When Jiang Lin returned to Li Yangju, he carried out the immortal burial coffin in the training room. This immortal burial coffin has a strong power to suppress demons. If it was not placed in a corner of the training room and separated by a formation, the two demons in the family would be lost. Both the king and a big demon will have thorns on their backs.

Even when Jiang Lin himself was approaching the immortal burial coffin, he had to isolate himself with a magic talisman.

"Husband, will sister Yingqi wake up?"

Chen Yu and the others watched Jiang Lin carry Li Yingqi's body into the immortal burial coffin, and they also had some expectations in their hearts.

If this sister woke up, Jiang Lin would not have to look at the white jade coffin often.

"Most definitely!"

Jiang Lin cut through his chest and took out the Lingxi Heart Pendant, allowing Li Yingqi's primordial spirit to return to his physical body, and then covered the coffin lid and traced the pattern around it.

Chen Yu walked around the immortal burial coffin and found that there was an ancient jade in front of the immortal coffin, but she did not recognize the characters on it.

This word is far from the word "immortal". Could it be a word for "burial"?In that case, there should be another one in the back.

Chen Yu looked at Jiang Lin's look of anticipation, but did not reveal the discovery.

Three days later, at the entrance of Li Yang's residence, a colorful giant tiger galloped towards the northwest.

Bai Rourou looked at Jiang Lin's back in front of her, her beautiful eyes were full of affection, but then her eyebrows knitted again. This time she went to Shu, I wonder if she will be able to go back to Gantian together when Jiang Lin returns. town.

Linglong and Hongdou, who were sitting behind Bai Rourou, also had the same idea.

On the afternoon of the third day, Jiang Lin and his party arrived near the Zixia Palace in Leshan, and now Master Hong Jinbao is staying at the Zixia Palace.

"Fourth, I'm very sorry. There is something in the palace today and I refuse to visit."

As soon as Jiang Lin and the three daughters arrived at the gate of Zixia Palace, a little Taoist stopped them with an embarrassed expression.

"Haha, Middle Earth Taoist, that's all!"

At this moment, a harsh voice came from the palace, and there was still some inaccuracies in the words.

"Is your Zixia Palace in trouble?"

Jiang Lin glanced at the little Taoist priest, no wonder there was a visitor, the little Taoist actually said that he declined the visit.

The little Taoist stammered, not knowing how to explain for a moment.

Jiang Lin laughed, and with a flickering figure, he stepped five or six meters and entered the gate.

Quite lively.

When he entered the courtyard for the second time, Jiang Lin saw a group of Oriental magicians and monks standing in the courtyard. Opposite them, several middle-aged Taoist priests supported Master Hong Jinbao and an old Taoist priest with angry expressions on their faces.

"I heard a dog barking from afar. It turned out to be a group of Shiba Inu Akita dogs barking here."

After Jiang Lin spoke, he immediately attracted everyone's attention. All the magicians and monks turned their heads, their faces full of anger.

Shintoism, Yin-Yang Dao, and Jiuju faction are all here.

Among the group of people, Jiang Lin saw Yamada who had been blinded by him. He didn't know the others, but he could recognize some of them by looking at their clothes.

Now Jiang Lin has a lot of understanding of the oriental monastic world, and he can almost see the origin of these mice at a glance.

When Yamada, the contemporary head of Jiuju's faction, saw that Jiang Lin was coming, hatred appeared on his face, but under the hatred, there was a strong sense of fear.

"Jiang Lin! Ahem..."

When Master Sammo Hung saw Jiang Lin's arrival, he was so excited that he even coughed and his face flushed a lot.

"Daoist Li Yang! That's great, it's Daoist Li Yang!"

Someone in the crowd who knew Jiang Lin called out Jiang Lin's Taoist name.

"Is he Daoist Li Yang?"

"I actually saw Daoist Li Yang!"

"It seems to be younger than the rumors."

The eyes of the rest of the colleagues who had never met Jiang Lin at this time also fell on Jiang Lin.

"I didn't expect it to come at the right time, Master, your injury?"

Jiang Lin ignored the gazes of the magician and the monk at all, and with his hands behind his back, strode forward to Master Hong Jinbao.

"It doesn't matter, these mice don't know where they got the news, they know that I was injured while dealing with the Gorefiend, so I'm here today, let's smash the game, we've lost a few games in a row, the two fellow Daoists' Dougie has been abolished. Now only you can save the game."

Master Hong Jinbao waved his hand and said that he was fine, but felt injustice for the two comrades.

Chapter [*] is not worthy of me at all

"Brother Liuyu, Brother Yoshida, there is an accident in the plan, we will withdraw first, this person is the only Celestial Master in Middle-earth, I am afraid that the comrades in our Union of Magicians who died for no reason were planted in his hands, that boy Abe is very Possibly killed by him."

Yamada spoke to the monks and magicians around him. He never expected Jiang Lin to appear in Shu. They knew that Master Hong Jinbao was injured, so they gathered here, wanting to destroy Master Hong Jinbao, and then swept away with lightning. Shudi Taoist priests, to ensure that the road ahead is not hindered.

But now, Cheng Yaojin has been killed halfway through, and all these plans have been aborted.

"I said Yamada, are your eyes also blinded by this kid?"

"Hmph, I think most of my eyes are blind, which casts a shadow over my heart. Even if I regain my sight now, I can't clean it up."

The monk Liusheng and the artisan Yoshida next to Yamada saw Jiang Lin so young, and they despised it. They wanted to take this opportunity to wipe out Jiang Lin and Master Hong Jinbao. Contemporary homeowners take it lightly.

"Haha, didn't you see that since the Yamada Alliance of Magicians of our Yamato nation was led by Yamada, where is the spirit of the past?"

"I think he should go to Bushido."

"With all due respect, Yamada, your courage today is not even as good as your daughter Michiko."

Several other accomplices also made cynical remarks, and even hurt him by turning a corner.


Yamada was so angry that his chest was like a toad's belly, and his lungs were about to explode.

Jiang Lin was able to kill a Buddha's corpse and a masked ghost a few years ago, forcing him to protect his body with the blood of the eight-headed snake, and mutilating his eyes. Now, Jiang Lin is only stronger than before.

Yamada considered the overall situation, and proposed to retire temporarily, but he was actually regarded by this group of brainless people as a daredevil, and it was strange that he was not angry.

"Jiang Lin, do you need us to form a formation?"

The three Bai Rourou master and apprentice came to Jiang Lin's side at this time, glanced coldly at Yamada and the others, and Bai Rourou asked in a low voice in Jiang Lin's ear.

"No, there are not many of them, and I still need them to go back one or two to bring the news back."

Jiang Lin smiled and shook his head slightly. Since he decided to go to the East, let his terrifying reputation spread first.

These few die sooner or later, they all have to die, and they cannot escape.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, you...you and Daoist Li Yang have become Taoist companions?"

In the crowd, a middle-aged Taoist priest was heartbroken when he saw Bai Rourou and Jiang Lin whispering "intimacy".

Although Bai Rou Rou is not young, she is still beautiful and is his dream lover.

The colleagues around him couldn't help frowning and looked at the middle-aged Taoist priest. At this moment, how could he still ask such a question?

The enemy is now, bro!Are we not sad?

Bai Rourou was so abruptly asked, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she quickly explained, "No."

These two words came out of the mouth, and Bai Rourou's face turned even redder.

Nope?Is that soon?

The middle-aged Taoist felt a chill in his heart.

"Flower girl~"

Liu Sheng's heart swayed when he saw Bai Rourou's face, but now he saw the shy appearance of the latter, and his face couldn't help showing a salty) (Wet look.

Hearing Liu Sheng's teasing words, Bai Rou Rou's face was immediately covered with frost, and she was about to rush up and stab the dirty bald donkey in the eyes.

Jiang Lin reached out his arm to stop him and said, "The woman next to me, he has to take his life to see it. The camera is ready."

When he came, Jiang Lin brought Shu Ning's camera, collected some materials, published it in the newspaper, and then brought a Japanese version to Little Japan.

"Haha, it's really funny. I've seen a lot of arrogant young people, but I've never seen such madness."

Liu Sheng moved his head and made the sound of bones moving. He took a step forward, and fine cracks appeared on the ground.

With a height of nearly two meters, coupled with strong muscles and a vicious appearance, Liu Sheng doesn't look like a practitioner at all, but more like a black-fighting machine.

"Jiang Lin, this person should be a combination of the two schools of Confucianism inherited from Eastern Shintoism. The two worlds of vajra and womb are combined with yin and yang, and both body and law are cultivated. The physique is comparable to that of a zombie.

Master Hong Jinbao made a statement at this time to remind him that he was defeated by Liu Sheng because of his injury, and this person is extremely difficult to deal with.

Although he had cooperated with Jiang Lin several times, Master Hong Jinbao did not know that Jiang Lin's physical strength had reached a perverted level, so even if Jiang Lin had become a Celestial Master and his means were not weak, he was still worried.

He was covered in fat, and he was almost seriously injured when he was slapped by Liu Sheng. Jiang Lin's body had almost no fat.


Jiang Lin didn't really care too much about Master Hong Jinbao's kind reminder.

When it comes to the dual cultivation of physical and physical skills, if Jiang Lin is ranked second, no one will dare to be ranked first. The physique of a zombie is a younger brother in front of him.

"In our country of Chinese etiquette, when a vicious dog barks or is bitten by a vicious dog, it will not bite back."

After a pause, Jiang Lin raised the corner of his mouth and continued, "They are all killed directly! Akita, you are the first."


"Look at the way you bark so happily, I don't use my hands, you are not worthy of my hands at all."

Jiang Lin put his hands behind his back and looked at Liu Sheng as if he were looking at a pug.

"How about Theo! How about Theo!"

Although Liu Sheng didn't take Jiang Lin seriously, Jiang Lin's words made him smoke, and even his voice changed.

He swears that before he became a monk, when his wife gave him a green hat, he was never so angry!

"Unforgivable, simply unforgivable!"

Liu Sheng roared violently, and the monk's clothes fluttered without wind, rushing towards Jiang Linji, his palms rubbing against each other, one palm turned golden, the other dark.

"There is a shadow of the tantric Mahamudra, one-handed Vajra realm power, and one-handed womb storage realm power, but it's just scum. The bark is not bad."

Jiang Lin stood still with his hands behind his back, with a light expression on his face.

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