"it is good."

Bai Rourou pasted a few talismans in the carriage, and made some arrangements to isolate the sound from spreading.

"I always feel that something is wrong with the pedestrians on the street outside."

Jin Tianyi lifted the curtain of the car window and pointed to the outside. Bai Rourou moved her body to look out, but there was a night market scene outside, and there was nothing strange about it.

Jiang Lin, who had been closing his eyes and resting, opened his eyes. He glanced out the car window and said, "It's normal that something is wrong."

Although Jiang Lin hadn't opened the curtains before, he had already seen the situation outside with binocular perspective.

After realizing the clue, he was also quite surprised. Most people never imagined that the hawkers and pedestrians on the entire street were all pretending to be people.

That is, Jin Tianyi was a spy before and was very sensitive to everything around him, so he could find something wrong.

"Husband, what did you find? Tell us."

"The people in this whole street are either dressed up by soldiers, or pretended to be warriors or magicians. This grand banquet in Little Japan is such a big battle."

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, and some old miscellaneous hairs in the Izumo Club of Yin Yang Dao don't know how happy they are now.

It's just that after tonight, he let these guys cry without tears.

Chapter nine hundred and seventy-one before Tamamo

Jiang Lin has now confirmed Jin Tianyi's guess. The movement he made in the Japanese monastic world has already alarmed the big man.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to do this with only Yin-Yang Dao and some Daomen.

Originally, a circle belonged to a circle, and since the gun-bearer who held the power took the initiative to provoke him, he would also reward him with a few slaps.

The carriage stopped not long after, Jiang Lin and the three of them got off the car and were led into the courtyard gate. An old man with gray hair greeted him and said, "Daoist Jiang, I am the initiator of this peace discussion, Yin Yang. Taichi Abe, please."

What made Jiang Lin quite curious was that the old man Abe Taichi spoke Chinese slyly. He looked at Abe Taichi and asked, "Your surname is Abe too? What does King Abe have to do with you?"

Taichi Abe's face froze for a moment, but he quickly covered it up and responded, "He is my grandson."

Jiang Lin nodded, but he was laughing in his heart. Most of the matter that he killed King Abe Ye has already been found out, but the unfortunate grandfather actually wanted to sit with his enemy, and he was still cheerful.

It's really fun.

Jiang Lin was led into the depths of the yard by Mrs. Abe. As he passed a pond, Jiang Lin accidentally glanced at the water surface.

Yo heh.

Originally, he thought that the streets outside were all pretending to be people, and the battles were big enough.

But compared to the one in the sky, the battle is still not big enough.

In the entire Izumo Club, seven or eighty meters above the sky, one after another huge kites are quietly circling, the number of which is two or three hundred.

Beneath the kite are masked people in night clothes.

The weather today is also very cooperative. There are no stars and no moon, and the sky is completely dark.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's eyesight far exceeding that of ordinary people, it would be hard to find these dark mice hovering above.

However, Jiang Lin also pretended that he didn't find anything, and before it was time to turn his face, he wanted to see if this group of goods would come out with "Dao Zang".

Abe Tai waved his arm and opened the shoji door of the room. There were seven or eight magicians and monks kneeling inside.

When they saw Jiang Lin's arrival, they all stood up immediately and saluted Jiang Lin, but they couldn't see any hostility at all.

Abe Taichi introduced everyone present to Jiang Lin, then pointed to a seat and said, "Chief Jiang, please take a seat."

Jiang Lin walked over and sat cross-legged on a food table, while Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou sat on the tatami next to him.

"Daoist Jiang, in fact, you can come to our Izumo Club, which has made our place full of brilliance. We have also heard about what you have done before. In fact, we can understand you, Daoist Jiang. Daoist You probably don’t know that there are two factions in the Japanese monastic community. One is conservative and the other is radical. I heard that many of those radicals have gone to Middle-earth to make trouble in recent years. Even my Ye Wang, the unworthy grandson, was also forced to go to Middle-earth."

Abe Taiyi sighed and continued: "Those radicals must have provoked Jiang Daochang in Middle-earth, and this happened later. To be honest, we don't have many things in our hearts for you to challenge you. Opinion. However, you also know that martial arts have a lot of influence on our nation. No, the emperor and those radicals have no choice, so they found us. "

"Yes, that's the way it is. When we think about it, it's better to resolve the enemy than to tie it up. They are all Taoist people, so why fight and kill, so our suggestion to the emperor is to directly negotiate peace. You say those radicals are What are you doing, if you don’t cultivate your self-cultivation well, you have to mess with things, and you have to let those of us who like quietness come to be peacemakers.”

The suzerain of the Southern Rhythm Sect took over the words of Taichi Abe, which was also in Chinese, but it sounded rather awkward.

I'm good~

Hold back, hold back, can't laugh.

Jiang Lin thought about what kind of ivory these people could spit out from their mouths, but he didn't expect that this group of people who didn't shake Bilian would actually take a small snail number and blow it blindly.

I almost believed it.

What's more, you are conservatives, like quiet, really TMD shameless, invincible in the world.


Jiang Lin couldn't hold back, but after laughing, he continued: "Well, I'm also a person who likes quietness, if it weren't for those shameless radicals who were born with mothers but not taught by fathers, in our Middle Earth Just like the blowfly in the latrine, I'm not going to come to you. Now that you've come forward, it's easy to talk."

When Abe Tai heard Jiang Lin's words, the corners of his mouth twitched. Others who didn't understand Chinese translated it. After understanding Jiang Lin's meaning, their faces looked like they had eaten a handful of flies.

All the radicals and conservatives were made up of nonsense. Jiang Lin scolded no one else, even if they were in the entire cultivating world.

Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou covered their mouths with their hands and coughed twice to hide their laughter.

When Abe Taichi returned to normal, he clapped his hands, and one after another high-quality maids came in from the door, some in kimonos with wine and vegetables, and some in dance dresses.

"After the Emperor summoned us, I told the Emperor that Middle-earth is a country of etiquette, and he will definitely not provoke without reason. After the Emperor understood the specific reasons in detail, he expressed his willingness to make some compensation, and also wanted Chief Jiang to stop similar activities. Behaviour. Daoist priest, these are the beauties specially selected by the emperor, even if Jiang Daochang dislikes them, he can bring them back to be a maid. In addition, there is a lot of wealth, which is also a little bit of our heart."

Abe Taichi continued to rant about the barrenness. If Jiang Lin was really tempted by these wealth and women, and thus relaxed his vigilance, then the next action would be much more convenient.

Even if he doesn't want to be distracted, it can be a good thing to distract him a little bit and delay for a while.

A team of beauties brought food and drinks to everyone present, and another team danced in the Zhongyang (Yang) space.

"Before Yuzao, you go to serve Chief Jiang."

Mrs. Abe raised her face to a woman dressed in a classical palace costume from China. The latter knelt before Jiang Lin's food table and poured wine for Jiang Lin.

The beauty is extraordinary, and the beauty is radiant. This beauty in the palace dress called Yuzaoqian can be regarded as an allure.

"Actually, the name Yuzaoqian used to belong to a banshee. She had peerless beauty, but she was later killed and turned into a few killing stones. The one in front of you, Taoist priest, accidentally swallowed a killing stone. With a special physique, if Chief Jiang is interested, he will naturally know after some training."

Taichi Abe was talking nonsense again, thinking that Jiang Lin couldn't see the identity of Tamamo before.

In fact, there is no such thing as the two Yuzao fronts that he mentioned. The one who poured wine for Jianglin was the original banshee, who had been banned by their Yin-Yang Dao and sent for them from generation to generation.

When Tamamo-mae was in trouble in the court, Abe Taikin, another well-known figure of their Yin-Yang Dao, only knew the body of Tamamo-mae through divination.

Although Yuzaoqian's strength is not as good as before, but the ability to conceal and charm is still undiminished. It would be great if Jiang Lin was confused.

As soon as Abe Tai finished his introduction, Tamamo picked up the glass in front of him, leaned over and brought it to Jiang Lin's lips.

Both Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou's eyes were on fire, staring straight in front of Yuzao.

Especially Jin Tianyi, she grew up here, but she has never heard of a woman who swallowed a killing stone and took the name of Yuzao before.

These nine achievements are the vixen!

Chapter Nine hundred and seventy-two Surprise, surprise?

"Not bad."

Jiang Lin looked at Yuzaoqian's body and nodded.

Yuzao's bright eyes flashed, and she leaned closer to her body. With a charming face, she said softly, "Daoist, please."

Because she was wearing the Tang Palace maid's clothes, the clothes on Yuzao's chest were already low, and if she bent over like this, ordinary men couldn't hold it at all.

Jin Tianyi on the side pursed her lips in anger, stretched out her hand and pinched Jiang Lin's waist hard.

This goblin doesn't know how many men she has seduced and harmed. Even Emperor Toba hundreds of years ago was almost drained of her yang energy by her. Not bad!


Since Jin Tianyi followed Jiang Lin, she was really angry today.

Even after her, Jiang Lin had a lot of women, she didn't mind, but which of the later sisters was not a serious girl?

If Jiang Lin thought about this fox, she would have to join a group of sisters to take care of her man.

Bai Rourou also imitated Jin Tianyi and twisted Jiang Lin's waist on the other side.

Jiang Lin didn't seem to feel the pain in his lower back at all. He took the glass from Yuzao's hand and drank it in one gulp.

Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou were stunned when they saw Jiang Lin gulping down the drink.

This is Hongmen Banquet, the wine may be poisonous!

Just as the two women were about to move, they were stopped by an invisible force.

When Yuzaoqian saw Jiang Lin drinking, he smiled charmingly, then bowed and moved back to the front of a group of dancers.

drink it!

He drank!

Abe's eyes widened, happiness came so suddenly!

The Sect Master of the Southern Lu Sect, the leader of the Eastern Secret Sect, and the others also had their hearts beating wildly at this time. They were just trying to make Jiang Lin eat and drink here. Unexpectedly, Jiang Lin didn't think about anything, so he drank the wine.

They set up this Hongmen banquet just to kill Jiang Lin, but if the ninja regiment and the corps can't be used, it would be better, so they ordered the latest research and development in Jiang Lin's drinks and food. Poison, and the demon poison in front of Tamamo.

Colorless, odorless, and extremely poisonous.

Originally, this group of people didn't have much hope for Jiang Lin to take the poison.

The beauty raised her glass, and Jiang Lin drank it.

Hehe, I thought how difficult it would be to deal with it, but I didn't expect to use a little tricks, and I won it like this.

Abe was so happy in his heart.

From his point of view, Jiang Lin is quite accomplished in Taoism, and has no shrewdness at all.

As soon as you use beauty, you will be hooked directly.

It's a shame to be so swept up in the city by such an idiot!

Thinking so in his heart, Abe Taichi didn't change much on the surface. There was still some time before the poison broke out. He was going to give Jiang Lin another dose.

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