As the voices of the opposite aliens fell, the three aliens exploded at their own limit speed and approached Jiang Lin.

One body turned into a liquid and stuck to Jiang Lin's legs, and the other held a measuring ruler in his hand and slashed at Jiang Lin's Tianling. The last second-order hall was surrounded by thunder snakes and rushed towards Jianglin.

"Shadow control? You don't even know what's in my shadow."

Jiang Lin didn't bother to break free, and the charm in the shadow rushed over along the shadow.

A ghost general-level Charming Spirit easily tore the opposite Yi Nin into pieces.

Although he got rid of the shadow control technique, Jiang Lin was still unable to move. The liquid on his legs was like maltose, sticking his legs and feet to the ground.

The Tiantian Ruler and Thunder Snake had arrived, Jiang Lin tilted his head, all the corpse poison in his body entered his body, strengthened the defense of his shoulders, and released Yang Yan at the same time.

"I hate men to discharge me, and you, it hurts to cut."

A cold light flashed in Jiang Lin's eyes, his shoulders were grabbed by Erjiadang, and a thick corpse aura emanated from his entire body. Not only that, but the Yiren holding a measuring ruler slashed him with a chi. On the shoulder blades, with his current physical defense, a blood-red mark was cut by the measuring ruler.

" a monster!"


After the two alien ninjas who attacked Jiang Lin made a sound, they went to the following report.

As for the different ninja that can turn into mucus, it has long been burned to ashes by Yang Yan.

After that, Jiang Lin killed the remaining Yi Nin one by one without much effort.

Interestingly, among these eighteen different ninjas, there are actually two that can self-destruct, and they are ready to exchange their lives for their lives and die with him.

Unfortunately, for Jiang Lin, who can teleport, this has no effect at all.

Not only that, but he also threw the two self-destructing ninjas into the army in the distance.

"This power, it is not impossible to kill two or three Celestial Masters."

Jiang Lin looked at the big pit in front of him, and was also amazed at the different techniques of the Eighteen Different Ninjas.

The two different ninjas blew themselves up together, and their power was almost comparable to the damage caused by his Great Golden Crow.

"Monster, monster!"

A large group of soldiers saw Jiang Lin who was covered in hair and fangs walking towards them. They were so frightened that they threw away their armor and armor, and retreated again and again.

"His Majesty the Emperor, the Eighteen Different Ninjas...the whole army was wiped out! Your Majesty, hurry to retreat, that monster, he is here!"

An officer who ran to the corner of the street, tremblingly reported to the emperor the situation ahead, he was trembling with fright now.

monster!It's not a human at all, it's definitely a monster!

Chapter nine hundred and eighty mad fan of the emperor's donkey face


The emperor let out a roar, he couldn't believe what the officer said.

It hasn't been a long time since the Eighteen Different Ninjas arrived here, so how could the entire army be wiped out? ?

"Your Majesty, you need to retreat quickly, and your safety cannot be lost!"

The officer listened to the sound of the guns coming closer and closer, and told the Emperor to leave the place immediately.

Now the army of thousands of people is bleeding into the river, and the warriors, martial artists, ninjas and even different ninjas have all died. There is really nothing to stop that terrible man.

If the emperor does not leave, the consequences will be disastrous.


Although the emperor looked unwilling, he still ordered to retreat.As the emperor of a country, the emperor is also decisive enough. Now that things are completely out of his control, there is no point in continuing to struggle, and his own safety may not be guaranteed.

The big deal will be long-term plans after going back.

"Master, I have collected all the inner alchemy and fur of the fox demon, and they are all intact. In addition, I took the two mistresses to search the Izumo Club and found a lot of them. Good thing. These idiots are actually here, and they also use firearms and the army, and they must be compensated!"

The Flying Mouse King took Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou to the street and joined Jiang Lin. In order to get more rewards, the Flying Mouse King almost turned the Izumo Club upside down.

The Yin-Yang Dao's hundreds of years of heritage have been hollowed out by it.

"It's done very well. The rest of the little Japanese will be handed over to you. Send them all. I have to cut that big fish."

There are only two or three hundred soldiers left, and there is no powerful killing weapon in their hands. Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou have the protection of the Flying Rat King and their own charms, and they also have body protection tools, so there will be no danger. .

Now that the emperor not far away has begun to move, Jiang Lin certainly couldn't let him run away so easily.

Jiang Lin explained that Bai Rourou had trapped the souls of all the dead in a formation, and then chased in the direction of the emperor's qi movement.

"Where are you going?"

Jiang Lin ran along the wall and threw a grenade in front of the motorcycle the Emperor was riding.

As soon as the grenade exploded, the front wheel of the entire military motorcycle was lifted, and the officer driving the car was instantly killed by fragments of the grenade.

As for the emperor sitting at the back and the man in his entourage, they escaped, and a golden light shield appeared around the two of them, blocking the shrapnel and shock waves.

Jiang Lin raised his brows. No wonder the emperor dared to sit in the rear of the army. It turned out that he had special bodyguards.

"You are Emperor Taisho? I'm going, this face looks like a donkey. You should be able to understand Chinese, right? Why did you leave without seeing me with such a big battle to entertain me?"

Jiang Lin stood on the top of the wall, looking down at the Emperor, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. He looked very kind, like a good man.

Being scolded by Jiang Lin for having a donkey face, the emperor's long face is as black as the bottom of a pot.

But he forcibly suppressed his anger and glanced back.

The army of several thousand people in the past has now disappeared.

He could not have imagined that in dealing with a Middle-earth Taoist priest this time, several thousand troops would have no effect at all, and instead let the Taoist priest block his way.

"Monster, I really underestimated your ability."

The Emperor got off the sidecar and looked at Jiang Lin, then he raised a starting gun and fired a shot at the sky.

The harsh signal fireworks soared into the sky, and the sound spread for at least two or three miles.

The Guards Barracks in the distance saw the fireworks in the sky, and instantly entered a special rescue state. Tens of thousands of sergeants rushed towards the location of the Emperor at the fastest speed.

"I have informed the Guards, and it is too late for you to retreat now."

There is a bodyguard around him to protect his safety, and the emperor informed the guards again. Now he has a little confidence in his heart, and thinks that he can at least hold on until reinforcements arrive.

"Hehe, you don't seem to understand your situation at all."

Jiang Lin laughed out loud, this Japanese leader used so many people to take his life, and now he still wants to pretend that nothing happened and let him retreat.

Is this the brain water cerebellum to raise fish?


The bone sword flew out and stabbed at the golden mask around the emperor, but the long sword stabbed on the mask like a huge cowhide water polo.

After the mask was sunk in half, the light surged, actually changing the momentum of the Zhengbone Sword, causing it to swipe along the surface of the mask.

After that, the entire mask then returned to a circular shape, and there was not even a trace on the surface.

Seeing this, the Emperor breathed a sigh of relief, his waist straightened a little bit, and said, "Although my entourage guards are not as good as the Eighteen Different Ninjas in terms of attack, they can be said to be absolutely defensive in terms of defense. If you insist on attacking me If it's not good, then only the consequences will be at your own risk!"

"It's just a combination of the golden light spell of Jinguang Sect and the essence of Shintoism and Yin-Yang Taoism. It is absolutely defensive, and the cowhide can blow it up."

Jiang Lin recalled the Zhengbone Sword, held it in his hand, and approached the Emperor step by step.

A mass of true sun fire in his body was forced by Jiang Lin to the blade of the bone sword in his hand, and then lightly swiped against the golden mask.

Under the unbelievable gaze of the emperor and his entourage, the golden mask cracked a large hole with a "pop", and then quickly collapsed.

Jiang Lin quietly looked at the panicked Emperor and asked, "Is this what you mean by absolute defense?"


The entourage beside the Emperor roared and spit out a mouthful of blood essence into his palm, golden light appeared on his body again, and enveloped the Emperor again.

"You got it."

Jiang Lin handed it over with a sword, and stabbed the entourage together with the golden mask. The real fire of the sun on the bone sword instantly burned the emperor's bodyguard clean.



As soon as the emperor opened his mouth, Jiang Lin slapped him hard in the ear.

"I, your second uncle, return me in front of Laozi, QNMLGB."

Jiang Lin grabbed the Emperor's neck with one hand, lifted him up, and said, "I came to your Japanese country to find the circle of cultivators. It's none of your business? Huh? It's none of your business!"


"Clap clap clap..."

Jiang Lin didn't let the emperor speak at all, slapped his left face and right face, and slapped the emperor's donkey face wildly.

"Da Chang Lian, look at how generous I am. You used the army to deal with me, and I slapped you a few times. Be a person, you have to be kind. No, just slap in the face and no one will look at it. The streets around here are full of slaps. You emptied it."

Jiang Lin squeezed his chin with one hand and thought for a moment.

He will never let go of this Japanese leader, but before that, let him play some other roles.

When human beings die, either heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather, Jiang Lin is ready to let the emperor die "heavier than Mount Tai".

Chapter Nine hundred and eighty-first Not insulting you but still accustomed to you?


Shame like never before!

The emperor's donkey face swelled as if it had been smeared with red paint.

As the emperor of a country, he has never been slapped in the ear, and he still doesn't stop.

What made him want to scold him even more was that Jiang Lin still prided himself on being kind. Is there such a thing as a humiliating person? !

These are not enough, Jiang Lin actually wants to slap him in the face in front of his people!

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