"Master Jiang, I didn't expect you and Mao Xiaofang to be on the same page."

Jiang Lin took out the gossip map from his arms, snorted coldly, and said, "Okay, I'll show you the so-called gods!"

"Show us!"

Jiang Lin threw the Eight Trigrams up and hung it on the beam of the temple, and then pointed out the four yang instructions, and four monks suddenly appeared on the four stone platforms.



On Wednesday, they immediately bowed down and kowtowed again and again.

"God? See what they look like!"

The seal in the hand changed, and the five thunders slammed into the sky, and the four monks immediately showed their original shape, all with red faces and hideous faces.

Four devils.

"Sacrifice your life for your gods!"

The four demons screamed, and the five or six townspeople who were a little closer to the door immediately screamed.

"This is your god, if you don't want to die, get out!"

Captain Song kicked the kneeling Zhou Zhou and Uncle Niu. A group of people recovered from their shock. They were so frightened that they rolled and crawled. legs.

Captain Song didn't dare to stay outside the temple either. After saying "take care" to Jianglin and others, he also left the place.

"Fragrance, let me suffer the humiliation and humiliation, and I will turn you into powder today!"

The four demons looked at Jiang Lin, eager to swallow him alive.


Jiang Lin gave an order and took the lead in rushing towards the weakest devil, while Mao Xiaofang and the others formed their own teams to face the other three.

"Haha... Two hundred years ago, the hundred-year-old Taoist could not accept us for hundreds of years of cultivation. You group of turkeys and dogs are really rushing to die!"

"Four evils in one!"

Although these four devils fired their guns, they didn't dare to take them big. They were facing Taoist zombie demon kings and ghost generals.


The four pistols shot out at the same time, entangled the four Gorefiend clones, and dragged them back to their original places.

Xiaoli and Xiaoqian are just preventing these four devils from merging.


"Your second uncle!"

The devil that Jiang Lin was staring at broke the cloth on his body, and as soon as he flew up, he was hit by Jiang Lin's Yang Zhiqi.

Yang Yan whipped out of his body, and after Jiang Lin entangled the demon, he dragged him to the corner of the temple. Mao Xiaofang, Lei Gang, and others also surrounded the remaining three in the middle.

"Didn't you make me turn into powder?"

Jiang Lin sneered, opened his hand, and buckled it on the devil's face. Spiritual energy and Yang Yan gushed out.

"How can you get me with this little trick? You think I'm trapped in a Buddha statue? Naive!"

The devil's body turned into a blood-colored mist, and it reassembled not far away, looking at Jiang Lin with a sneer.

Even if it is just a clone of the Gorefiend, the ordinary means of a Taoist priest, it is really not afraid. Now that it has broken out, even if its vitality is damaged, it is not an easy matter to hurt its root.

"It seems that you are quite confident in yourself, and you have forgotten the fear of being dominated by me. Come and show you a baby."

Jiang Lin took out the Haotian Mirror from his arms and shone it on the Demon Head.

"Ah~ Haotian Mirror, Haotian Mirror!"

The mirror light was lasing, and a mighty power filled it, the demon screamed, and even the voice changed, and the expression changed greatly compared with the previous one.

"I'll show a baby, I'll scare you. Hehe, I'm just doing my best."

Jiang Lin smiled, and the spiritual energy in his body was poured into the Haotian Mirror, and a crackling sound suddenly sounded from the devil's body, like frying beans.

"You bastard, you actually use a baby, ah~"

While howling, the devil kept shaking, hitting the cage formed by the mirror light, trying to escape.

But this treasure of Jiang Linliang is the nemesis of the Gorefiend. It not only has a powerful lethality, but can also control it. If it is not for the loss of power, just one shot will almost destroy a clone of the Gorefiend, even if the power is not enough. The big reduction is enough for this devil to suffer.

Chapter [-] Mutation

Seeing that the demon head's body gradually disappeared, it disappeared out of thin air at the last moment and appeared behind Jiang Lin.

Now it is extremely miserable, the hair and facial features are gone, the limbs are also gone, and thick smoke is coming from the fracture.

what a pity.

Jiang Lin didn't expect that the Haotian Mirror could only injure the devil, but he escaped in the end.

"Want to run?"

Seeing the demon head and wanting to fly in the direction of the other three demon heads, Xiaoqian reprimanded her, repeated her tricks, extended her long sleeves, and dragged him back again.

The same situation was also staged in the other three battle circles.

In addition, Mao Xiaofang and Chen Yu probably understood the abilities of several demons, and with the cooperation of Xiaoli and the others, they restrained the three demons abruptly.

"Quick fit, they have a complete Haotian Mirror in their hands!"

The demon head irradiated by the Haotian Mirror shouted angrily, and the other three demon heads were panic-stricken.

But they not only had to guard against the powerful magic weapons in the hands of Mao Xiaofang and others, but also got rid of the entanglement of several female ghosts, and they were unable to break through for a while.

"well done!"

The four clones of the Gorefiend were all dragged, and the situation was temporarily controlled. Jiang Lin's face relaxed, and then he jumped, and a split leg smashed the badly injured demon head to the ground.

Jiang Lin's body flipped in mid-air, and a column of fire emanated from his palms, which went down vertically and bombarded the devil. At the same time, Jiang Lin's body was like a searchlight, emitting a blazing strong light.

Under the strong light, the body of the devil turned into a cloud of blood mist. After Jiang Lin landed, he pressed the Netherworld chessboard to the ground with one hand, and held the Haotian Mirror in the other hand. A harsh scream, and then gradually turned into nothingness.

"Excellent! Fellow Daoist, you are amazing!"

Seeing this scene, Mao Xiaofang couldn't help shouting loudly.

Jiang Lin actually killed one of the four evils, which meant that the Gorefiend could no longer be resurrected now, and Gantian Town's catastrophe was more than half over.

Although the remaining three demons are difficult to deal with, it is a matter of time before they will be destroyed one by one with their joint efforts.

For a time, Mao Xiaofang felt that his confidence had greatly increased, and he showed twelve points of strength.

Why does the system not prompt?Is it possible to kill the four evils only when they are completely punished?

Jiang Lin did not relax in his heart. Now he is not sure whether one of the four evils has been eliminated. This is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

But now is not the time to explore. Jiang Lin took a mirror in one hand and a sword in the other, and flew to the battle circle where Bai Miner and the others were. in midair.

"Eighteen consecutive cuts in the air!"

Jiang Lin slashed out more than ten sword qi with his sword, chopped the devil into pieces, and then shouted, "Yuan Ying, Lan Xinyan!"

Jing Yuanying nodded, and the flame pattern between her eyebrows flew out, forming an ice-blue flame. At the same time, a blue flame shot out from Jiang Lin's palm, and the two flames touched the broken pieces in the air. Immediately after the block, a huge ice block formed and fell to the ground.

"Caiyi, Ayan, the Three Treasures and Three Talents!"

Seeing this, Bai Min'er and Jiang Lin seemed to have a heart-to-heart connection. They asked Caiyi and Ayan to sacrifice the Heavenly Dragon Sword and Snow Mountain Sun God Pearl in their hands. The three treasures gathered, and the aura was received and reflected by the amber mirror and shone on the ice cubes. On the other side, the Haotian Mirror in Jiang Lin's hand also emitted light.

The fragments in the ice cube gradually turned into blood clumps and gradually evaporated.


The other two demons saw that one of their two companions was destroyed and the other was about to be destroyed. They immediately exploded their vitality and fled to the outside of the temple. However, the beams of the temple were hung with five thunders, and there was frost outside. They supplied Yin and five thunders. The surrounding of the temple seemed to be covered with a wire mesh of lightning, blocking the two demons.

"Where to go!"

Mao Xiaofang and Lei Gang cooperated with each other, one stepped on the seven stars, the other stepped on the gossip, and when the third devil was numb from the electricity, he gave it two swords, and when he wanted to make up the sword, it had already turned into a A cloud of blood.

However, as soon as the devil appeared, four long sleeves were wrapped around its body.


The seven frozen talismans were thrown out by Jiang Lin, and the third demon head was frozen, and flew out with the frozen talisman. There was also a trace of true sun fire popped out by Jiang Lin, which hit the demon's roaring mouth.

"Damn, slippery than a ghost, Lord Tiger will kill you!"

"And Laozi! He is Naidi!"

The colorful tiger king and the flying rat king have long been attacked by several demons. No matter how powerful they are, they are still powerful demon kings, but dealing with Gorefiend's clones is like a huge force hitting cotton. I felt that now the demon head was frozen into an ice sculpture, and the two demon kings shot out demon lights from their mouths, and bombarded them relatively, and the ice sculpture became a piece of ice powder and sparks.

"Master, uncle, three of the four evils have been eliminated, and only the last one remains."

A Hai and A Chu stood at the door to prevent the last devil from breaking through the thundering shroud desperately.

"It can't run either!"

Jiang Lin pointed the Haotian Mirror at the only remaining demon, but was dodged by the demon several times.

"I told you to hide."

Jiang Lin snorted and took a stack of gossip mirrors from the ancient mirror in his arms. Pieces of gossip mirrors flew out one after another, embedded in the ground and walls at various angles.

The angle of the Haotian Mirror in Jiang Lin's hand changed, and the beam of light formed by the mirror light immediately covered most of the temple, while the Emei Amber Mirror in Bai Min'er's hand shone on the other gossip mirror, making all the demons who were evading everywhere retreat. blocked.

The husband and wife moved their wrists, and the two mirror lights converged on the devil at the same time, drying it into a cloud of blood, which disappeared within a moment.

"Master, we have a great victory!"


"Finally all gone."

There was cheers from the temple, and only Jiang Lin frowned.

There has been no system prompt sound in his mind.



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