After leaving the Zixia Palace, Bai Rourou asked her doubts in her heart. She didn't quite understand Jiang Lin's approach. Doesn't this make it clear that the Eastern Demon Dao should be prepared?

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "I'm here to clean them up, but these mice are hard to find. Instead of me looking for them, it's better to let them come to me. Why don't I just sit back and wait? What brought you here?"

"Daoist, do you want us to lay out various formations and let those demons drill? Great, after studying the formations for so long, I can finally test my practice results."

"Yes. But how do those demons know where we are?"

When Linglong and Hongdou thought that they could kill a lot of demons, they were quite looking forward to it.

"We don't need to worry about this. Those mice know about Master Hong Jinbao's injury. Are they worried that they won't be able to find it?"

Jiang Lin sneered, no matter what time, there are bones and bones, and there must be something to eat in the Zixia Palace.

However, after Master Hong Jinbao and the others experienced this, there must be a way to find it out.

The four got on the back of the tiger, Bai Rourou pointed the way, and went to their residence.

Because he wanted to put a mousetrap on Dongyang Yaodao, Jiang Lin also gave up the idea of ​​staying in an inn, and settled down in Bai Rourou's Taoist Hall.

There are a lot of magic tools and materials there, enough to arrange a lot of formations.

After the chubby magician and Yamada returned to the stronghold of the magician alliance, there was an uproar there.

Some people don't believe that the mana monk Liusheng, who had cultivated to the golden womb level, was killed, some people don't believe that such a terrifying Taoist priest exists in the Middle Earth, and some people clamoring for Jiang Lin to go to the East Ocean is just a big talk.

"Stop arguing!"

Yamada let out a loud drink, and affected the injury again, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Musashi, please inform Mr. Kameda to mobilize three special assassination units here. Matsushita, you go to issue an alliance call order, Fujiwara, you send these three letters to my daughter Michiko, and ask her to find Rensheng in Utakano. Master, Master Chuanhou of Jinguang Town Jinguang Sect, and Holy Master of Dahon Sect, if we sacrifice our lives for our country, this Middle-earth Heavenly Master comes to our hometown, we must let these three seniors take action and keep him!"

Just when Yamada issued an order to deploy work, or to assassinate Jiang Lin at all costs, Jiang Lin leisurely instructed Bai Rourou, master and apprentice, to set up a formation around the residence.

"It's not good to trap people, it's not good, but if it's not human, it's fine."

Jiang Lin was sitting on a tree stump with his sleeves and trousers rolled up, like a farmer waiting for a rabbit to run over.

Chapter [*]: How many to die?

In a farmhouse, seven or eight magicians were sitting around a large round table, all eyes on Yamada.

These people are basically the people in charge of finding ancient tombs and looting treasures in various parts of the Middle Earth. It is still unknown why Yamada called them here.

Yamada was silent for a moment, and then briefly told these people what happened in Zixia Palace a few days ago.

A group of people listened to Yamada's remarks, and their faces were either shocked or outraged.

Kill six of their colleagues, and go to their hometown to play in the gym?


Afterwards, Yamada briefly explained his plan to these people—to assassinate Jiang Lin, but he didn’t expect many people present to question his approach, thinking that it was a big deal for him to call them all together this time.

These magicians are similar to the dead Yanagyu and Yoshida, and they all feel that Yamada, the patriarch of the Jiuju faction, has been frightened by the Middle Earth Taoist.

To kill a Celestial Master, you have to use three assassination teams?They also called all of them in one place, and gathered more than a hundred people.

What a joke!

"I solemnly remind you, ahem... If you treat this celestial master in Middle-earth as Abe's kid, it will definitely not end well!"

Yamada was so angry that blood spilled from the corners of his mouth. These people thought that the people who went to Zixia Palace were fighting one-on-one, and that Liu Yu and the others were just lost and killed.

Liu Sheng and the others didn't believe their own words, they all hung up, and these people didn't take it seriously.

If it weren't for Yamada's serious injury now, he couldn't even say more, and he told the details of the day one by one.

"These are all the information we have collected about that Jiang Lin, ahem! I have added a lot, including his various estimates, as well as his famous stunts. The events a few days ago are also recorded in detail above, See for yourself!"

Yamada patted a stack of papers on the table and let his subordinates distribute it.

Seven or eight people looked at the paper in their hands, and their faces gradually changed, killing Mao Zong?Destroy the Gorefiend?Is it so scary?

Especially when they saw the records of the Zixia Palace that day, these people were even more shocked.

"Do you have any comments on my plan? Ahem..."

"If this information is true, this person must be killed."

"Yes, he must not be allowed to go to our country."

Seeing that there was no more objection from everyone, Yamada said, "Now that the three assassination teams have all arrived, we will conduct a unified operation tonight."

At night, Yamada led more than a hundred people to drive straight to Bai Rou Rou's Taoist Church.

A hundred miles away, Jiang Lin looked at Bai Rourou, who was wiping the sweat on the back of her hand, walked over to her, and said, "Take a break."

"I'm not tired."

"There can't be a single mistake in the arrangement of the array, especially these large serially nested arrays. Once mistakes are made, the loss will be great."

Jiang Lin took the formation flag and materials from Bai Rourou's hands, checked the trend of the formation, and buried the formation flag and materials step by step.

Apart from his younger brother, no other man has ever lived in the family.

Bai Rourou looked at Jiang Lin's figure and hoped that this period of time could continue.

For the past few days, Bai Rourou has been taking care of Jiang Lin's daily life. At her request, Jiang Lin stopped calling her "Friend Bai".

"It's been five days, and there's still no movement, will they stop coming?"

Bai Rourou looked around, and the room was covered with various formations within a radius of [*] meters.

"Be patient, I still think time is a little tight. Tell me what formations are arranged."

"From the outside to the inside, there are the Eight Trigrams Fascinating Array, the Trapped Corpse Array, the Soundproof Array, and the Li Huo Array... The Three Absolutes Array and the Qixing Xuanji Array."

Bai Rourou said more than [*] formations in one breath, Jiang Lin nodded after listening, and said, "Take out all the ghosts you have collected, and then come back to Ghosts Beating the Wall and Hundred Ghosts Illusory Realm."

"But those ghosts are not very obedient, will there be trouble?"

"Don't worry, in front of me, the ghost king has to be honest."

Jiang Lin smiled and told Bai Rou Rou to go back and hug the ghost altar.

It didn't take long for twenty or so small wine jars to be placed on the ground by Bai Rourou's master and apprentice. With a wave of Jiang Lin's palm, the lids and the amulet flew away from the altar body.

"Free, free."

Nearly a hundred ferocious ghosts and even ghosts have all floated out.

"The Underworld Chief Killing Si Jianglin is here, all the ghosts follow orders."

Jiang Lin looked at these ghosts and snorted.

A group of ghosts were frightened by Jiang Lin's voice, and all looked at him.

"What the hell hell... ah~"

As soon as a Specter made a sound, it turned into a scream, and finally vanished into ashes.

"No matter how disobedient you are, it will be delusional."

As Jiang Lin spoke, the profound light on his body flickered.

"Yin Si... Lord Yin Si, please instruct me."

After being touched by Xuanguang, all the ghosts really felt the feeling of death coming again, and they dared to be disrespectful, and they all gave orders.

"Linglong, Hongdou, take out the breath-holding talismans I told you to draw, and divide them among them."

After instructing the two women, Jiang Lin said to a group of ghosts: "What I asked you to do is very simple, you hide in the room [*] meters away, and set up a layer of illusion together. If someone breaks into the [*]-meter range, they will be fascinated. And let outsiders see that there is nothing weird inside. This thing is done, and it will have your own benefits. "

A group of ghosts nodded again and again, promising to complete the task.

"Jiang Lin, are you actually the Yin Si?"

After the group of ghosts dispersed, Bai Rourou looked at Jiang Lin curiously. She had lived in Li Yang for so long, and she still didn't know that Jiang Lin was a ghost in the world.

"It's just an occasional trip down there to do something."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then his ears moved slightly. He looked up at the dark clouds above his head covering the moon, and said, "The moon is dark and the wind is high to kill the night."

Glancing into the distance, Jiang Lin turned around and returned to his residence.

Next, the bench melon seeds and peanuts are ready, and the annual drama should not be missed.

Watching a play with three beauties is a good feeling.

"Master, are they here?"

"Come on, but die as much as you come."

Jiang Lin snapped his fingers and moved into the house to bring out a bench and put it at the door. After sitting down, he said to Bai Rourou, "Help me get some melon seeds and peanuts, and then make a pot of tea, thank you."


In the woods not far away, Yamada saw that there was "no one" in front of the residence, and there was "no" a single light, and immediately ordered the three assassination teams to move forward, followed by them.

"Fortunately, there are no residents around. Even if there is a lot of movement, don't worry. The moon is dark and the wind is high, and there are two or three lonely houses, good!"

Yamada felt that this time they had the right time, place and people, and they would definitely be able to get rid of Jiang Lin.

"This Yamada has a long breath, so it will be healed so quickly?"

Jiang Lin had Erlang's legs crossed, and his zombie eyes could clearly see everything [*] meters away. Seeing that Yamada seemed to have recovered from his injuries, he couldn't help but be surprised, but that was all.

Today, as many as you come, die as many as you can, and none of them can escape.

Chapter [*] I sit still, you are all panicking

The three assassination teams that Yamada brought were worthy of being of the special class. They were all dressed in black, with daggers in their left hand, gleaming cold light, and guns in their right hands, ready to go.

Twenty top killers ran without making a sound.

"It's so shameless. He even brought a gun. He actually brought more than [*] killers here, and more than [*] guns."

Jiang Lin threw a peanut into his mouth, watched one after another galloping over, and commented aloud.

As for Bai Rourou and the others, they were a little nervous. With twenty or so pistols, as long as they were shot once, they wouldn't die without half their lives.

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