Fang Jie's eyes widened and he let out an exclamation. His two shikigami were much stronger than before, but he was scattered as soon as he was summoned. It is still unknown whether he could be summoned again.

This kind of thing makes Fangjie unacceptable. His cultivation has been raised to the level of a heavenly master. How can such a situation still occur?

"Didn't you say that you have thought about my methods? Are you the only one who is a saint?"

Jiang Lin attacked Fangjie mercilessly. He guessed that Fangjie should have received the information about him sent by Yamada, but Yamada had no idea what his methods were.

This Japanese sage actually thought that he had figured out his methods thoroughly.


Jiang Lin shot out another yang finger, but it still didn't work.

"Come on, show me your prophet's abilities and hide."

Jiang Lin stretched out his arms, his fingers were spread apart, and his fingers were like bullets from a machine gun, swept towards Fang Jie's exit.

Not a prophet?How much can you know?

Chapter [*]: The Invincible Pose ([*])

Exit Fangsuke saw the beam of bullets shooting towards him, his face became as if he had eaten a dead mouse.

In the letter sent by Michiko, there was a description of Jiang Lin's spell, but it was just written that it was like a shooting, where Nima is shooting now, it is simply submachine guns and machine guns.

The hundreds of people in the formation and Lian Sheng almost dropped their eyeballs. Before, Jiang Lin's Yang Finger Sword instantly scattered Fang Jie's general spirit and sword spirit, and they were stunned, and they haven't recovered. Well, Jiang Lin let them see an incredible scene.

The Taoist priest and the sorcerer were fighting, and the Taoist priest took out the machine gun.

Foul, foul!

"Lie down!"

The magicians who are closer to the battle circle are also within the range of Yang Zhiqi. After four or five magicians are shot, they immediately let the surrounding accomplices lie down.

They either kneel or squat down to avoid the Yang Zhi Qi shot out by Jiang Lin, but Fang Jie was not so lucky.

No matter how prophetic he was, even if he knew where Jiang Lin was going to fight, he couldn't keep up with his actions at all.

After evading seven or eight rays of Yang Zhiqi, Fang Jie took out a short sword from his sleeve and blocked five or six beams, and he had reached the limit.

Even if his physical strength reached the peak of a human being, it was impossible for him to escape Jiang Lin's ten bursts of machine guns. In just two or three breaths, many blood holes were punched out of his body.

If it weren't for the fact that Yang Zhiqi didn't do much damage to Yangren, this mess would be enough for him to report below.

"Holy teacher? Even if your cultivation is elevated, what's the use?"


Jiang Lin's words made Fang Jie's face flush with anger, he was angry, and he spewed out a blood mist.

"Come on together, you guys."

Missing the exit Fang Jie, Jiang Lin shouted at the three of Liansheng in the crowd.

He probably guessed the thoughts of this group of people, and wanted to defeat him in an upright way, in order to save the face of their monastic world and boost the national spirit.

If these people use other means, such as setting up a killing formation, Jiang Lin really can't take it, but now, he doesn't have to worry about it.

Even if Liansheng and Kuikou Fangjie were all raised to the level of Celestial Masters, they might not be able to win against him.

Liansheng's face is very ugly, he is the master here, and now he wants to join forces with the visitors to deal with the challenger.

But after thinking about it, he suppressed the anger in his heart, and the top priority is to defeat and kill this challenger.

Originally, when he saw that Fangjie was seriously injured, he wanted to go up and replace him, but now Jiang Lin took the initiative to use one-to-many.

"Where's Yuming Thirteen?"

Lian Sheng glanced around and asked the apprentice beside him in a low voice.

Now that the ultimate move has been arranged in secret, the three of them need to play a duel, and the ultimate move needs another person to launch. His eldest disciple, Yuming Thirteen, is not weak and is the best candidate.

But Liansheng looked around, and there was no shadow of his eldest disciple.

"Master, the big brother went down the mountain last night to get rid of the demons, and he never came back."

A fat monk also lowered his voice and reported the situation of Yuming Thirteen to Liansheng.

In fact, Yuming Thirteen was in a secret place dozens of miles away at this time, meeting with Lan Dali, Xu Fu and Crow.

The compass in the ancient mirror in Jiang Lin's arms had already responded, but Jiang Lin didn't know it.

"He's not here at this time, that's all, fearless, it's up to you to do it."

Lian Sheng flicked the cuff of his monk robe in front of him, his lips moved a few times quickly, and after explaining to the fat monk, he made a vertical leap and followed Kawate and the others.

The three of them arrived at Fangjie's side, and the hundreds of people behind them moved in unison again. The situation that happened to Fangjie was played out on the three of them.

The auras of Liansheng Mana Monk, Tuyumen Gensuke, and Jinguangjiao Chuanhou also reached the level of a Celestial Master.

In order to stop Jiang Lin's challenge, the four of them did everything they could, even if their cultivation was completely destroyed after this battle, they would not hesitate.

Jiang Lin looked at the four of them, and then let out a long laugh. Since he started his apprenticeship, he didn't know how many demons and zombies he had killed, but he had only killed one Heavenly Master.

Today he is going to get the achievement of "Five Kills of the Celestial Master".

The magicians and monks in the back array are very nervous. The current four-person combination, plus the increase in their formation, is already the strongest echelon in their monastic world. If they can't defeat and kill this Middle Earth Celestial Master , the consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

The onlookers at the door also raised their hearts to their throats at this time, not knowing what the final result would be.

Originally, they had full confidence in the group of four including Liansheng and Kawaste, but they had only just seen Jiang Lin's methods, and now they don't have a clue at all.

After the four of them met, there was no delay for half a moment, Chuan Shou chanted and chanted, covering his whole body with a layer of golden light; Tu Yumen Gengzhu burst out two fire balls in his body, turning around his body; Lian Sheng stuck his Zen staff on the ground , with both hands forming a seal of expiry.

As for the exit Fang Jie, he spit out a mouthful of blood from the tip of his tongue towards his palms and recited the nine-character mantra.


Chuan Shou blushed and let out a violent roar. The golden mask on his body was divided into four, and the other three flew to Lian Sheng and others.

Suddenly raising the golden light spell to the limit, Chuan Shou's face turned pale, his hands kept moving, blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth, and he shouted: "Ape Demon, go to battle!"

A cloud of mist appeared in front of Kawaste, and then a giant ape with a height of more than five meters stood in front of him with a mace on his shoulder.

Afterwards, Chuante gave Fangjie a wink and said, "Buy time for Master Liansheng and Tuyumen!"

After the sound fell, Chuan Shou took out a whisk from his sleeve and attacked Jiang Lin first. Fang Jie followed behind with a dagger in his hand. Ape Demon and Jiang Ling and Sword Spirit, who were called out again, also followed them. They rushed to Jianglin together.

Liansheng and Tsuchimikado Kosuke behind them quickly chanted the mantra, and threw one paper after another in their hands.

Jiang Lin tapped his finger a few times, and the laser beam hit Chuan Shou and Kou Fang Jie, but this time the Yang Zhi Qi didn't work anymore. The golden mask on the two reflected the Yang Zhi Qi elsewhere. The shot hit the ground, blasting a small hole in the floor.

He threw out the bone sword with one hand, and Jiang Lin's aura spread unabashedly around him. The majestic aura caused the air to surging and convection, forming several whirlwinds.

How can it be so strong? ?

Liansheng, who was arranging the barrier, felt the aura emanating from Jiang Lin, and his surprise was written all over his face.

"Master Liansheng, hurry up! This time, even if we are betting on the dignity of our Kinki area, we will kill him!"

After Tsuchimikado truly felt the power of Jiang Lin, he completely changed his original thoughts.

The Celestial Masters who have reached the level of fake pills, who are they in the Japanese cultivating world?

Chapter [*]: The Invincible Pose ([*])

Tuyumen Gengzhu was secretly annoyed that he had miscalculated this time. They also knew that Jiang Lin’s Taoism was very good, and even ordinary Celestial Masters were not necessarily his opponents, so they gathered in one place, planning to fight against the foundation and defeat Jiang Lin. .

But they still underestimated this Middle-earth Celestial Master. Jiang Lin's current aura is much more powerful than that of the Celestial Master, and he has already stood at the pinnacle of the Celestial Master level!

In the original plan of Liansheng and the others, one or two people would be on the field. If they improve their cultivation, they should be able to defeat Jiang Lin. Even if they can't, they can also consume Jiang Lin's strength. In the process of the duel between people, they tricked and plotted to kill them in one fell swoop.

But now, let alone kills, he didn't even manage to consume. After Fang Jie came into play, he was seriously injured without even touching Jiang Lin's hair.

Now the four of them have to join forces, but even if they join forces, the outcome of the duel is still unknown.

Tsuchimikado Kosuke and Liansheng forcibly suppressed the restlessness in their hearts, and quickly arranged formations and enchantments while taking advantage of the opportunity that Kawaste and Kagumo Fangjie gave them.

Without these formations and formations, the four of them and Jiang Lin would have no chance of winning.

However, Jiang Lin will not let them settle down so easily. He should deal with the four Celestial Masters alone, and there should be no major problems, but once the other party uses external force, it is uncertain, and there will be any accidents. .

He bowed his body and jumped out like a cheetah, and only a black shadow could be seen at a fast speed.


Jiang Lin slashed across with a sword, and Fangjie, relying on his ability to predict, used his short sword to stand in front of him to block, but the force from the bone sword was too great. All of a sudden it cut into his arm.

With just one strike, Jiang Lin smashed the exit Fang Jie into the air, and then met the ape demon who charged with his mace.


With a flicker of cold light, the five-meter-high ape demon let out a scream. One of its mace was cut into two pieces by Jiang Lin's sword. The sword's strength did not diminish, and another terrifying slash was cut in its abdomen. Wound.

Jiang Ling and Sword Spirit behind the monkey demon were not much better, they were cut to pieces by the bone sword and kicked away by Jiang Lin.


Jiang Lin moved again, and in an instant he missed Chuan Shou. The golden mask on the latter's body shattered like a glass full of cracks.

This kind of golden light is good for resisting ordinary spells or physical attacks, but being slashed by a sharp spiritual sword like the Zhengbone Sword can only end in a rupture.

There was a long wound on Chuan Shou's chest, from the left shoulder to the right abdomen. Jiang Lin not only slashed the golden light of his body protection, but also slashed his body firmly with the bone sword.

"go with!"

Just when Jiang Lin was going to deal with Liansheng and Tsuchimikado Kosuke, the voice of Fangsuke came from behind.

This Japanese sage, in order to hold Jiang Lin back and create opportunities for Lian Sheng and the two, actually ordered Jiang Ling to rush to Bai Rou and Jin Tianyi.


The Flying Rat King jumped out of Jin Tianyi's pocket and instantly turned into a giant rat, swatting the spirit away with one paw.

"Demon... Demon King?"

Exit Fangjie did not expect Jin Tianyi and the others to be protected by a demon king, but his surprise lasted for a moment, the handprint changed, and he let the sword spirit rush over.


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