Before Jin Tianyi could translate, Ise Thirteen laughed angrily and responded, two rows of teeth wishing to bite off the iron.

Coming to their gym, giving him two choices, and still dying, really made him laugh.

Ise Thirteen had heard some rumors about Jiang Lin, but he only knew that his cultivation was at the level of a Celestial Master and he was very knowledgeable.

After all, it is impossible for the entire Japanese monastic world to know the details of Zixia Gong Jianglin's killing of Liu Sheng and the others.

From Ise Thirteen's point of view, Jiang Lin may have some skills, but it would be a dream for three people to challenge their entire gymnasium!

Chapter [*] A group can't handle one, spicy chicken!

Now that you know Chinese, communication will be much easier.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, and then asked Jin Tianyi, who was beside him, "Am I okay?"


Jin Tianyi was stunned for a moment, then his face turned red, and he gave Jiang Lin a white look.

What people say about the breath is not the smell in your mouth!

Bai Rourou was also quite speechless, Jiang Lin made it clear that he was deliberately ignoring the other party.

"It's really arrogant!"

"Too crazy!"


When the disciples around Ise Thirteen saw Jiang Lin's attitude, they were furious and cursed.


Jiang Lin looked at the position where the group of people were standing, his eyes lit up, the oriental technique did have its own merits, and it actually combined the technique of the military formation.

Bai Rou and Jin Tian set up a battle against Yijian, and consciously stepped aside to avoid becoming a burden to Jiang Lin.

"That Ise dozen or so, I have no tone, are you ready to choose death or choose death?"

"you wanna die!"

Ise Thirteen was furious, and jumped in front of the disciples. The seal in his hand moved together, and a phantom appeared in front of him, and finally turned into a tall, scythe itachi carrying a huge sickle.


The sickle screeched at Jianglin, and then swirled by itself, forming a whirlwind with the sickle on his body, rushing towards Jianglin.

The air was pierced by the extremely fast-rotating sickle, making a sharp sound, and where the whirlwind passed, there were long, fine marks on the ground.

"Prepare to start!"

Upon seeing this, Ise Thirteen's eldest disciple issued an order to all the juniors and juniors. Once Jianglin was in a difficult situation, they immediately launched an offensive.

"Senior brother, don't worry. The teacher's shikigami, Itachi, is his old man's famous ultimate move, and even the mana monk Liusheng doesn't dare to take it easily. It's enough to make that middle-earth Taoist drink a pot."

"That is, even if he has Taoism by his side, can his physical strength be stronger than that of Liusheng Mana Monk?"

You said a few young people, although they moved their hands separately, took out the red and blue paper royal stickers similar to magic talismans, and secretly prepared spiritual power, but they thought that they no longer needed to take action.

"I just like when you put on the shikigami."

The corner of Jiang Lin's mouth twitched, and he stuck out his right hand just as the whirlwind was about to approach.

The whirlwind formed by the swirling Kama Itachi disappeared in an instant, leaving only Kama Itachi with an anthropomorphic shocked expression on his face.

The huge sickle it swung was tightly grasped by Jiang Lin's hand, as if it was clamped by ten thousand jins of force.

As soon as the flame in his palm leaped, the Yang Yan in Jiang Lin's body instantly surrounded the sickle.


Kama Itachi let out a sharp scream. It wanted to retreat to protect itself, but was entangled by Jiang Lin's Yang Yan whip and couldn't move at all.

It had only been three blinks of an eye since the appearance of the weasel, and after another breath, Jiang Lin put the weasel, which was about to burn into a cloud of smoke, into a small cauldron.


Ise Thirteen never thought that his shikigami didn't even hurt Jiang Lin's skin, so he was taken away by the other party.

In desperation, he separated his hands, formed different gestures, and shot at Jiang Lin. At the same time, he shouted at the disciples behind him, "The Infinite Array of Water and Fire, Kai!"

A group of disciples were startled by the teacher's shout, and they recovered from the shock.

A group of magicians in the formation was divided into two sides, with clear distinctions between them, and they recited the mantras on the red or blue paper imperial stickers in their hands, and then they chased each other like yin and yang fish.

At the same time, Ise Thirteen was surrounded by flames in one hand, and with cold smoke in the other, lined up towards Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin wanted to see Ise Shinto's infinite formation of water and fire, so he let Ise Shisan live for a while, but just pushed out his palms and caught the two palms that came.


As soon as he touched Ise Shisan's palms, Jiang Lin frowned, and two different tingling pains came from his palms, one was like a thorn, and the other was like a needle.

After exerting force to shake Ise Thirteen away, Jiang Lin discovered that a gyro cone-shaped ice axe appeared in the palm of the former's left palm, and the right palm was as red as blood.

Sure enough, there is a doorway.

Jiang Lin also did not expect that Ise Thirteen would be able to combine his own strength and spiritual power, and burst out from the palm of his hand.

This method is indeed the best method for those who are physically tyrannical.

For comparison, Ise Thirteen's ice palm can cause external injuries, while the fire palm can cause internal injuries.

Jiang Lin did not set out to pursue Ise Shisan either, because the attack of the Infinite Array of Water and Fire had already arrived.

A fireball the size of a human head swirled and flew towards Jiang Lin. The inside of the fireball was a clear water bomb and was in a state of extreme boiling.


The water bomb inside the fireball could not bear the high temperature and high pressure, and it exploded completely, and the arrows of water vapor like embroidery needles shot in all directions.


Seeing the fireball water bomb explode not far in front of Jiang Lin, a group of magicians were very excited. This method is one of their ultimate moves of the infinite array of water and fire. Even if they are wearing armor, they have to be beaten into a sieve.

Just after the explosion, Jiang Lin covered his eyes with a palm, blocking the water arrows that shot towards his eyes, and his entire body was knocked back by the water arrows.

With one foot back, Jiang Lin stopped his retreat. He looked at the red dots on the back of his hand and said, "It's interesting, is this the life and death talisman of the Xiaoyao faction?"

The bullets could not leave any traces on his body. The water arrows, like pear blossom needles in a rainstorm, actually penetrated into his pores, causing a tingling sensation under his skin.

If it wasn't for his physical strength surpassing that of a refined zombie, he would have been injured.

"How... how is it possible!"

Ise Shisan took the lead in screaming, Jiang Lin was hit by the explosion of the water bomb, and he was actually unscathed.

"Is this the ability of your Ise Shinto? I'm very disappointed. Come, give you another chance to show it, and then your Ise Shinto can become history."

Jiang Lin strode towards Ise Thirteen. The latter retreated again and again and retreated into the formation. Jiang Lin didn't care at all, turned over and jumped to the front of Ise Thirteen.

Although this water and fire infinite formation is more flexible, its lethality is much worse than that of the death formation composed of formation materials. Jiang Lin is not worried about any accidents.

Since he wants to attack people, let the group of people in the formation and Ise Thirteen doubt their lives one by one.

While Ise Thirteen attacked Jianglin, he commanded the disciples to change their formations. Sometimes there were water prisons and sometimes fire training, but Jianglin couldn't do anything at all.

Ise Shisan even tried his best, but even with the help of his disciples, he couldn't let Jiang Lin break his skin.

After reading the evolution of the Infinite Array of Water and Fire, Jiang Lin no longer had any interest in continuing to play with this group of people.

"Alas, a group is not good for one, spicy chicken, spicy chicken!"

Jiang Lin looked at Ise Thirteen with disappointment, and then pointed his finger at him.

Chapter [*] Professional Destruction Spirit

Ise Shisan's lips moved. He originally wanted to respond to Jiang Lin's ridicule, but the feeling of powerlessness in his heart surged up, and he couldn't make a sound.

At first, he was quite confident, thinking that Jiang Lin and the three of them were looking for a dead end when they faced their entire gym.

But from the beginning to the end, Jiang Lin only had one person, and he also took the initiative to enter the formation that they had set up in the whole hall, and made it clear that they would use whatever means they could.

In this way, they have nothing to do with Jiang Lin.

No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't hurt Jiang Lin's hair.

This is completely overwhelming their entire genre of Ise Shinto with the power of one person, or crushing.

There is nothing more shocking than this.

"You... who are you?"

After a while, Ise Thirteen choked out such a sentence.

"Want to know who I am? Are you worthy? Are you worthy?"

Jiang Lin looked around for a while, a group of useless Xiao Xiao, who wanted to know his origin, was really proud of himself.

"Tianyi, translate my words to them. There should be many people in this group who don't understand Chinese."

Jiang Lin turned his head to look at Jin Tianyi, the soul asked three times, he felt that it was necessary for everyone on the opposite side to hear it.

After Jin Tianyi translated Jiang Lin's question, a group of magicians were all stunned and trembling with anger.

Ise Shisan clenched his fists and opened his eyes. After a while, he looked up to the sky with a smile, and said, "Your Daoist attainments are very high, but that's where it stops. You are so tolerant, it's hard to tolerate Baichuan, I am a great harmony. Sooner or later the nation will surpass you!"

Yo Yo Yo, I almost laughed out loud.

Jiang Lin looked at Ise Thirteen with a foolish look, and said, "You see that I'm out of temper again? I'm sorry, but I'm very condescending. People on my side praise my grandmaster's demeanor. You are angry. Not angry?"

"To you group of hot chickens, I have such an attitude, and I refuse to accept it and bite me. Hey, you Japanese magicians formed an alliance of magicians to dig tombs and steal treasures in our middle earth, just like dirty mice, all kinds of troubles, Do I need to be nice to you? Your brain was kicked by a donkey?"

The more Jiang Lin thought about it, the more amusing he felt. Ise Shinto belongs to Shintoism, and the idea is that the gods and emperors are one. To put it bluntly, it is to serve the emperor. Sooner or later in the future, he will go to China to be a dirty mouse. Beep he's out of temper.

This brain circuit is really amazing.

"For the sake of amusing me, I'll give you a ride."


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