Guan Ling is only a few steps away from here. Could it be that the Seven Stars Yanyue Knife is really in the sky?

Chapter [-] Who is it to leave me?

"Go, go down and have a look."

Jiang Lin did not delay. Whether he could obtain useful clues, he would have to go down and visit to find out.

After entering the village, Jiang Lin asked the villagers here, and went directly to the head of Qixingtai Village.

"Pang Village Chief, is that all there is to it?"

In the living room, Jiang Lin was sitting on a chair with his eyebrows slightly frowning. He had already inquired about Qixing Yanyue Dao and Qixing Girl as usual before, but what the village chief Pang provided was the same as before, only some unofficial histories that were circulated. is useless information.

"To talk about the legend of Guan Gong, we still have here, our Qixingtai Village is high in terrain, all the trees have no treetops, Guan Gong was cut off, and the headless body was buried in the Guan Ling not far away. As for the Yanyue Knife, there are only those I mentioned before. I have never heard of the Seven-Star Girl, but the Seven-Star Terrace does exist, and it is related to the treeless tree I mentioned, which is a miracle."

Speaking of the miracles in the village, Village Chief Pang looked proud and thought it was Guan Gong's revelation.

Jiang Lin was a little disappointed, but seeing Village Chief Pang want to talk about his village, he asked casually, "What kind of magic is the miracle in your village?"

"Let me tell you, that's amazing. There are lightning flashes in our town all year round, and it is more frequent in autumn and winter. Duan, do you think God is magical? Also, when the thunder flashed, the seven Qixingtai platforms in our village had strange lights blooming. The older generation of the village said that it was a magic circle that sheltered our Qixingtai Village. This is Guan Gong's revelation, and there has never been any ghosts in our village."

Village Chief Pang spoke like a river, and he continued to talk. When Jiang Lin heard the formation, he suddenly sat up straight and said, "Pang Village Chief, is Qixingtai on some higher mounds in the village?"

"Yeah, how did you know? There are exactly seven."

Hearing this, Jiang Lin hurriedly said, "Pang Village Chief, can you take us to visit?"


Village Chief Pang readily agreed that when the tourists who came to visit Guanling in the past settled here, Village Chief Pang would tell about the miracles of the village, and these tourists would stay for a while to see the miracles.Housing, food, everything costs money. Over time, the villagers of their Qixingtai Village also made a lot of money.

Therefore, Jiang Lin was going to visit Qixingtai, and Village Chief Pang was naturally very happy.

"This is a seven-star platform. Don't look at it as a bare mound. That's because there is no lightning flash. If you want to see the miracle, it is estimated that you will stay in the village for a few days."

Seeing Jiang Lin frowning, Village Chief Pang quickly explained, patting his chest to ensure that he was not lying.

"Don't wait."

Jiang Lin took out a few lightning runes and threw them around the mound. As soon as the lightning exploded, light appeared on the ground. It was similar to what Village Chief Pang had described. It was a magic circle.

"Caiyi, Axiu, you all go to the formation."

The two women walked into the array according to their words, and the light array immediately changed, from being tiled to being erected, and a beam of light shot out and shone on the river not far away.

"This...what's going on here?"

Village Chief Pang was too shocked to speak. He originally thought that Jiang Lin and others were in the antique collection business, so he inquired about the lost Yanyue Knife.

But what happened now made him unable to turn his head.

"Village Chief, we are actually Taoist priests. We came here to show Guan Gong. You don't have to be afraid. You can just take us to other Seven Star Platforms."

Jiang Lin didn't tell Village Chief Pang anything about the weapon for subduing demons and eliminating demons. Even if he did, Village Chief Pang might not understand.

"You said that the Guan Gonghui appeared in our Qixingtai Village? How wonderful!"

Village Chief Pang didn't doubt Jiang Lin's words at all, he knelt before the light formation erected in the air, and then led Jiang Lin and the three to the other six seven-star platforms.

Jiang Lin made the light array appear one by one, and Caiyi and Axiu stimulated the light array to change.

The seven beams of light converged on the river, and the eighth purple beam of light shot up from the river and reached the clouds in the sky.

"Husband, where is the Seven-Star Yanyue Knife? Is it in the river?"

Caiyi and Axiu looked around, they should have found the right way, but they didn't see any Seven Stars Moon Sword.

"It's not in the river, it's up there. No wonder Master Hong Jinbao and the others searched all around Guanling before, but they couldn't find this Seven-Star Crescent Sword. It turned out to be in the sky. From this point of view, the Seven-Star Crescent Sword is indeed capable of slaying demons and slaying demons. Divine power. This village has four seasons of thunder, probably because there is an extraordinary artifact on it."

Jiang Lin pointed to the sky, he didn't expect the Seven Stars Yanyue Sword to be within the sky.

In the legends that Jiang Lin heard in the past few days, there are various versions of the seven-star Yanyue knife. The common point is that this Guan knife contains the blood of the Qinglong, so it is also called the Qinglong Yanyue knife.

It now appears that the legends are not necessarily false.

"It seems that it is really destined. Even if Master Hong Jinbao and the others had the help of the Seven Stars, they would not be able to get the Seven Stars Moon Sword."

"That's right, unless they're on a plane, isn't that just embarrassing the world?"

Jiang Lin raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "It's hard to make trouble for the world, but it can't make trouble for me, Jiang Lin. Flying from the sky to take the knife, who will I leave behind?"

As he said that, Jiang Lin's body hung in the air and gradually rose, not to mention that the Seven Stars and the Moon Knife was in the sky, even in the ozone layer, he also went up.

"Fairy! Fairy!"

The villagers of Qixingtai Village went to the river to watch the miracle, and when they saw Jiang Lin flying away, they all knelt down.

Jiang Lin rose to a height of several thousand meters, and when he reached the clouds, he saw a long-handled broadsword floating in the clouds, three meters long.

Above the blade, there is also a faint blue dragon shadow.

Seven-star Crescent Sword!

With a move from the air, Jiang Lin took the Seven-Star Yanyue Saber in his hand, the long saber suddenly flourished, and a strong thunder erupted above the blade.

Jiang Lin's face changed, and he quickly took back all the corpse poison in his body, and the thunderbolt on the knife disappeared.

After he was corpse, he would be attacked by the Seven Stars Moon Blade when he touched the blade. This was unexpected by Jiang Lin. Now he was falling down at a high speed.

"go with!"

Jiang Lin threw the long knife out, and shook out the yin fire whip in his hand to wrap the long knife, and then corpse himself, reducing the speed of the fall.

"Turn off the knife! Everyone, please!"

When Jiang Lin came down with the Seven Stars Yanyue Knife, Village Chief Pang immediately shouted that all the villagers regarded Jiang Lin as the reincarnation of Guan Gong.

Chapter [-] Fighting the Gorefiend Again

The villagers' pious kneeling made Jiang Lin quite helpless, and these villagers even asked him to go back and entertain him.

Jiang Lin politely refused, and he had to rush back to Gantian Town as soon as possible, so he didn't have time to stay here.

He instructed Village Chief Pang to improve the feng shui of Qixingtai Village, and then recalled the Flying Mouse King.

The Seven-Star Yanyue Knife had been found. In order to preserve the power of himself and the Flying Mouse King, Jiang Lin bought a few horses and hurried back to Gantian Town in the starry night.

"Master Jiang is back!"

As soon as Jiang Lin and the others returned to town, several elderly men on the street cheered.

"Master Jiang, I beg you to destroy the Gorefiend. My son and daughter-in-law were both killed by the Gorefiend."

"My grandson was also drained of blood."

After cheering, they wept bitterly.

"What about the people in town?"

Jiang Lin glanced around and saw that he had not seen him for a few days. The town of Gantian seemed to have experienced the end of the day.

"A part of them escaped, and the rest of the young people went to the Devil's Temple to help build some river formations."

"Master Jiang, Master Mao, they can't deal with the Gorefiend."

Hearing the townspeople's cry, Jiang Lin knew that things were going to be worse than he imagined. He said to Caiyi and Axiu, "You two go back to Liyangju and get some dragon blood. The blood is open."

After explaining the two women, Jiang Lin galloped back to the Demon Temple.

Today's Demon Temple has changed. It is surrounded by a Taoist cloth, and there are many small buildings around it. Many monks sit on it and recite scriptures.

"Master Jiang!"

"Daoist Li Yang!"

"Daoist Li Yang is back!"

"That's great, is that the Seven-Star Yanyue Knife?"

Hearing the sound of horse hooves, the townspeople around the Demon Temple and the Taoist monks were all happy.

It's just that the number of people who came this time was much less than the last time when there were zombies in Chunlai Town.

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while, and then he understood that he had asked Zhang Quan to inform his colleagues from all over the world. Zhang Quan and the others had been traveling all the year round, and they knew the locations of various places very well, so they were very efficient.

Maybe many of my colleagues have not yet received the news of the Gorefiend.

Jiang Lin dismounted and nodded to everyone. After seeing that Bai Miner and the others were all right, he felt relieved. Then he looked at Master Hong Jinbao and Lei Gang, who had pale faces, and asked, "Master, Lei Gang and the others. Master, Xiao Xiami, you are injured, what happened?"

Master Hong Jinbao coughed twice and responded, "Jiang Lin, you finally found the Seven Stars Moon Sword, that's great. Not long after you left, the Gorefiend regained some of its strength. The demon used mana two days ago, and many townspeople They all exploded and died, and some of my colleagues and I were also seriously injured by the blood essence that exploded in the temple. Fortunately, many colleagues came and worked together to suppress the Gorefiend."

"Where's Master Mao? He's also injured?"

"Master, please save my master!"

At this moment, Ah Hai rushed up and knelt down in front of Jiang Lin, crying tears.

Master Sammo Hung sighed and continued: "Mao Xiaofang went to the temple to lead the Gorefiend to himself, in order to save the townspeople from being poisoned, and to save his apprentices, and used himself as a cage to trap him. Now he's almost gone."

"Ah Hai, get up, Master Mao has a fight with me, and I will definitely try my best to save him."

Knowing about Mao Xiaofang, Jiang Lin's face was solemn, this time Mao Xiaofang might be doomed.

"Fellow Daoist, it seems that you have found the Seven-Star Yanyue Knife. I can't hold back the Gorefiend anymore. All fellow practitioners, join forces to subdue the Demon!"

At this moment, Mao Xiaofang's voice came from the Demon Temple, but the voice was very sharp and unpleasant.

"Master, you are maintaining a large formation outside, I will go in first, and once I order to activate the formation, you will trigger the killing formation at the same time."

Jiang Lin asked Master Hong Jinbao to do the deployment work.

Inside the temple, Mao Xiaofang sat cross-legged on the ground with runes all over his face.

"Master Mao, you sacrifice yourself for others, which is admired by Jiang."

"Suppressing demons and eliminating demons is the vocation of a cultivator."

Mao Xiaofang tried his best to smile, and then his whole body trembled.

"Heaven and Earth are boundless, Qiankun borrows the law!"

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