When the three reached the top of the mountain, they saw a few dozen meters below the hillside, a woman dressed as a village woman sitting in a deep pit, with a rice basket full of steamed buns beside it.

Jiang Lin looked at the village woman, raised his brows, and said, "Yo, the best I've never seen before."

Caiyi originally thought that Jiang Lin was using the magic eye, but he didn't expect Jiang Lin to say such a sentence.

Although the clothes of the village women below are not brand new, there are not many places to reveal.

It turns out that you are looking at people's bodies!

She pursed her lips and said angrily, "She's really pretty. I wonder if husband, do you think she has two of our sisters?"

Axiu also had an unhappy expression on her face, and pinched Jiang Lin's waist angrily.

"You two look so jealous."

Jiang Lin smiled and didn't explain. If he didn't prompt, I'm afraid Caiyi and Axiu wouldn't be able to see what happened to the village women below.

Just to test whether their eyesight has improved.

"The official above, the little girl Meichen, accidentally fell down, please help me. My house is not far away, and there are two sisters."

Seeing Jiang Lin and the others, the village woman hurriedly beckoned for help, but there was no anxious expression on her face, and she even blinked at Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin was quite speechless. His acting skills were really bad, not professional at all. If you lie, can you take a snack.

Pretending to be a distressed village woman, she turned out to be a slut) (Woman, the kind that wants to bring people home.

What a special official, a senior official at Ximen?

However, it was precisely because the village woman said that there were still two at home, so Jiang Lin did not act immediately.

This time, I can experience the feeling of three dozen white bone spirits.

He looked around, walked right above the pit, and dropped a dead vine.

"The master said it well, it is indeed the best."

The mouse squinted and looked at Meichen carefully, and muttered.


Caiyi and Axiu were in a fit of rage. Hearing the mouse boy say the same thing, they kicked it out at the same time.

"Two aunts, you are wronged. This woman is not human. I saw that her body was special, so I said she was superb."

Being kicked all the way for no reason, the Flying Rat King called him wrong.

Once a woman is jealous, it is really a negative IQ, and she forgets what kind of man he has and what kind of taste he has.

"It is estimated that the master saw it early in the morning and was surprised. Who knew that your two aunts would hold a vinegar jar each."

Hearing what the mouse said, Caiyi and Axiu looked at each other, only to realize that Jiang Lin had also said the word "superior" from beginning to end, which now seems to be referring to the original form of this woman.

The Flying Mouse King snickered on the side, and the two women ate a meal of meaningless vinegar and made themselves sour.

Caiyi took two pieces of copper coins, smeared Yun Lingqi on her eyes, and looked at the village woman, but she found that she couldn't see anything strange at all. wisps of black air.

Caiyi couldn't help but let out a small sigh. Now she is an alchemist, and her cultivation has improved a lot. In addition to Jiang Lin's guidance, if nothing else, at least her eyesight should not be much smaller than Mao's, but now she is actually She couldn't see a clue, she could only see that the evil spirit below was not human.

As for Axiu, there is nothing weird about it.

"Jerry, what kind of monster is she?"

Caiyi couldn't help asking the mouse boy on the side, the latter responded: "It's not a monster, but Jingmei, this is a bone spirit. Haha, the two mistresses are jealous and eat a pair of bones."

"Bone essence charm? Can bones become essence?"

Caiyi and Axiu both looked surprised and felt very unbelievable. Compared with Jiang Lin, their vision was far worse. Jiang Lin had seen Huoling Wu Yao and Shi Ji, so he could see the village woman's body. After that, I was a little surprised, unlike Caiyi and the others.

"Of course you can, but the conditions are harsher and quite rare."

The Flying Rat King pinched his chin and held a moment of silence for this white bone spirit. It seems that the white bone spirit should be beautiful.) (To lure passersby to absorb the yang qi of Yangren, this time she will experience the taste of being sucked.

Chapter [*] What is missing?

"Guanren, thank you for your help. Where are you going? It's getting late, why don't you come to my house to rest, or let some of our sisters thank you for your life-saving grace."

After the village woman came up, she saw Jiang Lin's extraordinary temperament, and after thanking him, she immediately invited him to stay at home for the night, and sent him away frequently.

"Hmph, it's so funny to be hooked."


After Caiyi and Axiu threw the vinegar jar, they were obviously a lot more rational, not to mention that this village woman was a boneless woman, even if she was really a woman, just like Pan Jinlian, Jiang Lin would not have any interest.

The village woman glanced at Caiyi and Axiu, and when she got to the top, she could clearly see the faces of the two girls, who were much stronger than her.

Seeing that the two women were wearing relatively conservative clothes, the village women adjusted the bottom of their clothes to reveal a little more to increase their attractiveness.

"If that's the case, then it's disturbing."

Jiang Lin nodded and readily agreed that there was only one village woman, which was indeed too few.

And the weather is not good, there may be thunderstorms, and it is also good to have a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

The village woman really thought that Jiang Lin was attracted to her, and the charm on her face became more attractive. She thought to herself that men are all big pig hooves, how can anyone not want to steal fishy.

Even if there are two beautiful female companions, why don't you want to go home with me?

The man sucks him dry, and the woman has a fine skin and tender meat, and has a full meal.

The village woman was leading the way. Jiang Lin slowed down and waited for Caiyi and Axiu. The village woman wanted to seduce other men and didn't want to get too close to the two women, so she didn't care.

Jiang Lin took advantage of the village woman's inattentiveness, Qu Finger played a few magic talismans and buried them in the ground, setting up a simple soundproof array.

Raising his hand to pat the two wives' patpat, Jiang Lin deliberately said, "Why can't I smell any vinegar? Your husband is going to another woman's house."

Caiyi glanced at Jiang Lin angrily, and said, "You are deliberately watching our sisters' jokes, and you don't explain it to us, it's annoying."

Axiu blushed and said angrily, "That's right, it made us jealous and eat a bunch of bones and sticks. I don't know how many people this Jingmei has harmed, so why not kill her?"

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "When we get to her old lair, and then kill them all, Jerry and I can also add some yin and evil spirits."

Since Jiang Lin had a plan, Caiyi and Axiu stopped asking questions and followed the village women with Jiang Lin.

After crossing a hill and reaching the col, Jiang Lin saw a slightly dilapidated house.

"Sister, I'm back."

The village woman shouted to the house from the fence, and then the two girls came out of the house.

A light flashed in Jiang Lin's eyes, and then he looked at the mouse at his feet.

You guys have rations.

Two big monsters, one is a sand python, the other is a scorpion, a pair of femme fatales.

Although the strength is not high in the level of the big demon, but they can transform into human beings, which is not uncommon.

Originally, Jiang Lin thought that there would be three white bone spirits. In that case, the demon power of the Flying Mouse King would not recover much. Now there are two big demons, which is very good.

The three sisters didn't know that Jiang Lin had already seen through their true bodies, especially the pair of femme fatales, who were maliciously selling their cuteness.

When an ordinary man saw these three sisters, he really couldn't hold it back. There were mature and innocent ones. Maybe even a Taoist priest could be planted here.

However, Jiang Lin didn't look at them at all. He glanced around. In addition to the smell of pythons and scorpions, there was a demonic aura in the air. The smell was not very good.

"It's disgusting!"

When Caiyi saw the two monsters in human skins coquettishly and whimpered, a scorpion just happened to be crawling over her feet, so she lifted her foot and stomped it flat.

"Then the scorpion didn't provoke you, what are you stepping on it for?"

When the scorpion demon saw this scene, his face suddenly changed, and he glared at Caiyi.

"Do I have to wait for it to sting me before I kill it? What are you calling, because I stepped on your descendants? You scorpion demon!"

Caiyi snorted and no longer restrained her breath.

"You...sister, she is a Taoist nun, and they are Taoist priests!"

Hearing the words, the scorpion demon's face changed greatly, and he stepped back again and again, and the python demon and the white bone spirit also immediately retreated a few meters.

Jiang Lin reached into his arms, took out the Ice Soul Sword and Yanlei Sword and threw them to Caiyi and Axiu. Now that they have arrived at the demon's lair, there is no need for these three fairies to stay.

"Stinky Taoist priest, you lied to me! You lied to my feelings!"

Bai Gujing looked at Jiang Lin with hatred, she was still complacent, and tricked a man with good skin to come back, but it turned out that he was a Taoist priest, and it seemed that she recognized her identity early in the morning.

"You bastard, who has feelings for you? Be selfish! You should have an accomplice, let it come out, and send you on the road together."

"It's ridiculous, even if you are Taoist priests, our three sisters are not necessarily afraid of you, unless you are a celestial master, you will have a chance to survive."

The scorpion demon laughed. When they knew the identities of Jiang Lin and the three of them, they were really startled. After all, as monsters and spirits, they were innately afraid of Taoist priests.

But after being frightened, the scorpion demon discovered that there was only one woman on the opposite side who was an alchemist, so what was there to be afraid of.

Jiang Lin's breath is warm and calm now. If he doesn't show his breath, it will be difficult for the demon king to discover his level of cultivation. The scorpion demon only has the strength of a big demon, and he is regarded as a Taoist who is not in the mainstream.

"I'm sorry, I'm a celestial master."

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly and looked at the scorpion demon with a pitiful gaze.

"Are you a Celestial Master? When we are scared? Die!"

The scorpion demon sneered, and a long scorpion tail suddenly appeared behind him, stabbing towards Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin stretched out his arm, and the Yang Finger Sword jumped out, directly piercing the scorpion demon's body, and lifted it up.

"I already said that I'm a Celestial Master, do you believe me now?"

Yang Yan burned along the Yang Finger Sword, instantly covering the whole body of the scorpion demon. The scorpion demon showed its body in the scream, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge yellow scorpion with its fragrance. overflowing.

"Pop! Kill the big demon and get [*] points of suffocation."

A big demon was wiped out by Jiang Lin so quickly, the white bone spirit and the python demon didn't even react.

"Heavenly Master! He is really a Heavenly Master! Brother Sculpture, Brother Sculpture!"

The python demon was so frightened by this scene that he shivered and screamed into the room.

Brother Sculpture?There's a vulture here?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. He was really missing something. They were more than a thousand miles away from Dangyang County. If there was a means of transportation that could fly, it would be much easier.

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