"Rich ladies, how do you feel about spending money?"

When a group of beauties were discussing their family background, Jiang Lin came in from outside.


Ren Zhuzhu rushed over, hugged Jiang Lin, and said, "Husband, how much are we going to spend this time, we're exhausted in just one day."

"It's only been one day, and you are tired? I don't know how much it will cost. If you want to spend all that money, you might as well set a small goal first, such as spending [*] million yuan first."

Jiang Lin scratched the bridge of Ren Zhuzhu's nose and smiled.In fact, he didn't count the wealth of the family. If nothing else, the pocket money in the northeast Cixi's collection and the two carts of treasures in Cixi's tomb were already a huge amount of wealth.

Not to mention that Jiang Lin took some large pieces of pure gold from Hamna Tower and the Jinshan Yushan in Zuo Ci's tomb.

Just the wealth to be distributed, Jiang Lin estimates that there should be several hundred million, Ocean!

The girls: "..."

Set a small goal first, spend [*] million on it...

When will it run out!

Chen Yu and Ren Tingting were both worried. These days, the speed of spending money is not comparable to that of later generations.

Moreover, they not only have to spend, but also collect and deliver those materials to the victims, which is even more difficult.

"Husband, Min'er thank you for the compatriots in Shu."

Bai Min'er was born and raised in Shu. This time, there was a natural disaster in her hometown. If Jianglin hadn't spent a lot of money to provide relief to the victims, I don't know how many victims would have died of hunger, cold and disease.

"What's there to thank, let's eat, you will continue to accomplish small goals tomorrow."

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, and then called back all the charms on Chen Yu and the others.

After taking a roast duck, Jiang Lin went out with two demon kings and a big demon.

In one day, he has saved no less than [*] people, and the next thing is to leave the relief to Chen Yu and the others, and he will also go to the underground world.

Although there is a kind of repressive power to the demons there, if they can be isolated, the colorful tiger king and the others can cultivate around the tomb of the Yellow Emperor, with excellent results.

In addition, Jiang Lin had to refine the Jiutun Boys and distribute them to Charming Spirits to enhance their strength.

His wife's bodyguard, of course, the stronger he is, the more assured he is.

Jiang Lin sat cross-legged in a secluded open space and began to refine the spirits of Shutou Douji and Yamada. When he was saving people before, when he was near the Bairou Judo Hall, he walked a few more steps to take Yamada's spirits away. brought over.

With Jiang Lin's current ability, the refining work is not effortless at all. Shuten-douji contributed [*] points of cruelty to him, and the snake shadow in Yamada's soul has extracted three drops of the blood of the eight-headed snake. .

Jiang Lin used a drop for himself, kept a drop for Huo Qilin, and gave the remaining drop to nearly [*] Charming Spirits.

Chapter [*] Occupy the geographical advantage, take the initiative to attack ([*])

"House cat, mouse boy, Xiaobai, the three of you have manifested your body and controlled your body shape. I will draw a spell on you, and there is a big chance for you."

"Master, what's the big chance?"

The colorful tiger king's eyes lit up, it followed Jiang Lin, and the treatment was always good, and there was basically no shortage of natural treasures. Now even Jiang Lin said it was a big opportunity, which is definitely not ordinary.

"A few streets away from Cixi's tomb, where the dragon veins of the Middle Earth are located, as well as your big brother like a caterpillar, the unicorn. How to get close to it depends on your ability."

Jiang Lin smiled. Although he was going to leave the Seven-Star Yanyue Knife in the tomb of the Yellow Emperor to hide and protect the dragon veins, he would not be able to use this artifact in the future. In return, he wanted to draw some benefits from the fire unicorn.

"Qi... Qilin."

The two demon kings screamed in shock when they heard Jiang Lin's words, and Xiao Bai shook the tail of the snake, hissing, and seemed very excited.

This opportunity is not ordinary!

Without saying a word, the three demons immediately showed their bodies, and Jiang Lin painted them with isolation runes.

"Chili Pepper, Min'er, the disaster relief will be left to you. I have to go downstairs to deal with the important matters. I also need to take away the domestic cats. I will leave a few drops of blood here, Rou Rou, you can fax it to thousands of miles. Teach Min’er and the others the technique, if there is any unexpected situation, notify me in this way.”

Jiang Lin returned to his residence, let Charming Ling return to the shadows of Ren Tingting and the others, and after explaining to Chen Yubai Rourou and the others, he took the seven-star Yanyue knife and immediately set off for the entrance to the underground world of the Leshan Giant Buddha.


The fire unicorn was resting in the magma, and when it sensed the sound of beasts' hoofs coming from the opening above, it immediately jumped up.

"It's me, they are all my pets."

Jiang Lin waved at the fire unicorn, indicating that he was relieved, and then he flicked his fingers, and a drop of blood flew to the fire unicorn.

The fire unicorn swallowed it with its mouth open. It glanced at the two demon kings, and there was an unpleasant look in its eyes, and said, "Why did you bring the demon here?"

"You don't seem to have a good meal here. I'll bring you a few pounds of pig brains later."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes and continued, "One demon emperor and two green-eyed zombies, how many can you deal with? She's healing now, so she won't do anything easily. When those three guys find this place, I'll be watching. Are you arrogant, okay?"

Fire Qilin: "..."

It seems to make sense.

Holy shit!Master Beer!How dare you speak to the beast like that.

The two demon kings looked at each other and gained a new understanding of Jiang Lin in their hearts.

When the fire unicorn showed hostility just now, the two of them couldn't move at all. The oppression of the superior made them fear to the extreme, but such a terrifying existence was turned around and scolded by Jiang Lin.

If they knew that Jiang Lin not only dared to scold, but also cut it, it is estimated that his jaw would fall off.

"Master Huo, you are really incomparable, mighty and majestic!"

"Lin Ye, your power is unparalleled in the world. We will feel like a spring when we see you."

The two unscrupulous demon kings went up at this time to flatter the fire unicorn. The unicorn is their big brother with furry beasts. If nothing else, even getting close to the fire unicorn can benefit them a lot. Of course, they are madmen who spare no effort Shoot the unicorn fart.


Huo Qilin was scolded by Jiang Lin, and he felt very unhappy, but he just got the benefits, and it was not easy to retaliate. At this time, the words of the two demon kings made it very comfortable.

Compared to the two demon kings, Xiaobai was much more reserved, and he was always on Jiang Lin's shoulders, absorbing the dragon energy around him very comfortably.

Jiang Lin didn't pay any attention to how the Tiger King and the Flying Mouse King were stalking their horses.

Putting his palms together, he held the Seven-Star Crescent Sword in his mouth, and Jiang Lin recited a spell in his mouth. After that, he raised his arms, and the Seven-Star Crescent Sword flew up, hanging in the sky above this space.

There was a slight dragon cry from the blade, and the dragon energy that had escaped seemed to be guided, and it gathered in the air.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin took out a large compass and dripped the blood of Xu Fu and the crow from the medicine bottle on it. After the seal was cast, the compass changed.

Still haven't left.

Jiang Lin frowned when he saw the direction of the compass, Lan Dali and the others not only did not leave, they were also approaching here.

It's just that there is no correct route, and I can't find it here for a while.

"This place has a suppressing effect on evil spirits, and there is no such thing as yin and blood, so the wounds on their bodies should not be able to heal."

Jiang Lin nodded his forehead. Judging from the current situation, it was not realistic to want to annihilate Lan Dali and the others.

Even if they were all suppressed, the two demon kings and one big demon were enough to deal with Lan Dali, but the fire unicorn could deal with Xu Fu or the crow, and he had to deal with the remaining one.

But even if he had the advantage of the geographical position and had the Seven-Star Moon Sword in his hand, Jiang Lin would not dare to say that he could destroy a green-eyed zombie that could only turn into a battle pattern.

The last time he injured Lan Dali and the others, he completely had the advantage of IQ. The three guys were stunned by him for a while. In addition, he did not hesitate to damage himself and made a sudden attack. That's the result.

It's definitely not going to happen a second time.

The formation method cannot be arranged, which is really annoying.

Jiang Lin's idea was that even if he couldn't annihilate Lan Dali and the others, he had to kill them and dare not come again.

But he didn't know that Lan Dali, Xu Fu and Crow came here, just to go through the motions, next time I invite them to come, they will not come again.

Just as Jiang Lin was thinking hard, a ray of light reflected from Xuanyuan Sword and shone on Jiang Lin's face.

Xuanyuan Sword...

Jiang Lin suddenly thought of the power to suppress the demons in this underground world. On the one hand, it was because of the Yellow Emperor's spine, and on the other hand, it was because of this Xuanyuan sword.

It's a pity that he couldn't use it. If Xuanyuan Sword was in his hand, Jiang Lin felt that with all his strength, he should be able to injure another green-eyed zombie.

Wait, Xuanyuan sword, imperial weapon!

An epiphany flashed in Jiang Lin's mind, and he immediately took out the Chuan Guoxi and Chixiao Sword from the ancient mirror, as well as a circular seal.

Chapter [*] Occupy the geographical advantage, take the initiative to attack (below)

"Huo Qilin, come down and see if this round seal is the Kongtong seal."

The Chuan Guoxi and Chixiao Sword in Jiang Lin's hands were undoubtedly genuine, but he never found out the true origin of the round seal.

The fire unicorn jumped down from the passage, seeing the three artifacts in Jiang Lin's hands, it didn't know what to say.

It's enough to have the things on the beasts. Those things are useful for cultivation, but Jiang Lin actually still has the emperor's weapon.

"This... This is indeed the Kongtong Seal. Before Xia, the seal was in charge, and the emperor could be abolished. Later, he disappeared. I didn't expect you to find it. Unfortunately, it has lost its spirituality now."

"Can you restore some spirituality to it, as well as this Imperial Seal and Chixiao Sword."

"What, do you want to be emperor?"

Huo Qilin looked at Jiang Lin with vigilant eyes. He had several imperial artifacts on his body, and he was very suspicious when he arrived at the Dragon Vessel!

"I am more nourished than the emperor, and I have nothing to do to be the emperor?"

Jiang Lin is really not boasting, he is really more comfortable than the ancient emperors, he has wealth, he has a big bed for beauty, and he doesn't have to worry about birth, old age, sickness and death. There is also the emperor, who can envy him or not.

"Hurry up, these utensils can play a big role."

Jiang Lin did not expect that the Yuan Yin was really the Kongtong Yin, and it still played such an important role in ancient times.

If he can supplement the spirituality of a few items, and then use the means to infuse the dragon energy from this place into them, he can make them play a huge role together with Xuanyuan Sword.

"let me try."

Huo Qilin no longer doubted that Jiang Lin had any strange intentions. He cut the sole of his foot with his hoof, dripped three drops of blood on Chuan Guoxi, Chixiao Sword and Kongtong Seal, and then put Qilin's toe on it.

"I can't really restore the spirituality contained in them. I can only let them play some role for a short time. Once the spirituality inside is exhausted, they are completely scrapped."

After a long while, Huo Qilin shook his head. The spirituality of these three artifacts has been lost for thousands of years, and has already reached the brink of collapse. Even if it is a beast and has the ability to revive all things, there is nothing to do with these three imperial artifacts. .

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