Seeing this, Jiang Lin immediately took out a handful of copper coin thread from his arms and threw it out. With a flick of his wrist, the copper coin thread wrapped around Mao Xiaofang's limbs, and finally the end of the thread shot into several pillars.

Mao Xiaofang became a "big" character and hung in the air. Jiang Lin swung his long knife and slapped Mao Xiaofang's chest with the blade, and a cloud of blood immediately shot out from his heavenly spirit.

"Seven-star Yanyue Knife?"

The Gorefiend immediately grabbed Mao Xiaofang's body, and after seeing the long knife in Jiang Lin's hand, it immediately charged towards the roof without saying a word.

The tiles splashed, and the Gorefiend pushed a hole out of the top of the temple. However, there were lightning silk screens and talismans on the top of the temple, blocking the Gorefiend's momentum.

In the past few days, the Gorefiend has recovered a lot by absorbing the blood and the spiritual energy in Mao Xiaofang's body. In addition, it is extremely afraid of the Seven-Star Yanyue Saber in Jiang Lin's hands, and it is desperate to explode the blood energy and vitality, the lightning wire mesh and Fu Bu and the mountain and river formations were bombed and opened in an instant.

"The Tantric Mahamudra!"

As soon as the Gorefiend showed its head, a slightly immature child's voice appeared above it, and the little shrimp stood upside down in the air, suppressing it with a big handprint.

"court death!"

The Gorefiend put his palm on his head, snorted angrily, and spit blood out of his mouth, slamming into the chest of the little shrimp, and the little shrimp vomited blood and flew out.

"Want to go? It's not that easy!"

Jiang Lin threw Mao Xiaofang out, and then slashed horizontally, slashing at the Gorefiend who had just hit the ground.

"Idiot, it didn't open!"

The blade was embedded in the Gorefiend's waist, and the Gorefiend was overjoyed when he saw that the Seven Star Yanyue Sword was not powerful.

However, it did not dare to take it any longer, and immediately turned into a cloud of blood, rushing towards the closing gap above.

Just now, it exploded its vitality and squandered most of the supplies in the past few days. If it didn't escape immediately, it might be trapped again.



But two times in a row, as soon as the Gorefiend appeared, he was bombarded by the demonic light of the two demon kings, making it so angry that he wanted to curse.

"Husband, dragon blood!"

Caiyi rushed to the gate of the temple and threw a medicine bottle at Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin slashed it with a knife, the medicine bottle burst, and the dragon's blood stained the knife.


The sound of dragon roar and thunderbolt rang out, and the seven-star Yanyue sword burst into golden light, and the demonic energy in the temple quickly melted away under the thunder of the blade.

Chapter nine hundred and seventeen

Is this the true power of the Seven Stars Moon Blade?

The Qixing Crescent Sword was dipped in dragon blood, and its length was shortened by one third. Jiang Lin felt the momentum of the divine weapon in his hand, and his heart was quite shaken. This Qixing Crescent Sword is much stronger than the complete Haotian Mirror, comparable to the sky. Thunder double sword.

It's a pity that Jiang Lin's cultivation base is only at the level of a Celestial Master, but the Gorefiend is also not at the peak.

"Gorefiend, today is the day you will be completely wiped out from the world!"

Jiang Lin turned his wrist, and the Gorefiend who was stabbed by the light on the knife couldn't open his eyes.

The long knife swept diagonally, and a domineering knife light burst out, slashing at the Gorefiend with a thunderous momentum.

With just one knife, the Gorefiend's body was split into two pieces.

Then Jiang Lin jumped up, his hands gathered together, his spiritual power poured out, he slashed again, and divided the Gorefiend's body into four.


The Gorefiend let out a sharp whistle, and the four-section body differentiated, turning back into the body of the four evils.

"it is good!"

When Master Hong Jinbao and Lei Gang saw this scene, they applauded loudly.

"Everyone, do your best to trap the Gorefiend in the temple, and let Daoist Li Yang destroy the demon in the urn!"

Master Hong Jinbao gave an order, then took off the Taoist robe, sprayed a mouthful of blood on it, and threw it out.

The statue of Mount Tai on the Taoist robe was shining brightly, covering the gap in the roof of the temple.

The rest of the Taoist priests, regardless of their consumption, did their best to maintain the five thunders and many trapped formations. Bai Min'er and Chen Yu also poured their spiritual power into the three treasures of Emei.

At the same time, the surrounding Sanskrit singing became much more majestic, further suppressing the power of the Gorefiend.

"The four evils are immortal, and the Gorefiend is immortal!"

The four Gorefiend clones were full of hideous faces, and they pulled their ears off and gathered together again.

"Another one who is immortal and immortal in front of me."

Jiang Lin snorted coldly, the Seven-Star Yanyue Knife waving in his hand with awe-inspiring power.

After the Gorefiend gathered, it was scattered again, and two or three times in a row, its complexion became more and more difficult to look at.

"I've been immortal for a thousand years, I have been reborn several times, and this time I can still plant it in the hands of you crooked melons and jujubes? Blood River Great Array!"

Gorefiend's whole body was full of blood, and the blood energy in the body gathered on the top of his head, forming a huge blood fetus. After the blood fetus was condensed, the whole body of the blood demon turned dark red, and the scales and skin all over his body fell off a lot.

The shriveled lips parted, and the Gorefiend hugged the blood fetus in his arms and slammed it on the ground.

"Not good! Gorefiend wants the fish to die and the net to break! Dear fellow Taoists, take precautions!"

Jiang Lin's heart suddenly jumped, his body shifted quickly, and he drank violently outside the temple at the same time.

As soon as his voice fell, bloody arms like ghost hands jumped out one after another on the ground, grabbing at his ankles, but he avoided them all.

At the same time, a lot of blood fountains spewed out from the ground outside the temple. Many Taoist priests and monks couldn't react in time.

Die if you touch it.

In contrast, the townspeople such as Captain Song and Zhou Yuan who stayed nearby didn't suffer much. They basically all had the amulets they bought on their bodies. Pushing it aside, not many people were stained with demon blood.

A large amount of blood gathered, swept towards Master Hong Jinbao and the Taoist priests who maintained the formation.

"Master, start the killing formation!"

Jiang Lin took the knife and flew back. The person in charge of the formation outside was disturbed by the demon blood, and the trapped formation would definitely not be able to continue. Jiang Lin decisively ordered to give the blood demon another blow before it left.

"Gossip furnace array, open!"

"Five rounds from the fire formation!"

"The swastika Buddha said to suppress the magic formation!"

At the same time that Jiang Lin activated the formation, a group of monks outside the temple also activated the attack formation arranged around the temple, and then immediately avoided the swept of the demon blood.


The entire Demon Temple became a sea of ​​flames in an instant, and countless golden swastikas flew into the sea of ​​flames like fluttering flakes.

"Golden Crow Yang!"

Jiang Lin made a seal in his hand, and behind him, a [*]-meter-tall three-legged Golden Crow appeared, spreading its wings and flying towards the furnace formation.

"Go back!"

Jiang Lin snorted, and his body retreated violently. The colorful tiger king and the flying rat king curled their tails, and led Chen Yu and the others to run wildly into the distance.

It didn't take long for the Gorefiend with missing arms and legs to fly out of the sea of ​​​​fire when he was grabbed by the third leg of the Three-legged Golden Crow and pressed down.

"Want supplies? Where to go!"

Seeing that the demon blood gathered into a ball and flew towards the sea of ​​fire, Jiang Lin expelled his palms and blasted a pillar of fire to disperse it, but after the blood ball burst, a part of it still entered the sea of ​​fire.


The deafening sound erupted from the sky above the Demon Temple, and the surrounding area was covered with smoke, dust and ashes.

"It's really hard to kill, no wonder the Gorefiend in the period of total victory, even Master Changmei can't completely eliminate it."

Jiang Lin's brows were wrinkled. It had only been six or seven days, and the Gorefiend was stronger than when he was just resurrected.

The power of gathering so many people has not yet been destroyed.

But even so, Gorefiend probably didn't have a trace of vitality left.

"Alert! Gorefiend isn't dead yet!"

Jiang Lin reminded aloud that Xiao Xiami and the others were clearly showing signs of relaxation.

It's not dead yet? ?

The hearts of many people who had just relaxed were tense again.

At this moment, a blood shadow rushed out from the smoke and dust. It was the blood demon. At this time, its whole body seemed to have faded in half, like a phantom.

Gorefiend could no longer remain physical.

Jiang Lin dragged his knife and rushed, twisting his waist and slashing at the phantom.

However, the phantom of the Gorefiend suddenly split into four parts, and rushed into the body of Mao Xiaofang lying not far away at an incomparable speed.

Mao Xiaofang opened his eyes, like a zombie, and directly lifted the corpse. His face was covered with blue veins in an instant, and his hair and skin were almost completely red.

"Haha... You can't defeat evil, you shrimp soldiers and crab generals, if you want to deal with the old demon, you are still far away!"

Mao Xiaofang pointed at Jiang Lin and the others, but the sound he made was that of a Gorefiend.


When Ah Hai and Ah Xiu saw Mao Xiaofang's sudden change, they were about to rush over.

Jiang Lin grabbed Axiu and slapped Ahai back with another knife, saying, "He is no longer Master Mao."

"Dao... Fellow Daoist, my body was planted with a demon seed by the Gorefiend, and the spiritual energy was also drained. I...I became a new Gorefiend."

Mao Xiaofang gasped heavily, and with his only consciousness, took a magic talisman from the Qiankun bag and slapped it on his Tianling cover. Then he quickly took a silver needle and inserted it into various acupuncture points on his body. On, the knot on the hand changes rapidly.

The imprisoned rune that was originally painted on his body instantly disappeared into his flesh.

"I... I have completely sealed the Gorefiend in my body, it... Now is the weakest time, can't... ah~"

Before he finished speaking, Mao Xiaofang fell into madness and ran towards the distance.

Jiang Lin forced the corpse poison into his eyes and looked into Mao Xiaofang's body. If he really had no choice, he could only wave the knife.

"Fellow Daoist, I'm almost... I can't hold it anymore, now is the best time to destroy the Gorefiend!"

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