"Did you think that the book of life and death is the same as the one in Journey to the West, that you can get rid of reincarnation and immortality with a tick of your name? I'll tell you nicely."

Judge Wang felt that it was necessary to talk to Jiang Lin about science, otherwise Jiang Lin always thought that it would be easy for him to help open the back door, and would there be less trouble in the future?

After clearing his throat, Judge Wang continued: "In fact, even the judge doesn't know much about the origins of life and death. If it wasn't for the last time I drank with Di Ting, that guy drank a lot and talked a lot, I wouldn't know too much. "

"Listen to the truth? The legendary beast under the Ksitigarbha Throne? Isn't it a Buddhist practitioner? Does he also drink alcohol and break his abstinence?"

When Jiang Lin saw that Judge Wang wanted to talk a lot, he couldn't help feeling that Judge Wang wanted to fool people.

Although ghosts do not like to deceive people, it is still common to flicker and flicker. For example, he only talks about half of his words, just like the red-bearded judge Lu, who only talks about how many treasures there are in the forbidden area, and he basically does not mention the risks.

"The nectar and jade brewing is fine. Besides, what's wrong with drinking? Buddhism still has Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, specializing in Huanxi Zen."

Judge Wang pouted, as if he didn't like Buddhism very much.

Jiang Lin gave a thumbs up and said he was speechless. Seeing that there was no further interruption, Judge Wang continued: "You don't have to doubt what I said, I know the guy with the red beard and likes to fool people, but I'm not the same as him. ."

"As for life and death and the number of lives, it is not as simple as you think. According to the truth, life and death are at stake, and fate is always recorded, from beginning to end, and it cannot be changed or changed. Until ancient times During the period, someone with great power rubbed the fragments of the celestial book on the book of life and death, which made it possible to change, but if you want to tamper with the content of the book of life and death, you must have a 'opportunity', if you don't have a 'opportunity', The contents of the book, even our judges and even Yama of the Ten Temples, cannot be changed at will. And this kind of opportunity has a direct or indirect relationship with merit and yin. Even if you have an opportunity, you cannot change it arbitrarily, and the number of lives cannot be changed lightly, otherwise The consequences are extremely serious.”

Having said that, Judge Wang also gave Jiang Lin a deliberate look: The book of life and death cannot be changed if one wants to!

There is such a saying.

After learning this information, Jiang Lin knew that it was correct that he sent zombie blood to establish a good relationship with Judge Wang.

Anyway, Judge Wang has already accepted Long Yuan and Xuelan. Even if people's life and death disasters cannot be easily changed, Judge Wang will find a way.

"If there is no shortage of life and death, the world will know what it means to be ruthless, fate is impermanent, neither good nor evil, neither right nor wrong, neither grace nor resentment, neither joy nor sorrow."

"It turns out that it is no wonder that good people do not live long, and disasters are left for thousands of years."

Jiang Lin nodded. There is no good or evil in heaven, and the fate of life has long been determined and cannot be changed.The so-called retribution of good and evil is just to use "opportunities" to forcibly change fate, but how many such "opportunities" are there?

"If you don't have a chance, why do you have to change it?"

"Then there will be sin. The so-called 'sin' here has a different meaning from the world. The 'sin' in the human world should actually be 'karma'. You are also a Taoist priest, and you must know that sin is similar to ghosts, but innately Long, unless it is a ferocious one, you should not kill it lightly. There are also some creatures in the world that are not in the records, just like you, if you don't have any merits and virtues in your hands, and forcibly change the fate of others, there will be more evils in the world. In fact, their existence can be regarded as a kind of record, recording the behaviors that violate the number of days in the world. If there are more sins, there will be ominous, unprovoked killings, and the ominous will come faster."

Jiang Lin listened carefully. Even in the ancient books of Yangjian, there was no record of this information. As for the evil, he had seen it in the Secret Records of Yanzhi, but there were not many descriptions. He only said that it should not be killed lightly.

"In addition, there are Taoist priests and fortune-tellers and the like. If they often spy on, reveal secrets, or change the fate of others, they will also commit sins. When the time comes, there is no need for us to change them. Fa: Do evil and die. If there are too many evils in a place, there must be natural disasters. There will be a big reckoning to eliminate the impact. Violation of the number of days will have serious consequences. The underworld is also because there is a book of people, so it can…”

Judge Wang suddenly realized that he had said too much, and quickly shut up.

Wait, the fragmentary book of heaven, the book of people?

Could it be the Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Man mentioned in Zong Yue 3?Listen carefully, Ksitigarbha?


"Cough, don't say anything, it's not difficult for Mao Xiaofang, what else do you have to do?"

Jiang Lin just wanted to continue to ask, but Judge Wang did not give him a chance, and it seemed that he did not dare to reveal this information any more.

That being the case, Jiang Lin didn't ask any more questions. It shouldn't have much to do with him anyway, and even if he asked, he wouldn't get any answer.

Chapter [*] I have a bold idea

Jiang Lin remembered that he had been asking about the enchanters who appeared in the city of the dead and the Egyptian gods. Since he was with Judge Wang this time, he asked by the way.

However, the information he got surprised him. There used to be four places of reincarnation in the underworld, which were created by the gods at the time when the four major civilizations of mankind first appeared, corresponding to the four watersheds.

Later, for unknown reasons, these gods disappeared, and the four places of reincarnation left behind were merged in two. One of them is the underworld where Jianglin is now, which has the color of Middle-earth Taoism and ancient Indian monks; It was the underworld. In the past, there were cultural elements of ancient Egypt and Babylon. Now it has undergone great changes, and it is more complicated than the structure of the underworld. The god of death Anubis is there.

[Note: The concept of the ancestor (ancient) country of the four major civilizations was proposed by Mr. Liang Qichao in the late Qing Dynasty. The background of the novel is the Republic of China. It is not surprising that a similar concept appears. I will explain it here, so as not to feel confused by book lovers]

People from different regions go to the underworld after death, but not all of them enter the underworld. Like Westerners, if they die, they will be taken to another underworld. If they die in the middle earth, they will be transferred to the underworld by the underworld's underworld.

"Is there any problem? Besides Mao Xiaofang, what else?"

"It's gone."

Jiang Lin spread his hands, Mao Xiaofang's matter has been finalized, and he also made Judge Wang owe him a favor, and he probably won't come again in a short time.


Judge Wang was stunned for a moment. Jiang Lin gave him a drop of Origin Zombie blood, and now he has given away such precious items as Long Yuan and Xue Lan. At least three things should be requested, right?Just this one?

Some of the questions Jiang Lin asked were nothing at all, even if he didn't find him, it would be the same if he asked Judge Lu.

Jiang Lin smiled and replied, "It's really gone. If Judge Wang has no difficulty, Jiang will leave first."

Jiang Lin didn't stay too long, and left the judge's hall. Judge Wang looked at his back, tapped his forehead, and said to himself: "This Jiang Lin, the more he looks like an old man. Human..."

Judge Wang also pointed and pressed on the token, drawing a golden light, erasing Mao Xiaofang's death record, picking up the judge's pen, and writing a line of text on it.

After that, he found the records of Chen Yu, Ren Tingting and others, and took note of the contents above.

When Jiang Lin returned to Fuxi Hall, the work arranged by Axiu and the others had come to an end.

"Master, where did you come from?"

Ah Hai turned his head to look, startled.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, you all go out, close the door of Fuxi Hall, and refuse guests to visit."

Half an hour later, the statue of Ancestral Heavenly Master on the wall of Fuxi Hall shone with light, and voices echoed around: "The righteous way of heaven and earth, good and evil are rewarded, Mao Xiaofang, you would rather sacrifice your own life than save the world, the so-called one karma. You have a certain number of virtues, and you should be considered fate. Extend your [*]-year lifespan, go back and continue to subdue demons and subdue demons, and restore the righteous path."

After the voice fell, the wound on Mao Xiaofang's neck gradually healed until it was intact.

"Thirty years of prosperous life, and Judge Wang's work is quite beautiful."

Jiang Lin tapped Mao Xiaofang a few times with his fingers, and finally pressed his Sanqing finger on Mao Xiaofang's forehead, shouting, "Master Mao, are you still awake?"

Mao Xiaofang's eyelids moved several times, and then he opened his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist, am I dead?"

"It's dead, but it may be that you have accumulated virtue and rewarded you, so you shouldn't die."

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, then changed the conversation and said, "Master Mao, you have just returned to Yang, so it's better to go out for a walk and receive more Yang Qi."

"No, I've died this time without life. Fellow Daoist, you asked me to return the yang, right? This is a matter of chaotic yin and yang. How could you pay such a high price to save me as a dead person."

Mao Xiaofang shook his head. Resurrection from the dead was much more difficult than immortality. He didn't believe that such a thing would happen to him for no reason.

In addition, Jiang Lin once gave him an elixir, and Mao Xiaofang guessed the truth as soon as he thought about it.

Jiang Lin smiled casually and said, "Master Mao, among outsiders, I admire not many people, you are one of them, you are worthy of being the pioneer of the righteous path, and you are also Axiu's master, I can't bear her sad tears, and finally, Jiang considers you, Master Mao, as a friend."

When Mao Xiaofang heard Jiang Lin's words, he didn't say any more words of thanks.

If there is any crisis in Jianglin in the future, he, Mao Xiaofang, will make a foray even if the sword is in a sea of ​​fire.

Jiang Lin and Mao Xiaofang walked out of the living room side by side and sat around the stone table. Jiang Lin talked about his recent trip to Shu.

"It seems that those oriental art masters may really want to make some troubles. If you go there, friend Daoist, you can deter them."

Mao Xiaofang has a good relationship with Master Hong Jinbao, and he also knows some things about Shu.

"Xiao Xiao is Xiao Xiao, shock and deterrence won't do much. Actually, I have a bold idea."

Jiang Lin not only wanted to make them pay a big price for the rats of the Oriental Demon Dao, but also wanted to destroy their roots.

Now the chaos has started. First there is the zombie cataclysm in Chunlai Town, and then the blood demon is born. The future may become more and more chaotic. I don’t know what evil spirits will appear. If there are many gatherings of monks, everyone will pay attention. All focus on those demons and monsters, maybe the backyard catches fire.

At that time, the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion in Xiaoleiyin Temple was a lesson from the past.

In order to prevent these mice from making a fool of themselves, Jiang Lin was going to be ruthless.

"Fellow Daoist may wish to talk."

"I want to go to sea after the trip to Shu, to the hometown of the Japanese, and destroy a few of them. Besides, this little Japan is too emotional, so I'm always restless."


The tea in Mao Xiaofang's mouth spewed out all the way, and said in shock, "Daoist friend, are you kidding me?"

Jiang Lin's bold idea really shocked Mao Xiaofang. This idea is more than bold and simple?

Looking at Jiang Lin's meaning, he simply wanted to use one person's power to defeat the oriental monastic world and defeat their spirits.

Chapter nine hundred and twenty first rescue

Jiang Lin smiled and asked, "Do I look like a joker?"

It's not like, it's simply, I often call me the elder of the beggar gang.

Mao Xiaofang slandered, but still persuaded: "Fellow Daoist, this is no trivial matter. After all, in a foreign country, once you are besieged and fall into the Jedi, you will be isolated and helpless."

From Mao Xiaofang's point of view, Jiang Lin was a little overconfident. Although many Taoist sects in the East were passed down from China and the territory was not large, it did not mean that there were no capable people there, and a pair of fists could not hold a group of people.

What's more, there is a great connection between the Eastern political world and the monastic world, and it is very likely that they will face guns and guns at that time.

"Haha, a huge Indian Ocean can't keep me, and he is a small place in the East, is it worthy?"

Jiang Lin let out a long laugh, with an indescribable arrogance. The rats and mice of the Oriental Art Masters always hide in the dark and make ghosts. This time, he went straight to the lair of these rats.

Ah Hai and the others heard Jiang Lin's laughter, opened the door, and ran into the courtyard.

"Master, are you really alive?"


The three apprentices cried with joy when they saw their master come back to life.

Ah Chu immediately knelt down and begged Mao Xiaofang to let him return to his teacher's sect, promising to practice hard in the future.

Mao Xiaofang just taught him a few words and allowed him to return to the division.

"Master Mao, you master and apprentice reunite first, I'm going back."

Jiang Lin had traveled five or six thousand miles back and forth a while ago, and when he came back, he immediately dealt with the Gorefiend. Now everything has been resolved, Mao Xiaofang has returned to the sun, and the entertainment between his colleagues is gone, so he can take a break. I've dealt with Li Yingqi's affairs.

After Jiang Lin left, Mao Xiaofang looked at A Hai and A Chu with a serious look, and said, "You two, in the future, you should treat Master Jiang as a real teacher. Our Tiandao faction owes you Master Jiang a huge favor. Also, you are not allowed to talk nonsense outside about the fact that I died and returned to the sun!"

It didn't take long for someone in the town to tell him that Master Mao was resurrected.

For a time, Fuxi Hall was blocked by the townspeople. As for the matter of returning to life, Mao Xiaofang did not mention it.

Since then, Gantian Town has returned to calm again, and the people who have fled have come back one after another, but the town is much quieter than before. This time the blood demon was resurrected, and many people were robbed, and the black rose who usually chatted on the street was also When she was gone, she learned that Mao Xiaofang had passed away, cried a lot, and followed Xiao Xiami to Xizang.

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