The onlookers around heard the shouts, and immediately dispersed a lot, and some persuaded Jiang Lin and the others to leave quickly, and then they each hid in the shops and alleys.

"Chili, you go somewhere else first."

Now that the master has arrived, Jiang Lin is going to be slaughtered. Chen Yu and the others have charms on them, but the foreman and the workers don't, so Jiang Lin told them to step aside temporarily.

Not long after, a group of convoys stopped in front of the Mediterranean Sea, and behind a military motorcycle at the head sat a big man in a military uniform with a full face.

Before Yang Dashuai got out of the car, he saw a group of people in the Mediterranean kneeling on the ground, and he immediately yelled: "A group of turtles and melons, they are really losers! Get up!"

The kneeling group of people just wanted to move, but found that they still couldn't get up.

Jiang Lin raised his face at the Mediterranean Sea and said, "He is your bandit commander? You, tell him the matter. Since he is here, in addition to the detained share, give me ten more."

"Ten... ten copies??"

Mediterranean's eyes widened, but seeing Jiang Lin's gaze swept over, he could only bite the bullet and look at Yang Dashuai: "Da... Dashuai, we have deducted the god's grain and oil, and we have to pay him back. When I go back, I have to pay... I will give you ten shares."


As soon as the Mediterranean said a word, there was a hole in his forehead, and his body slumped.

The people around in the dark were so frightened that they screamed and ran to their homes in groups, but only some of the daring ones stayed where they were.

In the shop, the foreman was also very frightened, and said to Chen Yu and Tian Ji next to him: "Miss Chen, Miss Zhang, this Yang Dashuai kills people without blinking an eye, don't let your husband play his prestige, guns are not eaten casually."

Although he knew that Jiang Lin was definitely not an ordinary person, the foreman was still worried about his safety. The musket was no joke.

"It's okay, small scene, you don't have to worry."

Chen Yu glanced outside and said lightly, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.


Hundreds of people, hundreds of guns, is this a small scene? ?

The foreman was completely stunned.

On the street, after Yang Dashuai got out of the car, he looked at the corpse of the Mediterranean Sea and cursed: "A piece of trash, I will pay you a hemp sale!"

Then he aimed the Mauser muzzle in his hand at Jiang Lin and asked, "I detained your belongings, you want me to pay ten?"

"It's me. I advise you not to point your gun at me, and I advise you better not to shoot."

Jiang Lin looked at Yang Dashuai and nodded.

"Haha, that's really interesting, and advised me not to shoot."

Yang Dashuai laughed, and the soldiers lined up behind him also laughed.


As soon as the gunshot rang, Yang Dashuai shot Jiang Lin in the heart, and then the smile on his face remained, and the whole person fell down.

The bullet hit Jiang Lin and bounced back, just hitting his forehead.

One shot headshot, good marksmanship.

The laughter of several lines stopped abruptly, and they were all dumbfounded.

"I told you earlier, don't shoot."

Jiang Lin looked at Yang Dashuai's corpse and shook his head slightly. It was really interesting that a good handsome should be in a hurry.

Chapter [*]: Detecting Rahu Parasites?

"Avenge the commander!"


Someone in the team shouted, and then a series of gunshots erupted.

After that, there were about [*] or so unlucky people in the queues who were eager to report, and they fell straight down.

"Monster... monster!"

"Help, help!"

Seeing Jiang Lin striding forward, there were people in the team who lost their helmets, abandoned their guns, and shouted. In a short while, there were only a dozen or so people running away.

It's not that they were bold, but that they were so frightened that their legs were weak.

"Come on someone who can talk and take me to get the grain and oil that was seized yesterday, and prepare ten carts worth of property or goods. In addition, the road has been repaired."

Jiang Lin spoke to the remaining dozen or so people. Now that he killed the monkeys and showed them to the chickens, even if these little chickens could become successful, after today's incident, he would not dare to have any more ideas.

Jiang Lin didn't shroud the dragon energy on his body, so he said a few words, but the rest of the dozen or so people, like the soldiers on the other side, all knelt down in fright.

"God, I... I'll take you there."

A tall and thin soldier raised his hand, willing to take the initiative to lead Jiang Lin's way.

Jiang Lin nodded and went to a store not far away, and asked Chen Yu and the others to bring the purchased materials into the province first, and as for the corrupted goods, they would take a few more trips to transport them away.

"Don't be stunned, just work."

After Jiang Lin left, Chen Yu called the foreman, and the group of workers still haven't recovered.

"Miss Chen, shouldn't your husband be an immortal?"

The foreman looked at Chen Yu with awe, what he saw today really made him unforgettable for the rest of his life.

Jiang Lin didn't do anything, and the murderer Yang Dashuai and more than [*] gun bearers were killed by their own bullets.

Apart from the gods, the foreman couldn't think of any other explanation.

"It's a land fairy."

Chen Yu smiled and Tian Ji and the others left the shop.

Since today, there has been a legend of a land fairy in Luzhou City, and the last rumor has become more and more outrageous, making Jiang Lin quite speechless.

After staying outside the city for a few days, Jiang Lin waited for Shu Ning, his newsman wife actually found a newspaper office in a neighboring province.

Coincidentally, Jin Tianyi also arrived, so Jiang Lin gave them the camera in the ancient mirror and asked them to go to the neighboring province to take charge of the newspaper.

After he was busy with the affairs of Shu, he was going to travel east to Japan, and at that time, in the hometown of the Japanese, he would distribute these newspapers.

Jiang Lin stayed in Luzhou for another ten days, and it was true that no supplies were ever stopped again.

In fact, in the old department of Yang Dashuai, he has been passed down as a god, let alone blocking the way, they can't wait to never meet this "immortal" again.

Two days later, Jiang Lin appeared in Zixia Palace and informed Master Hong Jinbao about the dragon veins.

Master Hong Jinbao was also very surprised when he learned the location of the Huaxia dragon veins, especially when he learned that the dragon veins leaked due to the big earthquake, and felt that the matter was no trivial matter.

For Jiang Lin's suggestion, Master Sammo Hung readily agreed. Now that the chaos has started, Jiang Lin has this kind of cultivation, but he is busy, so he can't stay in Shu to guard the entrance of the dragon veins all the time.

"Judge Lu, I'm a busy person, what are you looking for from me?"

On this day, Jiang Lin went down to the underworld, and came to the red beard's judge's palace.

"You guy, what did you do in the sun?"

As soon as Judge Lu saw Jiang Lin, he immediately pulled him to sit down. In the past month, Jiang Lin's Yinde Monument has grown in height, and Jiang Lin has not come down. The matter was reported to the superior.

"What are you doing? Of course you have done a good deed. There is a natural disaster in Shu, so I went to relief."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, listening to the red beard's tone, as if he had done something shameful.

Disaster relief?I see.

Judge Lu had a stunned look on his face, but then he frowned again, squinted at Jiang Lin, and said, "You can pull it down, and you're the only one who will help the disaster? How many taels of silver did you give?"

"Quick, let's be honest, you don't even know how fast your yin de stele jumps up. If you don't tell me how ugly you are, I have to take you to see your superior."

Hearing this, Jiang Lin was suddenly unhappy, and said, "Hey, why do you look down on others? I've donated [*] million yuan, Ocean!"


Judge Lu spewed out several meters of wine from his mouth, and even let go of the wine cup.

"One...a hundred million?"

"Yes, [*] million, according to what you mean, my Yin Virtue tablet has grown a lot, it seems that I have accumulated a lot of Yin Virtue, this [*] million, it is worth it!"

Jiang Lin nodded. Although he helped out a few small mountains of gold, the rewards were not bad. There must be a lot of yin and virtue. Otherwise, Judge Lu would not have sent him down because of this.

With yin virtue, one's master and family can be safe from disasters. This is more important than anything else, and no amount of money can buy it.

Judge Lu stared at Jiang Lin, was silent for a while, and then suddenly shouted: "Brother Jiang, you are really a local tyrant! You can give out [*] million yuan for disaster relief. In fact, I am also a poor household below. See if you can give it to me. A little relief, not [*] million, [*] million will do, Ming coins!"

Jiang Lin had blue veins on his forehead. This red beard was really shameless and invincible.

Drinking fine wine, burning treasure incense, and a baby like a medicine gourd, go to the poor household of your second uncle, shit!

"Let's go! Saying that you are a poor household, won't your conscience hurt?"

"If you have something to say, I still have something to do. I'm going to take a trip to Dongyang."

Judge Lu looked at Jiang Lin's look of contempt, laughed dryly, and then said, "You are going to Dongyang? What a coincidence? I'm here to give you a mission. I told you before that a ray of Luo Hu's breath leaked. , I found the parasitic body in the world, and after the above investigation, it is in Japan. You go there to investigate and destroy it. "

Then Judge Lu took out a compass and told Jiang Lin that as long as Rahu's parasite appeared within a hundred miles of the compass, the compass would respond.

"Investigate the parasitic body of Rahu? I said Judge Lu, you can't get in the ghost body in the forbidden area, so leave it to me, but you can't do the things in the world in the middle of the night?"

Jiang Lin was puzzled, since Luo Hu was so terrifying, and now that he knew that his parasite was in Japan, he didn't rush to capture him, but instead waited for him to come down, and even taught him the task.

Co-authoring when he is very free, right?

Chapter [*] The boiling Japanese monastic world

"If our people go there and it works, do I have to find you to come down? As long as the Yin Si passes by, it will arouse his alertness. Otherwise, an accident [*] years ago would not have caused such a storm. "

Judge Lu patiently explained to Jiang Lin, who made Jiang Lin the most suitable candidate to take over this task, if it was anyone else, Judge Lu would not be polite at all, and had already ordered the task to get out of the way.

"What about those big men above? Rahu is difficult to deal with, how can the parasitic body formed by its breath still be in trouble?"

"It's not that I can't figure it out, but I just can't get my hands on it. Do you think chaos is only in the world? If it weren't for those big men, the order of the underworld would have collapsed long ago. It doesn't make sense to tell you this, you just After completing this task, I will give you a reward. You hand over your Yin Commander to me, and I will give you a promotion."

Judge Lu didn't tell Jiang Lin more than that, Jiang Lin is still a small underworld now, even if he knows about these things, it doesn't make any sense.

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