Several soldiers looked at each other and shouted: "Relief supplies? Need to be checked by us and temporarily detained!"

Jiang Lin smiled, and then said: "If you say it is detained, then detain it? Should I say I disagree?"

Chapter [-] All kneel down to me!

"Disagree? Do you want to die?"

As soon as Jiang Lin finished speaking, the soldier standing guard held the long spear behind him and raised it at him.

"Hehe, no matter who you are, when you come to the realm of our Commander Yang, even the dragon has to be coiled."

"Agree or disagree, that's up to you."

"It's so tough, it seems that the spine has never hurt."

The rest of the soldiers said with a smile, looking at Jiang Lin as if they were looking at an idiot.

When the foreman and workers saw the soldier pointing a gun at someone, they immediately took a few steps back in fright, worried that a musket might accidentally go off.

Oops, I have persuaded this gentleman not to force it, what should I do now?

The foreman was both annoyed and worried. These materials were used by his fellow villagers to save their lives. This time, it seemed that they could not be saved. Moreover, given the situation, Jiang Lin might have to be educated.

Jiang Lin didn't pay any attention to these watchdogs at all. He stood quietly, waiting for someone who could talk to come forward. When he came, he would spit out double copies for him.

The situation on the side of the city gate was seen by passers-by who came and went, and gradually approached. Although Jiang Lin rarely showed up, Chen Yu and the others often came and went in and out of the town these days. Many people also knew that they were relief victims in the province. The bandits blocked the way, and they probably guessed something, and they were talking in a low voice.

"Brother Bing, you're tired. Come, have a cup of tea. They are all people who save our compatriots in distress in our province. They are all serious people. They don't have anything else to do. You guys do well."

The middle-aged boss who set up a stall beside the city gate and sold tea soup brought a bowl of tea to the soldiers with guns, explaining to Jiang Lin and the others that he originally wanted to help, but the soldiers didn't appreciate it at all, and instead became more embarrassed .

"Rescue compatriots in distress? Won't we save them?"

"That is, how can ordinary people have so much family property, eight of them are the robbers of Jiang Yang, where did they steal the dirty money."

"Take them back for investigation!"

After hearing this, the surrounding onlookers pouted, still you won't save them?If you don't force people to death, you are already Amitabha.

"Unclean money? No matter how dirty it is, it's cleaner than you filthy bastards!"

Ningshuang was so angry that she glared at these shameless bandits. There were one or two violent people in the crowd, and they immediately agreed.

Anger appeared on the faces of several soldiers, and they loaded their guns one by one and aimed their guns at Jiang Lin.

"Put a gun at me? You have the guts."

Jiang Lin laughed, moved his body, and snatched the soldier's musket, so fast that the people around him couldn't react.


Jiang Lin held the musket upside down and slammed the butt on the soldier's forehead.

The watchdog slumped and fell, foaming at the mouth and twitching) (twitching, as if he had epilepsy.

Then there were a few more voices, and the rest of the gun-bearers were all swept away by the butt of the gun, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

There was an uproar at the scene, Jiang Lin grabbed the musket with his bare hands, and swept away three or five soldiers. In the eyes of ordinary people, it was simply too horrifying.

Taking a bare-handed blade was enough to shock them, not to mention what Jiang Lin took was a musket.

After the shock, a large group of people applauded and cheered loudly.

"Sir, a few young ladies, you should hurry into the city, or else Yang Dashuai's people will come, and you will not be able to leave."

The owner of the tea stall hurriedly advised Jiang Lin and the others to enter the city and leave quickly. He was also someone who had seen the world and knew that Jiang Lin might have good martial arts skills, but if hundreds of muskets were lined up in a row, no matter how good his martial arts skills were, it would be in vain. .

Jiang Lin thanked the owner of the tea stall for his kindness, and shouted to the foreman behind: "Enter the city, bring these items over first."

The foreman nodded again and again and asked the brothers to act quickly.

He really didn't expect Jiang Lin's idea to be so hard that even the people who were guarding the city dared to fight.

"Really relieved, a bunch of animals) (Life! He even pointed a gun at our man, he just didn't know whether to live or die."

Ningshuang looked at the watchdog lying on the ground in a good mood, and went up to hug Jiang Lin's arm.

A group of people walked to the street, and it didn't take long before they met a squat young man with a Mediterranean hairstyle and a military uniform. Behind him, there were several squads of soldiers.

"Stop, how did you get into the city?"

The Mediterranean snorted and led his people to stop Jiang Lin.

"Adjutant Hai, they forced their way through the city gate and beat our brothers who were guarding the city to death."

At this moment, a soldier ran behind Jiang Lin and reported to the Mediterranean what he had just inquired about.

"It's so brave! Surround me!"

With an order from the Mediterranean Sea, a few teams behind them surrounded Jiang Lin and Ningshuang.

Seeing this, the foreman and a group of workers immediately raised their hands high, daring not to make any movement.

Ningshuang pointed at the Mediterranean Sea and said, "Husband, he is the one who seized our grain and oil."

"It's alright, after eating mine, he has to spit it out for me, and he has to spit out double."

Jiang Lin took a step forward, with his arms behind his waist, looking at the Mediterranean Sea, the momentum in his body suddenly burst into flames, his eyes were like torches, his hair was fluttering, his robe was stirring, and the aura he exuded did not look like a Taoist priest at all.

The Mediterranean Sea, whose face was full of anger, was watched by Jiang Lin's eyes, and was also oppressed by an invisible form.

"It's you who seized my things?"


"Your Majesty!"

Jiang Lin let out a loud shout, and Mediterranean was stunned, his legs actually softened, and he fell to his knees.

Jiang Lin stayed in the tomb of the Yellow Emperor for a while, and absorbed a lot of dragon energy there. Now these dragon energy radiates with his momentum, and most people will feel a sense of fear after feeling it.

The dragon energy emanating from Jianglin comes from the spine of the corpse of Huangdi, the illustrious ancestor of China, but any Chinese people who are surrounded by this dragon energy will produce a kind of suppression from the blood.

Thank you, inviolable!

With a glance, Jiang Lin looked at the soldiers carrying guns around him and shouted, "Kneel down for me!"

A thunderous shout from Jiang Lin made those soldiers who were sweating coldly on their foreheads completely lose their strength. They all lost their firearms and fell to their knees.

So, an unbelievable scene appeared on the street.

Jiang Lin stood proudly with his hands on his back. Around him, soldiers in yellow military uniforms knelt on their knees and bowed down.

Chapter [-] I told you earlier, don't shoot

Now that the Qing Dynasty is dead, it is already the Republic of China. The relationship between the master and the elders has long since abolished the ceremony of kneeling and worship. The trend of thinking in the new era has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. .

But now the soldiers on the street actually kneel, which is ridiculous.

This strange incident was quickly spread by pedestrians on the street, and more and more people gathered here.

"Sister, when did my husband have such ability?"

Tian Ji turned her head and asked her sister Chen Yu, she knew that her men were good at catching monsters and catching ghosts, but when they stopped there, they all knelt down. No Taoist priest could do that, right?

"I don't know, our man, we can't believe it now."

Chen Yu looked at Jiang Lin with a smile, and she was no stranger to this kind of thing. If her man did a lot of things, if she talked about it, it would be a big event that shocked the world. Now she has a strong ability to accept it.

Ningshuang and Xiaoru were the same. Although they were new to this kind of thing, they didn't have much trouble in their hearts.

But the people around, including the foreman and a group of workers, were all eye-opening.

My God, this gentleman is not the prince, is he?

But even the prince can't make people kneel.

The foreman's eyes widened. Before Jiang Lin knocked down the soldier guarding the gate, he had already surprised him, but the current situation was several levels more shocking than before.

"Hand over all the things you have seized, and in addition, hand over a piece of money or items of equivalent value."

Jiang Lin walked to the Mediterranean Sea and looked at him condescendingly.

"I... I have already reported... those things to Master Yang."

Mediterranean Sea looked up at Jiang Lin. Bean-sized beads of sweat dripped from his forehead. He had already reported the grain and oil for his greed. Now he wants him to get it back, and he has to pay double. Where does he still have? Good fruit to eat.


Jiang Lin raised one foot and dropped it back again. The sound of "click" spread instantly.

Taking Jianglin's location as the center, with a radius of six or seven meters, all the cement floors are densely packed with cracks.

Seeing this scene in the Mediterranean Sea, his heart almost stopped beating, and his face turned pale with fright.

This time I provoke a land fairy!

Some of the soldiers behind him were trembling all over. Although they had carried guns and killed people, they had never seen such a scene since they were born.

Just looking at them scared them to their knees. They didn't even have the strength to think about it. They stomped on the ground and cracked the cement floor.

What the hell did we mess with this time?

A group of people complained in their hearts, even if they used to bully others and were vicious, but now they have no intention of resisting Jiang Lin at all.

"Do you need me to say it a second time?"

"No... No, you two, bring those grains and oils back! Double!"

The Mediterranean shook his head again and again, and asked the two soldiers behind him to dispatch the supplies.

Those things were gone, and he just didn't have any good fruit to eat. If he didn't agree to this, the immortal would have to die on the spot as soon as he stepped up.

Whether it is light or heavy, you don't have to think about it.

"A melon child dares to touch me!"

Before the soldiers behind the Mediterranean got up, a whistle and a loud roar could be heard in the distance.

"Master Yang is here!"

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