If Jiang Lin knew what the emperor was thinking, he would have slapped more than ten more ears on the face of this Japanese leader's donkey.

Originally, he came to Japan to go to the cultivating world here, and he had no intention of contacting the martial arts world or the political world here, but the emperor had to take his life if he wanted to do something to him.

Hongmen banquet, beauty tricks, a glass of poisoned wine, all kinds of conspiracy and tricks were used, ambush, containment, guns and explosives, all kinds of means and all kinds of packages were sent to him.

Just don't be too harsh.

In the end, it was all this long-faced person who came to this kind of field.


The emperor was breathing heavily and was trying his best to control his emotions. Now his life is in Jiang Lin's hands. As long as he dares to resist, he may die.

Within a short distance, people are all enemies!

The emperor finally understood the meaning of this sentence at this moment. Facing a person is more terrifying than facing a country.

Even if there is a war between the two countries, he is captured as the defeated party, and things will turn for the better, and his life will not be in danger.

But now in the hands of this Asura Killer God, the Emperor really didn't dare to say a word.

"I'm in your hands now, you can mention any conditions."

After thinking about it for a long time, the Emperor still tried to speak. Jiang Lin was holding his neck all the time. As long as the latter exerted a little force, he would be dead. Even if Jiang Lin let go of his hand temporarily, he would be able to stay away from death.

"Conditions, are you still qualified to make conditions with me now?"

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, and dropped the palm of his hand clutching the emperor's neck as he walked towards the way he came.

The dignified and national emperor was dragged on the ground like a dead dog by Jiang Lin.

"Tianyi, Rourou, a large number of troops are coming here soon, you follow Jerry to the suburbs and wait for me."

Jiang Lin felt the slight vibration of the ground, and knew that a team of no less than [*] people was rushing towards this place. He was not afraid of anything, but the two wives were not good, so it would be better for them to leave here first.

"Husband, he... he won't be the emperor, right?"

Jin Tianyi looked at his long, bruised face, then glanced at his attire, and recognized the identity of the emperor.Her beautiful eyes are round and round, and her man treats the Emperor of Japan like a chick? ?

Bai Rourou is also slightly open. The emperor is equivalent to the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, the king of a country, and is extremely noble, but now in Jiang Lin's hands, he is as embarrassed as a stupid donkey.

Jiang Linti slipped the emperor in his hand, shrugged, and responded, "It's this big face, and I don't know what kind of grudge I have with him. He has to kill me, which makes me very depressed."

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, the two girls laughed, what are you still depressed about? It's this long face that should be depressed.

The monarch of a country, who used such a big battle, was a martial artist and ninja, and an army of thousands of people. In the end, he was dragged over like a dog.

snort!It's not good to provoke anyone, but to provoke our men.

Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou stared at the Emperor, treating him as a joke.

Being watched by the two women as mangy dogs, the Emperor didn't take a breath, and he was so angry that he coughed out a mouthful of blood.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin asked Jin Tianyi a few words in Japanese, and then said, "Okay, don't stay here, Jerry, take them away."

"Don't worry, master."

The Flying Mouse King lowered his body, let Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou get on their backs, and ran wildly in one direction.

"I'm the monarch of a country, you can't humiliate me like this... For me, as long as I can pay the price, you can mention the real person, and I will definitely satisfy the real person!"

The Emperor reluctantly stood up and begged Jiang Lin for mercy again. Jiang Lin had just learned a few words of Japanese from Jin Tianyi, but he actually wanted to bring him to the public for a palm and face.

The consequences of this are even more serious than the death of the monarch!

"I don't humiliate you, but I'm still accustomed to you? I'm a Taoist priest, and I just came to target you, but you are doing anything to destroy me. Now you know how to beg for mercy?"

Jiang Lin ignored the emperor's pleas for mercy at all, carried him into the air, and went to the next street.

The purpose of his trip to the east was to suppress the spirit of the Daomen of the Japanese country. Now that the emperor is in his hands, he will directly smash the spirit of these demon monks.

There is nothing better than the fact that the emperor he worships is carried by a Taoist priest and slapped in the face from house to house.

Jiang Lin felt that if this matter spread out, there would be many practitioners and monks in the monastic world who could not accept this fact and cut themselves off.

Jiang Lin dragged the emperor and knocked on the door of a big family.

"Hey, this is your emperor. The noise tonight was caused by his use of the army to kill me."

"Clap clap clap..."

In front of the person who opened the door, Jiang Lin slapped the Emperor in the face one after another.

After that, he continued to look for a home.

"Nani? Nani! Mikasa!"

The person who opened the door was stunned for a long time, and then howled with a shrill voice.

One family after another, Jiang Lin didn't know how many families he ran to, and finally went to a few shrines.

"Emperor Sa!"

"His Majesty the Emperor!"

This night, I don't know how many people beat their chests and feet, and grabbed the ground with their heads. In their hearts, Emperor Sa, who is so high and noble, was actually lifted in their hands like a chicken, and was slapped and slapped wildly.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Lin's body hovered over an open space, and the darkness below was overwhelming. Most of them were the Imperial Guards, and there were also some martial artists and monks.

"Come on, translate my words to these people."

Jiang Lin relied on the emptiness to control the wind, and touched the long face of the emperor with the back of his hand.

"This middle-earth celestial master, coming to us to deal with grievances and grievances with the cultivating community of his own country is originally a matter in the cultivating circle. I will do anything to kill him. I deserve such an end."

"Translate the sentence I just said to me. One of my wife is proficient in Japanese, and I can also hear a general idea. Don't play tricks."

The emperor's head and face were swollen like a fat pig. Seeing the murderous intent in Jiang Lin's slightly narrowed eyes, he quickly spoke to the guards below.

Chapter [*]: It's Not That Enemies Don't Get Together (Part [*])

None of the thousands of soldiers below was not full of anger. The Emperor did translate Jiang Lin’s words truthfully, but these people didn’t even think about whether Jiang Lin’s words made sense.

In their view, the emperor does things for the sake of their entire nation, and all they need to do is follow and obey, without thinking at all.

These people only know that the emperor they admire most is suffering a huge humiliation at this time, which is a hundred times more uncomfortable than their own humiliation.

Jiang Lin looked at the expressions of the following group of people, and also understood that these Japanese people are simply things that cannot be understood by reason. What he did is to severely attack the spirit of these extremists, especially the magicians and monks present. Jiang Lin also deliberately gave them a full of contempt.

A bunch of spicy chickens!

Your emperors are being carried like chickens.

"get out!"

Jiang Lin slapped the emperor's chest and injected part of the corpse poison before disappearing into the night sky.

He left the emperor with a few days of life and killed him all at once, but it didn't have much effect. He left three or four days to let the matter ferment, and then the emperor burped again, it was considered to be before his death. Exploited his residual heat.

The emperor was caught by the soldiers below. Although he was "out of danger", he was not happy at all.

What a shame! !

With a "wow", the emperor was furious, vomited a pool of blood, and then fainted.

"It really hurts... Those different skills of the different ninjas are really extraordinary."

Jiang Lin was walking on the road and pinched his left shoulder blade. His left shoulder was firmly slashed by Yiren's measuring ruler, and it was still quite painful.

With Jiang Lin's defense after the corpse, let alone an iron ruler without a blade, even a steel sword could hardly cause damage to him.

But the attack method of the different ninja is a bit special. It uses the ultra-high frequency vibration to make the measuring ruler shake at an extreme speed, and the resulting killing effect is actually many times stronger than that of the sharp blade.

In addition to a little injury on his shoulder, Jiang Lin's hair is also strange. He used to have short hair. After turning into stiff hair, his hair has grown a lot, but his long hair has been connected by strong lightning, even now his hair All the corpse poison has been recovered, and the hair has not changed back to its original appearance.


"Let's go, find a place to deal with the souls you have collected."

On the way, Jiang Lin told Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou about the Shiba Yi Ren. He was going to ask the whereabouts of the rest of the "Dao Zang" from Shi Shi Yi Ren's soul, and then retrieve it.

"I've been in the Warlock Alliance for so long, and I didn't even know that there was another kind of alien ninja in the ninja group."

Jin Tianyi was also quite surprised when Jiang Lin talked about the various strange abilities of the Eighteen Different Forbearers.

If Jiang Lin hadn't forced these Yiren out this time, once they set foot in the Middle Earth in the future, I don't know how many monks and Daoists would be planted on such abilities.

The three of them went to a relatively hidden place, and Bai Rourou took out the ghost sealing altars one by one from the ancient mirrors and handed them over to Jiang Lin. The collected souls were all in these jars.

Jiang Lin set up a trapped formation and poured these souls into it. As for the souls of those sergeants, he just asked a few questions, and then used Yang Yan to refine them into nothingness.

As for the souls of the Eighteen Different Ninjas, Jiang Lin temporarily put them away after asking where the base of the ninja regiment was, intending to pry out some useful information from them in the future.

"Husband, then let's go to the secret base of the ninja regiment?"

"Don't worry, since the emperor treats me so kindly, how can I let him down. His life is of no value to me, so he has to compensate me. I will send you away, and then I will go to the Tokyo treasury Take a walk."

Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou: "..."

They held a moment of silence for the emperor, who was really tragic enough, not counting the loss of his life if he lost his troops, and the treasury of the capital had to be looted as compensation.

This is no one anymore!

Jiang Lin sent Bai Rou and Jin Tianyi to a hundred miles away to ensure that they would not be hunted down by a large number of soldiers, then brought the ancient mirror and prepared to return.

But just after taking two steps, Jiang Lin discovered that there was a problem with the ancient mirror. The mirror surface was shining brightly, and the space inside was expanding. Because of this, the space inside the mirror virtual world was a little unstable.

Could it be that Yuan Ying has broken through to the level of a ghost king?

Jiang Lin's eyes lit up, and then he quickly took out all the things like tents in the ancient mirror.

"Tian Yi, Rou Rou, Yuan Ying seems to have made a breakthrough, so the space in the ancient mirror is now expanding, just as the sky is getting brighter, let's rest first."

Jiang Lin temporarily put the plan to return to Tokyo on hold. What he didn't know was that it was precisely because of this delay that he was saved from a big trouble.

If he went back the same way, he would have collided with Lan Dali and Xu Fu.

It's not that the enemies don't get together, Lan Dali and the others just happened to be in Tokyo now, and now they are more than a hundred miles away from where Jiang Lin and the others are.

In a household in Tokyo, Lan Dali was very depressed. Last time, he was seriously injured by "Shuimu Tianzun". Although he underwent recuperation, he never recovered. After he found the parasite of Rahu in Kyoto, he planned to find some days. The material and the treasure come to supply itself.

But all the way down, he didn't even find a thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, which made him very, very unhappy.

"Xu Fu, Crow, you used to tell me that the spiritual energy here is stronger than that of Middle Earth, and there are many good things, so I wondered, you two are running the train with your mouth full!"

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