Tamamo-mae did the same, avoiding behind cover.

Her physical strength is no problem with ordinary firearms, but Jiang Lin now has several sniper rifles under her feet.

The power of a sniper rifle is no joke.


Tai Abe was in a hurry and spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Before Jiang Lin used the Yang Finger Sword, they had to retreat temporarily, but at that time if they were more decisive, regardless of the cost, they would still have the ability to fight back.

Now, Jiang Lin didn't use Taoism, he just shot, they could only run away like mice.

The most annoying thing is that the guns are their own.

If they hadn't used hot weapons, the warriors, magicians and even the army who came in to support would not have lost so much.

Even the leader of the Eastern Secret Sect was shot dead by Jiang Lin.

Now that the Five Elements Spiritual Body has to protect the only remaining people, and Tamamo-mae is not immune to the bullets of the sniper rifle, the ability cannot be exerted, and Abe Taichi is called a useless person.

Now they can only wait for Jiang Lin to use up all the bullets in the firearms before thinking of countermeasures.

"My God, in addition to knowing Taoism, my husband can actually use a gun."

Bai Rourou was stunned by what she saw. She had only known Jiang Lin for more than a year, and knew that Jiang Lin was very skilled in Taoism, but she did not expect that he was still the king of gunfighting.

Let’s not say whether it is possible or not, the ability to fire dozens of guns at the same time is impossible for even the most powerful sharpshooter.

"Our man is almost omnipotent."

Jin Tianyi pursed her lips and chuckled. A few snipers had frightened her a little while ago, but now that Jiang Lin has resolved the crisis, she can rest assured.

"I'm not idle, two mistresses, you come behind me, the master kills the Quartet, and I also make some contributions."

The King of the Flying Mouse was full of energy and was ready to make a contribution. Several black-clothed ninjas who had attacked it just now were shot to death by it. Now it saw that Jiang Lin was killing it, and he couldn't help it.

The two mouths of demon light sprayed out, and the Flying Rat King blasted the soldiers Wufu and the magician who were hiding behind the two entrances and exits.

"here you go!"

Jiang Lin was very satisfied with the performance of the Flying Mouse King. He controlled the sight of the firearm above his head and swept it wildly.

After being praised by Jiang Lin, the Flying Rat King worked even harder, opened his mouth wide, condensed his strength, and aimed at Taichi Abe and the others hiding in the courtyard.

Another beam shot out.

The rockery that Abe Taichi and the others used to shield the bullets was instantly smashed to pieces, and the Sect Master of Nanlu Sect and several men in black were blasted into the sky.

"I'll take you to see the Tathagata."


Jiang Lin smiled, pulled the bolt, and aimed the muzzle at the bald donkey in the air.


A headshot.

I'll go, is that accurate?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. He didn't even aim, but the head of the Sect Master of Nanlu Sect burst into bloom.


Tai Abe raised his voice in grief, and the group of people who made the plan is now few and far between.

Why is it so hard to kill, why!

"Before Yuzao, I liberate your seal, destroy him, destroy him!"

Abe spit out a cloud of blood essence from his mouth, drew a rune in the palm of his hand, and lined up to the body in front of Tamamo.

After the rune entered the body in front of Tamamo, the breath of the nine-tailed golden fox skyrocketed.

"Idiot, who killed you for you."

After the seal in the body was lifted, Yuzao Qian Jie smiled and jumped out, trying to escape over the wall.

"You... ah poof!"

Abe was shivering all over with anger, and he spat out another mouthful of blood.

"You are a treasure, can I still let you run?"


A [*]-meter-high three-legged Golden Crow appeared behind Jiang Lin. The Golden Crow spread its wings and flew, pinching the body in front of Yuzao and pressing it down.

The nine tails in front of Tamamo continued to spray poisonous smoke and thunderbolts, but they still couldn't change anything.

Jiang Lin didn't delay, he teleported one after another with the sniper rifle in his arms, and came to the front of Yuzao, and aimed the muzzle at her fox head.


After three shots, Yuzao's brain was broken, Jiang Lin lost his sniper rifle, and his palms condensed spiritual power and Yang Yan to shoot down.

A powerful demon king, even a fox demon a little stronger than the colorful tiger king, was killed by Jiang Lin like this.


When Abe Tai saw this scene, he screamed, and then his body fell straight down.

The previous patriarch of the dignified Yin-Yang Dao died out of anger.

The seal in Jiang Lin's hand changed, causing the three-legged Golden Crow to rush elsewhere.


After a loud bang, the little Japan in the courtyard, whether it was a magician, a monk, or a ninja who barely played a role, was destroyed in a wave.

"Jerry, do your job well."

Jiang Lin explained the Flying Rat King and walked out through an entrance. Where he passed by, all the firearms on the ground were suspended.

On the street outside Izumo Club, thousands of soldiers and convoys are rushing towards here.

"Just kill me alone, as for such a big battle?"

With a sigh, Jiang Lin used his mind to fire more than fifty guns hanging above his head at the same time.

What warriors, what soldiers, what assassins, all fell in a pool of blood.

When the firearm ran out of bullets, Jiang Lin discarded it. Anyway, it was everywhere. That night, Jiang Lin slaughtered a street by himself.

Nine hundred and seventieth chapters eighteen different forbearance

Jiang Lin had no psychological burden on his own killing.

Abe Taichi and the others have mentioned the emperor more than once. It is impossible for the emperor to not know about their plan to ambush themselves, and it is even very likely that the Japanese leader gave Abe Taichi and others a killing order.

It was originally a matter of the religious circles of the two countries. If this politician had to intervene, he would be rude at all.

Kill as many as you want.

What about the emperor, if you want to kill him, you must also be mentally prepared for hiccups.

Now, the whole street is full of corpses and bullet casings, and the soldiers across from Jiang Lin can't stop backing away, and the expressions on their faces are as if they've encountered a ghost.


A person carrying dozens of guns and firing at the same time, this level of fire suppression is simply unstoppable.

And what's even more terrifying is that they shot back and landed on this man, which had no effect at all.

Jiang Lin was standing right in front of the group of soldiers. The firearms he controlled weighed eight or nine pounds on average. Even if he now has the ability to capture objects from the sky and control objects with his mind, dozens of them are down. The light weight also reached four or five hundred pounds.

For Jiang Lin, after a long time, he can't bear it and needs to slow down.

At this time, at the corner at the end of the street, a military side tricycle was parked, and the Emperor of Japan sitting in the sidecar was listening to someone reporting the battle situation ahead.

"Trash, it's all trash!"

The emperor slapped the wagon with his palm and made a loud noise.

"Quickly inform Shiba Yi Ren, let them go and take the life of that Middle-earth Taoist!"

"Your Majesty, the Eighteen Different Ninjas is our secret weapon to invade Middle-earth in the future. Is it going to be exposed now?"

Next to the motorcycle, a man dressed in leather shoes questioned the emperor's decision. The eighteen different ninjas have an extraordinary identity, and now they all have important teaching jobs. In case of any accident, it will be a great loss. .

"Now the people and sergeants of our Yamato nation have suffered a blow to their own sense of national superiority. It is all thanks to this middle-earth Taoist priest. This is something I cannot tolerate! No matter what the cost, I will keep his life here. Deploy two more troops and bring rocket launchers! If [*] people are not enough, then [*]!"

The emperor's teeth grinded each other, and this time against Jiang Lin, he was the one who ordered it, but now not only the magicians, ninjas and gunmen in the Izumo Club have been wiped out, but the army that went forward has also been killed. He could not accept such a result.

As an emperor, he was accustomed to the superiority of turning his hand over the life and death of others, but Jiang Lin made his sense of superiority disappear.

Even in the capital of his own country, he would have to bombard him indiscriminately, and he had to kill this middle-earth Taoist priest.


After the man saluted, he immediately issued the emperor's order.

"Is this going to be with me just now?"

On the street, Jiang Lin shook his head. He rested for a while. Not only did the soldiers on the opposite side not retreat, they also rushed up from behind.

Machine guns and sniper rifles and grenade packs and bazookas all came.

Well then, when I kill him, I'll see if you, the emperor, can survive.

Jiang Lin sneered in his heart, over the corner at the end of the street, there was an aura of an emperor that was difficult for ordinary people to find, so he was sure that the emperor of Japan was staying there.

Jiang Lin has killed a lot of monsters and monsters, and so have people, but he really hasn't moved at the level of the emperor. This time, he wants to see what it feels like to destroy an emperor.

Originally, Jiang Lin thought that this was the head of a country after all.) (All, even if the battle is relatively large, there will not be a hot weapon with a large range of killing, but it turns out that he is not thoughtful enough.

In order to kill him, the Emperor of Japan really made a lot of money, regardless of the cost.

Come on, make it hard!

Jiang Lin stretched out his arms, strangled several soldiers, and snatched the grenades and explosive packs from their hands.

"Come on, let's listen."

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