The order of the underworld has collapsed? ?

Judge Lu's words shocked Jiang Lin. Who has such great ability to paralyze the order of the underworld?

What about him, the sky is falling and there is a tall man on it.

Jiang Lin put the doubts in his heart behind him. He was just a little Celestial Master, and he couldn't even think about these questions.

Jiang Lin then took out Commander Yin and threw it to Judge Lu. The latter tapped Commander Yin a few times, and the entire token glowed with light, and the shape also changed a bit, but it looked a bit like the hands of ancient courtiers. The wat board is up.

"You guy, how long has it been since you were officially promoted to the Yin Division, and now you are the Seventh Grade Palm Slaughter Division."

Judge Lu threw Commander Yin back, and then said, "You must keep this compass well, it must not be lost or destroyed, it is precious."


Jiang Lin put the compass on the coffee table into the ancient mirror in his arms. Since Judge Lu has said it for his sake, and he happens to be going to Dongyang, he will give this red beard a face.

"Huh? What's in your arms?"

"Cough, um... since it's all right, I'll go up first."

Jiang Lin didn't notice that he almost exposed Gu Jing, so he hurriedly called haha ​​and left the judge's hall.

When they got to the realm, Jiang Lin went to the tomb of the Yellow Emperor and called out the colorful tiger king and the others.

"Yuan Ying, take the ancient mirror back, clean up the space inside, don't move the magic tools inside, and put some array materials and property supplies. By the way, send the moon-monitoring rhinoceros at home. I He Tianyi and Rou Rou went directly to Tianjin Wei, and then let Mouse Zai bring Gu Jing directly to Tianjin Wei Wharf to find us."

When Jiang Linkeng killed the idiots in Yamada a while ago, he gained a lot of valuable things, and this time he was going to investigate the parasitic body of Luohu, and he had to walk around the East, which made him think of searching.

If you go to the Japanese hometown, you won't be able to get a lot of treasures, and you will lose your identity as a guest too much.

It just so happened that the treasure-hunting rhino at home had been raising, so Jiang Lin was going to take it there.

It's not indecent to come and go. This little Japanese came to the land of China to rob tombs and dig treasures. Jiang Lin went to see if he could dig up the ancestral graves of emperors, prime ministers, noble families, etc. for them.

"Husband, let's go too."

Linglong and Hongdou are holding Jiang Lin's arm. They have been busy with disaster relief these days. They are very tired every day. Not only the two of them, but also Chen Yu and Jiang Lin have little chance to survive. Now they are finally busy. Jiang Lin is leaving again.

"I'll hurt you again when I get back, dear. I've been tired for a while, so go home and take a good rest."

Jiang Lin stroked the two girls' hair and kissed their cherry lips. Linglong and Hongdou nodded obediently despite their reluctance.


After Chen Yu and the others left, Bai Rourou snorted and hugged Jiang Lin's arm.

Originally, she thought that her status might not be very high after entering the Jiang family. After all, she was not so tender compared to other women in Jiang Lin, but she did not expect Jiang Lin to favor her so favorably.

"Yoyoyo, like a girl of twenty-eight fragrant age, she has been lurking in Li Yangju for so long, and when we're not around, the rice will be cooked."

Jin Tianyi teased Bai Rourou in a teasing tone. As early as when this woman first came into contact with Jiang Lin, Jin Tianyi knew that she must have other thoughts in her heart.

Bai Rourou was said to be embarrassed, lowered her pretty face, and shook Jiang Lin's arm slightly.The attitude of this little daughter is like a master with two apprentices.

After being nourished by love, Bai Rou Rou's mental age plummeted, and she was already at the same level as Linglong and Hongdou.

"Tianyi, don't bully her."

"Hee hee, it's just a joke with my sister. Husband, you brought Mochizuki Lingxi at home, didn't you want to search Dongyang?"

Jin Tianyi also hugged Jiang Lin's other arm, waiting for Jiang Lin's answer. If it was what she guessed, the trip to Dongyang this time would be too exciting.

"You little clever ghost."

Jiang Lin scratched Jin Tianyi's nose and took them all the way to the northeast.

Just when Jiang Lin was leaving, the Japanese people didn't know how many people's eyelids were jumping wildly, and they were panicking.

Ten days later, Jiang Lin and his party took a boat to Nagasaki, Japan with a mouse.

"Tianyi, send out the newspaper."

On the dock, Jiang Lin took out a stack of newspapers from the ancient mirror and handed it to Jin Tianyi and the Flying Mouse King.

Jin Tian greeted everyone in Japanese and delivered two newspapers.

One of them is a Japanese record of Yamada and the others being slaughtered as dogs in Zixia Palace, and the other is a gauntlet in the form of a newspaper. The content is not much, and there are only two points to sum it up.

The first point is that the Taoist priests from the Middle Earth came to Japan to learn how to fight with various Taoist sects; the second point is Jiang Lin's words: "Spicy chicken! You are all spicy chickens!"

After the newspaper spread, the entire pier was completely fried.

This is what Jiang Lin wanted, so he went straight to the door and shouted.

By the time these angry workers wanted to find Jiang Lin and his party, they were long gone.

Jiang Lin and the others had no destination for the time being. The three followed a rhinoceros in the mountains, as leisurely as a walk.

As for the Flying Rat King, he was gliding in the sky with a large stack of newspapers in his mouth, and when he saw someone in the field, he threw down a few.

"Bag! Bag!"

Four days later, at the headquarters of Yin Yang Dao, a table was smashed to pieces by an old man, and two newspapers fell to the ground. It happened that several large Japanese characters appeared: Spicy Chicken!You are all spicy chickens!

On the same day, various sects and sects such as Shinto Shrines, Eastern Secret Buddhism, and Tianli Sect saw the newspapers distributed by Jiang Lin and the others.

After another two days, the entire Japanese monastic world was completely boiling.

When Jiang Lin arrived here, he didn't know how many Roaring Emperors he had created, but he said "Baga" when he opened his mouth and closed his mouth.

Chapter five hundred and ninety-eight of the two choices, both are death

In fact, many Taoist sects here have heard about Jiang Lin's coming to Japan to challenge, and they have made some preparations, but they never imagined that after Jiang Lin arrived, no one would see it, and the newspaper would be published first.

Also, there must be at least tens of thousands of newspapers, madly in various places.

Now this matter is made known to five-year-olds and eighty-year-olds.

This is equivalent to someone coming to the gym, kicking the gym and kicking the gym, but when you come up, you give someone a big ear first, which is still the kind of thief noise.

Don't say anything else when you come to the door, first slap your face and slap your mouth.

In fact, there was another reason for Jiang Lin to do this. Now that this incident has caused all the wind and rain in the city, all women and children know it, and those Taoist sects have to wait for him to come to the door.

Some small means such as assassination and trapping are not easy to arrange at all.

Who can afford to lose that face?

Someone came to challenge and kicked the gym, but as a result, their own side did not dare to take the challenge openly, but only dared to come to the shadows.

If this is done, the cultivators here will be able to lose the face of the ancestor who founded the sect.

"Oh, here's another thousand-year-old Cistanche."

Just when the local cultivator world exploded, Jiang Lin was leisurely collecting treasures on a mountain.

The Mochizuki rhinoceros he stole from the sea is really a walking treasure hunter.

In the past few days, his ancient mirror has already contained many rare medicinal herbs such as Bupleurum for [*] years, rhubarb for [*] years, and licorice with golden skin. In addition, when he passed a big river before, he also had a consonance of watching the moon, and Jiang Lin was at the bottom of the river. The giant clam shell received a blood pearl.

If those magicians and monks knew that they were too angry to eat, but Jiang Lin was "making money" leisurely, they would really be so angry that their heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney hurt together.

"Husband, it's been a few days since the newspaper was published. Aren't you going to find those Taoist fighting methods?"

"Don't worry, let their public opinion ferment a little more, and then I will sweep them one by one."

Jiang Lin smiled, then threw two pieces of dragon meat to Mochizuki Lingxi so that he could continue to hunt for treasures.

Two more days later, at the Ise Shinto gym, the owner of the Ise Shisan held the newspaper in his hand into a ball, his half-white beard swaying back and forth in anger.

The newspaper in his hand was just published by the Flying Rat King yesterday. It was a challenge book. In fact, the challenge book was not very accurate. It reported that Ise Shinto had been destroyed and became history.

"Teacher, it's too much, too much!"

"Ise Shinto can't be humiliated!"

"Even if it pays all the price, it will be smashed into tens of thousands of pieces!"

Around Ise Thirteen, there are four young people wearing strange Taoist robes. They are all successors of Ise Shinto, and they are the direct disciples of Ise Thirteen.

At this time, these disciples were all flushed with anger, and blue veins burst out on their foreheads.

I don’t know how many people came to their gym today to investigate, wanting to see if the things in the newspapers are true. For them, this is simply an unprecedented shame.

They worship the original god of the universe in Ise Shinto, and the inheritors in the Taoist sect believe that they are gods and children of gods.

Just when they were venting their anger, a magician came in from outside and reported: "Teacher, several senior brothers, the middle-earth Taoist priest is here, just outside the museum."


Ise Thirteen knelt down in front of the mural on the wall, and after bowing for a while, stood up abruptly and shouted, "Kill!"

"This is the Gym of Ise Shinto? It's quite atmospheric."

Jiang Lin was amazed when he saw the building in front of him when he arrived outside the gym.

Whether it's his Li Yangju, Ninth Uncle's Yimeiju or Master Hong Jinbao's Daotang, compared to this, it's simply scum.

At this time, Japan was still in the unity of politics and religion, so the density of people cultivating and believing in Taoism was much higher than that of China.

"Husband, this is the dojo of Ise Shinto. This branch of Shintoism originated more than [*] years ago and developed around the outer palace of Ise Shrine. The deity worshiped is the original deity. The five elements of water virtue, contrary to the belief in the inner palace. Ise Shinto was good at controlling water and ice, and later declined, and merged with the inner palace Shinto dedicated to the great god Amaterasu, and the water and fire complemented each other, thus reviving again. Today, the helm of Ise Shinto is Ise Thirteen, his ability to control fire and water should not be underestimated."

Jin Tianyi told Jiang Lin about Ise Shinto. Although she believed in her man's ability, she still chose to remind Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin nodded and walked up the steps, Bai Rou and Jin Tianyi followed closely, and the three entered the gymnasium together.

As soon as they entered the door, dozens of men and women dressed as magicians stared at the three of them with hostile eyes.

Jiang Lin glanced at these people, and then his eyes fell on Ise Thirteen and his four direct disciples behind them.

"Husband, that middle-aged man is Ise Thirteen."

"Well. Translate with him. I'm here to smash the field. If you don't fight, close the gym and commit suicide to apologize. If you fight, it's a matter of life and death."

When Jiang Lin arrived here, he was ready to give Ise Thirteen two choices, one is death, and the other is death.

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, Bai Rourou covered her mouth and chuckled, looking forward to Ise Thirteen's reaction.

In the Middle Earth, in Shanshu, there are quite a few fellows who have been murdered by the Eastern Demon Dao in the name of learning from each other. If it wasn't for her senior brother selling all kinds of magic talismans from Jianglin, I'm afraid there would be more casualties.

Now that Jiang Lin uses his own way to treat his own body, if those fellows who perished know about Jiuquan, they can go with peace of mind.

"Hehe, Middle-earth Taoist priest, what a big tone!"

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