"I didn't expect Jiang Daochang to have such a broad mind. Come, let's toast Jiang Daochang together!"

Abe too raised the glass and toasted Jiang Lin.

The suzerain of the Southern Luzong and the leader of the Eastern Secret Sect were originally monks and did not drink meat and wine, but now, in order to poison Jiang Lin and perform this scene well, they also fought hard.

Tathagata will understand us!

Several monks toasted together and sighed directly.

There is no poison in the wine, of course they dare to be bored.

Acted really well.

Jiang Lin sneered in his heart, these idiots really thought he didn't know that there was something tricky in the drink and food.

The drinks he had eaten were frozen into ice cubes by the blue heart flame, and a mass of real sun fire in the ice cubes refined the poison in the drinks.

Even without these two strange fires, as long as Jiang Lin released the corpse poison, these toxins would not have any effect on him.

I just happened to have something to eat before. Since there are good wine and good food to entertain, I will play with these idiots.

By the way, let's see if I can get Daozang.

"Good wine!"

Jiang Lin drank another cup, and then said, "Actually, I came here this time for one reason that it is difficult to accept the kindness, and another reason is that I want to get the Taoist classic "Dao Zang" in Middle Earth."

"Small matter. Come on, go get what Chief Jiang wants."

After instructing the maid, Taichi Abe invited Jiang Lin to eat again.

Since Jiang Lin drank poisonous wine, he couldn't take the "Dao Zang" no matter what, in order to prevent Jiang Lin from using his spiritual power to detoxify, Abe Taichi readily asked someone to take it.

"These are our specialties. The ingredients are fresh and high-quality, which is rare in Middle Earth. Chief Jiang, please!"

The Sect Master of Nanlu Sect ate meat and set an example for Jiang Lin.

In order to accompany Jiang Lin to eat and drink, this group of bald donkeys broke all the rings of wine and meat.

While eating, Jiang Lin put his hands under the food table, and wrote in his palm: "I said before that the fur of the vixen is good, look at you two vinegar jars."

"Alcohol and food are poisonous, you two don't touch it."

After showing this information to Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou, Jiang Lin released the immobilization spell on them.

Only at this moment did Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou realize that they had eaten a meaningless vinegar match, and a blush appeared on their shy faces.

Then they looked at Tamamomae, who was dancing gracefully in the field together, and felt a moment of silence for her.

Let you seduce our men, I didn't expect it, he wants to skin you!

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

After more than half an hour, Taichi Abe and the others no longer wanted to eat or drink.

Because Jiang Lin was still eating.

More than half an hour has passed!

Poison hair, how come there are no signs of poison hair? ?

Everyone including Abe Taichi was stunned. Jiang Lin had eaten and drank two or three kilograms of wine and meat.

This unscientific!

A group of idiots stared at each other as they watched Jiang Lin eat and drink.

Yuzao stopped dancing before, and she also knew that what Jiang Lin was eating was highly poisonous. Even a demon king of the same level as her, taking this dose of toxin, would feel weak and abdominal pain at the lightest level. But Jiang Lin is fine now.

Did you forget the poison?

Tamamo-mae looked at Taichi Abe and the others.

"Full of wine and food."

Jiang Lin was full of food and drink, stretched his waist, and then turned over the "Dao Zang" on the food table again.

its not right.

After looking through it, Jiang Lin found that there was no Taoist immortal lineage in it.

Looking at the back cover again, he realized that the book in his hand was actually only a part of "Dao Zang".

"You guys are not real, you told me "Dao Zang", and then gave me part of it, and sent someone? This is it?"

After eating and wiping, Jiang Lin turned his face.

"you you……"

"What am I? Why didn't I get poisoned? I'm not poisoned, am I surprised, am I surprised?"

With a smile on his lips, Jiang Lin continued: "In order to make me eat and drink more, you bald donkeys have also fought hard, and you have broken your ban on drinking and eating meat. I have to say, your hospitality is not bad, wine and meat. Poisoned, people are hidden in the sky, warriors and magicians are on the streets."

Chapter [*] Haha, a small scene

As soon as Abe Tai heard the words, his face changed. Jiang Lin had already known that there were ambushes around the Izumo Club, and he could see the poison in the wine and vegetables early in the morning.

The suzerain of the Southern Luzong and the leader of the Eastern Esoteric Sect almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. They worked hard to make Jiang Lin poisoned.

The cessation of drinking and eating meat is broken.

What's even more abhorrent is that a group of them were played like monkeys by Jiang Lin!

"Since you know that this place is surrounded by iron buckets, how dare you come in?"

After tearing his face, Taichi Abe no longer concealed his killing intent. Jiang Lin's immunity to poison was indeed beyond his expectation, but what they prepared was not only poisoning.

A group of maids opened the tatami at this time, each took a weapon, and surrounded Jiang Lin and the others.

The maid at the head blew the whistle, and the masked people hovering over the Izumo Club changed the shape of the kite and fell into the courtyard.

"What's there to dare? Apart from the ambush outside, you and this jade-faced golden-haired nine-tailed fox are left with anger. Since I'm here, your time of death has come."

"Smelly Taoist priest, you are courting death!"

Yuzao's face turned cold and turned into a huge nine-tailed fox.What she hates most is when others call her sassy, ​​especially if it comes from a man.

"It's a goddamn show, I don't know how many men have played with it, shameful! No, shameful!"

The mouse boy jumped out of Jin Tianyi's pocket, turned into a big mouse, and confronted Yuzao before.


The nine fox tails in front of Yuzao swayed and stabbed at the Flying Rat King, a rat demon who dared to say that she was being played by a man?

But before her tail reached her, Jiang Lin's Yang Pai Palm slammed into her body from the air.


The entire body of the nine-tailed golden fox was blown away, broke through the shoji door, and fell into the yard.

However, her whole body was densely packed with needles, and Jiang Lin's ultimate move did not cause her any harm.

Jiang Lin threw out the bone sword and said to the Flying Mouse King, "You just need to protect the two mistresses, and I will deal with them."

"You held a Hongmen banquet, but you didn't know that you invited a little hell!"

Jiang Lin's voice fell from the back of his head, and several crescent-shaped sword qi shot out, slashing at Abe Taichi and others who were casting spells.

The two middle-aged men who reacted a little slower were immediately slashed by the sword energy, and their bodies were divided into two halves. It took some effort to get to a dismembered end.

However, they were hit by the sword energy, smashing the window lattice and the door frame, and retreated into the courtyard, with more or less color hanging on their bodies.

As for those maids, Jiang Lin didn't have the heart to cherish fragrance and jade, and with a few movements of his bone sword, he sent them all to the sky.

Even if these women are well-trained and not weak in assassination, there is only one end to Jiang Lin who can command Feijian.

I hope you can take your own destiny in your own hands in your next life.

Jin Tianyi felt pity for the fate of these maids. Their life, death and freedom had long been controlled by others, just like when she had not met Jiang Lin, she couldn't help herself.

"Let's follow, Jerry, and if you don't stay away from us, you can do your bit too."

Jin Tianyi followed him out. This time there were not a few people Jiang Lin had to deal with, so she was still a little worried.

Before in Ligaoye, although there were hundreds of magicians gathered, but at that time they were still thinking of defeating Jiang Lin by means of a ring, so there was no siege.

But now it is different. These people have only one purpose, that is, to kill Jiang Lin. Principles are no longer important. Any means may appear, and now there is the sound of the team stepping outside, obviously it is The army has arrived.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Lin was alone, so it would not be too easy to deal with, and there might be danger.

Ordinary firearms have no substantial damage to Jiang Lin, but the power of sniper rifles and cannonballs is still enough to seriously injure Jiang Lin, so Jin Tianyi is worried about Jiang Lin's safety.

In the courtyard, Jiang Lin was surrounded by [*] or [*] people.

The rest of the men in black hid on the corner roofs or trees, ready to attack.

"I admit that you are very scary, but you are too conceited."

"Even if you have three heads and six arms, you will never leave here alive!"

The confidence of Taiyi Abe and the suzerain of Nanluzong increased greatly at this time. Jiang Lin was really surprised to know that there was an ambush early in the morning, and they were also deeply shocked by having a powerful demon king under his command, but at the moment, these emotions have disappeared. In its place is ease and complacency.

Hundreds of dozens of people surrounded and killed one person, and the remaining nearly [*] people secretly murdered, and there were thousands of troops outside.

Even if it is a dragon, it has to be subdued obediently.

A group of patriarchs, sect masters and others gathered together, with the Five Elements Spirit Body holding a magic weapon in front of them, and Yuzaoqian was watching from the side.

"Hehe, a small scene."

Even in the face of so many extraordinary enemies, Jiang Lin's face was still quite calm.

He has seen the drought, dealt with the demon emperor and Fei Zong, which one of them is not a terrifying existence, and the situation in front of him, which is accumulated in numbers, really can't shake his heart.

"Small scene? I almost laughed."

Taichi Abe didn't know where Jiang Lin's confidence came from, and such a scene was said to be a small scene.

"I think your arrogant skills are much higher than your Daoist attainments."

Xia Zong was speechless, and Abe was too low-level to understand why Jiang Lin was so arrogant.

"You don't seem to know what the fear of being dominated by me is."

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