Mao Xiaofang immediately flashed to the edge of the cliff, hooked the rocks under his feet, leaned over and grabbed Ah Chu.

Really can do things!

Jiang Lin arrived just in time. He didn't expect Mao Xiaofang to chase people and put himself on the cliff, leaving only one foot on it.

A yin fire whip was shaken out in one hand and wrapped around Mao Xiaofang's ankle. Jiang Lin just wanted to exert force, but blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Master Jiang, you seem to be injured, leave it to me."

A slightly immature voice came from behind him, Jiang Lin turned his head and saw that it was Xiao Xiami rushing six or seven meters in one step.

The current little Xiami was wearing a luxurious Lingtong robe and a magic hat. He waved his hand out, and the talisman came out from his sleeve, like a snake, entangling Mao Xiaofang.

With all his strength, Xiao Xiami pulled Mao Xiaofang and A Chu down from the cliff.

"Little shrimp?"

"Buddha of Infinite Life. I'm here in time, right?"

Xiao Xiami pointed out the Buddha's name to Mao Xiaofang and smiled slightly.

Mao Xiaofang asked, "Xiaomi, why are you back?"

"Master Mao, you wrote me a letter before asking about the tantric empowerment. I read what was said in the letter and knew that the disaster in Gantian Town was probably due to the devil, and it was very likely that it was the devil. A devil that none of us can deal with. Master Mao, Master Jiang, please tell me the specific situation in detail."

Xiao Xiami's words startled Mao Xiaofang, Jiang Lin frowned after hearing that, there was actually a calamity in Gantian Town.

Chapter [*] Gorefiend and the Four Evils

"Okay, the reason for this is that Wangcai suddenly had the ability to 'reform evil', and later Wangcai was coaxed to organize a religious sect. My fellow Daoists and I have limited knowledge about the sect. Ah Chu, let you know. Tell everything about everything, otherwise, you just wait for the shooting range."

Although Mao Xiaofang was shaken in his heart, he also knew that Xiao Xiami was not completely sure yet, so he asked Ah Chu to announce the internal situation of the Divine Sect.

Ah Chu organized the language and explained everything that happened after he entered the religion.Now it seems that the previous murders were probably caused by demons, and it was related to his innocence. Of course, Ah Chu didn't hide it at all.

After hearing this information, Xiao Xiami frowned and said, "If what A Chu said is true, I think the four Buddha statues in the Demon Temple should be the four evil bodies of the Gorefiend."

"Really blood demon?"

Jiang Lin was quite surprised. At the beginning, he did detect the faint aura of the Gorefiend in the Demon Temple, but he did not find any trace of the Gorefiend after several searches. Later, he knew that something big might happen in Gantian Town. I searched the underground of the Demon Temple, but still found nothing.

Now Xiao Xiami said that the Gorefiend is still in the Demon Temple, which is really strange.

Xiao Xiami looked at Jiang Lin and asked, "Master Jiang, have you also suspected Gorefiend?"

"That's right, when I settled down in Gantian Town, I once walked around the Demon Temple and sensed the aura of the Gorefiend, and then I went to ask Master Mao if there was a Gorefiend in Gantian Town. I went to the temple again a while ago. I checked and found nothing."

"Master Jiang has a deep sense of conduct and can detect the breath of the Gorefiend, but it's not surprising that you didn't find it. The Gorefiend has divided into the four evils, was sealed inside the Buddha statue, and the breath was isolated. I am in the esoteric sect. In the ancient scrolls, I have seen records about the Gorefiend. It appeared once in the late Han Dynasty, but it was wiped out by the Emei Sect at that time. Later, it was revived when the Five Husbands were in chaos. The Four Evils - 魑, charm, 魍, 魉. These four evil bodies can extract the evil and yang qi of people's evil thoughts and nourish their own body. Two hundred years ago, the four evils aggregated and condensed into a blood demon, causing disaster to the common people. Humans can be enemies."

After a pause, Xiao Xiami continued: "Fortunately at that time, the head of the Shushan sect, who was closely related to the Emei sect, came out of the mountain and fought the Gorefiend at Zixia Mountain in Xishu. He chased and killed the Gorefiend for thousands of miles with the help of the fragments of the Haotian Mirror. , chased to the vicinity of Gantian Town, and broke it up into the four evils. The hundred-year-old Daoist smashed his muscles because of the battle with the Gorefiend, so he dissipated his own cultivation. The Four Evils of the Buddha were sealed in the Buddha statue and suppressed with four pieces of Haotian Mirror. Later, the townspeople of Gantian Town moved the Buddha statue into the town and built a temple. It's not clear."

"If it's really a Gorefiend, it's going to be troublesome."

Jiang Lin and Li Yingqi used the double swords of Tianlei and the power of the three elements to kill the Gorefiend. He knew the horror of Gorefiend.

Moreover, the Gorefiend was extremely cunning, and even Dan Chenzi, the eldest disciple of the Emei Sect at the time, was taken by him.

At this time, he was seriously injured again, and Jiang Lin couldn't help feeling a little heavy. The Gorefiend to deal with this time was no weaker than that Fei in Shu.

"Little Xiami, according to what you said, the Gorefiend should have used the hand of Prosperity to absorb the evil thoughts of the townspeople. I am afraid that they will soon be able to get rid of the seal and the four evils will reunite. Gantian Town is really doomed this time."

"It's not just Gantian Town. If the four evils are broken and the Gorefiend reappears, even if the three of us join hands, it will be difficult to deal with it. At that time, it will be a tragic image of corpses everywhere."

Xiao Xiami patted his forehead and continued: "The only solution for now is to delay the breaking of the four evils and prevent them from absorbing evil thoughts. If they are trapped separately, take out the four Haotian mirrors inside the four Buddha statues. Fragments, have the opportunity to kill them."

"Master, but now Zhou Yuan and the others all think that the Buddha statues in the temple are their gods. We want to move a few Buddha statues. Those religious believers will definitely not agree."

As soon as Ah Chu finished speaking, over the place where the temple was located, a demonic energy suddenly rushed out, forming a dark cloud over Gantian Town.

"No, the four evils have been broken!"

"Today I saw many townspeople carrying big beds and round tables on the street. Are they going to melt the Buddha statue and help the four evils break the seal?"

Jiang Lin suddenly thought of what he saw on the street when he first came back. A large group of townspeople were carrying wooden bed boards and tables and stools, which seemed to be used to make fires.

Mao Xiaofang looked at the monstrous demonic energy with a solemn expression on his face, and said, "It's very possible. Fellow Daoist, Xiao Xiami, let's go back quickly, explain the situation to Captain Song and the others, and use their strength to prevent the four evils from breaking the seal."

"Master Mao, Master Jiang, you all go first, I will wait for the eighteen masters of the Tantric Sect to arrive, and we will recite the scriptures outside the town together, and introduce them into the town with the Sanskrit sound to prevent the four evils from continuing to absorb the evil thoughts of the townspeople."

Since Xiao Xiami had other arrangements, Mao Xiaofang and Jiang Lin returned to town first.

As soon as they returned to the town, someone notified Zhou Yuan and the others, and a group of people took rakes and hoes and blocked Mao Xiaofang and the others.

Mao Xiaofang explained bitterly, but unfortunately these people have been brainwashed, and he was angry that Mao Xiaofang insulted their "gods", saying that Mao Xiaofang had no evil thoughts at all.

Seeing these people, they couldn't listen anymore, and they looked like they were going to beat Ah Chu to death in the street, so Mao Xiaofang stopped them and told Ah Chu to leave first.

However, Zhou Yuan and the others ignored Mao Xiaofang and Ah Chu's contributions to the town, and surrounded them in the center and beat them violently.

Just as Jiang Lin was considering whether to take action, gunshots were heard not far away.

When the gunshots rang out, the townspeople stopped.

"Are you trying to kill someone?"

Captain Song roared angrily. These guys actually beat Mao Xiaofang. When Lei Gang was in trouble, who was the one who helped Gantian Town regardless of his past suspicions!

Chapter eight hundred and ninety-eight using human life as a shield

"Captain, Mao Xiaofang covers up the murderer and insults our religion."

"Da Sanyuan, shut up! This matter is handled by the Police Department, and lynching is not allowed!"

After scolding Zhou Yuan, Captain Song came to Mao Xiaofang with an apologetic face and said, "Master Mao, are you all right? Ah Chu is a suspect now. I think he will be safe at the police station."

"Okay, Ah Chu, you go with Captain Song and the others first."

Mao Xiaofang also knew that if Ah Chu was not protected by Captain Song and the others, even if he returned to Fuxi Hall, the door would still be blocked.

Zhou Yuan and the others had no choice but to let Captain Song take A Chu away.

Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang also followed Captain Song to the police station.

"If this is true, the consequences would be disastrous."

"It's a very troublesome thing. As far as I know, Zhou Yuan and the others have set up fire around the temple to melt four Buddha statues."

In the director's office, Director Song and Captain Song both looked worried. Mao Xiaofang and Jiang Lin had already informed them about the Gorefiend.

"Master Mao, Master Jiang, now the people in the small town have become followers of the gods. If we intervene, there may be a riot."

Director Song was a little undecided, but unfortunately, the villagers who had been bewitched by their hearts could all gather together and dismantle their situation.

"Director Song, I think you haven't figured out the situation. I won't talk about the Gorefiend. I will talk about a Yin Demon that was killed in the past two years. Both are demons. The Yin Demon is a disaster, even if it is me If you take action, there are only two people who survived in the last village. Compared with the Gore Demon, that Yin Demon is the younger brother of the younger brothers."

Jiang Lin didn't exaggerate, he just let Director Song know the seriousness of the matter.

Although Gantian Town has always had weird things happen, but every time there are no big casualties and losses, so Director Song subconsciously thinks that the problem should not be too big.

"What... what?"

Director Song stood up from his chair in shock by Jiang Lin's words. Only two people survived in a village?And it's still under the circumstance that Master Jiang has taken action to remove the devil.

too frightening.

Captain Song's eyes were also open like bull's eyes, which was simply too sensational.

"Okay, we will cooperate immediately. However, our police force is limited here. If the townspeople rebound, we will not be able to handle it."

Director Song immediately corrected his attitude and was willing to do his best to help Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang to deal with the Gorefiend, but even if they had the will, their strength would be weak after all.

"That's true."

Mao Xiaofang also felt a headache. If he wanted to move the Buddha statue in the Demon Temple, it would be equivalent to standing on the opposite side of a small half of the townspeople. The strength of these people condensed together is not small.

"I also served you, is it so difficult? Do you have to do something with them? You are responsible for the safety of life and property of all the townspeople in Gantian Town, whether it is an ancestral hall or a demon temple, they are all public facilities, and these are public property. Take out your official prestige and official tone, and characterize the four Buddha statues in the Demon Temple as public property or cultural relics, and you can’t destroy them at will, isn’t that okay?”

"good idea!"

After listening to this, Mao Xiaofang nodded again and again, and felt that it was different if Jiang Lin was there. Even if Jiang Lin was seriously injured and his body could not move too much, his opinions and suggestions on the matter could still play a crucial role.

Director Song sneered, he had never thought of such a method.

"Master Jiang, it is reasonable to say that this method is feasible, but I am afraid that Zhou Yuan and the others will not be so easy to obey."

Captain Song asked a question. The group of religious believers, even Mao Xiaofang, did not know if knowing it would have any effect.

"That's not a problem. It's okay to let them melt. After all, the Buddha statue is shared by the townspeople of Gantian Town. Go to the ancestral hall to vote. As long as the Buddha statue is not melted so fast, it can be delayed as long as they can. What else can they say?"


Captain Song clapped his palm and gave Jiang Lin a thumbs up.

Immediately, Director Song and Captain Song set off immediately and took people to the Demon Temple. Jiang Lin also went with them, while Mao Xiaofang went back to Fuxi Hall temporarily because he had a conflict with Zhou Yuan and the others.

"It seems that the hundred-year-old Taoist from Zixia Mountain has left behind."

Before arriving at the Devil's Temple, Jiang Lin saw that the entire temple had been completely renewed, and the sky was still covered with purple air.

These purple qi seem to be peaceful, but they are actually the power to suppress the four evil bodies.

Although the Buddha statue was taken out and smelted, the four evil bodies inside were sucked back into the temple, suppressed, trapped in it, and not allowed to go out.

If there is no such purple energy, the ghosts and ghosts who broke the seal first may have gone out for disaster.

"Everyone, listen to me, this Buddha statue..."

Director Song was talking nonsense in a serious manner. According to Jiang Lin's suggestion, the four Buddha statues were classified as public property, and they were likely to be valuable cultural relics, which should be protected.

Of course they were unwilling to Zhou Yuan. Captain Song followed Jianglin's suggestion and relented, but asked the townspeople to vote.

It means that you can melt, but only after the approval of half of the townspeople.

"Brother Sanyuan, what do you say?"

Uncle Niu and Ma Zhang both looked at Zhou Yuan, and now Zhou Yuan has become the backbone of a group of believers.

"It's okay, a day or two later, I believe that the gods won't blame us. It's just a vote. Our gods agree. With the support of some friends, nothing will happen."

Zhou Yuan was originally a clerk. After Director Song and Captain Song said this, he realized that if these Buddha statues are true, they must be public property and must be confiscated according to the law. Now that Captain Song has "relaxed", he They didn't let the crowd continue to riot.

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