"Shikigami, skeleton monster!"

Yamada was attacked by the colorful tiger king and accidentally retreated into the ice flame formation. His feet were frozen by the ice seal. In a critical moment, he summoned the skeleton monster to protect himself.

"Give them a ride!"

Jiang Lin threw out a few clay puppets and cast a spell to invite God to possess them. These clay puppets turned into various dummies such as Lu Dongbin, Nezha, Hong Boy, and Zhang Tianshi.

Although the combat power of these dummies is not very strong, they can't deal with ordinary alchemists, but the magicians in the formation are full of murderous intentions. If they take a wrong step, they will enter the killing formation, and they can use the geographical advantage to play a big role.

Bai Rourou's master and apprentice were not idle either. The three opened their eyes with the spirit talisman, and rushed into the ecstasy formation with the spirit swords that Jiang Lin borrowed from them.

They also hated these oriental demons very much. If they didn't kill some of them themselves, they didn't understand the hatred at all.

The shouting, fighting and screaming continued.


The ground suddenly vibrated violently, and a pair of bone arms of the [-]- or [-]-meter-high skeleton monster smashed all over the ground, and several killing formations were suddenly broken.

With a big mouth, the huge mouth of the Skeleton Monster erupted with strong suction, inhaling the mist in the formation into the body, and then spewing out groups of phosphorous fires, illuminating the surroundings.


Seeing the tragic images everywhere, Yamada, whose hair was already frosted, screamed in the sky, his voice extremely desolate.

Together with the three assassination teams, they dispatched a total of about [-] people this time, but there are less than [-] people still alive.

Up to now, the main lord they want to assassinate has never appeared at all!

Not even a shadow was seen.

The so-called assassination, the so-called plan, is simply a joke!

The three Bai Rourou master and apprentice saw the skeleton monster several stories high, and before the fog dissipated, they quickly withdrew from the fascination array and came to Jiang Lin's side.

It was at this time that Yamada saw Jiang Lin's face.

Jiang Lin was sitting leisurely on the bench drinking tea and eating melon seeds and peanuts. The ground was covered with melon seed shells and peanut skins.

"Ah puff!"

Seeing Jiang Lin's casual appearance, Yamada's heart seemed to be hit by an arrow, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

They were full of vigor and morale. They came to assassinate Jiang Lin with broken hearts. As a result, Jiang Lin didn't take it seriously at all.

Shame, shame!


This time, Yamada didn't vomit blood, he spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"You are here to act? It's wonderful."

Jiang Lin stood up, patted the melon seed shell on his clothes, and gave Yamada a thumbs up.


Yamada sprayed almost half a catty of blood this time, and then he fell straight down.

The patriarch of the dignified Jiuju faction passed out from anger.

Chapter [-] Crazy Yamada


The fog cleared a lot, and with the light, many magicians found the east, west, north, south, and a little bit. A few magicians closer to Yamada saw Yamada fall to the sky and hurried over to help him up.

"Watanabe! Yamaguchi!"



More than a dozen surviving magicians and monks saw the corpses lying all over the place, all of them were extremely sad, and some even cried bitterly while holding the corpses in the damaged formation.

A hundred meters around the house is like an Asura field.

Jiang Lin strolled leisurely in the courtyard and walked into the ecstasy array. Now there are three or two cats and dogs, and seven or eight miscellaneous fish. If they are destroyed, it will be over.

When a magician saw Jiang Lin approaching, his face was full of fear, and he kept backing away.

After retreating, he retreated into the poor mountain formation behind him, and after wailing twice, he became a piece of flying ashes.

I go!Am I so scary?

Jiang Lin was quite speechless, he just took two steps, and the hapless man on the opposite side was sent to his own death.

After that, Jiang Lin encountered this kind of thing several times. Before he even got to the people, they were frightened like monkeys and ran around everywhere.

Swipe twice and burp.

He would rather die than face Jiang Lin, which made Jiang Lin very ashamed.

"It came just fine."

In mid-air, Jiutun boy just flew towards Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin sat down on the horse, his palms suddenly pushed out from his waist.

Turtle School Qigong!

Shuten Douji was flying in mid-air, reaching out his arm to point at the colorful tiger king who slapped it, and a large string of Japanese burst out from his mouth, presumably saying something like "Let's fight another three hundred rounds" or something.

"A idiot. If it wasn't for the master's order to save your life, you, the first-level ghost king, I will kill you."

The colorful tiger king pouted and looked at Jiuten boy with sympathy, then raised his tiger paw and pointed to the back.

As soon as Jiuten boy turned his head, he directly collided with the huge pillar of fire that came up. Its body was directly pierced, and a huge hole appeared in the chest and abdomen.


Shuten Douji screamed, his body rolled into a puff of smoke, and he wanted to run away again.

The last time it was in Xiaoleiyin Temple, it escaped a disaster like this.

"Do you still want to go?"

Jiang Lin took out the amber treasure mirror from his arms, shone a red light, and imprisoned Jiutun boy.Afterwards, a cloud of yang flame appeared in his palm, and as soon as he sent it to the mirror, the red light area was filled with blazing yang flame.

When Jiutun boy was still half-breathed, Jiang Lin took a small cauldron from the ancient mirror in his arms, put it in, and painted a magic talisman with blood essence on the cauldron to suppress it.

The shikigami is similar to the spirit body, and Jiang Lin plans to refine it to feed the charms of Chen Yu and the others.

After accepting the wine and swallowing the boy, Jiang Lin looked at the skeleton monster that destroyed the Xuanji formation not far away.

Another gain.

Not far away, because of his own shikigami, Yamada, who had passed out, felt a sense and woke up.

Glancing around, Yamada knew that he couldn't kill Jiang Lin no matter what, and now he could only use the last resort and settle for the next best thing.

There was a crazy look in his eyes, and he looked at the more than ten accomplices behind him.

"You guys are ready to communicate with Divine Sword Tian Congyun!"

Yamada pulled out the Skybush Cloud Sword behind him and stuck it on the ground.


The eight magicians sat cross-legged in their respective positions, biting the tip of their tongues and squirting out their own blood.


"Little brat Yamada, save your grandfather soon!"

A hundred meters away, there was the scream of the skeleton monster, and it was scared to death now.

With a [-]-meter-tall flame-gold black crow pinned to the ground with his head and shoulders pressed to the ground, who is not afraid of who is a turtle son!

"Chen Wei Zi Wu Hai Si, ill!"

The skin on Yamada's face and body quickly lost its brilliance and age spots began to appear.

The four snake shadows behind it became more and more real, and the four pairs of snake eyes suddenly burst into red light, and the skeleton monster at the feet of the three-legged Jinwu unexpectedly teleported to Yamada.


The three-legged Golden Crow exploded, and the entire ground felt a lot of tremors.

"Fuck, it's empty!"

Jiang Lin was very angry in his heart, and the harvest to his mouth was actually taken away.

"Huri, the master's cultivation seems to be higher than before."

Panlan Tiger King felt the vibration under him, and his tiger eyes blinked. The power of the explosion was not so strong before.

There are also a group of magicians who are also shocked. With such a level of power, where can manpower be able to do it?

In fact, although the power of Jianglin's Golden Crow Yangyang is great, it is not so exaggerated.

Jiang Lin didn't notice the abnormality because he was eaten by people, and because he was lucky.

"Grandpa I don't work for you anymore, I want to cancel the contract for you, Grandpa."

The skeleton monster was so frightened that its bones trembled and made a sound of colliding with each other.

Even the scum is left.

"That's up to you to decide."

Yamada made an old voice, and the four snake shadows behind him suddenly skyrocketed, opening their mouths and biting on the head, arms and spine of the skeleton monster.

"Ah~ little brat, you actually sacrificed me!"

The skeleton monster screamed and wanted to break free, but its power was rapidly disappearing, and the phosphorous fire on its body quickly dimmed.

"Oh, you actually took my spoils!"

Seeing this, Jiang Lin rushed towards Yamada.

"Bone spurs are big) (Fa!"

Yamada hunched his body, driven by the snake shadow, flew to the top of the skeleton monster's head, and pressed his hands on the huge skull.

The huge body of the skeletal monster sank into the ground in an instant, and one after another sharp bone spurs more than one meter long drilled out of the ground and quickly spread to the foot of Jiang Lin.

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