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After being surprised, Judge Lu's mouth grinned to the bottom of his ears. He would assign Jiang Lin a few more capable subordinates. Without the help of his superiors, he would be able to inflict heavy damage or even kill a ghost emperor.

"I said Lao Lu, you really know how to find someone."

Judge Wang's view of Jiang Lin has completely changed now. If nothing else, Mao Zong's identity alone can crush most of the ghost kings, even those tyrannical ghost kings in the inner circle of the forbidden area. Go five or six points first.

Although he knew that Jiang Lin could be corpse, he didn't take it seriously.I thought Jiang Lin was just a purple or white zombie, at best a zombie, but he didn't expect to turn into a hairy zombie all of a sudden.

This is so scary.

No wonder the rack is so big.

"It's called discerning people with discerning eyes. Do you understand Bole?"

Judge Lu had a smug look on his face, and now his colleagues will see that he has been steadily rising.

Damn you, what else is there to do, it's just pure luck.

Judge Wang pouted,

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Lin turned back into a human body and threw the small medicine bottle to Judge Wang.

"It's an unexpected surprise, Brother Jiang, if you have time in the future, you will definitely be entertained by me."

Judge Wang accepted the medicine bottle and was overjoyed. The medicine was much better than he imagined. In the future, when his daughter is reincarnated, she will be able to remember his father, and she will be able to find him directly when she comes down. He doesn't need to use his contacts to trouble his colleagues and hand them over to him.

"Pity the hearts of parents in the world, the daughter has been reincarnated several times, and this old man is still unwilling to let go."

Judge Lu looked at the happy back of his old friend, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey, Brother Jiang..."

"Don't be too pretentious. To tell you the truth, I came down to recover from an injury, and there are still important things to do. Don't expect me to go to the forbidden area in two or three years. By the way, I'm too empty. Please give Judge Lu some subsidies."

Jiang Lin yawned and directly blocked Judge Lu's words, and even killed him.

"Two or three years? No, no, it's been too long, I have a good medicine, you can recover as soon as possible."

Judge Lu poured out a lot of medicinal materials resembling human participation fungus from the treasure gourd and placed them on the coffee table.

Seeing Jiang Lin's gaze resting on the treasure gourd, Judge Lu quickly put it in the sleeve of his robe.

Jiang Lin pouted, I got a treasured ancient mirror and sent out a lovely wife, who cares about your broken gourd?

"Why do I feel that Judge Lu, you are like a weasel greeting the chicken for the New Year."

Judge Lu said with a serious face: "What weasel, can we be uneasy and kind?"

After clearing his throat, Judge Lu considered it for a moment, and said, "Actually, this is the case. I'll give you the bottom line first. Wasn't there a ghost emperor who was chasing you in the inner circle of the forbidden area? It should be able to make a breakthrough, I want you to take advantage of this breakthrough, Brother Jiang, to make a surprise and make it happen!"

"Stop it!"

Jiang Lin made a stop gesture and rolled his eyes to look at Judge Landing. No wonder the red beard actually offered to give the subsidy this time. He was really uneasy and kind.

Even if I'm at my peak, I don't have much confidence in dealing with a ghost emperor, let alone now, why do you want me to be a ghost emperor?

Jiang Lin really doubted whether Judge Lu was kicked in the head by the donkey.

Chapter [*] Command Ruo fixed

"Going deep into the forbidden area has always been risky, and I didn't pay too much attention to these risks, but now you ask me to go to see the ghost king, Judge Lu, are you kidding me internationally? The ghost emperor and the ghost king are not the same concept!"

Jiang Lin has never seen the Ghost Emperor show his true strength, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know about the Ghost Emperor. The Ghost Emperor and the Heavenly Ghost have undergone a qualitative change in their abilities. If they really deal with it, they are better than the thousand-year-old mummy Imorton in Egypt. To be difficult, all kinds of strange abilities are much more powerful than the abilities of zombies.

"Of course I know this, but I didn't let you go alone, and the other yin divisions would also join you, and I didn't say that I would definitely let you destroy it, and it would be fine. Haven't you always wanted to fight the red lotus karmic fire? If This is done, and I will apply to you above."

After dealing with Jiang Lin several times, Judge Lu also knew Jiang Lin's character. He didn't gain enough, and this kid was not so good at talking.

"You also know that if the Ghost Emperor breaks through, there will be a catastrophe. If that guy breaks through in the depths of the forbidden area, the movement will definitely be unusual. If he destroys the sealing formation, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Add a condition, let me think about it. You Yin Division should still have contact with the people above. For example, my master has a long eyebrow. I need a lot of coffin bacteria, and it's not for nothing. It's fair to use Yang money and Ming coins. trade."

Jiang Lin pondered for a moment, but did not refuse. The last time he watched the Blood Ghost King chase and kill him all the way, he remembered it.

Although things are quite risky, if the King of Vampires is at the breaking point, he may be able to kill him if he takes the chance.

"How can anyone sell the coffin fungus now? You are embarrassing me, Lu Hu."

Judge Lu used to walk around in the Yangjian often, so he knew more about the Yangjian.This kind of thing is basically barter, and money is not easy to buy.

"That's not what I'm thinking about."

Jiang Lin spread his hands, making Judge Lu look like he wanted to beat someone.

"You're ruthless! I'll wait for you below for a few years at most, which is half a year in the sun."

"Sure, I'll come down when the time comes."

Just when Jiang Lin wanted to ask Judge Lu a few questions, a light flashed from the sleeves of the latter's robes.


Judge Lu took out a wat card from his sleeve. After reading the contents displayed on it, he said, "I have an urgent matter here. Let's go first, Brother Jiang, don't let my pigeons go."

Before Jiang Lin could respond, Judge Lu disappeared.

Jiang Lin shook his head, put the medicinal materials on the coffee table into the ancient mirror, and then went back to the room to get some materials.After arranging around the buried objects, he went back to the house and continued to sleep.

Jing Yuanying and the others left a note saying that they should go to the edge of the forbidden area to practice. Jiang Lin didn't worry about them. The four ghost generals, plus the utensils that the ghosts lived in, even if two or three ghost kings appeared, they would not be able to get any benefits. .

A month later, Jiang Lin's injuries were completely healed, and even the sequelae of mental depression disappeared.

It seems that the effect is not very good.

Jiang Lin dug out the four Haotian Mirror fragments and other artifacts, but the spiritual power in the four fragments did not replenish much.

The time was short, and Jiang Lin didn't delay. He immediately fused the mirrors together with the real fire of the sun. One day later, the Haotian mirror that once accompanied Master Changmei to slay demons and demons reappeared in the world, but compared with the past, The power has been greatly reduced.

Gorefiend, I killed you once, and this time you will still be planted in my hands.

Jiang Lin took Xiaoli and the others out of the underworld and returned to Liyangju.

"Husband, Master Mao has come to see you twice. The situation at the Demon Temple should not be very optimistic."

"Understood, Chili, you go and call Master Mao and the others, I need to do some deployment work."

Jiang Lin went to the shop, took utensils such as gold leaf and wooden plaques, and made a special thunder talisman in the front yard. Bai Rourou's master and apprentice were also called out by him, and drew a gossip map on the talisman cloth.

"Master Mao, Master Lei, are you back?"

It didn't take long for Mao Xiaofang and Axiu to arrive at Liyangju, along with Lei Gang.

Lei Gang nodded and responded, "Yes, I sensed a strong demonic energy in Gantian Town, so I came back here, hoping to do my best to atone for my past sins."

When Mao Xiaofang saw Jiang Lin, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Looking at Jiang Lin's face, Mao Xiaofang asked, "Fellow Daoist, what is your injury?"

"It's ready."

Jiang Lin responded with a smile, and then released his own momentum.

All right? !

Mao Xiaofang's eyes widened, and after only three days, Jiang Lin's injuries actually recovered.Don't talk about recuperating, it's not so fast to gain weight.

"Now the town is full of demonic energy, I think the four evils of the Gorefiend should be almost recovered, and breaking through the shackles should be today. Master Mao, Master Lei, these two soul-suppressing swords and ice-soul swords are temporarily handed over to You, the two of you and the colorful tiger king will deal with a clone together."

Jiang Lin threw the two spirit swords out, and Mao Xiaofang and Lei Gang took them in their hands and couldn't put it down.

"Ahai, you bring the Yanlei Sword, Achu, give you the bow and arrow to defeat the devil, and Chili, bring the Ice Soul Sword and the Flying Mouse King to help them deal with one. Min'er Caiyi Ayan, the exercises you have cultivated are the same as those of Emei. It has quite a history and can motivate the Three Treasures of Emei, unite with the black-faced god to contain a clone, and I will deal with the last clone. I will try to kill or injure it in the shortest possible time. Xiaoli Xiaoqian, you are ghosts, speed Very fast, once the Gorefiend clone leaves the battle circle and wants to unite, the four of you will stop it."

Jiang Lin then placed the five special lightning charms in his hand on the table, and continued: "Xiaoru, Ningshuang, Heiyue, Axiu, Bai Rourou, the five of you hold the Yimu Thunder Talisman, Ding Huo Thunder Talisman, Ji Earth Thunder Talismans, Xinjin Thunder Talismans, and Guishui Thunder Talismans, when dealing with Gorefiends, I will set up the five thunders and the sky cover, and you will maintain the operation of the Five Elements Yin Thunder outside the temple."

Mao Xiaofang and Lei Gang looked at each other and admired Jiang Lin's commander Ruoding. They also discussed a plan to deal with the Gorefiend. Although Chen Yu and Bai Min'er were also considered for their cultivation, they were not allowed in the plan. what effect.

Compared with Jiang Lin's deployment, the matters they discussed seemed to be out of order.

Chapter [*] Show you a baby

"Fellow Daoist, if we go there like this, it is estimated that we will be stopped by Zhou Yuan and the others. My brother and I will go to the police station first and let Captain Song bring the staff."

"Okay, then we will meet at the Devil's Temple."

Jiang Lin nodded, and went to the Demon Temple with Chen Yu and the others first.

"Husband, sisters, you must be careful."

Ren Tingting and the others stood at the door, very worried about the safety of Jiang Lin and others, especially Yue Mei, who knew the horror of the devil, for fear that Jiang Lin would make a mistake.

Under normal circumstances, Jiang Lin, the two demon kings and Mao Xiaofang would be more than enough to deal with the Gorefiend clones. With the help of the cat and the mouse, it would not be impossible to kill them one by one, but it would take time.

A single Gorefiend clone is only difficult to destroy, and the degree of danger is not too high, but the tricky thing is that once they merge, the Gorefiend will be resurrected, which is the worst case.

"Hee hee, conquering demons with my husband, I'm excited to think about it."

"Ayan, Gorefiend is extraordinary, don't take it lightly. If the four avatars merge into one, all of you must retreat as soon as possible."

When Jiang Lin glared at him, Ayan stuck out her tongue and put away her contempt.

"Master Jiang, this time Gantian Town really depends on you."

Not far from the Demon Temple, Captain Song and the others were already waiting. Now Gantian Town is so full of demonic energy that even an ordinary person, Captain Song, feels unspeakably uncomfortable. Now the real Gorefiend has not appeared yet. To have such an impact, if the four evil bodies are not eliminated, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Let's work together."

Jiang Lin nodded, and the group went straight to the temple not far away.

"What else are you doing here? We've melted all the gods."

As soon as everyone arrived at the gate of the temple, Zhou Yuan and the others gathered to block the road.

"Captain Song, the trapped formation in the temple is about to fail."

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, Captain Song fired a shot into the sky and shouted, "Stop them and let Master Mao and Master Jiang enter."

A dozen or so police officers with long spears immediately pushed the bewitched townspeople to both sides, Jiang Lin and the others rushed in immediately.

"Don't enter our sacred place!"

"Get out, you are blaspheming the gods!"

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