Jiang Lin immediately stopped the charge, turned over and stepped back. Although he was not afraid of these bone spurs, the three master and apprentice Bai Rourou behind him couldn't.

"Go up!"

Jiang Lin moved to Linglong's side, wrapped one arm around her waist, and threw it to a big tree in front of the house. Then he moved again, wrapping his arms around Bai Rou Rou's slender waist, and flew back. .

"He's crazy!"

"Kill your own people!"

Bai Rou and Hongdou felt incredible when they saw that seven or eight magicians were pierced to death by bone.

"Yamada, what are you doing?"

"At the moment of the enemy, you actually murdered your compatriots!"

The only five remaining magicians were also shocked by this change, and they all glared at Yamada.

"It's too slow, it's too late, only by obtaining the power of Susa's ban, my clan's Taoist sect will have a chance! I'm all ready to devote myself to the country, and they should too!"

Yamada looked at the corpse behind him with a crazy smile on his face.

He chanted a spell in his mouth, and the blood on the ground quickly flowed into the clouds in the sky.

With the addition of these blood, Tian Congyun suddenly burst into dazzling splendor.

Chapter [*] Suzuo Ban

Yamada held Tiancongyun in his hand and looked at Jiang Lin with a provocative expression on his face.

"Tiancongyun? The equipment to explode this time is not bad."

Jiang Lin jumped up, with bone spurs under his feet, and walked forward.

"Level [*] Stabilization Charm!"

Because all the formations in the open space were pierced by the bone, the five magicians immediately dispersed to five directions, forming a five-element trend. Diyin, five beams of light instantly landed on Jiang Lin's body and fixed it on the bone spur.

"not good!"

Seeing this, the Tiger King Panlan immediately jumped up and rushed towards the five magicians casting spells.

The four snake shadows behind Yamada suddenly turned their heads, and the four pairs of eyes glowed with strong light. The next moment, the colorful tiger king completely disappeared and appeared in front of the house.


The Banlan Tiger King was suddenly displaced, but the momentum on his body did not diminish, and he rushed directly into the bone spur forest, his body was pierced by the bone spur, causing him to roar.

Regardless of the injury, it snapped off the bone spurs around and in front of it with a pair of tiger claws, and moved quickly towards the direction where Jiang Lin was, but it was already a situation where the fire could not be dissolved from a distance.

Bai Rourou and the others were the same, blocked by a forest of bone spurs, and they were so anxious.

"Haha, even if you are a Celestial Master and you hit our tenth-level immobilization spell, you have to freeze obediently."

"As long as you are in the Three Realms and Six Paths, and we don't lift the curse, you can't move."

"Yamada, cast a spell to solve him! Haha..."

The five magicians laughed loudly until tears came out.

It seemed that they had settled on Jiang Lin, and they were happier than they had sex with a woman.

It's really Wang Po who sells melons and brags. Just saying that your melons are sweet, it takes a long time to sell them for two dollars.

Jiang Lin almost laughed when he looked at the group of idiots who were grinning to the bottom of their ears.

He had studied the immobilization spell himself, and the so-called tenth-level immobilization spell by the group of magicians only set him a blink of an eye, and he had already solved it just now.

Even if he can't solve it for a while, if he chooses to corpse, the immobilization spell will be ineffective for him.


Just when Jiang Lin wanted to slap the old faces of several magicians, a long corpse roar suddenly came from the ground.

This voice... is the Flying Dead!

Jiang Lin was shocked. Hearing this voice, Fei Zong seemed to be deep underground in this area!

Yamada and the five magicians who were forming the seal were also startled by the corpse roar, and the hairs all over their bodies stood on end.

"Yamada, there are such powerful zombies here in Middle Earth!"

"God helps us! As long as we find it and release it, the losses of the various Taoist factions in Middle-earth will definitely be ten times that of the Magician Alliance!"

Different from Jiang Lin, these magicians were overjoyed one by one after being shocked.

"You think it's really beautiful, it's so beautiful."

Jiang Lin moved his neck and jumped off the bone spur.


What's happening here?

The expressions on the faces of the five magicians froze instantly, and the brains either crashed or were in a state of power outage.

"grade ten……"

"Ten are you tall!"

Jiang Lin pointed out and pierced the forehead of a magician, but instead of attacking the other four magicians, he focused his attention on Yamada.

This guy has been casting spells, and the attack to be performed is definitely not ordinary. Of course, Jiang Lin will not let him continue.

"Master is invincible!"

After seeing Jiang Lin escaped from trouble, King Panlan gasped heavily in the forest of bone spurs, and Bai Rourou and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

Come on!

As soon as Jiang Lin stretched out his arm, he was about to nail Yamada to death with the Yang Finger Sword, but at this moment, another voice came from below.


Kirin howl!

The unicorn stone in Jiang Lin's heart collided instantly, causing Jiang Lin to feel a heart-wrenching pain.


His heart was damaged, Jiang Lin spat out a mouthful of blood, and hurriedly pointed to his chest.

After such a delay, Yamada had finished casting the spell, and he held his sword and stabbed forward, and a sword light slammed into Jianglin's dantian.

Jiang Lin's body flew upside down, breaking several bone spurs one after another before stopping the charge.

"Spiritual power, Yang Yan..."

After Jiang Lin got up, he immediately sensed the situation in his body. At this time, his whole body's spiritual energy and Yang Yan converged to his dantian, and the fake dan in his dantian was completely wrapped in a spherical seal pattern.

"How is this going?"

Panlan Tiger King looked bewildered. The situation just now changed too fast. He thought that the magicians were going to report below. As a result, Jiang Lin suddenly vomited blood.

Bai Rourou and the others are even more confused.

"Great, great! Susa's ban succeeded!"

Yamada was the first to scream, hysterically screaming until the sound was broken.

Although the remaining four magicians also didn't understand what happened, it didn't prevent them from taking stimulants again, and even jumped up excitedly with their legs tucked between their accomplices' waists.

Well, this turning point almost made us unbearable.

None of the four magicians were out of breath. When they saw that the immobilization spell was ineffective against Jiang Lin, they were completely desperate and felt that they were not far from death.

But who knew such a turning point would occur.

Jiang Lin ignored the four magicians and Yamada Wanru who was going crazy. He tried to mobilize the spiritual power and Yang Yan in his body, but what made his face dignified was that the connection between the fake elixir in his body and him was almost isolated.

It was difficult for a trace of Yang spirit energy inside to impact the spherical seal, but the seal sphere suddenly exploded with powerful energy, shaking Jiang Lin's internal organs.

Even if Jiang Lin's internal defense has been greatly strengthened, he can't stand it, and blood is overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

It turned out to be the Susao ban.


Fuck you second uncle!

Jiang Lin greeted all the eight ancestors of the unicorn who roared before.

He had heard the roar of the unicorn when he restored the blood bodhi to the blood of the unicorn before, so he could hear what kind of creature the whistling that made him unlucky belonged to.

If it wasn't for the sudden occurrence of this unicorn whistle, the unicorn stone in his body would not be abnormal, and the following things would not have happened at all.

"Ah sneeze!"

In an unknown depth underground, a crimson unicorn sneezed suddenly, and when its body moved, it pulled three scars on its body, making it hiss endlessly.

The three scars are filled with black gas, which is an extremely overbearing corpse poison.

After several unsuccessful attempts, Jiang Lin temporarily put the Susa seal aside and looked at Yamada and the four magicians who were so excited that they were going crazy.

Do you think that if he gets banned by Susa, everything will be fine?

Chapter [*] Sealed a Celestial Master, a Zombie Came

"Jiang Lin, how are you?"

Bai Rou Rou was in a rush now, but she and Jiang Lin were separated by [*] to [*] meters, blocked by a dense row of bone spurs, so she couldn't get past.

These bone spurs are more than one meter high, their tops are as sharp as sharp knives, and their roots are about the thickness of a human thigh. With Jianglin and the others at the center, they form a huge ring. Even with a sword, it is difficult to cut them off for a while.

Jiang Lin heard Bai Rourou's crying concern, and responded, "I'm fine."

"Oops, celestial master, ah celestial master."

Among the four magicians, a big black face was full of energy and looked at Jiang Lin with a playful face.

In his opinion, now Jiang Lin has been banned by Suzuo and completely beaten back to a mortal, with no threat at all.

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