The fire unicorn grinned and kept talking, saying something and not.


Jiang Lin raised his middle finger and took Linglong and Hongdou into the depths of the passage.

The ninth and forty-sixth chapter of Yin De skyrocketing

Half a day later, Jiang Lin and Linglong Hongdou were standing by the mouth of a cave, and a hundred or two hundred meters below was the water of the vast soup.

The entrance of the cave where they are located is located between the eyebrows of a huge Buddha statue built on the mountain. From a distance, it looks like an auspicious mole.

"Husband, an exit from this underground world is actually the Lingyun Grotto of the Leshan Giant Buddha."

Because Linglong and Hongdou were originally from Shu, they looked down and saw the body of the giant Buddha and the huge Buddha lotus under his seat, so they knew where this place was.

Jiang Lin nodded and looked into the distance. What he saw were many rivers and lakes formed by turbid floodwaters. The eaves and corners of many houses protruded from the water, and corpses drifted by from time to time.

After the earthquake, it rained overnight in many areas in Shu. In addition, the landslides caused by the earthquake caused rivers to be blocked or diverted, and the floods were out of control.

Even the huge stone Buddha more than [-] meters high had its knees submerged by the skyrocketing river water.

Earthquake and flood disaster, I don't know how many people were killed.

Jiang Lin grabbed Linglong and Hongdou by their waists and flew down from the hole. Only then did the two women see a horrific image below.

The following highlands gathered a lot of surviving people. Because of lack of food, they even gnawed grass roots. More people were on the verge of death because of hunger and cold.

"A natural disaster."

Seeing the tragic image below, Jiang Lin sighed. In the face of this kind of disaster, people are really like ants.

The location where Jiang Lin entered the underground world was only about fifty miles away from the Leshan Giant Buddha. Jiang Lin did not delay all the way, and an hour later he arrived at the place where the big crack appeared.


Jiang Lin didn't expect Bai Rou Rou to be sitting on the stone pier next to the big crack, and it seemed that she had been waiting for him.



The Tiger King Pan Lan got up from the ground, a tiger tail swayed, while Bai Rou Rou rushed towards Jiang Lin with tears in her eyes.

"Jiang Lin, you're finally back, I can't wait any longer, woo woo..."

Bai Rourou hugged Jiang Lin, crying pear blossoms with rain, and her haggard appearance made Jiang Lin feel very distressed.

"elder sister."

After a long while, Bai Rou Rou was tired from crying, so Linglong and Hongdou greeted her, but they had changed their titles.

elder sister?

Bai Rourou was stunned for a moment, then looked at Linglong and Hongdou's shy appearance, and understood what they meant.

Tears of grievance flowed down again. She looked at Jiang Lin and complained, "Meng Jiangnu is crying at the Great Wall here, but you are happy with Linglong and Hongdou below."

"Good, don't cry."

Jiang Lin kissed Bai Rou Rou's crying swollen eyes, and then sealed her red lips before letting go for a long time.

"Sister, when my husband just arrived downstairs, he wanted to use the telefax technique so that you don't have to worry. We... we all gave ourselves to a good man."

"Yes, my husband encountered a change below, so he came up now. Don't blame him."

Linglong and Hongdou briefly told Bai Rourou what happened in the underground world. After Bai Rourou listened to it, the vinegar taste in her heart softened a lot.

"Tom, you take Gu Jing quickly to Li Yangju, Jerry and Xiaobai to transport some golden mountains in the family, and ask your mistresses to come too, and ask them to bring the seven-star Yanyue knife."

Now there are a large number of disaster victims in Shu, and the wealth of disaster relief at home is useful, and Jiang Lin can't be busy with disaster relief alone, so he asks all his wives to come over to do good deeds.

Yin virtue and merit are good things and have great use.

By the way, he also wanted his wives to experience the feeling of being a rich woman.

Jinshan? ?

Bai Rourou and the others couldn't believe their ears when they heard Jiang Lin's words.

Li Yangju was so big, they knew that Jiang Lin must have a lot of savings, but they never imagined that Jiang Lin would be rich enough to have several golden mountains.

"Linglong Hongdou, you all go back too. Rourou and I will go to Luzhou, the border of Shu, and notify Rourou by faxing thousands of miles when you get there."

Nowadays, there are floods everywhere in Shu, and it is not realistic to purchase materials here, so we can only start from the surrounding provinces.

The King Panlan Tiger got Jiang Lin's instructions, so he took the two mistresses on the road and ran towards Gantian Town.

Jiang Lin and Bai Rourou didn't return to the Taoist Church, they went straight to Luzhou, which is on the border of Shu, and bought a yard there.

In the evening of the second day, King Panlan Tiger, King Flying Rat, and the two family cars arrived in Luzhou one after another, and joined Jiang Lin and the others.

"This time there was a natural disaster in Shu, and there was a flood after the earthquake. I asked you to come here to share some of the disaster relief work for me. Chili, Tingting, Zhuzhu, Jingjing, bring some gold and silver to exchange for currency or gold bars. , to buy a lot of clothes and bedding, and hire people to send them to the disaster area in Shu; Miner, Caiyi, Ayan, Nianying, you..."

Jiang Lin arranged jobs for his wives in an orderly manner. As for himself, he rode the colorful tiger king to the disaster area and rescued the victims whose lives were in danger.

On this day, on the border of Shu, there was a shopping gust.

Groups of beauties arrived in one place, and they basically swept away the local shops. Rice shops, noodle shops, pharmacies and even spinning mills were all "looted" like this.

Every time Chen Yu and the others went to a store, what they said the most was either "buy them all" or "buy them all".

Just so capricious, so rich, buy, buy, buy!

Just when Jiang Lin's family was doing disaster relief in Shu, a black and white man in the underworld came to Judge Lu's judge's hall to report to him: "Sir, there seems to be an abnormality in the Forest of De Steles. If it continues, I'm afraid it won't take long for him to become the Eighth-Rank Palm Slaughtering Division."


Judgment Lu gushed out from his mouth. How long has it been since Jiang Lin was promoted to the rank nine palm killing division, can he be promoted now?

What a joke!

Judge Lu immediately put down the wine jar and went to the Forest of Stone Steles.

"My God, are you eating fertilizer?"

When he arrived at the Forest of De Steles, Judge Lu saw the Yinde Stele that was "growing strong", the one belonging to Jianglin.

Several black and white impermanence had already stood in front of Jiang Lin's Yinde Monument, all stunned.

The yin de steles of the rest of the ghosts are also increasing at a slow speed, but this speed is similar to that of a turtle compared to Jiang Lin's.

Originally, Jianglin's Yinde Monument was much taller than the surrounding ones, but now that this has happened again, it seems that the rest of the Yinde Monuments can't be any shorter.

Chapter [-]: Set a small goal and spend [-] million on it first

Since Judge Lu became a judge, he has never seen anything like this. His first reaction was that there might be a problem with the Forest of Stone Steles.

Could it be a harbinger of chaos in the underworld? ?

Thinking of this, Judge Lu burst into cold sweat on his back.

He remembered a previous meeting, it was said that within a thousand years (underworld time), a major event might happen, and the existing order of the underworld would be almost completely paralyzed. It is a huge Yinde tablet, so they should pay more attention to it, and report it immediately if there is any abnormal situation.

Judge Lu hurriedly poured out a dark golden orb from the medicine gourd, and ordered it to shine, reflecting the forest of steles in front of him.

"It's weird, it's okay."

Judge Lu frowned tightly and focused the light on Jiang Lin's Yinde Stele.

No exception.

"This kid doesn't know what he did in the world, so I'd better call him down and ask it to be safe, and give him a task by the way."

Judge Lu muttered to himself, took out his judge's wattle, and tapped it a few times.

In the real world, Jiang Lin had just rescued a mother and son from the water when he felt a change in the commander Yin in his arms.

What is this Judge Lu looking for from me?Didn't they say that they would go to the forbidden place in the underworld after half a year?

When Jiang Lin arrived, he took out Commander Yin, and when he saw the message above, Judge Lu told him to go down.

Busy now!

Jiang Lin gave Judge Lu directly to Pigeon. He had no spare time on it, not only to save people, but also to go to the tomb of the Yellow Emperor. How could he go to the underworld when he had spare time.

He still didn't know that because he did great deeds in the yang world, the speed of accumulation of yin virtue was too fast, which surprised Judge Lu.

"Quick, kneel down to the living Bodhisattva!"

The woman rescued by Jiang Lin knelt down in front of Jiang Lin, and asked her son to kneel before Jiang Lin.

"Thank you Living Buddha!"

"Blessed immeasurable Tianzun. I am a Taoist priest, and I have nothing to do with Bodhisattvas. If you want to worship, go back to Taiyi to save the suffering Tianzun."

Jiang Lin was a little speechless, but the mother and son thanked the Bodhisattva for the good deeds his Taoist priest had done.

"Alright, alright, let's worship and save Ku Tianzun."

"Someone distributes bedding, clothing and food in the high places over there, you go over there."

Jiang Lin left this sentence and continued to rush to the next place.

"Eldest sister, second sister, how rich is our Jiang family? I'm soft when I spend my money."

In the evening of the second day, in the yard that Jiang Lin bought, a large group of beauties gathered around several tables to eat. Shu Ning asked Chen Yu and Ren Tingting next to them.

She is the daughter of the chairman of the shipping company. She was originally from a wealthy family, but it was only today that she realized that her parents' family was like a beggar compared to her husband's.

"I don't know about this either, and it's estimated that the eldest sister doesn't know either. You have to ask your husband."

Ren Tingting shook her head. Although she married Jiang Lin early, she didn't know how much money the family had.

Chen Yu also spread out her hands. Although she was in charge of the affairs and finances of the family, she also did not know how much the family had.

Eve said, "I remember that Lin told me that the family's wealth is enough to support me for [-] years. I also know that the family is very rich, but I didn't expect it to be so rich."

Compared with Chen Yu and Ren Tingting, Eve, an archaeologist, has seen a lot of wealth. She had seen a dazzling array of treasures in Hamna Tower, Egypt. Shocked.

In the ancient times of Middle-earth, this wealth level is almost the level of a prince.

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