"Mr. Lan, we failed to get the dragon vein, and we also encountered a terrifying Shuimu Tianzun. Now do we need to go back and report to the true ancestor and tell him about the situation."

"Xu Fu, is there something wrong with your brain? Is it glorious that we were injured by Shui Mutian? What do we need to report? Penglai is full of spiritual energy. Now that our goal has been accomplished, we will look for materials for healing, and then go to the sea to see if there are any. Sea Flood Dragon, etc., when you have something in your hand, and then talk to the True Ancestor casually, isn't it better than anything else?"

Lan Dali rolled his eyes at Xu Fu, and then took a step forward. Now that the goal has been achieved, he wants to find some good treasures here to recuperate his injuries.

But it just so happened that the route he and the two green-eyed zombies traveled was exactly what Jiang Lin had traveled.

Following Jiang Lin's ass, they were doomed to not be able to touch anything.

Two days later, the story of Rikono Enryakuji Temple spread quickly. Of course, the magicians and monks did not deliberately publicize this matter, but the news still spread like wildfire among the onlookers.

The entire monastic world in Japan has set off a tsunami-like wave. When the helmsmen of Daoism, large and small, heard the news, none of them could stand firm.

I learned before that Saint Master Exit, Master Liansheng and others were going to challenge Jiang Lin in the opposite direction. All the sects were clamoring hard, thinking that as long as Jiang Lin fought, he would definitely lose, but the cruel fact hit them so hard. A brain.

Some of the magicians who had not seen the battle in person firmly did not believe it was a fact. They had no choice but to believe it until the obituaries of Omoto Sect and Li Takano were in their hands, and both fell into deep pain and depression.

Not only that, from Hokkaido to Okinawa, the whole country of Japan was shaken, and even the emperor was alarmed by this incident.

Chapter [*] Hongmen Banquet

The Japanese country is a martial artist, and today the emperor has put the plan to invade Middle-earth on the agenda, but at this juncture, the religion and the Taoist sect of his own country have suffered such a blow, making the emperor's face turn blue with anger.

Both the martial arts world and the monastic world play a very important role in Japan. In the early years, the Japanese martial arts world went to China to establish a martial arts dojo, which was to enhance national self-confidence and then inspire the morale of the country.

Japan attaches great importance to national confidence and national morale. Otherwise, when their martial arts industry encountered setbacks in China, they would not have used all despicable means just to win.

The hero Huo Yuanjia was poisoned to death by this group of shameless goods, and they couldn't afford to lose.

Now is the time to recharge, but such a change has suddenly occurred, which has severely hit their national spirit. If corresponding measures are not taken in time, it is bound to seriously affect morale.

On this day, the leaders of Taoism and Buddhism, including Taiichi Abe, the old Taoist master of Yin-Yang Taoism, Hiroshi Fujiwara, the leader of Eastern Esotericism, and Master Takahashi, the suzerain of Southern Rhythm School, were summoned by the Emperor.

That night, in the Izumo Society of Yin Yang Dao, several people who were summoned by the Emperor, and several other sect leaders and family leaders gathered together.

A group of people of extraordinary status sat on their knees in the hall, with a coffee table in front of them, but none of the people present were in the mood to drink tea.

"The emperor is very angry, let us solve the problem caused by the middle-earth celestial master at all costs, no matter what method is used."

Taichi Abe frowned, his fingers kept on the coffee table, and now the emperor entrusted them with this glorious and arduous task, which made him, the leader, very anxious.

In terms of age, he is the oldest, but in terms of cultivation, he is one line worse than Kuikou Fangjie. Now Kuikou Fangjie, the saint teacher, and the other three high-level talents of the same strength can't destroy Jiang Lin, and he still won. The entire army was wiped out, so how could he solve this problem?

The leader of the Eastern Esoteric Sect and the Sect Master of the Nanlu Sect also frowned, and they really couldn't think of a good way.


No one could find it. If he could assassinate him, he would have gone earlier.

Even if he got the approximate location of Jiang Lin through divination, he didn't know where he went when he arrived.

It's not enough to challenge again, they have learned from the previous experience, and their strength is not as good as the exporter's introduction to them. Once again, it is estimated that the old drama will be repeated.

In the last seat, a girl wearing chrysanthemum embroidery and a pair of red and phoenix triangular eyes, although her face is not calm, but she is not like Abe Taiichi and the others, her brows cannot be stretched.

She was Michiko, who had just taken charge of the sect of the Jiuju faction. Since Yamada was beheaded by Jiang Lin, the Jiuju faction had already known through the ancestral hall that their head was dead. At that time, Michiko became the leader of this sect.

Michiko said softly: "Senior, I don't know if the emperor has given any authority. In this situation, normal means are definitely not feasible."

Abe too glanced at Michiko and responded: "It is true that some permissions can be invoked, including the Thousand-Man Army and the Hundred-Man Ninja Group, but even with these assistance, what can be done? The saints have failed, and they have also used the invisible The means of light, even if we challenge again, will that Middle-earth Celestial Master still come?"

Hearing what Abe Taichi said, the leader and suzerain on the side all nodded.

If they were in Ligaoye and they had a proper battle, they would be able to catch Jiang Lin again this time.

But there has been a case of black hands, can others still be so stupid?

This is what they are having a headache about now. They have a lot of power in their hands, but they can't focus their power on Jiang Lin.

The solution to the problem that the emperor said does not only mean the elimination of Jianglin, but the most important thing is to eliminate the influence.

Neither legion nor ninja can see the light, otherwise, even if Jiang Lin is killed, it will be of little significance.

And if he sends troops to encircle and suppress him, he misses a single hit, scares Jiang Lin away, and leaves Japan, then everything will be over.

"Senior, if you want that Middle Earth Celestial Master to come over, you don't have to issue a challenge letter, you can also issue a peace letter."


Tai Abe smashed the coffee table in front of him one by one, glared at Michiko, and asked them to negotiate a peace book with Jiang Lin from the cultivator world. How can he afford this shame?

"Ridiculous idea."

"It's a woman's sight!"

The others were also full of anger and reacted greatly to Michiko's remarks.

What is the difference between the next meeting and the book, and the voluntary surrender?

Michiko smiled lightly, picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, and continued: "There is an old saying in Middle-earth: the king loses the pirate. History and truth are written by victorious and living people, and as long as he dies, among them How many people will know the inside story? The negotiation and the book I am talking about are nothing more than verbal deceptions, so as to set up a grand banquet. Once he is in the scheme, when he arrives in Tokyo, what else will he worry about? Now Isn't that the biggest problem? There is also a saying in Middle-earth that 'those who achieve great things can bend and stretch', and a momentary false submission can change the future of a world, no matter how you look at it, it is not a loss."

Michiko's remarks instantly changed the expressions on Taichi Abe and the others' faces. That's right, he never tires of cheating. As long as Jiang Lin is dealt with, how to spread the process and what kind of content to spread is not a simple matter. thing?

At that time, a few people in the outside world will know about the so-called peace talks and this Hongmen banquet.

"That doesn't work either. Whether it's a challenge or a negotiation, does he still know the tricks?"

Abe Taiyi's brows just stretched out and then knitted together, even if it was a false surrender to negotiate peace, people had to come.

"Then increase the bargaining chip, so that he can't refuse. Senior, the "Dao Zang" in Middle-earth has been lost for hundreds of years, isn't it right here with us? Throw it out as a bargaining chip, it is an empty promise anyway, and another reputation, Wealth and beauty can all be promises."

Michiko is quite confident in her advice. In her opinion, Jiang Lin is a Taoist priest in the Middle Earth, and it is impossible for him to be unmoved by Daozang.

The higher the cultivation base, the greater the appeal of this classic.

In addition to being a Taoist priest, Jiang Lin is also a man, and wealth and beauty can be used as a means of temptation to try.

"I can see it!"

The Sect Master of the Southern Lu Sect and the Eastern Secret Sect leader looked at each other and nodded together.

Abe Taichi weighed for a moment and said, "Just follow this plan, Fujiwara, Takahashi, you deduce where he is, and I will discuss the details with the rest."

Chapter [*]: Going to Tokyo

At night, Michiko returned to the dojo of the Jiuju faction, and instructed the disciples: "From today onwards, the entire family will be blocked, and everyone will be closed behind closed doors. Even if the door is kicked open, you are not allowed to go out."

The magicians in the faction felt inexplicable about Michiko's order, but they did not dare to disobey the intention of the family master and conveyed the order.

"My father and brother died in your hands, and they are all lost. I really want to see with my own eyes what kind of man you are."

Whispering into the night sky, Michiko entered a secret room directly.

She was the one who made the suggestion at Izumo Club, but she was not going to let the Jiuju faction participate in this matter.

Now she is the only one who can be in charge of the whole family. Her brother and father have both died in Jiang Lin's hands. This time, even if Jiang Lin is really planted in Tokyo, she doesn't want to go into troubled waters.

In fact, the most important point is that Michiko has always had an intuition that the enemy she has never met will not easily fall into the hands of Taichi Abe and the others.

If she participates in the besieging and killing of Jiang Lin, it is very likely that there will be more fortunes than fortunes.

On the other side, Taichi Abe and others worked hard to finally reach the general area where Jiang Lin was, and they sent people to gallop over that night.

"Mr. Jiang, the meaning of our Japanese sects has been conveyed to you. In fact, there is no deep hatred between our two sects. I hope you will think about it, Mr. Jiang."

Four days later, the three magicians stood in front of the horses, bowed respectfully to Jiang Lin, and then mounted the horses and galloped away.


Jiang Lin pinched his chin and looked at a yellowed sheet of paper in his hand.

The three people just now represented the entire Japanese monastic world and offered him the terms of a peace deal. As long as he was willing to stop, the Japanese monastic world would not only send a lot of wealth and beauties, but also promised to honor him as a sage in Shintoism. , let the believers of the country worship and worship.

In addition, the three also brought a page from the "Dao Zang" to show their sincerity.

As long as he agrees to quit, the complete Daozang will also be delivered to him.

Little Japan, little Japan, you guys, you can always give me something new.

Although the three people who came to deliver the letter were hysterical, they were analyzing the embarrassing situation in the monastic world of their own country, and they were trying to sympathize and sell miserably, but Jiang Lin didn't even believe a single punctuation mark.

But even if he didn't believe it, he was really tempted.

"Husband, is this really the content of "Dao Zang"? I heard Master mention this classic, but he didn't say much about it. Anyway, it was quite regretful when he said it."

"Actually, I don't know much about this classic. I only know that it disappeared in a disaster five or six hundred years ago. It seems to be related to the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism. I don't know the content. , According to records, the lineage and inheritance differentiation of Taoism are recorded there. Anyway, it does play an important role in the Middle Earth Taoism."

Although Jiang Lin has seen and heard a lot, he really doesn't know much about "Dao Zang", but since it was lost by his ancestors, and now there is news, as a Taoist priest, he also wants to retrieve it.

"Whether it's real or fake, it's not the point. The point is that the group of people held a banquet and wanted my husband to come to you for the banquet. Husband, Tokyo is no better than other places, it is equivalent to the capital of our Middle Earth. There is armament and everything, and I don't want you to go."

Jin Tianyi shook Jianglin's arm. She grew up here and has a good understanding of the value of these people.

Now that there is such a big disturbance in Jianglin, it is not just a matter of the monastic world. I can't guarantee that if I go to Tokyo this time, the machine guns and artillery are hidden.

"Don't worry, I'm measured. There are dangers that I can't control, and I won't take the initiative to provoke them."

Jiang Lin took Jin Tianyi into his arms. Since the last time he went to Zuo Ci's tomb and was seriously injured, he could feel that Jin Tianyi and the others were worried that he would have any accident.

He suffered a small loss at Yanli Temple before, and it was no wonder that Jin Tianyi was reluctant to let him go to Tokyo.

"Okay, set up the tent. I'm not too worried, but I'm not worried about you two."

Even if there are foreign guns and cannons in Tokyo, Jiang Lin didn't take it to heart. Tokyo is the capital of a country. Could it be that those politicians would use guns to blow up the head of their country for him alone) (Capital?

However, for the safety of Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou, he needs to do some protective preparations.

Jiang Lin took some red thread copper coins and other materials from the ancient mirror, made two sets of seven-star treasure clothes and protective equipment such as heart protection and forehead protection, and put them on the outside of the inner lining for the two women.

With these, plus the charms on their bodies and the protection of the Flying Rat King, Jiang Lin can be completely at ease.

"Come on, let's go to Tokyo."

Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou packed up their things, and Jiang Lin hugged them and jumped on the back of the Flying Mouse King, heading towards Tokyo.

Two nights later, on a main street in Tokyo, a carriage drove towards Izumo Club on Yinyang Road, and the three of Jiang Lin were in the carriage.

Seeing Jin Tianyi's frown, Bai Rourou asked, "Sister Yi, what's the matter?"

"Sister, you first set up a soundproof array."

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