More than two dozen killers, surprisingly calm, at first glance they are well-trained, with keen perception and judgment.

After they entered the [*]-meter range of the house, their speed was still unabated, and there was still no sound.

"Turn it, turn it."

Jiang Lin suddenly thought of the content of the sketch "Selling the Kidnapping" and shouted. The three Bai Rourou sitting beside them didn't understand what it meant for a while, but after seeing the twenty or so people who entered the battle, they instantly understood Jiang Lin. Lin means it.

Poor group of top killers, after entering the battle, they no longer go straight, some turn left, some turn right, and some turn back the same way.

Seeing this, the three girls burst into laughter like silver bells, and the nervousness in their hearts was relieved a lot.

"A fool!"

The colorful tiger king suddenly appeared, a tiger claw slapped it, and the head of the unlucky bastard was slapped into the stomach.

After that, it slapped the heads of several killers who had turned into its attack range, like a watermelon, and exploded one at a time.

As for the rest, the Tiger King Panlan can't control it, it can't walk around in the formation, it can only move in a certain area.

"It's not easy. Ghosts and gossips have no effect on him."

Not long after Jiang Lin saw a killer deviating from the direction, he relied on his own qualities and keen insight to correct the direction and continue to rush forward.

Then there is no more then.

He rushed into the Lihuo Formation at once, and he became ashes without even making a sound.

Jiang Lin put a soundproof array on the outside of the arrays. Unless it was a high-decibel sound, no sound could be transmitted.

It didn't take long for the remaining killers to turn around, and unfortunately, they all turned into the Lihuo Formation, the Sanjue Formation, or the Xuanji Formation.

The three super-assassination squads were destroyed without even making a sound.


Yamada "sees" a group of killers rushing straight to the three rooms, about to enter the effective shooting range, and can't help clenching his fists.

These killers are all sharpshooters, and they almost never fail. Yamada believes that even if Jiang Lin's Taoism is superb, once he enters their shooting range, he will be shot if he doesn't die.

Yamada was very excited, and he didn't realize that all he saw was an illusion.

How could he have thought that around the Taoist priest's Taoist hall, there will be a hundred ghosts arranging illusions in his mother's place.

In addition, a group of ghosts all have breath-holding talismans in their hands, even if Master Hong Jinbao arrives here, he will not be able to find the clue for a while.

"Haha Gu!"

Yamada took the lead and took the lead in charging. Hundreds of magicians and monks rushed into the ecstasy one after another. Seven or eight unlucky ones rushed directly to the side of the colorful tiger king. They didn't know what was going on. They were all photographed by the tiger king. watermelon.

"Linglong, Hongdou, completely activate the gossip fascination array."

Bai Rou Rou saw a group of magicians all entering the formation. Without Jiang Lin's reminder, she and her two apprentices fully activated the fascination array. The formation was filled with dense fog, and the ghosts were also taken back by the three of them. middle.

"It's broken, it's hit!"

Yamada shouted loudly, but he was in a soundproof formation, and the sound could not be spread out at all. The rest of the magicians, in groups of three or five, also discovered that they had entered the formation.

Because they couldn't get in touch with other people, they worked together to cast spells, and finally found the right way through the fog, but it was another big hole.

Various killing formations are waiting for them.

Yamada cast a spell to break the soundproof formation under his feet and shouted loudly, "Everyone gather here!"

It didn't take long for seventy or eighty people to gather together. Those who didn't arrive were because they had gone wrong or were trapped in the corpse formation, so the sound couldn't get in, and they rushed in at will.

Either it became ashes, or it was chopped into several pieces by a sharp weapon, or it was beaten into a sieve by a beam of light.

It didn't take long for Yamada and others to lose one-third of the total number of people.

"Everyone, this is the gossip fascination array in Middle-earth. You must find the array pivot to break it, but in this fascination array, there are other arrays nested, which is simply killing every step of the way!"

Yamada's face was extremely ugly, and now he finally understood why Jiang Lin said in Zixia Palace that he would go to Japan. It turned out that he had set a trap for them to drill.

This kind of formation attainments, Jianglin, Middle-earth Jianglin!

When a group of oriental demons heard Yamada say this, they panicked for a while.

Killing intentions step by step, how can this be good?

"Hehe, I'm sitting still, and you're all panicking. Don't leave it there, or else I'll make so many formations, isn't it just a decoration?"

Jiang Lin took a gossip mirror from his arms and projected it, and landed in the Qixing Xuanji array. The beam of light was reflected by the mirror and rushed towards the place where Yamada and his group were.



"what happened?"

"We have a killing formation at our feet!"

Being disturbed by Jiang Lin like this, the sixty or seventy people suddenly made a mess.

Originally, the location where they gathered was relatively safe, but in such a mess, someone suffered immediately.

A few people entered the wrestling formation, and suddenly several wrestling puppets appeared on the ground, pulling the hemp ropes against each other, tripping them over. After a while, several people stuck out their long tongues, like hanging ghosts.

Several others entered the God Fighting Puppet Formation and were rammed to death by Sun Wukong's two sticks.

There are various ways to die, and nearly twenty people are gone.

For a while, screams, screams, and hysterical voices came one after another.

"Look at the way you panic, I will scare you again. Roar!"

When King Panlan heard the voices of these oriental demons, another tiger roar erupted.

On the spot, a few young magicians who had not seen much of the world completely collapsed, and some even pissed their pants.

Death is not terrible, unknown death and waiting for death are the most painful.

The more panic became more and more chaotic, the more chaotic and more panicked, a few people who were frightened by the tiger roar, subconsciously moved away from the source of the sound, and then disappeared again.

Chapter [*] The most ridiculous assassination in history

"What should I do? What should I do?"

"Are you waiting to die?"

"Don't be noisy, calm down! Hold your feet and don't move!"

Yamada shouted violently, and only made fifty or sixty people quiet for a while.

"Junior boy!"

A seal quickly formed in his hand, and four snake shadows appeared on Yamada's back. He summoned his shikigami. After summoning the shikigami, half of his hair instantly turned white. At the same time, the snake shadow behind him changed. It must be solidified a lot.

"Interesting, he actually used his own life essence to sacrifice, no wonder the injury recovered so quickly."

Jiang Lin saw Yamada's changes in his eyes. This Yamada paid a huge price to deal with him.

But even if the cost is high, it is still useless.

The six-meter-tall Shuten Douji held a huge wine barrel and turned the mouth of the barrel to the front. The red light bloomed, and the mist in the fascination array began to pour into the wine barrel for a while.

"Can you still be opportunistic? Obediently die."

Jiang Lin shot the bone sword from the palm of his hand, slammed away with a "swoosh", slashed at the mouth of the wine barrel, and instantly smashed it into a pile of porcelain pieces and fell to the ground.

"It's them!"

The fog has thinned a lot, and Bai Rou Rou saw a few of the magicians, her eyes suddenly turned red, and it was they who killed her younger brother.

"They are the targets of your revenge? How do you want them to die?"

"Ashes and ashes!"

Bai Rourou clenched her silver teeth tightly, wishing she could slash those enemies with a thousand swords.


Jiang Lin stretched out his arm, greatly extending it, Yang Yan whip jumped out of his palm, instantly tied the bodies of the four, and threw them out.

The four people were thrown into the poor mountain formation, the formation was activated, the mountain energy gathered and rushed into their bodies. In an instant, the bodies of the four people were like the ashes of burned paper, scattered into ashes, and only Clothes all over the place.

Just ashes.

Her brother's revenge was finally avenged, and she still died in the poor mountain array that she arranged. Bai Rourou's tears rustled down.

For so many years, her brother's hatred has always been a thorn in her heart, and now she finally got what she wanted.

"Jiang Lin, thank you."

Bai Rou Rou choked up and looked at Jiang Lin. If she hadn't met Jiang Lin and studied formation in Li Yangju, I'm afraid that her desire for revenge would be a delusion.

Jiang Lin smiled and replied, "It's easy. Come on, keep watching the show."

The seal in Jiang Lin's hand changed, and the ground in the area where the colorful tiger king was located in the formation moved toward the location of Yamada and the others.

In fact, when these people got together, Jiang Lin could have activated the Three-legged Golden Crow. If nothing else happened, he could kill them all, but Jiang Lin didn't choose to do that.

These people may have some good magic equipment or inheritance from the sect. If they bombard them all at once, they may be gone.

Since Jiang Lin decided to go to Japan to learn more information or secret techniques, there is no harm.

As the peak of the Celestial Master, Jiang Lin is of course very confident, but he is not conceited.

In addition, the stone of other mountains can attack jade, and there are also places that can be used for reference in Oriental Taoism.

The Charming Spirit refined by Jiang Lin evolved from the fusion of the spirits of the ghost and witches and the method of raising spirits in the Japanese Taoist sect.

Anyway, these demons have entered the formation, it is impossible to get out alive, and more equipment or materials, why not do it?

"Master Tiger, here I come!"

Panlan Tiger King moved with the aperture on the ground, let out a loud howl, and blasted at him with a mouthful of demonic light.


A big pit was blasted out of the ground, five or six unlucky people were directly killed, and seven or eight others went to the sky, either falling into the Lihuo formation or the three absolute formations, one by one resting.

After the Pan Lan Tiger King swooped in, the tiger's tail swept away, and a lot of magicians and monks were swept away.

After that, it fought with Shuten Douji.

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