard, Jiang Lin found Bai Rourou and the three master and apprentice staring at him.

"No...nothing, I just have some doubts about the formation. I want to ask the Taoist priest. Don't worry, the Taoist leader, please do it first."

Bai Rourou smiled slightly and returned to the training room with her two apprentices.

In fact, she heard that Jiang Lin was seriously injured and wanted to ask about Jiang Lin's injury, but she was too embarrassed to speak. Seeing that Jiang Lin could walk, she made up a reason.

The three masters and apprentices of Bai Rourou have lived in the residence of Li Yang for almost a year. They usually study the formation here.The three masters and apprentices felt embarrassed to live for a long time, so they took the initiative to help Jiang Lin make some magical instruments and spiritual talismans for sale, which was considered to have paid for the tuition and room and board expenses.

"Master, you are obviously worried about him, why didn't you ask?"

"I...I...why don't you ask?"

Being poked by the apprentice, Bai Rourou's face was as red as an apple.

"People are thin-skinned..."

Linglong and Hongdou both bowed their heads. In this era, women still need a lot of courage to pursue men.

Jiang Lin took two steps, turned his head to look at Bai Rourou and the others' training room, his expression became a little weird.

Although the voices of the three were not loud, they still couldn't escape his ears.

Bai Rourou is fine, but Hongdou and Linglong are also...


After leaving Liyang Residence, Jiang Lin went to Fuxi Hall, but saw a group of people blocking Fuxi Hall.

"Master Mao, these two are the parents of the bitter master. You must uphold justice for them. My father also died at the hands of Yu Dachu!"

Zhou Yuan helped the two elderly couples out and looked at Mao Xiaofang angrily.

"Killing for life is just and righteous!"

"eye for eye!"

"Arrest and shoot!"

Behind Zhou Yuan, a group of townspeople shouted, the crowd was excited and the momentum was not small.

Mao Xiaofang squeezed his hands, and when the shouting became quieter, he said, "Please rest assured, folks, I will definitely distinguish between public and private. You go back first, and I will definitely give you an explanation."

"It's not true if you just say it, this time it's up to Master Mao how you can prove it to us. We wish you success and righteousness to kill your relatives. Let's go!"

After Zhou Yuan and the others left, Mao Xiaofang said hello to Jiang Lin: "Fellow Daoist, are you finished? I see that you are pale and you seem to be injured."

"It took a lot of damage to kill a peak Mao Zong. Let's not talk about me, Master Mao, it's not peaceful for you in Fuxitang."

Jiang Lin looked at Mao Xiaofang, the head of Fuxi Hall was now haggard, with a few strands of white hair.

Another heartbroken teacher.

Destroyed a peak hair stiff? ?

Mao Xiaofang was shocked by this sentence and was speechless for a moment. After a while, he sighed and said, "Unfortunately, the teacher's door is unfortunate, let's talk about it when we enter the room."

Chapter eight hundred and ninety sixth magic robbery

"Uncle Master."


A Hai and A Xiu were setting up the altar in the yard. Mao Xiaofang asked them to go out first because he wanted to discuss things with Jiang Lin.

"Master Mao, I have heard Shu Ning talk about things in the town. What do you think of the death of the Divine Sect and Wang Cai? Shu Ning said that Wang Cai's corpse has changed, but he has never seen it with his own eyes. Have you looked at his body?"

Jiang Lin sat at the stone table in the yard and asked about prosperity and religion.

"Fellow Daoist, I'm really ashamed to say it. Originally, after you left, I was going to investigate Wangcai and Divine Religion, but I was caught up in affairs."

Mao Xiaofang poured tea for Jiang Lin, drank a cup himself, and drank it as wine. After that, he talked about his marriage to Black Rose and the misfortune of Ah Chu. As for Wang Cai's sudden death, Mao Xiaofang also said that he was in a great mood at the time. Poor, I didn't pass by the first time, I just heard that Wang Cai's hands were covered with animal hair.

Jiang Lin thought that Mao Xiaofang was really funny enough to ask for a marriage for Black Rose, but Mao Xiaofang was in a bad mood now, so he didn't say anything to make fun of the other party.

That boy Ah Chu is really unsatisfactory, he can't compare with the previous Qiu Sheng Wencai, and he almost killed himself in order to buy a gift for a woman.

"On that day, I went around the Demon Temple and saw that a group of townspeople used the cicada's urine dripping from dead trees as holy water. I told the truth in the past, but the townspeople thought I was jealous of their leader and did not welcome me to the Demon. Temple. And I saw that they seemed to be a little photophobic, I suspected that they might be demons, but I couldn't see any clues."

Mao Xiaofang also informed Jiang Lin of the results of his investigation around the Demon Temple, as well as the fact that Ah Chu was the leader and involved in the murder case.

"It turns out that Ah Chu was not empowered, so this kid shouldn't kill people."

Although Jiang Lin didn't have a good impression of Ah Chu, this kid couldn't be turned into a weapon if he didn't make it, and he had not been reduced to a scum.

It hasn't been that long since Wangcai's change to the present. All the people involved in the accident were people who joined the sect. Obviously, there was something hidden in it. In addition, the dead Wangcai had animal hairs on his hands, which made it seem this mysterious. The religion is even more evil.

Gantian Town has become what it is now, and it has affected the entire town, even Li Yangju's daily life has been affected, Jiang Lin doesn't want to sit idly by.

"I also don't believe that he will kill people. Although Ah Chu is slick and impetuous, he will not be rash. The matter is definitely not simple. I have to use the hair-cutting technique to find his whereabouts to find out what happened."

As soon as the conversation changed, Mao Xiaofang asked, "Fellow Daoist, the Canglong Seven Stars were transferred two nights ago. Did you use the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array?"

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "It's really me, Mao Zong is still too difficult to deal with. I estimate that I will have to rest for at least a month. Now that the chaos in the town has emerged, I also want to check the source with you, Master Mao. Kill it as soon as possible, or else the chaos will come together, I guess I can't help much."

"Is it that serious?"

Mao Xiaofang's eyes widened, Jiang Lin's injury actually required a month of recuperation.

"It's not too serious, it's just a few pounds of meat."


After Mao Xiaofang heard this, the tea in his mouth sprayed out far away, how many pounds of meat was missing from his body?Is this not too serious? ?

At this time, Mao Xiaofang saw the faint blood on Jiang Lin's clothes, and knew that what Jiang Lin said was true.


Mao Xiaofang was really convinced of Jiang Lin. He went out and killed a terrifying flying zombie. After suffering such a serious injury, he could still come to Fuxi Hall to talk with him calmly.

Not only is Daoist superb, but his physique is far beyond comparison.

What a strong man!

"Master Mao, you can cast a spell, find the boy Achu, let's ask clearly, and then go to the Demon Temple to check, I always feel that there is something strange there."

"Fellow Daoist, your injury..."

"Not yet to the point where you have to lie down."

Hearing what Jiang Lin said, Mao Xiaofang immediately did the same in front of the altar, looking for the direction where Ah Chu was hiding.

Now that Ah Chu has become a murder suspect, Mao Xiaofang still used his reputation as a guarantee to let Captain Song and the others sell their face, and did not immediately use the police force to search the mountain to arrest him, but he had to find Ah Chu back.

After finding the direction, Mao Xiaofang and Jiang Lin left the town and went to the mountain. The Tiandao School's tracing technique was unique, not to mention that Mao Xiaofang knew Ah Chu quite well and had his birth date. Not long after, they were in a forest. A Chu's trace was found there.

"Alas! It's simply not good at learning."

Mao Xiaofang looked at a psychedelic trapping formation in front of him, and he really had nothing to say to his apprentice.

Can this trapping array trap people?

Mao Xiaofang's fingers condensed spiritual energy to the key position of the formation, and several wooden stakes buried in the ground immediately burst, and the entire trapped formation was simply broken.

Ah Chu, who was hiding in the woods, saw that his arrangement was invalid, so he ran away quickly, and Mao Xiaofang chased after him.

Jiang Lin followed leisurely. This kind of thing does not require his efforts. If Mao Xiaofang can't even hold a little Taoist priest, Fuxi Hall can be closed.

Mao Xiaofang and A Chuyi chased and fled, and they reached the edge of the cliff not long after.

"Master, why are you arresting me? I didn't kill anyone."

"You go back with me and explain clearly to Captain Song and the others that you have been fleeing and will only cover up the truth of the matter."

"That group of people are crazy. They are fascinated by some gods, and they insist that I am a murderer. There is only one way to go back!"

Ah Chu took a magic talisman and wanted to resist, but when the mountain wind blew, the magic talisman fell out of his hand.

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