On this day, the Flying Mouse King came back with a compass and complained to Jiang Lin.

It flew through a town at random, and it could see a group of people who were stunned like a demon, and they were chatting with each other in Japanese, and a sentence in Chinese suddenly popped out.

Not only magicians, but even ordinary people can say one or two sentences of such Chinese.

Jiang Lin dug out a top-quality Banlangen root from the ground and put it in the ancient mirror, and asked casually, "How arrogant?"

"Middle-earth Taoist priest, go to Ligaoya to challenge! %¥#@&..."

Just at this moment, an old man walked out of the woods with a young man, and the words just now came from the old man's mouth.

"Middle-earth Taoist priest, go to Ligaoya to challenge! %¥#@&..."

After the old man spoke, the young man also said something. The front was Chinese, and the back was Japanese. When the young man spoke, the expression on his face was still exaggerated and very dragged.

The old man and the young man saw the three Jiang Lin and waved to them, "Kunichwa."

After that, the old and the young stopped looking at Jiang Lin and the others, and they communicated with each other. After a chatter in Japanese, they went down the mountain.

Jiang Lin and Bai Rourou didn't understand at all, so they looked at Jin Tianyi.

"Husband, the old man is the grandfather of the young man. He taught the young man to learn the Chinese sentence just now, and after he went back, he would go on the street and babble from time to time."

The expression on Jin Tianyi's face was quite speechless. It seemed that the old and young masters and grandsons did not understand Chinese at all. The old man did not know where he heard the phrase "Middle-earth Taoist priest, go to Ligaoye to challenge", and then taught him grandson.

"Master, it's not bad, it teaches you how to speak, and makes people understand. You go to a place where there are many people and listen, and the two of them are talking well, but suddenly one of them shouts a sentence of Chinese in one direction. After the other person was stunned for a moment, he also turned his head and howled. The arrogance when he shouted was more than that of the zombie Xu Fu."

The Flying Mouse King told Jiang Lin what he saw when he was gliding in the sky.

Jiang Lin and Bai Rourou: "..."

Nima, now it has become a national propaganda?

What the hell!

Jiang Lin is ashamed, his coming to challenge the various sects in Japan was originally a matter of the monastic world, but now the influence has spread to the civilian streets, and all the people are used as megaphones.

It’s okay to be arrogant as a magician, that’s just to bring him into the game, but ordinary people can be so arrogant, Jiang Linwei really doesn’t understand where the arrogant capital of this nation comes from in this matter.

He challenged the Japanese monastic world by himself, three battles and three victories, and the spirit of the three Taoist sects was destroyed by him. These things seem to have been forgotten by this group of people, and it has only been a few days before he became arrogant.

This brain circuit is also drunk.

Jiang Lin thought about the picture described by the mouse, and really felt that he couldn't see it.

In this case, I will come to a national attack.

Jiang Lin chuckled and said to his two wives, "Let's go to Ligaoye to see how arrogant they are."

The three went down the mountain and went straight to Yanli Temple.

Along the way, as the Flying Rat King said, Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing at the interesting things he saw.

"It's him, it's him!"

"Middle-earth Taoist priest!"

"He's going to Ligaoya to challenge!"

On the street, pedestrians saw Jiang Lin tearing down all the banners on the wall, plus the rumors they heard, they recognized Jiang Lin's identity.

So, Jiang Lin and the others followed a large group of Japanese, ready to see how they were planted in Ligaoye.

Some of the magicians hurried back to Yanli Temple to report the news to the sage master there.

Half an hour later, the three came to a mountain, and Yanli Temple was located on the top of the mountain.

After entering the gate of the temple, Jiang Lin saw hundreds of magicians and monks sitting cross-legged in the wide square.

In the center of those magicians and monks stood four special figures, three of them old men, the last of them about forty years old.

"Husband, the four of them should be Liansheng, the mana monk in Ligaoye, Fangjie, the leader of the Dahon Sect, Kawate, the master in charge of the Golden Light Sect, and Kosuke Tuyumen, the family member of Tuyumen Shinto."

Jin Tianyi introduced the four people to Jiang Lin. Although she had not seen all of them, she could guess their correct identities through their clothing and physical features.

"Rigaoye, Dahon Religion, Jinguang Religion, Tuyumen Shinto."

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, and his eyes stayed on the four of them. Their cultivation had reached the level of alchemists, and only Tuyumen Gensuke was relatively weak.


At this moment, Kawaste let out a low shout, and the magicians and monks sitting around all concentrated their energy, their eyes gleamed, and they stared at Jiang Lin.

A powerful force of no situation was pressing towards Jiang Lin and the others. Hundreds of monks and magicians gathered their energy and energy, and the breaths of each other were linked together. The pressure formed was extraordinary. This kind of pressure may make you unable to stand firm, and even if you don't bend your knees, you have to step back.

Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou felt the oppression and immediately supported Jiang Lin's arm.

Come up and give Mawei?Bug carving tricks!

Jiang Lin sneered and drank, "Who will suffer?"

As soon as he shouted, it was like the ringing of a bell, the dry weather was thunderous, and the pressure formed by the gathering of hundreds of magicians was completely dissipated by Jiang Lin.

Hundreds of people sitting cross-legged on the ground, even if there were alchemists among them, were all distracted by Jiang Lin's shout, and their bodies shook a few times involuntarily.

Liansheng and Kawaste were also startled by Jiang Lin's voice. They looked at each other, and their faces became quite solemn.

It's better to be famous than to meet, and it really is not shallow.

Exit Fang Jie squinted his eyes, he took a step forward, and then he kept walking. After ten steps, he passed a distance of [*] meters and stood still eight meters in front of Jiang Lin.

The head of the Daben Sect, known as the Holy Teacher of the Prophet.

Jiang Lin looked at Fang Jie, Jin Tianyi once told him about the Daben Sect. This sect uses willingness to assist cultivation. The sect leader has shown miracles of prescience before, and saved the emperor from disaster. Therefore, he was given the name "Holy Master".

Chapter [*] Isn't it a prophet?See how much you can know?

"Holy Master!"

The onlookers who came in from the outside cheered when they saw Fangjie facing Jiang Lin, and some believers in the Daben religion knelt down directly.

The magicians and monks who were sitting cross-legged looked at Fangsuke's back, and there were expressions of reverence on their faces.

Export Fangsuke has been famous for a long time. Whether it is official or private, his prestige is very high, and his influence in the Japanese monastic world is extraordinary. Otherwise, Yamada would not have let his daughter Michiko personally send a letter to invite this Dahon sect The leader goes out.

"I admire your courage, dare to come to the land of our Yamato nation alone, and openly challenge our entire monastic world. But that's the end of it. Today, I will use your blood to sacrifice our nation's flag!"

Fang Jie, the exporter, uttered ruthless remarks all at once, which caused everyone to be in high spirits and echoed in unison.

Behind him, hundreds of monks and magicians stood up in unison in an instant, changing their positions.

Jin Tianyi relayed the meaning of Fang Jie's export to Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin laughed out loud this time. Did they all use Rejoice?So confident? ?

In fact, he really guessed wrong, Fang Jie was so arrogant, it was all to cover for Liansheng and the others behind him. He wanted to attract Jiang Lin's attention and delay for some time.

There are so many people gathered here this time, not only people from the Taoist sect, but also the crowd who came to watch. Under this situation, Kui Fangjie and the others definitely want to defeat Jiang Lin one-on-one.

Only one-on-one is not enough, they have to be fair, otherwise, even if they win in the end, they will not be able to restore Jiang Lin's previous impact.

Even if it can't be done, and insidious means need to be used, it will make most people look upright.

Now Liansheng and the others are secretly preparing insidious ultimate moves, so Jiang Lin's attention cannot be focused on them.

In fact, Fangjie has a hunch that he will have a bloody disaster today, and the ultimate move that Jiang Lin can prepare will take time. Compared with Liansheng and the others, only he, a holy teacher with precognition, can buy more time. He had to play against Jiang Lin.

"I heard that you have the ability to predict, so you might as well foresee how you will die."

Since this prophet is so confident, and he comes up to fight alone, Jiang Lin wants to see what kind of prophet Fangjie is.

"Ha ha……"

Exit Fang Jie laughed up to the sky, and then looked at Jin Tianyi, who was giving Jiang Lin a message.

Many years ago, he had met with Jin Tianyi's teacher, that is when he met Jin Tianyi who was still a young girl.

Export Fangjie didn't want to start with Jiang Lin immediately, so he made some articles on Jin Tianyi to buy more time.

A look of contempt appeared on his face, and he said, "I thought you were being coerced, but I didn't expect you to betray your own nation."

"I was originally a spy, the Manchu Aixinjueluo clan in China, not your Japanese at all."

Jin Tianyi responded to Fang Jie in Japanese, and her voice was not small. Among the hundreds of monks and magicians who knew her, the look at the traitor made her very disgusted.

Do you really think that the old lady is of your same clan?Do you Japanese women have such long legs!

"Husband, hit him!"

Exporting Fangjie's words reminded Jin Tianyi of her former life as a spy, and her good mood was destroyed, Jin Tianyi immediately asked Jiang Lin to do it.

Without saying a word, Jiang Lin stretched out his fingers and made a note of Dong Dongbo.

"How can Theo!"

Fang Jie's heart was a greasy one. He had made a good abacus and beeped a few words with Jin Tianyi, delaying it for a while, but he didn't expect to step on the thunder directly.

Moving his body to one side, Fang Jie escaped dangerously and dangerously from a yang finger when he exited. Immediately, he condensed his spiritual power with his two fingers and tapped a few times between his eyebrows and his left and right temples.

At the same time, the hundreds of people standing behind the exit Fangjie each kneaded and formed their own seals. Intricate patterns appeared under their feet, connected with each other, and finally converged into a beam of light that moved quickly towards the exit Fangjie.

The beam of light moved to where Fangsuke was at the exit, and guarded it inside the column.

A big boost?

Jiang Lin looked at Fang Jie. At this moment, the old man's aura began to soar, and he stepped directly into the level of the Celestial Master. The increase did not stop. After a few breaths, Fang Jie's aura began to stabilize, approaching the peak of the Celestial Master.

"Little Japan, there are quite a few tricks. But, unfortunately, it's useless at all."

Jiang Lin looked at Fang Jie quietly. In order to win, this guy actually disregarded his own foundation and forcibly raised his cultivation base. In this way, he basically didn't have to do anything. After a while, Fang Jie, the Japanese sage, would be completely exhausted. obsolete.

The cultivation base has been raised a lot, and Fangjie's confidence has increased greatly, he laughed up to the sky, and said: "I can foresee all your attacks now, and I will break them in advance when you cast spells, and your cultivation base will be tied by me again. , the means have been pondered by me, you just wait for the sacrifice flag!"

"General Spirit Mason, Sword Spirit Muramasa!"

Exit Fangjie's hands quickly formed a seal, and the light beside him was in a trance, and then two spiritual shadows, one tall and one short, appeared.One of them was burly and majestic, almost three meters tall, covered in armor, carrying a meteor sledgehammer on his shoulders, and the other, like an ancient warrior, held a long sword with a flickering cold light in his hand.

The two spirit bodies roared at the same time and charged towards Jiang Lin.

"This is the method of your holy teacher? Are you the only one who still pays the holy teacher?"

Jiang Lin sneered, then stretched out his arm and transformed into a Yang Finger Sword, which directly pierced Jiang Ling's body, and then he waved with one arm, and his body turned twice with his arm.

The two shikigami summoned by Fang Jie were cut into six sections by Jiang Lin, and the spirit and sword spirit screamed, and the spirit body turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.


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