Chapter [*] I allow you to fly thirty-nine meters first

With a "bang", a monster with a height of more than two meters and a bird's head rushed out. After Jiang Lin saw it, he scolded "Fuck" in his heart.

He thought the monster that didn't show up was a falcon or other kind of bird, but it turned out to be a dog-headed eagle, a vulture that eats carrion.

"Brother Diao, a Celestial Master came to the door and killed our sister Meixian. You have to decide for us."

Seeing the vulture coming out, the white bone spirit and the python demon retreated behind it, pointing to Jiang Lin to complain to him.

"Humph! What about the Celestial Master? Our Brother Diao is a demon king!"

The backbone came, the python demon swept away the previous fear, and looked at Jiang Lin with a look of resentment, what could the heavenly master do?What's more, his backer is the most difficult one to deal with among the demon kings.

"Haha, I'm scared, I don't dare to say a word."

The calm expressions on Jiang Lin and Caiyi Axiu made the python monster think they were in shock.

Caiyi and Axiu looked at each other and smiled, the python demon and the white bone spirit thought that moving out a demon king could save the situation.

The men in their family didn't know how many demon kings they had killed, and even those who could fly and died in Jiang Lin's hands were no less than three.

Not to mention Jiang Lin, even the Flying Rat King who has been watching the play is a powerful demon king, but because he has been recuperating, the demon power is not obvious, and he has not been discovered.

Caiyi looked at the flying rat king at her feet, and found that the little mouse was drooling, staring at the roasted scorpion in the courtyard.

"Husband, can this eagle be eaten?"

Seeing the appearance of the mouse, Caiyi remembered that Jianglin had killed a crow demon king before, and made it into a Zhou Hei crow, which tasted very good.

"I can't eat it, it's too dirty. It's actually a vulture, and it's just a dog-headed eagle."

Jiang Lin shook his head, this dog-headed eagle grew up eating carrion, where can it be eaten.

When Caiyi heard the words, she covered her chest and felt a little nauseated.

White Bone Spirit: "..."

Python Monster: "..."

Dog Head Sculpture: "..."

The conversation between Caiyi and Jiang Lin completely stunned them, and they were actually discussing whether they could eat it or not.

As soon as it heard the food, the dog head eagle smelled a fragrant smell. It turned its head and saw a big scorpion covered in crisp yellow.

"My beautiful sister!"

The dog-headed eagle wailed, and a pair of bird eyes could see infinite sorrow.

"Dirty things, that's Lao Tzu's ration!"

The Flying Rat King, who kept swallowing his saliva, broke out at this time. Originally, Jiang Lin didn't let it fight, so it had been alleviating its fatigue, but now the dog-headed eagle wants to touch its delicious food, it will protect its food.

The mouse boy's body soared, turned into a giant rat and flew over, slapped the head of the dog-headed eagle with one paw.

Goutoudiao's face was stunned, and he didn't have time to react. He was photographed with gold stars in his eyes, his body flew upside down, and directly hit the bones of the white bone spirit and the python demon. crashed.

"Damn, the dog's head is really hard."

The Flying Mouse King flicked his paws, then looked at Jiang Lin with a flattering expression, and said, "Master, can we eat?"

"Eat, take care of your two mistresses and let them deal with those two fairies."

Jiang Lin was about to capture the dog-headed eagle alive. Although the smell of the dog-headed eagle was a little heavier, the time was urgent and the quality of the flight journey was no longer an issue.

It is much harder to capture alive than to kill. The Flying Rat King is now wasting a lot of money, and it is estimated that he will not be able to take down the dog-headed eagle.

"Master, don't worry, Mistress will have no problem at all."

As soon as he heard that he could eat without having to fight hard, the Flying Rat King was overjoyed.

On the other side, after the dog-head eagle, the white bone spirit, and the python demon got up, the jaws of the three goblins all fell off.

"Inexplicably", a powerful demon king appeared, even if this demon king was actually called the master of Jiang Lin?

Doesn't this mean that Jiang Lin can conquer the demon king?

Although the dog-headed eagle's face hurts, it doesn't dare to fight back rashly. It can feel that the Flying Rat King is stronger than it.

"Hehe, a beast is a beast, it really loses the face of the demon clan! It's actually a human slave!"

The anger in my heart was not vented, and the dog-headed eagle could only fire a map cannon on its mouth, and then spray it first.

"Fart! I'm proud of a beast, I'm proud of you, one of your insects has been roasted, and even a reptile can't see the moon at night. As for you dog-headed bird, think about your own fate."

The Flying Rat King actually felt lucky that he was reincarnated as a beast. Since he saw Jianglin, he hadn't seen many beast-like monsters. Instead, it was either a crow or a loach that died, or an emperor cicada. Centipede etc.

Those who swim in the water, those who fly in the sky, and those who have too many legs will not end well. Four legs are the safest.

Goutoudiao learned the tone of the Flying Rat King and countered: "It's a joke, what can I do if I can fly in the sky? Today I will let you all open up!"

After all, the dog-headed eagle showed its body and turned into a huge vulture with a width of seven or eight meters. It spread its wings and hovered to a height of several meters.

Without wings, the dog-headed eagle is afraid of the Flying Rat King and Jiang Lin, but once it flies, it can regain its face.

"Caiyi, Axiu, you two go to deal with those two fairies and gain some experience. I'll take care of this awesome bird."

Jiang Lin took a few steps forward, looked up at the dog-headed eagle, and said, "Being able to fly in the sky makes you very confident."

"Just so confident, I..."

Before the dog-headed eagle could finish speaking, the plane crashed, leaving only a few feathers flying in the air.

It was only a few meters above the ground, and Jiang Lin could touch it by taking off with a little force.


Jiang Lin grabbed the claws of the dog-headed eagle in both hands and beat him back and forth on the ground.

"Fly, then fly. I allow you to fly ten meters first."

Looking at the dog-headed eagle whose feathers were scattered and broke free, Jiang Lin folded his arms. He wanted to make this dog-headed eagle suspicious of human beings (the eagle), obediently be a plane, and did not dare to resist.

The best way is to hit it hard.

"Hmph, just now I was just unprepared."

The dog-headed eagle fluttered its wings, and when it was more than ten meters in the air, it was about to circle around, and then swooped down, smashing Jiang Lin's head with one beak.

But what made it stunned was that he crashed again.

Jiang Lin grabbed his arm upwards and pulled it down again. This time, several big pits were thrown out of the ground.

The dog-headed eagle didn't know how it fell. When it hovered in the air, there was a blind spot in its field of vision, and it didn't see Jiang Lin's limbs stretching at all.

"Can Feitian give you confidence again?"

Jiang Lin looked at the golden-eyed dog-headed eagle on the ground, pouted, red) (Guoguo's mockery.


The dog-headed eagle fluttered its wings and shot out large pieces of flying feathers. Jiang Lin let go of his hand and jumped a few steps later, with a light expression on his face, and said, "This time I allow you to fly thirty-nine meters first, and you won't be able to fly again. use."


The dog-headed eagle's eyes were gloomy, its wings vibrated, and its eyes kept staring at Jiang Lin. After reaching [*] meters in the air, it saw Jiang Lin below struggling to jump up, but when it was about [*] meters in the air, the latter disappeared. potential.

"Haha, you can stop here..."

Seeing this, the dog-headed eagle laughed wildly, but there was a scene immediately below that made its eyeballs fall.

Jiang Lin's arm suddenly stretched out, reaching [*] meters, and then a fire whip jumped out from his palm, which was so fast that it entangled its legs almost instantly.

With a sneer, Jiang Lin's other arm extended, grabbed the trunk of the big tree on the ground, and pulled it back.

The dog-headed eagle crashed for the third time. This time, its entire head was plunged into the ground, and its legs were stomping on it.

The nine hundred and thirteenth chapter is iron-clad?Soften you up!

I thought you were a celestial master, but it turned out to be a monster too!

The head of the dog-headed eagle was inserted into the sand, and the first thought that popped up was that Jiang Lin was a monster.

It grows so big, and it has never seen a person with an extended arm, let alone a person, even a monster. It has never seen such a person.

More monsters than monsters!

"Damn, can't you fly? Fly in front of the master."

The Flying Mouse King looked at Jiang Lin from the corner of his eyes while taking care of Caiyi and Axiu, and laughed at him.

"Brother Eagle, what's going on? Did it hit the devil?"

The white bone spirit and the python demon were completely stunned. They were pressed by Caiyi and Axiu step by step. They didn't see the process of the crash of the dog head carving, only the result.

The dog-headed eagle flew three times, each time getting higher and higher, but for some reason, it fell down in a blink of an eye.

"Du Ni Bodhisattva can't protect himself when he crosses the river, how dare he be distracted?"

Caiyi let out a coquettish cry, raised her sword and stabbed the python demon in the heart at a very fast speed.

Since Caiyi became an alchemist, she hadn't had much experience. Even if she had the Flame Lightning Sword in her hand, she had never been able to take down a big demon.

But now that she is familiar with her own cultivation, plus the experience she has accumulated in the battle just now, she has gradually gained the upper hand. At this moment, she has seized the opportunity and severely injured the python monster with one sword.

The python monster screamed and turned into a huge sand python, very violent.

Jiang Lin glanced at the battle circle on the side, there was the Flying Rat King acting as a nanny, Caiyi and Axiu didn't have to worry about him.

The dog-headed eagle pushed the ground with its wings and pulled out its head, looking very embarrassed.

"Aren't you able to fly? If I want to kill you, it won't be difficult at all. Now I'll give you two options, one is to die, and the other is to act as a mount. If you perform well, there may be a chance to survive."

If this dog's head is sculpted, Jiang Lin can still protect it from the pain of flesh and blood.

"I just didn't expect you to have such a strange ability. I am a dignified demon king, as your mount, you are living in a dream!"

After seeing Jiang Lin's abilities, the dog-headed eagle believed that if he guarded against it, the same situation would never happen again.

Now it is just a disgraced face, how could it surrender to become a mount, that is not even a minion.

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