Moving his gaze a little, Jiang Lin saw a sarcophagus without a lid not far from the corpse of the Yellow Emperor. Although he could not see the inside of the sarcophagus, he could feel the terrifying aura in the coffin.

Drought in the coffin.

If the Huaxia Dragon Vein is Xuanyuan Huangdi's spine, then it would not be so strange that the dry dragon guards this place. Legend has it that the dry dragon was the daughter of the Yellow Emperor at first.

"Why...Since the droughts are here, what's the use of you?"

Jiang Lin just wanted to ask Huo Qilin, so he changed the way to save the guy from beeping again.

Being so stimulated by Jiang Lin, Huo Qilin immediately seemed to have been stepped on his tail, and shouted: "Do you think she has a great role to play in me? As long as she is not at the same level as her, she will not wake up, and Every time I wake up, it's a thousand miles away, and I have to go out to eliminate the impact. What's the use of me, I'm more useful!"

It turned out to be the case.

Jiang Lin nodded, and then he got a lot of information from Huo Qilin in a similar way.

The place where the dragon veins are located has countless labyrinth-like intricate passages, and the area covers a hundred miles. Once you enter it, unless you find a way out, you can only be trapped here, even if it is the ability to escape from the ground. The same is useless.

There are still several virtual tombs underground, and it is difficult to find the real tomb of the Yellow Emperor if you come here to find the dragon veins.

It's just that there is a big earthquake now, and the dragon's energy is shaking, which has reduced the difficulty a lot.

Knowing this information, Jiang Lin was fortunate to have met Huo Qilin, otherwise it would be really difficult to get out.

His previous idea of ​​being a miner didn't work here.

In addition, Jiang Lin also received news from Daoist Chunhua, in this underground world, their five masters and apprentices have been dealing with that Fei Zong.

It's just that even Huo Qilin can't do it if he wants to find them now.

"Since the unicorn stone in my body is your Dan stone, it should be returned to its original owner."

Jiang Lin cut through his chest and took out the unicorn stone from his heart chamber. In fact, after confirming that the fire unicorn was indeed the divine beast guarding the Chinese dragon veins, Jiang Lin had this idea.

He killed the Eastern Demon Dao and the Fire Qilin guarded the dragon veins. They are all things of the same nature. If the dragon veins are kept here, even if this land experiences wars and disasters, it will not be enslaved by foreigners.

And the fire unicorn guarding the dragon veins is a barrier, of course, the stronger the better.

And now there are two green-eyed zombies and a Mr. Lan in this underground world, and they are probably looking for dragon veins.There may be a battle next, in this case, returning the unicorn stone to the fire unicorn, so that it can recover as soon as possible, can also gain a little more strength.

"You... you want to return the Danshi to me?"

The fire unicorn was stunned for a moment. It was going to take its Danshi back from Jiang Lin, but it was too empty now and was severely cut by Jiang Lin, so it never mentioned it. After planning to recover, The waist pole is hard and then move.

But now Jiang Lin actually took the initiative to return the Danshi to it.

Jiang Lin looked at the stunned fire unicorn and asked deliberately, "You don't want it?"

Huo Qilin immediately responded: "What a joke, of course I want it, this is originally mine."

After throwing the unicorn stone, Jiang Lin put forward his own request: "I need the unicorn flame on your body."

Jiang Lin is not afraid that Huo Qilin will not agree. Anyway, this guy is empty now. If he doesn't give it, he will press it to the ground and force it.

The fire unicorn opened his mouth and swallowed the unicorn stone, and said, "You have done a good deed."

Then it lifted one of its front feet, broke off one of its hind toes and bounced towards Jiang Lin: "For outsiders, apart from the blood of the unicorn, the toe of the unicorn is the most precious, and it is no more useful to you than mine. A danshi who has lost a lot of spirituality."

"How many years have you been neighbors with Han Yan? Can you find a way to get some blood from her?"

Jiang Lin took the unicorn toe, put it into his chest, and looked at the sarcophagus below. He had once extracted a drop of the blood of a general, but this time he met the scorpion, and he was still sleeping, so he had this bold idea. .

"Do you want to die or do you want to die?"

Jiang Lin's words left Huo Qilin stunned for a while before such a sentence popped out of his mouth.

Nine hundred and thirtieth ninth chapter drought

"I have the treasure you need in my hand. You are not good now, and there are opponents outside that have made you fall a few times."

Jiang Lin pinched his chin and winked at Huo Qilin.

"Just blow it up, can you have something that I like in your hands? I, the fire unicorn, the beast of the world, no matter how vain, even if I plant it in the hands of those guys again, I will not like your stuff. , let me get her blood, impossible!"

The fire unicorn turned its head to one side and stared at Jiang Lin. It was all covered in the blood of a unicorn and threw away any panacea. It was funny how this kid dared to say that he had what he wanted in his hand.

"This is a group of Long Yuan."

As soon as Huo Qilin finished speaking, Jiang Lin took a jade box from the ancient mirror in his arms and opened it.

"Dragon... Long Yuan?"

Huo Qilin turned his head upright in an instant, his unicorn eyes stared straight at Long Yuan in the jade box in Jiang Lin's hand, and after a while he swallowed and said, "You are not pure at all, you don't know the horror of the drought... "

Yo Yo Yo, didn't you just put the target somewhere?Is it fragrant now?

What happened to the beast, then give me incense!

"This is a phoenix stone, I think there should be phoenix blood on it."

Afterwards, Jiang Lin took out another jade box and opened it with a "pop".

Now he got a phoenix gall from Zuo Ci, and the phoenix stone can be traded.

This time, Huo Qilin's eyes were wide open, his nostrils moved, and he really smelled the extraordinary aura on the Phoenix Stone.

I go!How old is this, how could someone still get Long Yuan and Feng Xue?

The Huo Qilin's gasping sound became heavier. It has now recovered its own Danshi, but to restore it, it will consume a lot of its own blood essence, but if it has this dragon essence and phoenix blood, its own consumption can be greatly reduced.

"Cough cough, that...that...No, really can't, draw her blood, are you kidding me?"

Linglong and Hongdou couldn't help laughing at Huo Qilin's expression of refusal and welcome, and his inner struggle.

He said no, but Huo Qilin was honest and took two steps closer to Jiang Lin.

"Forget it, I could have produced a drop of Orochi's blood on it. It should belong to the class of snakes. Since you said that it is so difficult, it would be a pity. As expected, it is indeed a divine beast, and you are calm. attitude, admiration."

Jiang Lin shook his head and was about to put away the jade box and the phoenix stone.

And scorpion... scorpion blood? ?

This time, the fire unicorn was completely uneasy, and then an embarrassed but graceful smile appeared on his face, saying: "Actually, you see that you have returned my danshi to me, so you made a small request, right? I would be ashamed if I refused."

"Oh~ Then didn't you just say she was too scary?"

Jiang Lin laughed and watched the fire unicorn perform a real incense of a mythical beast.

"Terror is terror. This is not my old neighbor who has been with her for many years. I still have face. Your dragon yuan, phoenix blood, and snake essence blood..."

"Don't worry, I will definitely not miss you."

Jiang Lin threw the two jade boxes over, and Huo Qilin opened his mouth and swallowed them, even eating the boxes.

"Do you still have Baihu and Xuanwu's treasures here? I'll try to get you some more."

The fire unicorn grinned and smiled.

"What do you think of this thing Chinese cabbage?"

Jiang Lin glared at Huo Qilin angrily, making it hurry up.

The fire unicorn smiled shyly and jumped down from the passage.

"Master, who are you?"

Linglong and Hongdou couldn't help but ask. Since they and Jiang Lin came to Shu, their understanding of Jiang Lin has been refreshed again and again, especially in this underground world, one after another unbelievable things happened to them. , Jiang Lin controlled the wind, stepped on the magma, turned into monsters, and tamed the fire unicorn, so that they were almost numb to what they saw, so that when they arrived at the tomb of the Yellow Emperor, they knew that the drought was here. Too many waves.

Jiang Lin coughed lightly and responded, "Me? Actually, I'm just an ordinary person with one nose and two eyes."

Two girls: "..."

Jiang Lin then jumped down. He had never seen any of the ancestors of the zombies before. He had been to Hongxi Village before, where there were generals, but because of his own warning signs, he decided to leave there.

Now the scorpion is sleeping, and it is guarding the dragon veins. In addition, there is no omen of danger, so Jiang Lin decided to go down and have a look.

As soon as he landed on the magma, Jiang Lin felt that he was locked by a terrifying aura, and his own corpse poison entered his flesh and blood uncontrollably.

The magma at the foot of Jiang Lin began to boil, and an incomparably terrifying aura spread around the sarcophagus.

"You kid, how did you wake her up!"

The fire unicorn shivered all over, and it tore a blood scab on the scorpion's body, ready to take blood.

Jiang Lin did not respond to Huo Qilin, nor could he respond. At this moment, he was enveloped by the terrifying aura of the drought, and his five senses were almost completely lost, and he could not even move.

I don't know how long it took before Jiang Lin felt the aura of the scorpion retreat, and he regained his mobility, but his eyes were a little dim and his ears were buzzing.

A hoarse and unpleasant voice came from the sarcophagus, Jiang Lin couldn't hear it clearly, and saw Huo Qilin nodded and shook his head nervously at the sarcophagus.

After a while, Huo Qilin turned his head and said to Jiang Lin, "She said that she had seen you, that you grew up here more than two thousand years ago, and used her corpse poison, but she doesn't like the aura on you now. ."


Jiang Lin was stunned by Huo Qilin's words. When had he seen a scorpion?Have you ever used the corpse poison of the dry scorpion?

Wait, two thousand years ago?Qin Dynasty?

Jiang Lin suddenly thought of his previous life, Master Li Yang. He remembered that Gu Yue said that Master Li Yang had not seen the sun for [*] years since he was born. Could it be that he was sent to the underground of this Shu land?

"Then why haven't you seen me?"

"I am a divine beast. Of course, I have to go out occasionally to bring auspiciousness to the world, and as soon as she wakes up, I have to go out to deal with the situation of thousands of miles of red land."

The fire unicorn gave Jiang Lin a white look. There was almost nothing here, and it was too stuffy. Of course, it had to go out to get some air.

Jiang Lin nodded and didn't bother about this issue, as long as the scorpion didn't have any hostility towards him. .

Chapter nine hundred and fortieth see no evil

Big loss this time.

Jiang Lin really didn't expect that the dry scorpion would be awakened by herself. If she didn't wake up, the fire unicorn might still be able to move her hands and feet. Now that she wakes up, who would dare to pluck the hair on the tiger's head.

At this time, Jiang Lin didn't want to fight for the blood and essence of drought, and his safety came first.

He didn't want to investigate why the dreadlocks had mistaken him.

Since you don't like the scent on me, it's better to retreat first.

Jiang Lin stepped on the lava and stepped back, and Huo Qilin saw that he had retreated, and he also stayed away from the sarcophagus.

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