Chapter nine hundred and sixty-seventh is a waste of effort!

Four Taoist seniors of the first echelon, two shikigami, one ape demon, plus four or five enchantments and formations, just to deal with a middle-earth Taoist, and now, Fangjie, the holy teacher, has died. Tuyumen Shinto's family minister was killed, the monkey demon was killed, and the shikigami general escaped.

And the Central Earth Celestial Master, who had to deal with it, also shed a little blood.

There's blood on my feet!

The magicians and monks present all felt that their hearts had suffered a critical blow.

Although the battle is not over yet, and the Thunder Tengu has not moved, these people seem to be able to foresee the result.

Even if the Raiden Tengu joined the war just now, could it change anything?


Liansheng has a sad face, and Tsuchimikado is his best friend. They often discuss Taoism together and try to combine enchantment and formation. Now the two are working together to fight against the enemy, and the formation and formation also cooperate very well. , but it still had no effect, and Tsuchimikado Kosuke was pierced through his chest and died.

The four of them were full of self-confidence and thought they could take down Jiang Lin, but now they have lost half of the people, and the people to deal with have not suffered any substantial harm at all.

"My Clan Daomen, my Clan Daomen!"

Liansheng roared up to the sky, this time, the future of their Japanese monastic world, I don't know what will happen.

Just let Jiang Lin swept away like this, and I don't know how many people have been cut off from the inheritance.

After lamenting, Lian Sheng's eyes shone with light, waving his Zen staff, and wanted to share his life with Jiang Lin.

Chuan Shou followed closely, and now they are not willing to give up the hope of killing Jiang Lin.

Raiden Tengu has been on standby all the time, that is, they are creating suitable opportunities for the ultimate move behind.

The sword spirit also attacked again, even though it has been dead for many years, it still has the spirit of Bushido in its heart, and it did not escape like the general spirit.

Chuan Shou and Sword Spirit were on both sides of Lian Sheng, and they attacked Jiang Lin's double ribs.

Jiang Lin aimed at them with his palms, and two fire pillars were sprayed out. The golden light on Chuan's hand was smashed by the fire pillar and flew back, his whole body was tightly wrapped by Yang Yan.

The sword spirit's sword was also smashed, and a hole the size of the mouth of a bowl appeared in his chest.

"You flashed me just now, didn't you?"

After dealing with Chuan Shou and Sword Spirit, Jiang Lin looked at Lian Sheng who was rushing towards him. When he was about a zhang in front of him, Jiang Lin's body suddenly burst into a blazing white light, and the white light pierced Lian Sheng's eyes. It's all white.

Second uncle's, it's always Lao Tzu who dodged others, why did you dodge me just now?

Blind your bald donkey's titanium dog eyes.

Suddenly, Liansheng felt a sudden chill in his chest, and Jiang Lin's bone sword pierced his heart.

However, Lian Sheng did not die immediately. He tightly grabbed Jiang Lin's sword-holding hand with one hand, and wrapped his other hand around Jiang Lin's neck, and tightened it desperately. A loud drink.

Fearless Lion Roar!

Jiang Lin didn't expect that Lian Sheng's pierced heart would be able to fight back, and he quickly blocked his ears with spiritual power. However, the lion's roar gathered all Lian Sheng's mental strength, which still caused Jiang Lin to lose his mind for a moment. A burst of power disorder.

At this moment, the Thunder Tengu, who had not moved, suddenly became larger, squatted on the ground, held the lightning-shaped thunder light with both hands, and pierced against Jiang Lin's Heavenly Spirit.


Lian Sheng's disciples were fearless to see this, and regardless of their grief, they launched the killer move that was always ready to go.

A black light flew towards the back of Jiang Lin's head with lightning speed.

A relieved smile appeared on Lian Sheng's face. Thunder Tengu's thunderbolts were still unable to kill Jiang Lin, but it didn't matter, given Jiang Lin's current state, it was absolutely impossible to escape the killer move they had been secretly preparing.

Jiang Lin's clothes were in tatters now, his black hair was curled up in arcs, and blue-green blood was overflowing from the corners of his mouth.

If he hadn't liberated his corpse poison at a critical moment, I'm afraid the blow just now would have killed him half of his life.

This thunderous electric shock directly dispersed all the corpse poison he released.

Jiang Lin didn't have time to get angry. At this time, his heart was beating wildly, and a cold feeling came from the back of his head.

Omen of death!

The corpse poison in the body was scattered, unable to initiate teleportation, and the body was clamped by Lian life and death. Jiang Lin suddenly turned his head [-] degrees at a critical moment, bit Wu Guang with his teeth, and took advantage of this to win. When the time came, he immediately mobilized the corpse poison in his body to pour into his throat to strengthen its defense.


There was a sharp pain in Jiang Lin's throat, as if he hit an obstacle when he was playing with chopsticks when he was a child.

If he hadn't exchanged the ability of absolute self-healing and undead, this time he would have really died.

Turning back to his neck and head, Jiang Lin covered his throat with one hand, and let out a low growl: "If you don't follow the rules, then it's not fun."

Liansheng's eyes are really open like a calf, what did I see?

"'re not dead."

Lian Sheng was completely stunned. They tried their best to set up a killer move, an assassination method full of hope, but they still didn't kill Jiang Lin.

in vain!

Jiang Lin pressed Liansheng's face with his other hand and sent him a laser cannon.

As for the Thunder Tengu, the Flying Rat King had already pinned it to the ground, and Jiang Lin planned to clean it up later.

With a "Boom", Lian Sheng's body flew out, and Jiang Lin didn't even look at his head. He turned around and looked at the fat monk in the crowd with a smile on his face.

When the fat monk saw Jiang Lin's smile, there was nothing on his body where he was not afraid.

A deathly smile.

Actually, I'm here to suppress your spirits. I don't plan to kill many people. I'm a good person.

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly, forming a seal in his hand.

Jinwu Suyang!

A cloud of mushrooms rose from the top of the mountain, and hundreds of magicians and monks in the square went down seven or eight out of ten.

Except for some talented people, Jiang Lin didn't move. These people are still alive and can be a witness.

Chapter [-] The whole country was shocked

"Husband, are you okay, you scared us to death."

Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou ran to Jiang Lin's side. When Jiang Lin was attacked by the Thunder Tengu, they both looked like white paper, and their hearts jumped to their throats.

The black light that followed closely behind them scared them so much that they disappeared.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin took the ultimate move at the most critical moment, otherwise they couldn't imagine what kind of state they would be in.

"No danger, nothing, just a sore throat."

Jiang Linchong smiled at the two of them, then took out the camera from his arms. As usual, he took pictures of the scene here. He took pictures of the corpses of the saints and the family ministers.

After taking the photo, Jiang Lin said to Jin Tianyi: "Tianyi, please translate it with them. The main purpose of my coming here is not to kill people, but because they didn't follow the rules first. After all, they are considered lucky and saved their lives. , As a reward, they will tell their children and grandchildren what happened here in the future, don't learn to deny history, that's not good. Even if they don't admit it, I will send some newspapers over in the future. "

As someone who has traveled from the future, Jiang Lin knows how powerful this nation is in distorting history. Unfortunately, he did this. No matter how the monastic world or ZF denied it, it was of no use at all.

If he can distort and whitewash these facts, his name, Jiang Lin, will be written upside down.

Jin Tianyi loudly conveyed Jiang Lin's meaning to the survivors in the square and the crowd around, none of these people were ashes.

It’s just a challenge to kick the pavilion, and even taking pictures, it’s okay to take pictures, and let them tell the story to future generations, otherwise every few years, they will distribute newspapers on their land.


A large group of sorcerers and monks collapsed on the spot.

They had experienced Jiang Lin's kung fu in publishing newspapers. Some time ago, newspapers were floating on almost the entire territory of Japan.

If this happens again in the future, where will the faces of their various sects be placed? ?

Jiang Lin ignored the thoughts of the group of magicians and monks, and released the Great Golden Crow again. The giant bird feet of the three-legged Golden Crow clamped on the Thunder Tengu's body and rushed towards the hall not far away. The main hall of the Yanli Temple was bombed by the three-legged golden crow and completely turned into ruins.


Take another shot.

The battle here had come to an end, Jiang Lin took Jin Tianyi and Bai Miner out of Yanli Temple, leaving only a group of magicians and monks who were kneeling and crying, staring blankly at the ruined square. The corpse and the rubble of the main hall.

They really have no way to accept such a failure. Even though some people have expected the result, they still cannot accept this result.

On this day, the Taoist priests of the Middle Earth fought against the four high-level Taoists. Not only were they completely defeated, but more than [-] people, like the four high-level experts, all died unintentionally. The main hall and square of Yanli Temple, Yanli Temple, It was also destroyed in this battle.

A considerable number of those who survived were unable to withstand such a blow, and have since become decadent.

"Jerry, go on."

After going down the mountain, Jiang Lin took out the compass from the ancient mirror in his arms again and threw it to the mouse boy.

Only now the pointer on the compass has no movement.

Who would have thought that it was such a coincidence that Jiang Lin and Rahu's parasites were missed so perfectly.

Tens of miles away, Xu Fu looked at Lan Dali and the crow who were casting spells, as well as a young man in red.

"Okay, now we have joined forces to help you completely awaken your memory and cover up the Rahu aura on you. I hope we can cooperate happily."

Lan Dali smoked a cigar, puffed up the clouds, and looked at Yuming Thirteen with great satisfaction.

After the three of them went out from the underground world of Middle Earth and Shu, they spent half a month recuperating, and then they headed eastwards and came to the vicinity of Kyoto.

It took a lot of effort for them to find their target, which is the young magician Yuming Shisan who was practicing at Enryakuji Temple in Rikoya.

"Don't worry, the immortality of a general is indeed to my taste. When I occupy his immortality, I will be able to block and kill gods and Buddhas to kill Buddhas. No one can stop Rahu from breaking the seal and descending into the world. ."

Yuming Thirteen laughed on his back, thinking about his vision of ruling the world and ruling the Three Realms in the future.

The three of Lan Dali also had a happy look on their faces. As long as this Rahu's parasitic body continued to grow, it wouldn't take too long to destroy the True Ancestor who gave orders to them.

After complimenting each other, Lan Dali, Xu Fu and Crow left here.

"Three idiots, does the general say that it is easy to deal with it?"

After Lan Dali and the others left, Yu Ming Thirteen sneered, he just said that, just wanting to continue to get benefits from them.

However, Lan Dali and the others did give him an idea. Before Bandai, he was killed when he was about to complete the burial of the moon. If he could obtain a powerful immortal body, he would not have to worry about the same situation happening again.

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