If it wasn't for his frequent banging of the bell with his head, his skull was very hard, Jiang Lin's second foot would have directly made him headshot.

This is just two feet, Liu Sheng never saw Jiang Lin perform Taoism, let alone the arts, Jiang Lin didn't move his hands.

How could there be such a terrifying Taoist priest in Middle-earth? !

"I think……"


Before Liu Sheng finished speaking, Jiang Lin stepped up again, and this kick directly knocked Liu Sheng's mouth crooked.

With a snort, Jiang Lin said, "What ancestor do you recognize? Is it time to recognize your ancestor?"

Liu Sheng: ? ? ?

I am conceding defeat!

"No, I mean..."


This time, Yagyu's mouth was twisted to the other side.

"Look, you're here again."


If Yanagyu hadn't dislocated his jaw and lost consciousness, he would have been cursing.

Don't even give the opportunity to admit defeat, it's unreasonable!

"He's about to admit defeat!"

Yamada took a step forward at this time, and Yoshida and the others also rushed forward.

"I see who dares to come up!"

Jiang Lin glanced coldly at Yamada and the others, but the group actually stopped and did not dare to rush up.

"How do you know that he admits defeat and you are the roundworm in his stomach? I said he wants to admit his ancestors."

Crouching down, Jiang Lin asked Liu Sheng with his bull-eyed eyes open, "Come on, ask you, do you want to recognize your ancestors?"

Saying that, Jiang Lin put his hand on Liusheng Tianling's cover and pressed it twice.

After that, Jiang Lin got up and looked at Yamada and the others, Liu Sheng's head drooped, and he was out of breath.

"Master, how many times did they compete before?"

In the silence, Jiang Lin turned to look at Master Hong Jinbao.

"Three...three games."

Master Sammo Hung swallowed, and Liu Sheng was killed by Jiang Lin like that.

"As for us, people always respect one foot, and I respect one foot. Since you have competed three times, let's go down five more."

Jiang Lin spoke calmly, but in the eyes of Yamada and the others, this young man who had always been lighthearted was simply a god of death.

He touched Liu Sheng's Tianling cover with one hand, and he lost his anger.

And not even a chance to admit defeat.

"Just the five of you."

Jiang Lin stretched out his hand and pointed to the five magicians including Yoshida.


Of course Yamada would not agree. If anyone plays, it will definitely not end well.

"I see who dares to go!"

Jiang Lin roared violently, and the momentum all over his body burst out.

A powerful oppression swept through, and each of Yamada and the others had a feeling in their hearts that as long as they dared to take a step, they would be killed immediately.

"I admit... ah!"

"I admit... oh!"

The five immediately conceded defeat, but Jiang Lin did not allow them to speak out.

admit defeat?Simply delusional!

A body-fixing spell, a yang flame whip, and three yang finger qi almost simultaneously applied to the five people's bodies or their teeth.

"It's really interesting that there are a few more people who recognize their ancestors."

Jiang Linsheng was born and moved, and the Yang Yan whip had already shuttled between the five people, entangling their bodies, and with a pull, the five people flew towards Jiang Lin before they could respond.

Throwing out the bone sword, Jiang Lin took advantage of the unstable landing of the five, and his speed increased sharply.


There were five sounds like watermelons falling to the ground from the courtyard, and then five headless corpses spewed blood and fell straight down.

"Since you don't follow the rules, then I will teach you a lesson."

Jiang Lin glanced at Yamada who was rushing over, and his feet suddenly exerted force, and a big hole was stepped on the ground.

When Jiang Lin made a move before, this Yamada had already realized that something was wrong, and he rushed towards Jiang Lin to save a few accomplices, but Jiang Lin's movements were extremely fast. not here.

Yamada didn't expect Jiang Lin's speed to be so fast, and when he saw Jiang Lin burst into the air, four snake shadows suddenly appeared around him.


Jiang Lin's palm landed in front of Yamada's chest, but was blocked by the power of the snake shadow.

With a loud shout, the spiritual energy in Jiang Lin's body surged and poured into his palm.


Yamada's body flew upside down, and the blood spurted wildly, and his back slammed into the courtyard wall of Zixia Palace, revealing countless cracks like spider webs.

"Since the Alliance of Magicians has come to China to discuss and exchange ideas, it is a courtesy to exchange with each other. After a while, I will visit you in Japan, and I will also come to discuss and exchange. Go back and prepare."

After seriously injuring Yamada, Jiang Lin looked at the last pudgy magician and spoke leisurely.

Chapter [-]: Waiting for the Rabbit

Seeing Jiang Lin's gaze, the chubby magician took a few steps back involuntarily. Now that Jiang Lin was in his heart, it would be like killing a god.

It took less than five seconds from Jiang Lin's sudden attack to his serious injury to Yamada.

Of the six people around the short fat magician, five had their heads cut off by Jiang Lin, and one was severely injured, so fast.

In fact, if Jiang Lin didn't use his abilities, he could kill these five people, but it wasn't as efficient as the one who had just attacked.

Among these five people, two are at the level of alchemists, and the rest are almost at the peak of Taoist people. They are not weak in Taoism. It is a pity that they were frightened by Jiang Lin's strength in advance, and they have no fighting spirit at all. Suddenly, the attack broke out, and he held the bone sword in his hand, and then lost his head together.

As for Liu Sheng, outsiders only saw Jiang Lin touch his bald head, but did not see that Jiang Lin had driven a small ball of true sun fire into his fontanelle.

The chunky magician only saw the appearance before he felt that Jiang Lin was mysterious and terrifying.


Yamada just got up, and after hearing what Jiang Lin said, he was in a hurry and spat out another mouthful of blood.

Jiang Lin actually wanted to enter their country and call them home.

The magician alliance that came to Middle-earth is basically the backbone, and the eight people gathered here are even stronger. Japan is simply unstoppable.

At that time, the various traditions of their Yamato nation will even be broken for two or three generations!


Being drunk like this by Jiang Lin, the chunky magician shivered, and hurriedly ran to the wall, helped Yamada and ran out.

"Take a picture of them with their tails between their tails, and a few corpses around, pat them, and they will be used soon."

These are all very good materials. When the time comes, they will be made into newspapers and distributed in Japan, which will arouse the anger of various Taoist sects there. Jiang Lin will then crush each Taoist sect one by one.

All they want is their despair.

If there were only wars in the future, Jiang Lin might not have thought of doing this, but now there is a chaotic phenomenon of demons rampant, and at that time, under the internal and external troubles, the various Taoist sects in China will be under great pressure.

Master Hong Jinbao and the others looked at each other with stunned expressions on their faces. Jiang Lin could kill Liu Sheng's vitality with one palm. After that, he killed five magicians who were not weak in a row. They didn't listen to such a heavenly master. said.

"Jiang Lin, you are really beyond my expectations."

Master Hong Jinbao gave a wry smile. He believed that he was relatively familiar with Jiang Lin and knew that Jiang Lin was very knowledgeable, but today, he realized that he still knew very little about Jiang Lin.

Not to mention magic, his own strength, speed, and decisiveness in doing things are already far beyond him.

"To stop the corpse calamity, to get rid of the dead hair, and to get rid of the blood demon, Daoist Li Yang has now made me wait for it to stop."

Daoist Qing Yang, the head of the Zixia Palace, woke up just now and asked the disciples beside him what happened. He quickly bowed to express his gratitude and admiration to Jiang Lin.

His own Daoji being abolished is nothing. If the reputation of Zixia Palace is ruined today, it will be more uncomfortable than killing him. Fortunately, Jiang Lin arrived here today.

The rest of the comrades also nodded their heads and complimented each other.

"Jiang Lin, are you really going to visit Dongyang?"

Even if the oriental demons enter the Middle-earth wantonly, and secretly engage in ghosts, Master Hong Jinbao has never had such an idea. His own strength determines the dimension of thought.

Now that Jiang Lin brought it up, Master Sammo Hung realized that if he could really swipe through the nests of those mice and let them talk about it, he wouldn't have to stay out for a long time and entangle with these mice.

"Right on my mind."

"If that's the case, then I'll go too."

"No, if there are too many people, the effect will not be good."

Jiang Lin declined Master Hong Jinbao's kindness and said that he would not fall into danger.

Master Sammo Hung thinks about it too. The fewer people involved in this kind of thing, the better the effect. Moreover, he and Jiang Lin are too far apart now. Even if they go together, they might become a burden.

Daoist Qingyang tried his best to keep Jiang Lin from staying in Zixia Palace, but Jiang Lin declined his kindness.

If there are too many people, some of his plans will not be implemented very well, and he still wants to turn around in Shu to see if he can find any traces of Fei Zong.

"Master, are you going to Dongyang? And you told the two demons about it, and they will definitely try their best to deal with you."

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