Jiang Lin sounded his hands, his fingers pointed to the sky, like a machine gun, the beams shot into the air, and then turned down sharply.

Then he took advantage of the surrounding people to avoid Yang Zhiqi, his arms stretched out, and the Yang Zhi sword quickly stretched out, piercing the chest of a man in black.

One turn of the lightsaber, twenty-eight kills in a row!

Almost dead.

So what if there are too many people, under the large-scale AOE, no matter how many people, it is also cannon fodder.

"This... what kind of Taoism is this??"

Abe roared in shock. If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, he would have been cut off just like a dead person.

The rest of the people were even more wide-eyed. In the blink of an eye, nearly [*] of their accomplices died, and some were injured by the rain of beams falling from the sky.

The number of people killed and injured has already reached a quarter of the total number.

"What Taoism? Have you seen the waltz?"

Jiang Lin sneered, then stretched his arms to the left and right, and his body turned quickly.


Taichi Abe couldn't help but be rude. He had never seen Jiang Lin in his entire life.

However, it was rough and rough, and Taichi Abe hurriedly stepped back. If he didn't back down, this weird death cut was no joke.

So, a very interesting scene appeared in the whole courtyard.

Originally, this group of people came to kill Jiang Lin, but now they are being chased away by Jiang Lin.

Chapter [*] The gun should be used like this

Jiang Lin's Yang Finger Sword is eight meters long, and his double swords are sixteen meters long. Together with his arms and body, the attack directly covers a circular area with a diameter of nearly twenty meters.

Moreover, the Yang Finger Sword he used this time gathered a lot of spiritual power, and the degree of solidification was much stronger than before.

Even the demon king in front of Yuzao also retreated again and again. Although she had tough golden hairs on her body, if Jiang Lin's Yang Finger Sword cut her body, she would also bleed profusely.

"According to Mistress, you seem to think too much. Even if the master is facing thousands of troops now, there should be no danger."

The Flying Rat King looked at a group of idiots jumping up and down, grinned and laughed.

In terms of Jiang Lin's personal ability, he is like a ferocious tiger. No matter how many Abe Taichi and the others are, they are similar to a flock of sheep.

Unless a magic circle or enchantment was set up here in advance to restrict Jianglin, otherwise it would be impossible to avoid the situation of tigers entering the flock.

But Taichi Abe and the others did not set up any magic circle here in order to lead Jiang Lin into the Internet. Otherwise, Jiang Lin would find out, and their plan would be difficult to implement.

Jin Tianyi saw that Jiang Lin was not in danger, although he was relieved, he always felt a little uneasy.

The matter of Ligaoye should have been passed on long ago. Even if Taichi Abe and others didn't know about some of Jiang Lin's methods, they should probably know about the situation that day.

In this case, the group of patriarchs and suzerains set up an ambush, and there must be strong means, otherwise it would be a waste of money.

"No, even if Jiang Lin has the upper hand now, the people who were previously hidden in the dark still haven't shown up. There must be ghosts, Jerry, force them out."

"no problem!"

The Flying Rat King opened his mouth to gather the demon light, and was about to shoot at a big tree not far away, but at this moment, several men in black jumped out of the ground and launched an attack on it.

At the same time, the suzerain of Nanluzong retreated to Taiyi Abe and asked, "Abe, we can't restrict his movements, and the power in the dark is suspected to be discovered, what should we do now?"

Jin Tian's guess was good. Among this group of men in black, there were quite a few gunmen, who were now hiding in dark places such as tree corners or behind rockeries.

These gunmen are one of Abe Taichi and the others they are preparing for.

Originally, when they were discussing countermeasures, the Sect Master of Nanlu Sect suggested to install gunmen among those maids, but it was rejected because he was afraid that Jiang Lin would see the clue and leave early.

People who often carry guns have calluses on their hands.

But if the poisoning link fails, it doesn't matter if it will be recognized in the later plan.

In order to save Jiang Lin's life, Abe Taichi and others have tried their best.

After they surrounded Jiang Lin, they planned to use the Five Elements Spirit Body and Yuzao Front to restrict Jiang Lin's movements and make it impossible for him to dodge. On the one hand, it created an excellent shooting opportunity for those gunmen, and on the other hand, it was to avoid accidental injuries. Case.

But he didn't expect Jiang Lin to use a strange skill when he came up, causing the entire courtyard to fall into chaos.

Now the scene is chaotic, and the secret gunmen dare not shoot for fear of accidentally hurting their accomplices.

Now, neither the Five Elements Spiritual Body nor Yuzao Qian could bully Jiang Lin by three meters, let alone restrict his movements.

"Shoot the gun!"

Since Jiang Lin could not be turned into a target, the shooter might also be exposed, Taichi Abe ordered the shooter to shoot, hoping it would work.

In fact, he also knew that at Jiang Lin's level, the threat of a musket was not too big. No matter how powerful the bullet was, it had to be able to hit.

After Mrs. Abe gave the order, everyone in the yard immediately evacuated to prevent accidental injury by the gunman in the dark. At the same time, gunshots broke out in places such as trees and corners.

The pistol and rifle were fired together, and several bullets landed on Jiang Lin's body.


Taichi Abe slapped his thigh in excitement. If he had known that Jiang Lin was so easily shot, he would have ordered the shooting.

The others cheered when they saw Jiang Lin was shot.

However, after the excitement, they were collectively stunned.

Jiang Lin was indeed shot, but nothing happened. He continued to spin and kill them.

"This physique is stronger than the Liusheng magic monk of the two Shinto!"

Abe's face was very ugly. When they were making plans, they also collected information about Jiang Lin and knew that his physical body was relatively strong, so the guns used by these gunmen were all powerful ones, even if they practiced to the golden tire. If the mana monk Liusheng of the second level is not dead, if he is hit by such a gun, it will be either dead or disabled.

But such a powerful firearm, there is no way to take Jiang Lin.

"Go on!"

Tai Abe roared loudly, and they have more than that.

As soon as the words fell, a few explosions came from a far dark place.

Sniper rifle!And there are quite a few!

At this time, Jiang Lin was already lying on the ground ahead of time. Earlier, he suddenly felt that he was locked by several people, and immediately reacted.

There was movement in several dense trees and some dark corners, and more than a dozen men in black scattered with sniper rifles.

Jiang Lin wasn't someone who didn't pay attention to hiding before. He also saw firearms hidden on them, but he didn't care about pistols and rifles.

But he never imagined that the man in black who was hiding was actually assembling a sniper rifle!

The sniper rifle was already able to threaten his own safety, of course Jiang Lin couldn't keep these people alive any longer.

Seeing Jiang Lin rushing towards the snipers, Abe too stomped his feet in anger. These snipers were the biggest killer moves they arranged, but Jiang Lin still managed to dodge them all.

"Bullying me can't play guns? Bullying honest people, right?"

Like a cheetah, Jiang Lin rushed to a big tree in the blink of an eye.

Kill, take a gun.

The four riflemen were instantly wiped out by Jiang Lin, and then he took two long spears with both hands, and the other two were controlled by his mind and hovered above his head.


Four guns fired at the same time, sweeping towards another tree.

Every time he reached a tree, there would be a few more guns hovering over Jiang Lin's head. Before long, there were more than [*] guns.

"Just you still play with guns? Play with snipers? I'll teach you today. This is how guns are used!"

Behind a rockery, Jiang Lin stepped on a sniper, and all the firearms above his head were aimed down.

After a frantic sweep, there was only a human-shaped hornet's nest at Jiang Lin's feet.

Then he threw the rifle in his hand above his head, picked up the sniper rifle, and turned to look at Taichi Abe and the others.

"Open your eyes and watch, guns are used like this."

Open fire!

The muzzles of the pistols, rifles, and sniper rifles burst into flames at the same time, shooting frantically at the front.

Chapter [*]: Killing a Street

Jiang Lin's actions were too fast. It took a few breaths from the sniper's shooting to when they were all caught. Taichi Abe and the others didn't even fully react, and they were faced with a hail of bullets.

The bullets passed, and blood splattered wildly.

Even a magician like Taichi Abe was hit by bullets. The leader of the Eastern Secret Sect was shot to death by Jiang Lin. The bullet penetrated through his body and pierced through the bodies of two people. .

This time, Taichi Abe and the others jumped even more than before, frantically looking for cover one by one.

On them, the morality is really high, and they are shot down.

At this time, another large group of people rushed in. They were all warriors and magicians who had been disguised on the street. After this group of people arrived, an army also poured in from another exit.

"It's good to come! Die as many as you come!"

Jiang Lin's thoughts moved, and the firearms above his head were divided into two groups, shooting wildly in two directions.

The intensity of this firepower is not even comparable to Gatling.

As for the sniper rifle in his hand, Jiang Lin didn't aim, he pulled the trigger when he loaded it, and continued to take care of Taichi Abe's group of idiots.

If this group of idiots hadn't arranged for gunmen and snipers, they wouldn't have died so quickly.

In terms of killing speed, Jiang Lin felt that the musket was more powerful.

Today, there are less than a quarter of the more than [*] people in the yard.

"How to do how to do!"

The Sect Master of Nanlu Sect covered his shoulder, which was shot, and his voice became hysterical.

Now dozens of them are scattered behind several rockery, dodging bullets, and can't get out at all.

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