However, the Gorefiend was not feeling well either. The Haotian Mirror exploded in its body, and the Lightning Rune and the Exploding Flame Rune also exploded at the same time. The exploded Gorefiend screamed.

"Ow~ I want to kill you! I want you to die!"

"Pujiezi, stay here well!"

Jiang Lin took the Yiying Dharma Tool in his hand and flew out of the temple gate.

"To maintain the five thunders and the sky, the blood demon is mad, and it is estimated that he will find a substitute to seize the house and absorb the essence, spirit and spiritual power."

As soon as Jiang Lin finished speaking, the Gorefiend in the temple found a substitute. A Chu was swept away by the blood tornado and flew to the roof of the temple. This kid just woke up, stepped on the slope and fell down, just in time. Give the Gorefiend a pillow.

After A Chu was infiltrated by the blood demon, his face was full of blood, and his expression was hideous, and he rushed outside the temple.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin immediately sacrificed the Three Treasures of Emei, and three treasures of light shot out, suppressing the Gorefiend in Ah Chu's body.

After that, Jiang Lin took out another golden needle and threw it out, piercing into various acupoints on Ah Chu's body, sealing his blood and essence, preventing the blood demon from recovering quickly.

"Uncle Shi, Ah Chu will be fine, right?"

"Not for the time being, the Gorefiend is now living in his body for healing and cannot absorb a large amount of his energy, but this situation can only last for seven days. I guess it won't go away."

Jiang Lin didn't expect Ah Chu to suddenly fall into the temple at the critical moment. Now this kid can only ask for more happiness.

"Hey, it's also his fate that he should have this disaster, if he hadn't run off to be the leader of some sect... God's will, God's will."

Mao Xiaofang shook his head and sighed, now he has no way to rescue his apprentice.

The Gorefiend was severely injured and could not get out of the trap for the time being. Jiang Lin left the three brothers and sisters Bai Min'er and Ning Shuang to preside over the trap. He, Mao Xiaofang, Lei Gang and others returned to town first.

It took so many methods to seriously injure the root of the Gorefiend. If you want to kill it, you still need a long-term plan.

When they arrived in the town, Jiang Lin and others saw a horrific sight. Many people hugged the bodies of their relatives and cried bitterly in the street. Most of the dead were members of the previous gods. In addition, there were some The person was accidentally injured by the robber, and couldn't stop screaming.

"Master Jiang, Master Mao, how is it? Many people died in the town."

Seeing Jiang Lin and the others coming back, the devastated Captain Song hurriedly greeted them and asked.

Mao Xiaofang told Captain Song the truth, and Captain Song was so worried that he didn't know what to do.

There is Jianglin Mao Xiaofang in Gantian Town, Lei Gang has also returned, and a group of ladies in Jianglin have nothing to do with the blood demon, do you really want to pray to God?

"Fellow Daoist, I don't know if there is a more powerful weapon than the Three Treasures of Emei in the world. According to the current situation, in addition to the formation method, I am afraid that we should start from this aspect."

In the Fuxi Hall, Mao Xiaofang frowned, thinking for a long time, but couldn't think of any good countermeasures.

"Since I debuted, I have only seen Emei's Tianlei Shuangjian and Haotian Mirror as the most powerful instruments. Unfortunately, these instruments have been destroyed and can no longer be found."

Jiang Lin shook his head and looked at Xiao Xiami. Xiao Xiami also helplessly spread his hands and said, "The tantric sect also has a few magic weapons, but they may not be as powerful as the three treasures of Emei in your hands, Master Jiang."

"Magic weapon? By the way, junior brother, do you still remember a legend that my father once said?"

"Master Lei, what did you think of?"

Jiang Lin looked at Lei Gang again, and the latter replied, "When my father was alive, he once mentioned an artifact for subduing demons and eliminating demons. You probably have heard of its name, the Seven-Star Yanyue Saber."

"Seven-star Yanyue sword? Isn't that Guan Gong's treasured sword? It can slay demons and eliminate demons? I've never heard of this."

Jiang Lin recalled the ancient books he had read in Emei, and found that there was no information about the Seven-Star Yanyue Knife at all. After thinking about it, he realized that when he was in Emei, it was the end of the Han Dynasty, and there would definitely be no records of this aspect in the ancient books.

"I'm not sure if it's true, but I just heard my father mention it once. According to legend, this sword was given to the world to slay demons and slay demons. After Guan Gong passed away, this seven-star yue-yue sword was left in the sky and the hole outside the cave. "

Speaking, Lei Gang shook his head slightly, feeling that it was too mysterious, and he continued: "I remember my father also said that only the pure Yang body of the four-pillar Quanyang can hold this treasured sword, and he wants to find it outside the cave. Cave, there must be a pair of seven-star women."

Pure Yang body?A pair of seven-star women?Is it such a coincidence?

Jiang Lin had already listened to it as a story, but when he heard Lei Gang say this, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Chapter [-] Master Sammo Hung Arrives

"Senior brother, when you say this, I seem to have some impressions, but this legend is too illusory, even if there is a credible element, but the world is huge, where can I find it? Besides, we only have seven days, let alone four pillars. Weiyang's pure yang body still has a seven-star girl. In my opinion, it is better to seek help from the same people and discuss the matter of eliminating the blood demon. "

Not only Mao Xiaofang, but Xiao Xiami also believes that it is not advisable to place hope on legends.

"Actually, even if you can't find the pure yang body with the four pillars of yang, you can replace it. I think I can. As for the seven-star girl, my wife Caiyi was originally a seven-star witch. Later, her demonic nature disappeared, but she met the conditions. In addition, Axiu is also Seven-star girl."

Jiang Lin pointed at Axiu who was pouring tea, and continued: "Right now, it is impossible to confirm the authenticity of this legend. No one knows where the Seven-Star Crescent Sword exists."

"Axiu, are you a seven-star girl?"

Jiang Lin's words shocked Mao Xiaofang and Lei Gang. A pair of seven-star girls were actually in Gantian Town.

"Jiang Lin said that there are seven moles on my back, in the shape of the Big Dipper. As for whether I am a seven-star girl, I don't know."

After Axiu finished speaking, she found that Mao Xiaofang and Lei Gang were silent, but looked at her and Jiang Lin with strange eyes, and their expressions were very strange.

Jiang Lin's face was a little embarrassed. Axiu really didn't care much, so it was enough to admit it directly, and she said it so clearly.

"What's wrong? I just have..."

Ah Xiu didn't react for a while, and repeated the words again. Halfway through speaking, she suddenly realized why her father and master's expressions were so weird.

"My own daughter, I didn't even know she had a seven-star mole on her back."

Lei Gang suddenly said a word, which immediately made Ah Xiu blushed and ran out of the living room with her face covered.

Shame to death!

This is to turn the corner and say to others that he has already met Jiang Linrou) (Silk has met.

You used to be blind, of course you don't know the birthmark on your daughter, you are telling the truth.

With a murmur in his heart, Jiang Lin coughed twice, and when he was about to speak, Nianying came in from outside, followed by an acquaintance.

"Husband, Master Hong Jinbao came to find you, and I brought him here."

"Master, why are you here?"

When Jiang Lin saw Master Hong Jinbao, he quickly got up to greet him. Although he has surpassed the "most flexible fat man" now, Uncle Ninth respects this senior very much, so he can't lose his courtesy.

Mao Xiaofang also got up to say hello. Before dealing with zombies in Chunlai Town, he had a very speculative chat with Master Hong Jinbao. After a few days of cooperation, the relationship was quite good.

"You don't need to be so polite, sit down, all sit down."

Although Master Sammo Hung is very senior, he has an easy-going personality and usually does not take the air of an elder.

After getting to know each other, Master Hong Jinbao said: "Shu is not very peaceful, the situation has moved, I came to invite you to visit Jiang Lin, and I saw the stars moving half a month ago, and I guessed that you used a large-scale formation. It is estimated that you are in trouble, so come and take a look. Now it seems that something big has happened here."

Jiang Lin nodded, and then told Master Hong Jinbao about dealing with Zuo Ci and the Gorefiend, but he mentioned Zuo Ci in a single word, only saying that he killed a peak Mao Zong. After all, Zuo Ci was involved in the matter. Jiang Lin didn't want others to know about the burial of the immortal coffin. Jiang Lin explained the matter of the Gorefiend in more detail.

"You are really the great master of Maoshan. You have killed two Mao Zongs one after another. You really belong to me!"

For Jiang Lin, Master Sammo Hung admired and admired him very much. After complimenting him, he frowned again. There was a powerful Gorefiend in Gantian Town. Jiang Lin and Brother Mao Xiaofang joined forces to add two demon kings. There is no way to kill it.

"If even Jiang Lin is not sure of destroying the Gorefiend, according to my opinion, the seven-star yawning sword you mentioned just now is indispensable. With it, it should be no problem to destroy the Gorefiend. The colleagues who can play a role in Baili have gathered here."

"Master, listening to you, do you also know the rumors of the Seven-Star Yanyue Knife?"

Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang both looked at Master Hong Jinbao. It seemed that Master Hong Jinbao was relatively familiar with the Seven-Star Yanyue Knife.

"More than knowing, when my master was alive, I went with him to look for it. When my master passed by Tengteng Town, he speculated that there might be powerful evil spirits there in the future. Just in case, the old man consulted the master. In the classics, I found the clue of the Seven Stars Crescent Sword, but the two of us searched for a few years without any gain, so we had to give up. Although we didn't find it, it does exist in the world, just around Maicheng, not too far from Guanling. Far away, I didn’t expect that Gantian Town happens to have two seven-star women.”

Master Sammo Hung not only confirmed the existence of the Seven-Star Yanyue Knife in the world, but also knew of its geographical scope, which surprised Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang.

Since the legend is true, if you want to find the Seven-Star Yanyue Knife, a pair of seven-star women is also indispensable. Master Hong Jinbao and his teacher may not have been able to find it because of the lack of this condition.

"Since that's the case, Master, Gan Tian Town will be handed over to you, and I'll go look for this divine weapon."

With Master Hong Jinbao here, with his formation skills, it shouldn't be a problem to suppress the blood demon, Jiang Lin can also rest assured.

"It is incumbent upon you to subdue the demons and eliminate the demons. Mao Xiaofang and I inform the fellows around us to try our best to control the blood demons."

"It's not too late, I'll go back and prepare."

Jiang Lin went to Axiu's room, called Axiu, and left Fuxi Hall.

"Tianxing shakes, Qinglong shifts, it's going to be chaos."

After Jiang Lin left, Master Sammo Hung walked out of the living room, looked up at the sky, and muttered to himself.

Some time ago, Jiang Lin used the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array to induce the Canglong Seven Stars to move. In fact, it was also an omen. Master Hong Jinbao had a hunch in his heart.

In fact, just as Master Sammo Hung had predicted, in the following time, the Gorefiend was a disaster, the flying stagnant reappeared, and there was a ground movement unseen in a hundred years in Shu. All are alive.

Chapter [-]: The Charm of the Bone Spirit

"Chili, you will replace Caiyi. After the five thunder cover will be put on top by Ah Hai, I need to bring Caiyi and Ah Xiu for a long trip."

When he arrived at the Demon Temple, Jiang Lin told Chen Yu about the Seven Stars Moon Sword, and then he asked the Flying Rat King: "Is there any problem with shrinking the body and taking the two of them to glide?"

Because the Flying Rat King's search ability is much stronger than that of the Colorful Tiger King, Jiang Lin must take it with him. There is still a Gorefiend here, and he needs a Demon King to protect him, so Jiang Lin can only take one.

"It's not a problem to carry the two mistresses."

The mouse boy patted his chest. Since his breakthrough, his strength has increased a lot. Although he still can't fly, he can still control his body shape, expand and swing the wing membrane, and glide.

If it knew that the distance was nearly three thousand miles, it would probably turn green.

"Chili, once the Gorefiend rushes out of the temple, you should immediately return to Li Yangju, and nothing should go wrong."

After explaining some things to Chen Yu, Jiang Lin went to the top of the mountain with the Flying Rat King and Caiyi Ayan.

Chaozhou Prefecture was two or three thousand miles away from Dangyang County. Time was running out, and Jiang Lin didn't care about his own corpse energy consumption, so he used his gliding ability.

More than half a day later, Jiang Lin and the others arrived in Hunan. The Flying Mouse King was foaming at the mouth, and he couldn't move. Jiang Lin had also consumed a lot of corpse energy. As it was getting dark, Jiang Lin asked the Flying Mouse King to rest first. Hurry up on foot for the time being.

"Help me~"

"Is there anyone~"

As the three of them were walking, they suddenly heard a woman's voice not far away.

"Strange, how can there be a woman's voice in this barren mountain and forest?"

"If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Maybe some monster saw us and made our mind up."

Caiyi pursed her lips and smiled. There are no people around for dozens of miles here. What kind of evil is Bacheng who spoke up in front of him? Unfortunately, there is something wrong with this evil eye.

"Go and have a look."

Jiang Lin smiled lightly. If it was really some kind of evildoer, the consumption of the Flying Rat King could be replenished quickly. If it was really sleepy, someone would give him a pillow, and when the fire was turned off, someone would cheer him on.

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