"Little brother, you control these people again, I'm waiting for you to respond to me."

"Wait for Lao Tzu to go out, wait for Lao Tzu to go out!!!"

The Gorefiend clone was completely mad in the Buddha statue, and now it wants to break through the seal at all costs and eat Jiang Lin's meat raw.

It's a pity that if there is only the seal of the Buddha statue, it can still go out. Now that the power of the Emei Three Treasures is added, it is absolutely delusional to want to find Jiang Lin to fight one-on-one.

Jiang Lin smiled, then went to the stove, took out a lot of formation materials, and arranged a yin and yang flame formation around it.

"Don't you want these believers to melt you? You can't control them now, and I will help you with great mercy."

Jiang Lin tossed around in the stove, found three pieces of the Haotian Mirror, and then greeted a group of townspeople who were overwhelmed by ghosts.

These people quickly got busy, placed iron rods and the like on the top of the stove, formed a tic-tac-toe, and then lifted the Buddha image to the boiler.

Another part of the townspeople frantically added firewood under the stove.

"Master, isn't it equivalent to helping it break the seal?"

Seeing this, Ah Hai looked at Mao Xiaofang with a confused look.

"Fellow Daoist wouldn't do that. It should be because of the miraculous effect of the formation he arranged around the stove just now."

As soon as Mao Xiaofang finished speaking, flames rose from the furnace, but the strange thing was that these flames did not calcine the outside of the Buddha statue, but were wrapped in some dark flames and got into the Buddha statue.

These dark flames are naturally the yin fire released by Jiang Lin, and combined with the power of the formation, they wrap the yang flames into the Buddha statue, and grill the blood demon clones inside.

In order to enhance the power of Yang Yan, Jiang Lin also sent a real sun fire into it. He is injured now, and he can't even use his own Yang Yan too much.

Didn't this Gorefiend clone want to use the power of high temperature and heat to break the seal?Jiang Lin will help it now.

"Even if I'm not in the peak state now, I can't compare with the ghosts in the cage."

Jiang Lin sneered, if the Gorefiend is nothing, these clones are trapped, and they are not as good as the original Yin Demon, and it is really funny to actually play tricks in front of him.

Even the original Yin Demon, who wanted to use Yue Mei to restrain Jiang Lin, was severely educated by Jiang Lin.

"Fellow Daoist, admire!"

Mao Xiaofang bowed his hands to Jiang Lin, sighing to himself, he used to admire Jiang Lin's hard power, but today he saw Jiang Lin's methods.

In the case of self-injury, he can still torture the Gorefiend clone to the point of screaming and scolding his mother. It's really not acceptable. Even if he can't kill it, it is brilliant to be able to do this.

"I am also injured. Although I can cause some damage to it, I can't hurt the root of it for a while. It's a pity, it's a pity."

Jiang Lin waved his hand, preparing to continue nesting the rest of the formation around the temple.

The corner of Mao Xiaofang's mouth twitched, Jiang Lin's words were a little embarrassing.

Is this a pity? ?

Can you give me Mao Xiaofang a face?


At this moment, there was a strong explosion on the stove, and the Gorefiend clone in the Buddha statue couldn't bear the calcination of Yin Fire and Yang Flame, so he blew up most of his body and forcibly broke the seal.

"Since you blew yourself up, then leave more things behind!"

Jiang Lin threw out a few flaming talismans, which exploded with a bang, blowing up the Gorefiend clone that was being sucked into the temple. Mao Xiaofang was also unequivocal. Wu Lei slammed the Gorefiend clone into a loud scream, and in the end only a head with a light demonic energy was left and flew into the temple.

Jiang Lin secretly said that it is a pity, if he is healthy, he can take this opportunity to kill one of the four evils, so that the Gorefiend cannot take shape.

"Boy, wait for me to wait for the four to become one, and you will regret coming into this world!"

The demon body was almost completely destroyed, and the Gorefiend clone hated so much that its teeth could cut off the steel bars.

Jiang Lin did not delay for a moment, and immediately activated the formation, and imprisoned the four Gorefiend clones on the four stone platforms where the Buddha statues were originally placed, making them unable to move, unable to fit together, and unable to communicate with Zhou Yuan and the others.

"Fellow Daoist, although one of the four evils has been severely damaged, and there is still purple energy left by the trapped formation and the centenarian Taoist, it is not a long-term solution, and your current strength is estimated to be out of ten, what should you do? "

After helping Jiang Lin arrange the formation, Mao Xiaofang frowned again. Judging from the current situation, they still have no way to take the Gorefiend.

Jiang Lin nodded, even if they took advantage of it now, the situation is still not optimistic about the Gorefiend's four evils. Compared with the Gorefiend, there is still a gap. Horror, but also a big boss.

But there is no good way to prevent them from becoming one.

Demons are different from ordinary evil spirits. They don't rely on entities very much, so it is troublesome to completely eliminate them, and they can only rely on Taoist methods.

In the beginning, Jiang Lin had spent a lot of time dealing with the Yin Demons. Even if he brought the two demon kings and the zombie king from his family, they couldn't do anything about these four evil clones.

Although Mao Xiaofang and the others have reached the level of alchemists, they are still not enough to watch.

Once the battle begins and the four evils become one, it is better to temporarily separate them and trap them, delaying the time for them to combine.

"You can only take one step at a time. I don't think the trapped formation will last for a long time. Master Mao, you and Xiao Xiami should discuss the method. I need two or three days to recuperate from my injuries, and by the way, smelt the fragments of the Haotian Mirror. Yes. Now, Master Lei should not have left Gantian Town very far. You can ask Ah Xiu to find him. With one more person and one more strength, the four evils combine to become a blood demon. It is a tough battle, even if I return to the heyday , I don't have much confidence in trying to completely kill the Gorefiend."

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly, and his men kept on arranging the killing formation around the temple.

Chapter [*] Go to the Underworld

Mao Xiaofang sighed. At present, it seems that it can only be so. It is not that he has not thought of gathering the power of Li Yangju, Fuxitang and Tantric to deal with the four evils, but even so, he can't compare to Jiang Lin alone.

The current situation cannot be solved by a large number of people. Only if the strongest person kills one of the clones with fierce means will the battle situation be optimistic.

As for the use of the formation, not to mention, if there is a flying dragon seven-star formation, it is possible to kill the four evils in one fell swoop, but Jiang Lin just used this lore formation not long ago, Mao Xiaofang does not believe that Jiang Lin is now in his hands There are two sets of seven-star array materials.

Otherwise, Jiang Lin would have used it early in the morning.

"Master Mao, the matter of taking the ghost back to the altar will be handed over to you."

After arranging the formation, Jiang Lin found the last piece of Haotian Mirror. After that, he didn't stay by the temple and went straight back to Li Yangju.

When he got home, Jiang Lin told Bai Min'er and the others about the Gorefiend, forbid them to leave Li Yangju a step, and even the people were banned by him.

"Yuan Ying, I found this in Zuo Ci's tomb. It should have something to do with your bronze mirror body."

Jiang Lin called Xiaoli, Xiaoqian, Xiaohong, and Jing Yuanying to the training room, took out some ancient mirrors and magic sound boxes from the bronze mirror, and handed them to Jing Yuanying.

This time he went to the underworld, because he was mentally sluggish, he might have to fall asleep for a while, and the matter of melting the Haotian Mirror needed the help of Xiaoli and the others.

"These are some of the twelve ancient mirrors cast by my teacher, Lang Jun, they are like relatives to Yuan Ying. Yuan Ying thanks Lang Jun."

Jing Yuanying held several ancient mirrors in her hands, as if she saw sisters who had been away for many years.

"You are my good wife, and the husband and wife say thank you or not."

Jiang Lin stroked his beautiful wife's hair and said, "It's a pity that they have all lost their spirituality. This magic sound box still turns occasionally. You can play the music, which is probably beneficial to you. All right, come with me."

The ghost gate was opened, and Jiang Lin entered it with four ghost wives.

In addition to smelting the Haotian Mirror this time, Jiang Lin also brought a lot of materials. One day in the world and ten days in the underworld, he can let his sneaky brothers do some work and build a few spirit swords and bodyguards for Xiaoru and them. Inverse chaos yin and yang mirror used.

In addition, Jiang Lin also wanted to use the scales of the poisonous dragon to make a dragon armor. This time, he suffered a big loss against Zuo Ci, and he will have to deal with a flying zombie in the future. Just in case, his body More protection is always good.

It's just that the time is tight this time, so Jiang Lin put the matter of making the dragon armor on the ground first.

When he arrived in the underworld, Jiang Lin went directly to the Southwest Territory. This time he didn't stay for long, and he didn't have time to do any tasks, so he didn't bother Judge Lu.

Otherwise, with his character, he would have to take Jing Yuanying to ask for some money.

"Fuck, my lord has another sweet wife!"

"Also let no one live, and let no ghost live!"

Qing Gui and Lan Xun got down from the watchtower and saw Jing Yuanying behind Jiang Lin.

"Hello sir, hello ladies."

Although they were envious, jealous, and hateful, the two brothers greeted Jiang Lin without any hesitation, and sang to Xiaoli and the others.

The status of the two brothers in the underworld has improved a lot now. Although they are still at the bottom, they are much stronger than before. These are all because of Jiang Lin, so when the two brothers see Jiang Lin, they are the same as when they see food and clothing. Parents are about the same.

Jiang Lin was quite satisfied with the sneaky brother's attitude, he took two scorched dragon tendons from his arms, threw them over, and said, "You two have worked hard for a while, these are two dragon tendons, I will reward you both. of."

If you want the horse to run well, you need good forage. Jiang Lin has something to offer these two brothers, and the things he makes need to be used by himself. Of course, the quality must be guaranteed. This requires the sneaky brothers to pay attention and reward them with a big carrot It's still possible.

These two dragon tendons were the ones he used to deal with Zuo Ci. Later, they broke a few sections and were roasted by the flames. They were useless, but for the sneaky brothers who had not seen much of the world, they were treasures.

"Dragon... Dragon tendon?"

The two sneaky brothers screamed at the same time, and then put the dragon tendon into their mouths and took a hard bite. Although there was a burnt smell, the two ghosts tasted an extraordinary taste.

Really dragon tendon!

The adults will not lie to us either!

"Thank you for your reward, Lord, what are your orders, my brothers will die!"

The two brothers hurriedly put the remaining scorched dragon tendons in their arms, full of energy.

Jiang Lin smiled, took out some materials from his arms, and explained to the sneaky brothers, letting them both go to work.

"Brother, the two of us must work hard to cultivate, and strive to bring us along when the adults are transferred in the future."

Lan Zong chewed the dragon tendon hard, but couldn't stop his mouth.

"Must! Cultivation is one aspect of hard work. We must satisfy the adults in everything, and then the adults must be willing to take us with us. Follow the adults to have meat to eat, no, dragon tendons to eat!"

The two brothers were so happy that they went to the smelting place not far away, and became two blacksmiths with all their energy.

When he arrived at the residence, Jiang Lin stewed some dragon meat and ginseng, ingested a blood orchid, and lit an ambergris, and then he lay on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

"It seems that Jiang Lang is really sleepy. I didn't sleep with one or two in my arms before."

Xiaoqian sat on the edge of the bed and touched Jiang Lin's face, her delicate face was like a peach blossom.

"The man is tired, we will share a little for him."

Jing Yuanying took out the bronze mirror from Jiang Lin's arms, and took out the Tianluo umbrella and Jingshifuchen and other objects, as well as a drawing and many other materials.

Luo Umbrella and Fuchen are all treasures that Jiang Lin took from Zuo Ci's tomb, and their spirituality has not been exhausted.

Although the fragments of the Haotian Mirror are still useful, the power inside is not enough. After Jiang Lin observed the great array of treasures in Zuo Ci's tomb, he wanted to try to see if he could transfer the spiritual power in these objects to In the Haotian Mirror.

Xiaoli and the others chose a place with soft soil at the door, and buried many materials according to the markings on the drawings.

"I said Lao Lu, as far as our friendship is concerned, you are unwilling to help with this small task? You asked me to pay attention to Yangshou of that Jianglin relative and friend. I am a little vague."

In Judge Lu's judge hall, a middle-aged judge wearing a green robe sat on a chair next to Judge Lu, his face was not very good-looking.

"Oh, old man, you don't know that boy, the second uncle, he came down three times or twice in total, and he asked me for four gifts. If I help you, I don't know how many knives he will have to shave me. He has been greedy for my precious gourd. No, no, if you want to draw a drop of his blood, he can draw ten pounds of me."

Judge Lu shook his head again and again, his old friend was too bold, to dare to do such a thing, to make medicine against Meng Po Decoction, it would be fatal.

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