The two shikigami swords and the giant hammer were clamped by the two rat claws of the Flying Rat King, unable to move at all.

However, the Flying Rat King was also restrained by Erling. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fangjie broke out his ultimate physical strength and stabbed Jin Tianyi.

As long as they can hold back Jiang Lin, they have the hope of beheading him.

"you wanna die!"

Jiang Lin's murderous voice entered Fang Jie's ears, causing his pupils to shrink suddenly.

How could it be so fast? ?

Fang Jie's mind went blank. He was killed by Jiang Lin just now. He was not far from Jin Tianyi and the others, but Jiang Lin was still a long way from him. How did he get behind him in the blink of an eye?


A scream spread around, and then an arm flew into the air and fell again.

Jiang Lin cut off one of Fang Jie's arms. If he hadn't adjusted his position at the critical moment, it would have been his head that flew out.

"Holy Master!"

All the magicians and the crowd screamed when they saw this scene.

Chuan Shou and Lian Sheng, their eyes were completely split, and they looked up to the sky and cried out in grief.

"Ray Tengu!"

"Aurora Barrier!"

"Suppress the barrier!"

"Royal Earth Formation!"

"The land only borrows the law!"

Liansheng and Tu Yumen Gengzhu's eyes were red, they glared at Jiang Lin, and shouted in unison.One of them formed a seal and chanted a spell, while the other chanted a tactic, and activated the enchantment and formation that had been arranged.

It was the export Fangjie that desperately bought time for them to let them complete several enchantments and formations.

At this time, in front of Liansheng and the others, there were four floating light balls, and the light balls were densely packed with complicated runes.

There was also a tengu flying above their heads. Its body seemed to be composed of thunder and lightning, and sparks and arcs of lightning appeared from time to time.

Liansheng and Tuyumen Kosuke lined up with four hands, and the four light balls quickly formed a square area.


Jiang Lin suddenly felt a change under his feet, and the ground he was stepping on actually turned into mud at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The mud flowed extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, his body was sent to the center of the square area.

Tuyumen Gensuke's handprint moved again, and the mud under Jiang Lin's feet solidified like cement. What Jiang Lin did not expect was that a strong pressure suddenly appeared on his body, making him feel as if he was a human being. When taking the elevator, the elevator rushes upward at a very fast speed.

Changed gravity? ?

Jiang Lin raised his brows. It was the first time he had seen such an effective formation.

However, even if the gravity of this area is changed, it will not have much effect on him.

Jiang Lin's feet were solidified under the ground, and as soon as his legs condensed his strength and struggled outward, he escaped immediately.

"If you have any skills, use them. The export Fangjie risked his life to create opportunities for you. Let me see if you have let him down."

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, holding the bone sword in his hand, and walked towards Liansheng and the three of them.

Chapter nine hundred and sixty-six invincible posture (below)

Gensuke Tuyumen saw that Jiang Lin had broken free from the solidified mud and was walking normally. His pupils widened in a circle.

The formation he arranged has changed the gravity of this area. Even if it is not ten times, eight or nine times are definitely there.

If the gravity on the average person suddenly increases seven or eight times, he may not even be able to stand up.

However, Jiang Lin was like a normal person.

The formation has obviously played a role, and Jiang Lin has not been seen breaking the formation, but it has no impact at all.

This unscientific!

Liansheng and Kawaste looked at each other, then looked at Tsuchimikado Kosuke.

What is the situation? ?

"Don't use common sense to speculate on him!"

The exit Fangjie shouted at Liansheng and the three of them, then he tore off the hem of his clothes, bandaged the wound on his broken arm, and said to his two shikigami: "Jiang Ling Ma Xun, Jian Ling Village Zheng, today you can meet with I cancel the contract and be free, but only if I go to war with all my strength."

He drew a rune on the ground with one hand, and Fang Jie continued: "I will consume my lifespan, and give you all my will and soul to protect you from a murder, and you will retire today when you are successful. !"

Then he slapped a single palm on the ground, and the three souls and seven souls suddenly left the body, the three souls rushed to the general spirit, and the seven souls flew to the sword spirit.

Export Fangjie knew that he didn't have much time to live, so he chose to give up his lingering life, and at the same time gave the two shikigami conditions to regain their freedom, so as to let them do everything they could.

"Holy Master!"

Liansheng and the others were very sad when they saw Fangjie's body falling down.

The generation of saint teachers of their Yamato nation has just fallen.

Sadness swept the entire square, and hundreds of magicians and monks covered their faces and wept, and then they all poured their energy into the boosting formation.

The breath of the three of Liansheng has once again increased, and it is not far from Jiang Lin.

Kawashou squeezed his own spiritual power, and the golden light of body protection appeared again, while Liansheng and Tuyumen Gensuke changed their handprints continuously.

Jiang Lin suddenly felt a special momentum around him. He moved his arm, but found that there was a lot of resistance around him, making him feel as if he was in the deep sea.

Nearly ten times the gravity, coupled with this special formation, even Jiang Lin was affected a lot.

After the enchantment and the formation were connected, Liansheng and the others took out a piece of paper and put it on their bodies, immune to the effects of the formation and the formation, and then cast a spell to make Erling and the ape demon unaffected.

After making these preparations, the three of them launched an attack on Jiang Lin together. Jiang Lin, the sword spirit and the ape demon had the same high fighting spirit.

With one sword and one sword, Jiang Lin blocked all the attacks of Lian Sheng and the others. Even Jiang Lin, after one enemy and six, was a little bit struggling. The giant hammer swept towards his chest.

Jiang Lin had no choice but to swing his sword out, but at this moment, the Zen staff in Liansheng's hand pointed at a ball of light, and a strong light burst out in the square area.

Although Jiang Lin was guarding the surrounding formations and formations, he did not expect this strong light to come too fast.

When the strong light flashed, Jiang Lin felt the world spinning for a while.

However, this dizziness lasted for a short time, Jiang Lin immediately retracted his sword and returned to the defense, laying in front of him.

With a sound of "Dang", Jiang Lin's body was smashed into the air, and he flew back quickly.

Liansheng and Tuyumen Gensuke both moved at the same time, the former took nine steps in a row, and the latter slapped both palms on the ground.

At this time, Jiang Lin's body was still in a state of retreat, and the ground below turned into mud again, making him unable to stop his retreat.

Suddenly, Jiang Lin felt a sharp pain under his feet.

Liansheng just took nine steps in a row, one lotus at a time, and nine Buddha lotuses emerged from the mud, as if they were rooted in a quagmire.

The Buddha lotus is unstained from mud, and the edge of the lotus petals is as thin as a cicada's wing, and it is like a blade, which is extremely sharp.

Jiang Lin's feet just scratched over these lotus blades. Even his defense like a zombie king was scratched by the lotus blades. The sharpness of these Buddha lotuses can be seen.


Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou felt tight when they saw the blood dripping from the lotus petals of Buddha Lotus.

"Two mistresses, don't worry, the master will be fine."

The mouse boy was not worried about Jiang Lin's bloodshed. Now his master is a terrifying celestial master who can take off the arms of the green-eyed zombies of the flying stupor. Even if these oriental demons have improved their cultivation with secret methods, Also not enough to see.

Jiang Lin released and refined the corpse poison on the soles of his feet to close the wounds on his feet. Then, he used his two palms and stepped on the mud to meet them again.

Really too strong!

Although Liansheng and the others seem to have the upper hand, everyone's heart is half cold now.

The lotus blades of the nine Buddha lotuses can cut gold and jade. Under normal circumstances, they can cut off the bones of people's feet, but Jiang Lin only bleeds a little.

The Imperial Earth Formation can make people trapped in a quagmire, and they can't help, but Jiang Lin can walk on it.

"Is that all it takes? It's time for me to show off."

Jiang Lin's entire body was filled with flames, which quickly swept around his body for two feet. The mud was roasted by the high temperature, and a white gas of power rose up.

Seeing that the mud was rapidly dehydrating and solidifying, Tuyumen Gengzhu was about to cast the spell again. Jiang Lin snorted coldly when he saw it. It was like an electric drill, and it was surrounded by soaring yang flames.

"go with!"

With a wave of one arm, there was a whistling sound in the air, and the bone sword swirled and flew out at a speed so fast that people couldn't react.


Tsuchimikado Fangsuke spewed a blood mist, and a blood hole in his chest was like a fire hydrant, spewing blood out.

The two body-protecting flames that swirled around him before had hit the Zhengbone Sword, but the result still couldn't be changed.

Another fell.

At the same time, the ape demon fell, and the forehead was drilled through just like Tsuchimikado Kosuke.

This is not over yet, Jiang Lin killed three times with one sword, and sent out Fang Jie's screams from his body. His three souls were wiped out by Jiang Lin's sword.

There was also Jiang Ling who screamed together. Fang Jie did prevent it from dying, but the Yang Yan of the Zhengbone Sword remained in its body.

It's like a person who has two lives, was hit by a car, and could have survived, but was run over by a car again.

"I'm free, you son of a bitch, I don't mean to help me stop the calamity, am I blocking you?"

The spirit roared and rushed out, and it would never give life to people again. To deal with this invincible middle-earth celestial master, the proper way is to die.


There was a commotion in the crowd watching by the gate, and before the spirit escaped, seven or eight people were directly stuffed into their stomachs.

Because of this, Jiang Lin hesitated for a while, but didn't want to kill it, wouldn't it be bad to keep it here?

The commotion was followed by a period of silence.

Like an invincible god of war, Jiang Lin stood on the solidified ground. Liansheng, Chuanshou, and the sword spirit were all motionless. The hundreds of people behind them could no longer think.

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