At this moment, Ah Hai suddenly flew out, vomited blood in the air, and smashed several gossip mirrors on the ground.

"Junior Brother, you..."

Ah Hai was planted heavily on the ground, looking at Ah Chu standing with one palm in front of him, he spat out another mouthful of blood.

"Achu, what are you doing!"

Mao Xiaofang looked at Ah Chu in disbelief and roared.


As soon as Jiang Lin's voice fell, the blood spurted by Ah Hai on the ground condensed into four blood beads, which scattered around.


Xiaoli, Xiaoqian, and Xiaohong screamed one after another, and there was a surging ghostly energy on their bodies.

The light-avoiding spells on the three female ghosts were broken by the blood beads, and they were unable to appear in the world at this hour.

Only Jing Yuanying did not have the same situation because he was still an ancient mirror and did not have a light-avoiding spell on his body.

Chapter [*] I thought I was a king, but turned out to be like a street boy

"Go in!"

Jiang Lin threw the ancient mirror in his arms, Xiaoli, Xiaoqian and Xiaohong turned into a streamer and drilled into it. After that, Jiang Lin flashed and appeared in front of Ah Chu, and slapped the latter with a palm. on his forehead, stunned him.

The boy A Chu was controlled by the devil, and the four evils of the Gorefiend were not completely eliminated at all.

Jiang Lin really didn't expect such a change. Ah Chu used to be the leader of the sect and touched the mysterious black brick. It might be at that time that he was manipulated by these demons.

At the same time, the blood stains on the ground began to squirm quickly, turning into four monsters that began to take shape, giving out loud and weird laughter.

"Are the four of them dead?"

The turning point of the matter was too abrupt, and Mao Xiaofang was stunned on the spot for a while. They spent so much effort, and they had all kinds of magic tools in their hands, so they didn't destroy the four demons.

What made Mao Xiaofang even more unexpected was that these devils actually cheated to death, deceived them all, and deceived them all.

What a cunning Gorefiend!

"Don't be stunned! They have been severely damaged, and they are at the end of the force. Destroy them in one go!"

With the sound of his body moving, Jiang Lin pushed the Haotian Mirror with his left hand to look at a devil, and the thumb and fingertips of his right hand quickly swiped on the palm of his hand to draw a spell.

"Fixing Charm!"

Pushing out the palm of his hand, Jiang Lin pinned another devil in place.

At the same time as Jiang Lin started, Mao Xiaofang pulled out a talisman cloth from the Qiankun bag and threw it away, but this speed was a lot worse than that of Xiaoli before, Jing Yuanying also flashed a few meters, and her long sleeves jumped up. Out, like a long snake attacking the enemy.

The four devils are not far apart, and they need to be separated again.

Jiang Lin and the others were not slow, but the effect was not satisfactory.

As soon as the mirror light of Haotian Mirror shone out, the gossip mirror on the ground and the wall was captured by a demon head, just in front of him, reflecting the mirror light to one side, and Mao Xiaofang's talisman was also shot in the air, only Jiang Lin's body-setting spell and Jing Yuanying's methods successfully controlled the two demons.

Before Jing Yuanying could exert force on her hands, the mirror light reflected by the Bagua mirror shone directly at her. In desperation, Jing Yuanying could only cut off her long sleeves and flew back.

The three demons were freed and immediately rushed towards the cursed companion.

"Four evils combined!"

"Yuan Ying, Chili Pepper, Min'er, you all retreat! Master Mao, Master Lei, you all go out and preside over the five thunders!"

Without the assistance of Xiaoli and the others, there was no better way for everyone to stop the blood demon from forming, so Jiang Lin immediately made a decision.

The four demons stepped on their shoulders and piled together. Suddenly, the temple was full of turmoil, and the sky above Gantian Town was surging with clouds and blood.

The fishy wind gradually ceased, and a humanoid monster with red scales all over appeared in the temple.

Gorefiend returns to the world!

"It's been two hundred years, the old demon I'm back to life again, the world trembles, the old demon I'm on the stage! Hahahahaha~"

After being resurrected, the Gorefiend laughed wildly on his back, but at this moment, Jiang Lin suddenly teleported in front of it and stabbed the entire Haotian Mirror with his arm into its mouth.


Halfway through the laughter, the Gorefiend's voice turned into a scream, still utterly miserable.

Its body glowed with intense light, as if it had been thrown into a powerful flash bomb.

"That's how it really shines, you're the brightest."

Jiang Lin smiled, grabbed the Gorefiend's neck, and pushed him to the ground. The spiritual power in his body circulated, and his whole body burst into blazing profound light.

The blood demon qi exploded, and after it was resurrected, it thought that there was no one in the world who could deal with it, but as soon as it appeared, it was pressed to the ground and rubbed.

"Yes... it's you!"

Only at this time did the Gorefiend realize that Jiang Lin, a former enemy, had ravaged it.

Since the Gorefiend was broken up into four parts, it disappeared temporarily. Each Gorefiend clone had its own consciousness and was considered a new individual, so they did not recognize Jiang Lin.

Similarly, after the clones become a Gorefiend, they no longer exist. The difference is that their memory will be reserved for the Gorefiend.

It's a pity that the Gorefiend was too complacent after his resurrection, and he didn't sort out those complicated memories at all.

"Yo, Pujie, do you remember me? Are you still shining in front of me?"

As he said that, Jiang Lin's zhengbone sword appeared in his hand and nailed it to the dantian position of the Gorefiend. Then he shouted outside the temple, "Min'er, the three treasures of Emei!"

[Note: Looking back just now, "Ice Soul Sword" appeared twice in Chapter 904, and it can't be changed now. Let me tell you about it here, sorry.]

"go with!"

Bai Min'er and the three threw the three treasures in their hands into the temple. After Jiang Lin caught it, he moved extremely quickly, and immediately stabbed the Heavenly Dragon Sword into the Gorefiend's forehead. on the arm.

Jiang Lin thought it was a little incredible to control the Gorefiend so easily.

Although the vitality of the four clones was severely damaged, and the Gorefiend was revived by one, the Gorefiend's strength was far inferior to the peak, but it was not easy to deal with.

But the Gorefiend didn't launch a counterattack at the first time, but beeped something like "The world trembles", something "sparkling debut".

His mouth grinned like a donkey's mouth, how could Jiang Lin miss such a good opportunity, a Haotian mirror was stuffed into it, one step to his stomach.

"Master, is this really a Gorefiend? Why does it feel worse than its clone? It's so smashing."

Outside the temple, Ah Hai felt very speechless. Jiang Lin had said many times before that the Gorefiend was not easy and difficult to deal with, but now it seems that it is the same.

I thought Gorefiend would be the king of demons, but it turned out to be more and more like a street boy.

Mao Xiaofang: "..."

Lei Gang: "..."

When the Gorefiend heard Ah Hai's evaluation of it, his whole body turned green with anger. He is such a powerful demon that he was actually judged as a street fighter!

"You are all going to die!"

The Gorefiend roared violently, and wisps of blood evaporated from his body. The mirror light of the Haotian Mirror gradually dimmed, and the wind suddenly rose outside, flying sand and rocks.

At the same time, on the streets of Gantian Town, many townspeople staggered and staggered like crazy. One after another, their bodies burst open, and the blood that erupted gathered into a river of blood that flew to the mountains outside the town.



The screams came one after another, and in the streets and alleys, corpses were laid out, a miserable appearance.

The blood gathered in the sky formed a blood tornado and galloped towards the Demon Temple.

Chapter [*]: Seven-star Crescent Sword?

"Second Master, even the Emei Sanbao and the Haotian Mirror can't kill you."

Jiang Lin frowned when he saw that the Gorefiend still had the power to resist.

The Gorefiend was broken up two hundred years ago, and now it has returned. Because the recovery time is only two hundred years, its strength is definitely not as good as it was in the past. In addition, the strength of the four evils was severely damaged, and it was rubbed again. Now the Gorefiend is estimated to have only At the beginning, the strength of four or five points was not even enough, but Rao was like this, and it was difficult to kill.

If the Gorefiend can't be destroyed this time, and when it gradually regains some of its strength, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Jiang Lin shook out the Yin Huo Whip, wrapped around the demon-defying bow and arrow at the door, and then pulled the bow one after another, nailing the Gorefiend to the ground again.

It is not easy for him to use his ultimate move now, otherwise the power of the blast will destroy the five thunders and the sky cover and the gossip furnace outside the temple.

Only by trapping the Gorefiend can the initiative be held in his hands.

And even if he used super kill, Jiang Lin didn't think he could destroy the Gorefiend.

Now Jiang Lin wants to grind a little bit more, so that it is difficult for the Gorefiend to leave this Demon Temple. If there is really no way, Jiang Lin plans to make another summon order to gather the power of Taoism and Buddhism to kill the Gorefiend.


Jiang Lin suddenly noticed that the reflection in the temple was bright red, and quickly looked out, a [*]-meter-high tornado of blood and water was rapidly attacking, and the branches and gravel along the road were swept into the air by the force of dragon suction.



The stature of the colorful tiger king and the flying rat king immediately skyrocketed, protecting Chen Yu, Mao Xiaofang and the others under them.

Even so, a group of people were blown up and down, and Ah Chu, who had fainted, was even more unbearable and was swept away.

The blood tornado reached the gate of the temple, and the blood inside gathered into a huge blood ball, flooding the gate of the temple, and Jiang Lin's feet were unsteady because of the blood.

"Bang bang bang~"

The Gorefiend got a lot of blood, and his strength increased a lot. The magic weapons on his body, such as the Emei Three Treasures, collapsed one by one, and even the Haotian Mirror in the Gorefiend had to be forced out by him.

"Pujiezi, the baby I stuffed for you is broken inside, and you can't spit it out!"

Jiang Lin jumped up to take the Beng Fei's sturdy bone sword, and shot his body away. The sword stabbed into the Gorefiend's teeth and pried open its mouth.

A stack of explosive flame talismans and thunder and lightning talismans were forced into it by Jiang Lin, and at the same time he pointed at the location of Haotian Mirror.


Jiang Lin was only concerned about the madness, and he was hit by the Gorefiend's palm in his chest, and his body flew out.

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