Jiang Lin took out the blood essence and Long Yuan of the eight-breed snake, and painted it on the Soul-suppressing Sword and Zhengbone Sword.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin looked at Lan Dali, pointed to the blood of the generals and officials floating in front of him, and said, "Beheaded the generals and officials."

"Having chopped... drought."

Jiang Lin finally took out a small bottle, crushed it with one hand, and a cloud of khaki-yellow blood with a mysterious yellow aura also floated in front of him.

This person... this person not only cut off the true ancestor to get blood, but also cut off the scorpion for blood? ? ?

"Which one have you heard of!"

When Lan Dali was extremely shocked, Jiang Lin suddenly let out a loud roar, almost terrifying him.

"I gave you a chance to let you go. Since I'm running out of the blood of the generals, I will use the points on your body! Go back and ask the generals, who is this Shuimu Tianzun!"


The entire cave suddenly burst into an extremely strong light. Before Lan Dali and the others could react, their eyes were stabbed like needles by the strong light.

After that, the sound of several sharp knives piercing the body came out.

After the light faded, Xu Fu and Crow each covered their necks, with a sharp sword stuck in their chests, while Lan Dali's left arm was pierced by the Flame Thunder Sword.

Jiang Lin, on the other hand, was holding the bone sword in one hand, and dropped the two drops of zombie blood on it into the medicine bottle suspended in front of him.


In one hand, Jiang Lin summoned Lan Dali, Xu Fu, and the three spirit swords from Crow, and shouted, "Get out!"


Lan Dali ignored the injury on his arm and ran towards the entrance of the cave, followed by Xu Fu and Crow.


Jiang Lin packed the Yiying treasures, teleported into the tent, hugged the waists of Linglong and Hongdou, and flashed to another passage.

"Husband, Hongdou really loves you to death."

"Husband is invincible!"

After turning two forks, Jiang Lin stopped, Linglong and Hongdou immediately fell in love with their man.


Suddenly, Jiang Lin spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body crooked.

In fact, Jiang Lin didn't have the blood of the Orochi Orochi at all, but in order to achieve the best effect, he refined his own blood with the true fire of the sun, and restored the drop of Orochi Orochi blood he had absorbed before.

This has already made him overwhelmed, and finally attacking Lan Dali and the others is what made Jiang Lin vomit blood.

Jiang Lin used almost all of his spiritual power to burst out the mysterious light, and then sent Linglong and Hongdou to the tent in an instant. After that, he was teleporting almost non-stop.

Light teleportation is not enough, his corpse and Dao body switch almost seamlessly, and every blow is blessed by treasures such as the Emei Three Treasures, the Sun True Fire, and the Qilin Toe, and he caused such damage to Lan Dali and the others. They thought he was really some kind of awesome "Shuimu Tianzun".

Frequent switching of corpse and Taoist body, coupled with repeated teleportation and depletion of spiritual power, caused Jiang Lin's body to be in chaos. Until now, he finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Fortunately, Lan Dali and the others should have become frightened birds this time, and they don't know when they will be able to react.

Jiang Lin also had no way not to do this. If he didn't do enough tricks and launched his last killer move, just to frighten them back, which of the three guys were not old men of thousands of years, it is estimated that they might return within a few steps. Have a taste.

If you want to fight, you can't fall short for Shan Jiuren.

The ninth and forty-fifth chapters of the solution


Linglong and Hongdou turned pale with fright and quickly supported Jiang Lin.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, it's just too much consumption."

Jiang Lin stabilized his body. Now his body is in chaos, and he needs to go to the tomb of the Yellow Emperor to absorb dragon energy to recover.


Thinking of what happened before, Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing. This time, the almost unstoppable combination of Lan Dali and Xu Fu Crow was crushed by his IQ.

Especially Lan Dali, who finally screamed "Senior don't".

It's so fucking funny!

However, Jiang Lin also knew in his heart that this time he was able to crush his IQ because of his own conditions. Long Yuan, Phoenix Gall, and even the blood of the dry scorpion, if any of these were taken out, it would cause an uproar.

However, these things were concentrated on Jiang Lin's body. From the outsiders' point of view, it was a fantasy, and Lan Dali and the others were no exception.

In addition, Jiang Lin also had a lot of unknown information, including Lan Dali's real name and the location of his generals, which made them even more confused.

Another person made him think that he would not be able to come here pretending to be a tiger and eating a pig.

"Husband, were you full of nonsense before? Who is Shuimu Tianzun? Is there really such a person?"

Seeing that Jiang Lin was all right, Linglong and Hongdou were relieved. They thought of what happened in the cave and laughed.

What a lot of people, what has chopped a unicorn, and what has chopped a drought, all said the same thing.

"Where is it full of nonsense, it's just flickering. As for Shuimu Tianzun, it's the left half of your husband's name 'Jianglin'."

"Ha ha……"

The two girls were amused by Jiang Lin, and then leaned their bodies into Jiang Lin's arms.

Although the crisis is over, they all know how terrifying the danger is this time.Xu Fu and Crow are already terrifying enough, but they seem to still have that Mr. Lan as their backbone. Such a combination, not to mention the Celestial Master, is even a higher level, and it is a situation of nine deaths.

But Jiang Lin not only retreated from the crisis, but also brought them out unscathed.

In that situation, if Jiang Lin didn't care about the two of them, with his ability, it should be possible to get out of trouble, but he didn't only care about himself.

"Husband, you're taking too much risk, if you were yourself..."

"Don't say such things in the future."

Jiang Lin glared at Linglong, and then said, "Quickly go to the tomb of the Yellow Emperor."

After being glared by Jiang Lin, Linglong was silent, but in her heart it was as if she had eaten honey.

"Bullshit, are you okay?"

When they arrived at the tomb of the Yellow Emperor, Jiang Lin shouted at the magma below.

"What are you calling for? I'll be in trouble for waking her up."

The fire unicorn emerged from the magma and rolled his eyes at Jianglin.

"Huh? Your breath is unstable, what's wrong? Kidney deficiency?"

Huo Qilin grinned and glanced at Linglong Red Bean.

"Second Master Kidney! Believe it or not, I wake her up and let you put a few pounds of blood?"

"Don't don't."

The fire unicorn quickly jumped up from the magma and reached the entrance of the passage.

"Cough, I have met Mr. Lan and the three of them."

"What? Did the three of them find it here?"

The momentum of the fire unicorn broke out suddenly, and looked into the depths of the passage.

Jiang Lin sat on the side and responded, "I didn't come, I was repelled by me. They were all injured, and they shouldn't come over for a while."

"You can pull it down. With your level of bragging, it's not bad."

Huo Qilin was stunned for a moment, and then he looked in disbelief.

What a joke, a demon emperor, two descendants of generals, even if I met them, with the advantage of the location, I may not be able to please them, and you repelled them and hurt them?

Seeing the look of Huo Qilin's donkey looking low, Jiang Lin smiled, took out the medicine bottle containing Xu Fu and Crow's blood, and said, "It's their blood inside, you unicorn eyes, no, dog eyes look low. ."

Huo Qilin's nose moved a bit, and the pair of unicorn eyes suddenly widened, and then it looked at Jiang Lin's eyes changed, "He really hurt those three guys?"

Huo Qilin looked at Linglong and Hongdou and asked aloud.

"believe or not."

The two women sat down beside Jiang Lin, ignoring Huo Qilin. After experiencing this, they also wanted to improve their cultivation as soon as possible, hoping that they could, like Bai Min'er and the others, be able to subdue demons with their men in the future.

Two days later, Jiang Lin calmed down all his chaos, and his spiritual power was restored.

"Since you are almost recovered, tell me how to get out. Now that the dragon vein is leaking, it must be solved, otherwise it will be a problem after all."

Jiang Lin frowned as he felt the escaping dragon energy. Now, it is not only Dongyang Yaodao, but also Mr. Lan and the others who are fighting the dragon energy.

And the crow is a Japanese zombie, who knows if he and Dongyang Yaodao will be in harmony.

Although there are also guards here, the generals and officials have also come here. If they come again and bring their younger brother, it will be difficult to say.

"Are you blowing again? This dragon energy shock is caused by natural disasters and earthquakes, let alone me, even if she wakes up, she can't do anything about it."

"I said you are blind, you are blind, you can't do anything, she can't do anything, I can't do anything?"

Jiang Lin took a look at the scar on Huo Qilin's flank, and wanted to give it another shot. If it wasn't for Huo Qilin's recovery, he would definitely do what he wanted.

"You just..."

Just as Huo Qilin wanted to fight back, he swallowed the words in his stomach. Originally, after it recovered, it was very confident, but Jiang Lin brought some exciting news, which made it unable to touch Jiang Lin's bottom.

If I can't get it right and I'll be cut by Jiang Lin again, wouldn't that mean I'm not happy?

"I have a magic weapon..."

Jiang Lin and Huo Qilin proposed their own solution.

Jiang Lin really had a solution to the problem of dragon qi leaking. The seven-star Yanyue sword he obtained had the qi of a blue dragon, and these scattered dragon qi could be sucked into the body of the blade by the divine weapon, so that it would no longer escape.

On the other hand, if the Seven Stars Moonlight Sword were left here, it would also allow the Fire Qilin to have a divine weapon nearby, and even those with ill-conceived intentions would be unable to achieve the goal even if it was an evil spirit at the level of Flying Stiffness.

"That Qinglong Yanyue Knife is actually in your hand, isn't it in the outer cave of Tianwaitiandong?"

"What happened to the outer cave? Where can I go?"

Jiang Lin folded his arms and stared at the flaming unicorn, as if to say: You look down on people with the eyes of a donkey.

"Then do you have any other magical weapons, such as the White Tiger Yaoxing Yue, the Vermilion Bird Jieyang Sword... I hold one in my mouth and curl my tail."

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