The Ripper licked the scalpel in his hand and projected it, one after another.

At the same time, many birds of prey flew in the sky, hovering above the head of another Yi Ninja, and there were five poisons gathered under his feet.

As soon as the whistle sounded, Birds of Prey and Wudu rushed towards Jianglin as if they were going crazy.

As for Sato, who was wearing the Poison Flow Technique, he took out various medicine bottles from his pocket and threw them at Jiang Lin's location.

The medicine bottle was shattered into porcelain slag by the impact, and the fragrance of five colors and luxuries permeated immediately.

"A kind of corrosive incense has no effect on him, but these poisonous incense are specially formulated for the physique of the cultivator. Within a moment, he will have to fall."

Sato is very confident in his poisonous incense, even if Jiang Lin holds his breath, these poisonous incense can seep into the body from the pores of the human body, and it specially pollutes the spiritual power in the body of the cultivator. The stronger the spiritual power, the more the pollution. quick.

"One by one, is that enough?"

A look of mockery appeared on Jiang Lin's face. The abilities of these different tolerances were indeed rare, but they were ok against others, but it was far from enough to deal with him.

When Yang Yan was released, Jiang Lin turned into a flaming man. The insects and beasts that rushed forward to peck and bite birds couldn't get close, and they were burned to death as soon as they reached Jiang Lin.

As for the scalpel that came flying, Jiang Lin didn't even look at it. Even if these blades could pass through the fire curtain, it would be difficult for him to cause any damage.


Jiang Lin suddenly felt a burning pain in his body, so he released the corpse poison in his bones and surrounded the poisonous incense.

The strange poisonous incense can even penetrate the flames.

If this woman who plays poisonous incense really arrives in Middle-earth, I don't know how many monks and Taoists will be broken into her hands.

Jiang Lin felt that his trip to the east was worthwhile.

According to his guess, there are definitely not only the eighteen different forbearances who have this kind of magic in their bodies. If these people go to the Middle Earth, even those who have cultivated like Master Hong Jinbao and Ninth Uncle will also follow the way of these people. .

Although Jiang Lin was thinking, the yang finger qi was constantly churning, and at the same time, he had been feeling the breath and blood flow of these people with his spiritual sense.

He wants to see how these people's special techniques are activated, otherwise, let alone the eighteen different forbearance, even if there are eighteen more, he is also one sword.

Unfortunately, he couldn't figure it out for a while.

"I don't believe you are covered in turtle shells!"

The Ripper held twenty scalpels in each hand and shot them all out.

"Damn, how come my poisonous incense still doesn't work!"

Sato's face also showed suffocation, and the fact repeatedly deviated from her expectations, which made her very unwilling.

Like the two of them, the animal trainer continued to whistle to attract birds and beasts. Crows, falcons, five poisons, and even stray cats and dogs all gathered towards him.

"You guys, there are only so many tricks. Skills stop here, Japanese donkeys are poor!"

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly, he decided to find the rest of "Dao Zang" by himself, there was no need to observe these people.

Japanese donkeys... Japanese donkeys are poor? ?

Exploded, blasted!

The Eighteen Yiren are basically familiar with the culture of China. Of course, they know that there is an idiom called "Qian ass is poor in skills".

It is bearable, uncle is unbearable!Uncle can endure, aunt can't bear it!

All the different people were so angry that their lungs were about to burst, but Jiang Lin didn't look at them directly, and ordered the bone sword to shoot away.

The three wounded and angered Yi Ren were sent down by Jiang Lin before they could show their special skills.

After that, Jiang Lin withdrew his Yang Zhiqi, put his wrists together, and a huge pillar of fire blasted above the positions of Sato and the others.

The pillar of fire reached the top of a group of different ninjas, and suddenly dispersed into several smaller pillars of fire, blasting towards the hiding place of a dozen people, blasting them all to pieces.

"Every one of them thinks that their different techniques are rare, and it's ridiculous that they all get a big axe in front of Lu Ban."

As soon as Jiang Lin finished speaking, his body teleported in front of Sato, a sword slashed, and a beautiful head flew into the air.

"A bunch of Japanese donkeys, have you seen what is the stump of the sky?"

Jiang Lin, who had transformed into a long-legged Arhat, stretched out with one foot and kicked the one-foot-tall Yiren four meters away into the wall.

"I haven't seen the stump foot before, what about the Tathagata's palm?"

Jiang Lin pushed it out with a palm, and a strong palm slammed on the giant Yiren.

With an extension of the foot and a palm in the air, the mouth of this silly big man is like a fire hydrant, constantly spewing blood.

Now Jiang Lin's corpse has reached the level of stiff hair, and he has already opened up the dead body's meridians to fully obtain this ability. Within five meters, his palm wind can expel a strong man ten meters away.

"Monkey play, it's your turn."

Jiang Lin pointed at the animal trainer six meters away, and with a click of his finger, the latter's body flew forward involuntarily.

After taking this monkey trick, Jiang Lin stopped looking at him. A gun on the ground flew up automatically, touched his chest, and opened fire automatically.

"Different art! He can also do extraordinary art!"

The Ripper's eyes were open like copper bells, and the expressions on the rest of Yiren's faces were similar to his.

Originally, they thought that their special technique was quite rare, and even cultivators would be shocked when they saw it.

But now that they saw Jiang Lin's ability, they realized that they really looked like a frog in the well.

Especially Japanese frogs.

Chapter [*] That monster, he killed him!

"How could he have such a different technique?"

"The Daozang in Middle-earth has long been lost."

"It must be based on Taoism and formed a blinding method!"

After a brief period of astonishment, a group of aliens began to doubt what they had just seen.

Their ability to possess all kinds of strange abilities is the result of the ninja group's step-by-step exploration according to "Dozang" for hundreds of years.

However, the ability Jiang Lin had just demonstrated was even more bizarre than their ability.

Teleportation, limb lengthening, remote control of objects, rowing palms in the air, any of these abilities threw them away.

How can this be?

"A group of stupid donkeys who don't know anything, they still don't believe that you have a big axe in front of Luban's gate."

Jiang Lin's body suddenly disappeared without a trace, behind a pseudo-mother.

"Playing strings, it's your turn."


The pseudo-mother twisted the orchid finger and shot the silk string towards the location of the sound source.

"No wonder the mother-in-law is naughty and co-authored to practice the sunflower collection?"

Behind the pseudo-girl, there was still only a voice coming out but no one was seen. Jiang Lin grabbed the silk string shot by the pseudo-girl with one hand and quickly wrapped it around her neck.

As soon as he struggled to pull it, the male and female different ninja had his throat cut by his own silk string.

"It's not... it's not a trick."

After the pseudo-girl said this, her body crooked.

Companions were killed one after another, and even if the remaining Yiren didn't want to believe it in their hearts, they had to believe it.

There is no seal, no incantation, and it is not a magic circle. This middle-earth celestial master is not using Taoism!

The remaining Yi Ninjas all gathered together, leaning against each other's backs to prevent Jiang Lin's attack.

"Mishima, Nikaidou, the Ripper, find him!"

Half of Xincheng's body was submerged into the ground. Once Jiang Lin's position was found, he would use his ability to move on the ground to trap Jiang Lin again. Otherwise, they would likely be wiped out.

It's only now that Xincheng understands why Jiang Lin said before that the era of the end of the law has nothing to do with him, and it really doesn't matter.

It's ridiculous that they always thought that as long as they consumed Jiang Lin's spiritual power, they could kill him.

The Ripper threw the scalpel in his body to all directions, while Erkaidou spread his arms, a thunder snake appeared in his palm, and swept around. Even if Jiang Lin hides his body now, his body is only invisible to the naked eye and can still be found.

But what shocked the three of them was that, after searching for a long time, they couldn't find any trace of Jiang Lin at all.

Erkaitang slammed the Razer in his palm to the wall again, and swept the street wall again.

still none!

The heartbeat of the thirteen different ninjas accelerated at this time. They could feel that Jiang Lin was not far away, but they couldn't find each other's shadow.

"Where did you find it?"

At this moment, Jiang Lin's body suddenly appeared in the sky above the group of alien ninjas, and the bone sword in his hand slashed diagonally from side to side.

After two screams, the Ripper and the smoky Yi Ninja were cut into two pieces.


As soon as Jiang Lin's feet landed, he was dragged down by the Xincheng hidden underground.

This time the ground did not soften, it was still a solid layer of soil, Jiang Lin's entire body seemed to be rooted in the ground.

"Your special technique is very good, but it's still useless."

Jiang Lin's eyes looked through the ground, and then his arms extended like flying claws, pulling out a deep hole in the hard ground.

As soon as his arm was retracted, Jiang Lin grabbed the ground mouse, and a huge blood hole appeared in Xincheng's chest, which Jiang Lin threw out.

With a sudden burst of strength, Jiang Lin cracked the soil around his body and jumped out.



As soon as Jiang Lin returned to the ground, the Thunder Emperor Fist of the Second Order Hall slammed over again, and at the same time came the sniper bullets fired by the soldiers in the distance.

As soon as his body moved, Jiang Lin dodged all the lightning and bullets, but his body also lost control in an instant.

The shadow of a different ninja on the opposite side became like a tree branch, connected to his shadow.

"Shadow control succeeded! Attack!"

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