At this moment, a cloud of mysterious yellow energy rose from the sarcophagus and spread to the fire unicorn.

"It has nothing to do with me. He woke you up. He said he wanted to meet an old friend. I was worried that he would be bad for you, so I followed."

Seeing the air of Xuanhuang drifting towards him, Huo Qilin shivered and shouted again and again.

I'll go to your second uncle, you bastard!

Jiang Lin was so angry that he wanted to repair the fire unicorn, but the benefits were taken away.

The aura of Xuanhuang stopped abruptly, and Jiang Lin was on guard. Huo Qilin and Han Xian had been acquaintances for many years, and they were so frightened that Jiang Lin could not believe that Han Xing could treat him particularly favorably.

Suddenly, a drop of blood wrapped in khaki smoke floated out of the sarcophagus and flew towards Jianglin.

Afterwards, the Qi of Xuanhuang rushed towards the Fire Qilin, entangled it, and dragged it over.

"Ah ah ah~"

The fire unicorn made a donkey-like cry again, and the blood of the unicorn floated away from the body between its scales and armor, and entered the sarcophagus.

What a surprise.

Jiang Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but it seemed that his face was paler.

He stretched out his hand and took the drop of blood into his palm. This drop of blood gave him the feeling that it was stronger than the drop of the blood of his generals.

However, Jiang Lin also knew that this didn't mean that the scorpion was more terrifying than the generals. This drop of blood was taken directly from the scorpion, and the quality was definitely better than the refined one.

The ancestor of zombies, is it really so scary?

Feeling the power in the drop of blood, Jiang Lin felt that even if the fly froze in front of the scorpion, it would be similar to a chicken.

Jiang Lin put the blood drop into a medicine bottle, and then his eyes flashed red, and he used his see-through ability to look at the sarcophagus.

Jiang Lin thought to himself that as long as he didn't get close to the drought, it shouldn't anger her.

However, through the sarcophagus, Jiang Lin could only see a thick layer of mysterious yellow aura spread across the coffin.

Then Jiang Lin increased his eyesight again, and the bloodshot in his pupils instantly thickened.

I'm going!Perspective is over.

See no evil, see no evil!

Jiang Lin quickly accepted the ability, he saw what he shouldn't be watching.

Throughout the ages, maybe he is the only one who has such a blessing, and he can see all the parts below the neck.

At the same moment, the mysterious yellow aura on Huo Qilin's body broke away from its body, and with a "whoosh", it jumped towards Jiang Lin, slammed into his forehead, knocked his whole body into the air, and embedded himself in the wall of the cave. middle.

"Ouch, my eyes."

Jiang Lin covered his eyes, his eyes seemed to be splashed with chili oil.

At the same time, an angry female voice appeared in Jiang Lin's mind: "Next time, gouge your eyes!"

I am so wronged.

Jiang Lin felt MMP in his heart, he just wanted to see what it was like, but his eyes were too hard.

The fire unicorn was stunned for a moment, and then ran wildly, jumped up, and reached the entrance of the passage.

If it was sucked some more Qilin blood, it wouldn't even be able to stand up.

Jiang Lin touched his nose, fearing that the drought would come to him again, and hurriedly stepped on the wall of the cave to the entrance.

Fortunately, there was no further action from the dry scorpion, and the qi of Xuanhuang also returned to the sarcophagus.

Huo Qilin looked at the sarcophagus. Seeing that there was no movement, he asked Jiang Lin, "What happened just now? How did you provoke her?"

"Cough, this... I don't know what's going on."

Jiang Lin didn't dare to say that he had seen all the parts below the neck of the scorpion, otherwise, he would have only one fate: either gg or pawn.

"Are you cool, you jerk?"

Jiang Lin looked at the fire unicorn gloatingly, and it really deserved you to pit me.

Huo Qilin pouted and rolled his eyes at Jiang Lin.

"By the way, now that she is awake, isn't the drought above unavoidable?"

"It is unavoidable. This major earthquake is just the beginning. The chaos has already started. Whether it is a drought, a flood or a locust plague, it will follow one after another. It makes no difference whether she wakes up or not."

The fire unicorn shook his head, and now that the Huaxia dragon veins have been leaked, it is obvious that the disaster is coming, and it cannot be changed by manpower.

"You are already familiar with the road here, how do you get out?"

"You can't go now. It will take a while for me to recover from my injury. Now the location of the tomb of the Yellow Emperor is no longer secret. If those three guys came for the dragon veins, it will probably take a long time to find here, Chunhua. The kid can't find it, you have to help."

At this moment, Huo Qilin was definitely not willing to let Jiang Lin leave.

"Didn't she just wake up?"

Jiang Lin pointed to the sarcophagus. Since the scorpion was so terrifying, and it had woken up again, let alone two green-eyed zombies, if there were a few more, it would be a gift.

"I said she's asleep now, do you believe it? Besides, she and the generals were both hurt before. If I count on her, I'll have to bleed heavily."

When Huo Qilin thought that he had been bled just now, his whole body shivered.

"I still have two people here. I can't keep eating and drinking. I have to send them out."

"Follow this passage, turn right at the fork, and there is an open space with water and food."

The fire unicorn showed Jiang Lin the way, then jumped into the magma below and sank.

"Master, since we have water and food, let's stay here for the time being. Although we are still shallow, we might be able to play a role."

"Yes, and now Huo Qilin is unwilling to give directions, and we can't get out."

Since this underground world has water and food, the two girls didn't want to leave like this.

That's all there is to it.

Jiang Lin took the two girls into the depths of the passage according to the route pointed by the fire unicorn.

Chapter [*] Mr. Lan's Plan

"Mr. Lan, can you find the dragon vein? We've been here for a long time, and it's boring. I'm so uncomfortable here."

More than twenty miles underground from Jiang Lin and the others, a white-haired man in a leather coat complained to a bald man in front of him.

The bald-headed man was wearing a dark blue suit with a cigar in his mouth. He turned around and said to the white-haired man: "I said Xu Fu, you have lived for more than two thousand years, and you still know how boring you are? Look! The crow has been acting as a light bulb for us, and he didn't say anything. And here, I was also suppressed, and I felt very uncomfortable. I didn't say anything. "

The crow in Mr. Lan's mouth is the last of the three. Like Xu Fu, he is wearing a leather jacket, but his hair is curled into a twist, and he looks very happy.

The crow threw the ball of light in his hand, hovering over the heads of the three, and then said: "Mr. Lan, the true ancestor asked us to find the primordial spirit of the dragon veins to restore the mother of the earth, we have been wandering here, that is not a solution. I'm silent because I'm more uncomfortable than you."

"Yes, the true ancestor asked us to find the dragon vein, but he didn't say that we must find it, no, I made a slip of the tongue.

With a chuckle, Mr. Lan continued: "Since that's the case, why are we so urgent? Looking for the dragon veins is to restore the primordial spirit of the Mother Earth, but is this any good for you? Is it good for me? It seems that there is none, So what are we doing so hard? It’s enough to just walk through the scene. Or are you all so loyal to the True Ancestor?”

"How is that possible! I wish he died sooner, so I would be free."

"Yeah, I didn't expect being a zombie would be so boring. I heard that if the true ancestor dies, we can become normal people, but I don't know if it's true."

Xu Fu and Crow shook their heads again and again. Loyalty is impossible. They want to kill their ministers.

"Even if it's true, can you kill him?"

"Stop joking, who else can kill him in this world."

When asked by Mr. Lan, Xu Fu and Crow were both discouraged.

Mr. Lan smiled and said: "Actually, I also hate being driven by others, very annoying! People can't kill him, but apart from people, there should be others who can kill him."

"Mr. Lan, are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it's true, I got the information that Rahu, which was locked in the underworld, leaked a ray of its breath, and when it arrived in the world, the parasite has been found. I have a plan, as long as we find it, help it wake up and hide. After investigating the underworld, and then cooperating with him, if Rahu reappears in the world in the future, even the true ancestor will not be an opponent."

Mr. Lan took a deep breath of the cigar, and there was a strange light in his eyes.

"Mr. Lan, it really belongs to you! Where is the parasitic manifestation of Rahu?"

Xu Fu and Crow looked at each other with joy in their eyes. They did not dare to fight against the generals anyway, but if it was in the hands of others, it would not be a problem.

"It's near the crow's hometown, near Kyoto, Japan. After we've gone through the scene here, we'll find him."

Mr. Lan smiled and continued to move forward. Xu Fu and Crow stopped complaining and followed closely.

Coincidentally, there will be several forks in front of them, and one of them will lead directly to the place where the fire unicorn pointed to by Jiang Lin.

"Master, this place is really beautiful."

Twenty miles away, Jiang Lin and Linglong Hongdou arrived at the place where Huo Qilin had said. The two girls could not help but open their mouths when they saw the scene in front of them.

This is a huge karst cave. There are various luminous fluorites around and on the top of the cave. At first glance, it looks like a sea of ​​stars.

There is also a water source in the center of the cave, which is an underground lake. The lake water is extremely clear. Most of the creatures in it are luminous fish, which complement each other with the various fluorites in the cave, like an underground wonderland.

Jiang Lin's eyes lit up, and even he, a man, felt that the scenery here was extremely beautiful.

When he arrived at the lake, Jiang Lin discovered that there were not only various fishes in the water, but also aquatic plants similar to algae at the bottom of the lake.

Jiang Lin took a handful of water into his mouth, and the water quality was good, so he could drink it with confidence.

It happened that there were three wine jars in the ancient mirror, and some water was saved for food.

Jiang Lin looked at himself, there was a lot of dust, and he had to live here for a few days, it was inevitable to wash and kill fish, so he prepared to take the wine jar from the ancient mirror and fill it with some clean water.

These wine jars were taken by Jiang Lin before going out to sea to pick up Eve. In order to prevent accidents, they were placed in the ancient mirror and have never been taken out. Now they come in handy.

Huh?This baby is so nice!

When Jiang Lin took the wine jar, he found that there were several tents stacked in the corner of the ancient mirror space.

In the past, when he went to the East China Sea to explore the Nanhua Tomb Mansion for the second time, he brought Shu Ning and the others with them. These tents were put in that time and never taken out.

"Master, let's do these things."

Linglong and Hongdou drank water by the lake, and when they saw Jiang Lin on the side taking out the tent cloth and bamboo poles, they took the initiative to help.

Since arriving in this underground world, they are basically Jiang Lin's burden, and they all feel ashamed and want to help Jiang Lin with some trivial matters.

As for where Jiang Lin got the tent, they really didn't take it off the table.

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