"No! You can't compromise! This is the body of the gods, and it belongs to our religion!"

"The gods let us be human again, we can't even fulfill the requirements of the gods, we are ashamed of the gods!"

"Yes! The gods are our reborn parents. We must melt the idols to comfort the gods!"

The following townspeople suddenly had red eyes and shouted. After that, the number of townspeople with red eyes gradually increased. In order to oppose Director Song's measures, they actually started to mutilate themselves with sticks, and some even committed suicide on the spot.

"Master Jiang, this..."

Director Song and the others did not expect this kind of thing. It has only been a long time. More than [-] people have self-harmed, and more than half of them have died.

"This is the ghost of the Gorefiend. It controls these townspeople."

Jiang Lin's face was very ugly. Things were going well, but in the end, the Gorefiend used these townspeople to disrupt the situation.

Still so cunning!

"Forget it, let's go back first."

Gorefiend uses human life as a shield, Director Song and the others will definitely not be able to continue, Jiang Lin can only think of another way.

Fortunately, the temple was enveloped in purple air, and even if the Gorefiend's four evils were broken, he would not be able to get out for the time being.

The eight hundred and ninety-ninth chapter returns to the body in his way

"Master Jiang, what about the Buddha statue?"

"The lives of these people are in the hands of the Gorefiend, and you can't stop the smelting of the Buddha statue. Fortunately, two of the Gorefiend's clones are now trapped in the temple, and they are in a weak period. Let's think of other ways. ."

No matter how powerful the Gorefiend is, the seal has not been completely broken, and Director Song and the others will not be able to forcefully transport the Buddha statue away at the cost of sacrificing so many lives.

Even if Jiang Lin insisted on taking the Buddha statue away, Captain Song and the others would not agree. Jiang Lin knew this, so he directly asked Director Song and the others to go back.

In fact, Jiang Lin's other purpose was to let Director Song and the others leave here. He already had a plan, but it was inconvenient to let Captain Song and the others watch.

Although Jiang Lin was injured, two of the four Gorefiend clones were not broken, and two were suppressed in the temple, which was not much better than his situation.

Wanting to use the shield method to hinder his footsteps, Jiang Lin wanted them to see his methods.

You can't even get out of the cage, how dare you respond to me?

Jiang Lin looked at the two Buddha statues beside the stove and snorted softly.

"Calm down, you can do whatever you want with the Buddha statues."

Captain Song led someone to capture the clubs in the hands of the deranged townspeople before letting them settle down.

"Jie Jie..."

There was a strange sound from the Buddha statue. Captain Song and Zhou Yuan did not hear it, only Jiang Lin heard it.

Hehe, I'll kill you guys later!

After parting with Captain Song and the others, Jiang Lin went to Fuxi Hall.

"Fellow Daoist, what's wrong, things are not going well?"

Seeing Jiang Lin frowning, Mao Xiaofang asked aloud.

Jiang Lin recounted what happened in the Demon Temple, and Mao Xiaofang was so angry that he slapped the table.

"What a treacherous Gorefiend."

"It's so abominable before being fully resurrected. If the four evils are combined, I really don't know what it will be like."

A Hai and A Xiu were equally angry that the Gorefiend actually bewitched the townspeople to commit suicide.

"Fellow Daoist, what should we do now?"

"The Gorefiend is now trapped in the temple by Zi Qi and cannot go out. Even if the other two are broken, the situation will be the same. This is not a bad situation. I am going to set up a large trap around the temple to reinforce it. Block it, and at the same time isolate the Gorefiend from the remote control of the townspeople with the formation method. In addition, although the statue has been melted, the fragments of the Haotian Mirror are estimated to be still there, which is very useful to deal with the Gorefiend, and it needs to be found. "

The hundred-year-old Taoist was able to hunt down the Gorefiend for thousands of miles with the fragments of the Haotian Mirror, which means that this artifact still has a lot of power. With the three treasures of Emei gathered together, Jiang Lin felt that he should have some confidence in dealing with the Gorefiend.

It's just that now he is injured, and he may not be able to exert the full power of the divine weapon.

Time was running out, Jiang Lin wanted to take advantage of the time difference between the underworld and the sun to recover his injuries, but the premise was that the Gorefiend could not rush out.

"But if we set up a formation around the temple, once the four evils are discovered, won't they be able to control the townspeople to obstruct them?"

Mao Xiaofang suddenly thought of this episode. To deal with the Gorefiend, the townspeople couldn't get around it.

Could it be that while watching them wipe their necks one by one, there are still formations in their hands?

Even if it is clothed, it will be dismantled.

"This is also the reason why I came to you, Master Mao. The Gorefiend wants to play tricks in front of me, but he still can't, even if I am injured now."

Jiang Lin sneered. With his current situation, he really had no confidence in dealing with the Gorefiend or its four evils, but now that they are either unsealed or trapped in the temple, he can still let these things go. Take advantage of it?


Mao Xiaofang was quite speechless, Jiang Lin had lost a few pounds of flesh now, and he was still caught and dug up, but he was still so mad.

Even if Mao Xiaofang knew that Jiang Lin killed Mao Zong, he still felt that Jiang Lin was bragging.

"That... fellow Daoist, what do you need me to do?"

Although he didn't quite believe it in his heart, Mao Xiaofang still wanted to ask Jiang Lin what means he had.

"There should be a lot of ghosts that Master Mao collected here in Fuxi Hall, right?"

What Jiang Lin is looking for is some little ghosts. Unfortunately, although he is a Celestial Master, he rarely puts ghosts in the Taoist hall. There should be quite a few here in Fuxi Hall.

"Do you want to use the little ghost to get on the townspeople? This is harmful to them."

As soon as Mao Xiaofang heard Jiang Lin's words, he reacted. Gorefiends can control religious believers. Jiang Lin can do the same, but using ghosts on human beings will cause harm to Yangren.

"Huh? Master Mao, did you get hurt from being beaten today?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes. He had been beaten up by the group of religious believers before, and now he is thinking about their safety.

Although the ghosts will be weak for a while, but compared to the loss of life and the consequences of the blood demon raging, can't figure out which is more important?

Do extraordinary things in extraordinary times.

Can you forget about this?

Mao Xiaofang pouted, and subconsciously touched the bulge that was knocked out on his forehead.

"Just when those people pay some price for their ignorance, or after the four evils are combined, Master Mao, you must not worry about breaking your heart?"

Jiang Lin flicked his nails and gave Mao Xiaofang a look, hurry up and go to the ghost altar.

Mao Xiaofang thought about it for a while, but did not object anymore, and let the two apprentices go to the backyard. After a while, Ah Hai and Ah Xiu came over with a lot of jars the size of teacups.

The four of them went to the Demon Temple again, and as soon as they saw Mao Xiaofang, Zhou Yuan and the others headed towards him. A few townspeople next to the last Buddha statue by the fire had blood-red eyes, and they picked up sticks and hit them on the head again.

"All souls and ghosts, listen to my orders!"

Jiang Lin took a talisman cloth from the bronze mirror in his arms, quickly drew a light-avoiding talisman, wrapped it around the altar bucket held by A Hai and A Xiu, and threw it towards Zhou Yuan and the others.

"Get on me!"

These religious believers are all weak in yang, and the ghosts have been cursed with a light-avoidance spell, so it is not difficult to get on them.

A group of people rolled and howled on the ground, and some foamed at the mouth. It was a miserable appearance. It was not a good experience to be overwhelmed by a ghost. This was also the reason why Jiang Lin asked Captain Song and the others to leave.

After that, Jiang Lin took a gossip mirror, drew runes on it, and took a photo of the rest of the crowd, and they were all dumbfounded.

The three of Mao Xiaofang's master and apprentice quickly set up a formation around the temple, and Jiang Lin had already explained to them on the way.

"Little brother, don't you like to control people? Go ahead and control."

Jiang Lin came to the Buddha statue and flicked its head.

"Before the seal was broken, you played tricks with me, to let you enjoy, the worship of you believers."

Jiang Lin drew runes on the stone statue, and took the three treasures of Emei to form a three-element array around it. Then Jiang Lin snapped his fingers and shouted to the townspeople who were controlled by the Bagua mirror: "Come on some boys' bodies. My buddy, put some fertilizer on it, and the boy's urine is still relatively supplementary. Oh, by the way, don't have diabetes, don't have sugar, don't let it taste the sweetness."


A dozen young men came forward, ready to untie their belts.

"There is a kind of waiting for me to break the seal and fight for thousands of rounds!"

The Gorefiend clone roared inside the Buddha statue, and the entire ground was shaken by the Buddha statue.

What a shame!What a shame!

The Gorefiend clone shouted and cursed, wishing to break out of the seal immediately and suck Jiang Lin into a man.

The other three demons trapped in the temple also shrieked, but the formation has been arranged by Mao Xiaofang and the others. Unless the three clones increase their strength, they will not be able to rush out in a short time.

Chapter [-] The situation is still not optimistic

Although these Gorefiend clones were broken by external force, they were still severely damaged by the vigor of the Haotian Mirror fragment in the Buddha statue, and they are still relatively weak.

Another reason is that the four evils are incomplete, and the power of the Gorefiend cannot be exerted at all.

Therefore, seeing that the brothers outside are about to "enjoy offerings", they can only be incompetent and furious.

The formation arranged by Mao Xiaofang and the others was specially chosen by Jiang Lin. It had a miraculous effect against the Gorefiend, and with the backhand left by the centenarian Taoist, it was not so easy for a few clones to break through.

"Master, this...it's absolutely amazing!"

Ah Hai stared wide-eyed. Before, these four evil bodies used the townspeople as puppets, but now Jiang Lin turned to use the townspeople to deal with it.

It's even being pissed by a child.

Sour, fun!

"Although it feels a little bit damaged, it's more... very pleasing."

Mao Xiaofang felt very happy when he heard the four evil bodies screaming and scolding.

Axiu turned around quickly, she was not interested in watching the scene of enjoying the worship.


The Gorefiend clone in the Buddha statue let out a sharp whistle, because there were runes drawn by Jiang Lin outside the stone statue, and the boy's urine directly infiltrated into the interior, and the magic-breaking power of the runes was stimulated, making the Gorefiend clone inside feel like It's like being scalded by boiling oil.

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