Hmm, I'll find him myself.

Judge Wang angrily left the judge's palace, and after walking ten miles, he turned to the direction of the watchtower in the Southwest Region, ready to try his luck.

Chapter [*] Judge Wang

Since Judge Wang came up with Jiang Lin's idea, when he occasionally passed the Southwest Territory, he also went to the watchtower for a walk, but Jiang Lin rarely went to the underworld, so he never met him once.

Now that the time is getting tighter and tighter, Judge Wang went directly to his old friend, Judge Lu, but after a few times of hard work, Judge Lu insisted on not agreeing to the connection, which made Judge Wang very angry.

"Lord Judge!"

The sneaky brothers who were busy saw Judge Wang coming, and hurriedly stopped what they were doing and bowed to him.

"You don't patrol the tower well, what are you doing with these scumbags?"

Judge Wang frowned and taught the sneaky brother a lesson. In fact, the sneaky brother was not under his control at all, but now he is not happy and he vented the fire on the unfortunate brother.

"Yes... Mr. Jiang assigned us to do it."

With a face full of laughter and being reprimanded, the green ghost mumbled softly.

"Yin Si Jianglin? He's down? Go and report! I'll be waiting for him in the living room."

Judge Wang had a happy face when he heard the words, and finally let him find someone.

The sneaky brothers were confused by Judge Wang's moodiness, but they still entered the tower obediently to inform the tourists.

"I just want to sleep well for a few days, this red beard is really well-informed."

After Jiang Lin was woken up by Xiaoqian, he frowned. He thought it was Judge Lu who was here.

After leaving the room, Jiang Lin learned from the sneaky brothers that the person who came was of the same level as Judge Lu.

After arriving in the living room, Jiang Lin saw Judge Wang, who had a temperament somewhat like a teacher, pacing the hall.

"Judge Wang."

Jiang Lin cupped his hands and greeted him. As soon as Judge Wang saw Jiang Lin coming out, he hurried up to grab his hand, and said, "Director Jiang! It's really better to see it once you hear it, and it's better to be famous when you meet him!"

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. His current position in the underworld is the Chief Slaughter Division, which is a whole level lower than that of the judge. The enthusiastic attitude of Judge Wang made him a little confused. When Judge Wang saw him, it was like he had not seen him for many years. like an old friend.

"I don't know that Judge Wang is visiting, what advice do you have?"

Saying "please sit down," Jiang Lin asked the sneaky brothers to light cigarettes and serve the fruit after sitting down, and then directly asked Judge Wang's intentions.

Jiang Lin didn't care about the position of Judge Wang and himself. He didn't have the time or interest to do some pointless praise to each other.

"Brother Jiang has a straightforward personality, and this judge appreciates such people. I have been friends with Lao Lu for many years, and it was he who asked me to pay attention to your relatives and friends, Brother Jiang. My duty is to monitor the fate and arrangement of Yangren. Some ghosts are reincarnated, since Lu Hu said for Brother Jiang, I have no problem here. I'm visiting today, and I have some requests to discuss with you, Brother Jiang. "

Judge Wang specifically explained his position in the underworld, and also called Jiang Lin "Brother Jiang", just to make Jiang Lin not see him outside.


Jiang Lin's eyes lit up, he didn't expect the visitor to have a big effect on him, and if he had a good relationship with Judge Wang, if there was any disaster in the future, Jiu Shu Zhanghan and Chen Yu would be able to seek good luck and avoid evil.

"Judge Wang is too polite. If you have anything to say, Jiang will see if he can help."

Jiang Lin didn't agree with Judge Wang because of the suit, but felt that the things or benefits that Judge Wang wanted from him were unusual.

"Since Brother Jiang said so, I won't beat around the bush. I need a drop of your original zombie blood. As long as Brother Jiang agrees, in the future, as long as it is within the scope of my ability, or the objects I can take out, Wang Yu will definitely Will not refuse!"

After Judge Wang expressed his intentions, his expression became a little anxious. He was full of enthusiasm before, but Jiang Lin didn't mean to use it at all. This rookie Yinsi is really a cautious person.

Whether or not Jiang Lin agreed to his own request, Judge Wang really had no bottom line.

Origin Zombie Blood?

Jiang Lin frowned, this request was too abrupt.

He can corpse himself, and he can also extract his own corpse poison or extract the essence of corpse poison, but those are not on the same level as the original zombie blood.

If he lost his original zombie blood, Jiang Lin would not be able to replenish it in two or three years unless he could replenish it in a short period of time by eating and drinking fresh blood.

Jiang Lin looked at Judge Wang, but did not respond for a long time. The source of loss is the second thing. What Judge Wang wanted the blood of zombies was what Jiang Lin wanted to know.

Although he hadn't tried it, Jiang Lin felt that a drop of his original zombie blood should be able to create a zombie king directly.

In case of any accident, and the zombies created will cause disaster everywhere, the blame will be placed on his head, and the evil will fall on him.

While waiting for a response, Judge Wang also scrutinized Jiang Lin in detail. Before, his mind was all on zombie blood, and he didn't pay much attention to Jiang Lin himself.

Celestial Master, the cultivation base is stronger than imagined, but that's just that, it's just a special physique.

It's better to be famous than to meet.

Judge Wang's evaluation of Jiang Lin was completely different from what he had touted before. If he wanted to ask others, he naturally had to pick up good words. The better he said, the better.

"Judge Wang, your request is really unusual."

"That's why it's a request."

Judge Wang's face was a little embarrassed. He and Jiang Lin were meeting for the first time this time, so making such a request was almost like a joke.

"There are two things I need to figure out, one is what you use my zombie blood for, and the other, I want to ask Judge Lu for confirmation. To be honest, I don't know much about you, Judge Wang. ."

Jiang Lin didn't say it so clearly, but the meaning also showed that he needed to prevent someone from using his position to deceive himself.

"Brother Jiang can rest assured, it's just refining medicine. As for going to Lu Hu's place, it's no problem."

When Judge Wang saw that Jiang Lin did not refuse, he knew there was a drama, and immediately patted his chest to ensure that it would not cause any trouble to Jiang Lin. He was also willing to go to Judge Lu and let the bearded serve as a middleman and testify.

"Since it's all right, let's go to Lu Hu's place now."

Judge Wang immediately got up and couldn't wait to go to Judge Lu's Judge Hall.

Jiang Lin waved his hand and said, "There is no need to go."

Judge Wang: ? ?

Jiang Lin squeezed a piece of fruit and stuffed it into his mouth, and instructed Qing Gui, "Go and call Judge Lu and say I'm here."

I'm going!

Judge Wang was stunned. He had never seen a yin division treat his superiors with such an attitude.

"I said, Brother Jiang, Lu Huo is also quite busy with his work, if it weren't for his work..."

"I'm rather tired. It's okay. When he heard that I was coming, he would definitely come over. It was his loss if he didn't come."

Judge Wang blinked, suspecting that he had heard it wrong. Is it because you Jiang Lin is too fluttering, or is Lu Hu Huo unable to lift the knife?

In the underworld, it is really a top-level official crushing people. A ninth-rank slaughtering division can make a sixth-rank judge come to see him? ?

Is this still formal?And honor?

Judge Wang didn't say anything, but in his heart he took Jiang Lin lightly. The young man was still too young and took himself too seriously.

Half an hour later, Judge Wang said, "Brother Jiang, I don't think Judge Lu will come. In fact, our judge is in the underworld, and the officials are not too small, and the shelf is not too small, unless it is an emergency official business or a superior summons, Otherwise, how could it be possible to be on call. And the bearded guy is notoriously arrogant, definitely not…”

"Oh, brother Jiang, you finally came down, but you want to kill me."

Before Judge Wang finished speaking, Judge Lu walked into the living room with a loud voice, with a cheerful and enthusiastic expression on his face.

Ever since Jiang Lin worked under Judge Lu, it was a good thing every time. When Judge Lu heard that Jiang Lin was coming, he felt that a good thing was coming, and rushed over immediately.

Chapter [*] Why did you make me a ghost emperor?

Judge Lu was so happy that someone brought a pillow over when he was really sleepy. The Southwest Region has something to deal with now, so Jiang Lin came down by himself.

"Old Wang, why are you here?"

When Judge Lu saw the acquaintance, he was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately returned to his old cold image, but there was still a bit of embarrassment on his face.

Second uncle, this face is lost.

A judge came to look for a sinister with a smile on his face, and was seen by his colleagues and friends.

The corner of Judge Wang's mouth twitched. He just set a target for the red-bearded man, but he was slapped in the face before he finished speaking.

The appearance of Judge Lu just now really responded to Jiang Lin's words.

"Why can't I be here? If you don't connect me, I can't find anyone?"

Judge Wang rolled his eyes, feeling somewhat resentful towards this old friend who didn't help.

After a dry laugh, Judge Lu looked at Jiang Lin and asked, "Brother Jiang, why did you come down here when you have time? There are a lot of rare medicinal materials in the inner circle of the forbidden area. You must be interested."

"I'm bored up there, come down and relax. As for the forbidden area, I'm not interested for the time being, so I won't go."

Jiang Lin looked at Judge Lu with contempt, and wanted him to take a risk to enter the forbidden area. He could say it so nicely. I really can't believe the nonsense.

"Relax? Go to your second uncle, so what did you bring me for?"

As soon as Jiang Lin said that he would not work, Judge Lu's attitude suddenly changed. He sat on the chair, his beard fluttering.

He thought there was something good, so he rushed over in a hurry, but there was no wool.

"I came to you because of me."

Judge Wang took over the conversation and told Judge Lu what he had discussed with Jiang Lin.

"Old Wang wants your zombie blood to be used to make medicine. You can rest assured, and he and I have been friends for many years. He is responsible for monitoring the blessings and longevity of the yang people and arranging the reincarnation of the yin people. Your family Even the master has a lot of wives, and he will deal with Lao Wang in the future, he will not let you suffer."

Judge Lu also heard the meaning of the other party's words, Jiang Lin was worried about his old friend and came to confirm with him.So Judge Lu explained to Jiang Lin a little to dispel the latter's doubts.

In fact, Judge Lu didn't want Jiang Lin to agree, although Judge Wang said that the refining medicine was only for his daughter, but after all, it was disrupting the order of the underworld.

However, when an old friend was present, Judge Lu felt that if he obstructed the situation, the two would not speak when they met, so he made a promise to Jiang Lin.

"Since this is the case, Judge Wang will need to take more care of him in the future."

Jiang Lin sat cross-legged and released the corpse poison in his bones. He instantly turned into a corpse. He put a small medicine bottle in front of him, then cut his finger, and began to condense the original zombie blood.

"Mao...mao stiff?!"

Seeing the corpse of Jiang Lin, Judge Lu and Judge Wang exclaimed at the same time. Now that the world is in the end of the law, there are few zombie kings, and the thousand-year-old zombie king is even rarer, not to mention the higher-level Mao Zong.

In this environment, Jiang Lin was able to advance without sucking blood. It was a fantasy.

Even Judge Lu, who knew some of Jiang Lin's fundamentals, never thought that Jiang Lin could actually become a monster corpse.

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