"Mr. Lan, it was there before. Who knows why we're here this time, why is there nothing? We're not here in Tokyo. When we go to the treasury here to do a search, there must be some good things, maybe because of the era of the end of the law. , the spiritual energy is getting more and more scarce, the treasures of heaven and earth have been collected, and there must be in the treasury."

Xu Fu and Crow were also depressed. With their noses, they didn't smell anything good along the way, as if they were bragging with Lan Dali.

The demon emperor and the two green-eyed zombies also didn't think about it, they went together with Jiang Lin.

They have to loot the Japanese treasury.

Chapter [*]: It's Not Enemies Who Don't Get Together (Part [*])

"It's really depressing, I hope the treasury here won't let me down. Xu Fu, Crow, Japan is your home court, and our goal has been achieved, so let's have some fun here. I haven't had fun for a long time, what's the matter? It's fun, I recommend it. By the way, I'm going to criticize you Raven here. Last time you told us what Hungry Shura was funny, so we went to the German battlefield with you. As a result, we created a Hungry Shura. But he only killed more than a thousand officers, and his grievances dissipated. It's not fun at all."

Lan Dali was upset at first, just thinking of the unsatisfactory things a few years ago, catching the crow is a complete scolding.

The crow pouted, it's all a few years ago, and it's still mentioned now.

But he also knew that Lan Dali was in a bad mood, and he didn't reply, he thought about it and said, "If I used to be able to play a few magicians or bald people with a little cultivation, but now it's not some kind of Middle Earth. Heavenly Master, it caused a storm in the city, and wiped out a lot of the magicians and monks here."

The crow told Lan Dali what he heard when he was looking for blood food, which was an interesting anecdote.

"Damn it! Why is there another middle-earth celestial master? Middle-earth is really crowded with celestial masters now?"

When it comes to the Heavenly Master, Lan Dali's first thought is Shuimu Tianzun, and then he thinks of the mysterious Heavenly Master who seriously injured them with Huo Qilin. They are all ruthless fellows.

Now there is another ruthless one, a celestial master who singled out the entire monastic world in Japan.

Even if he gave Lan Dali two heads, he could not have imagined that Tianzun Shuimu, the mysterious Tianshi, and the Tianshi who was walking in this Japanese country were all alone, Jiang Lin.

"Mr. Lan, we suffered a big loss in Middle-earth. We just have a Celestial Master. We might as well play games with him to vent."

The crow really wanted to see what kind of character this Heavenly Master who singled out the Japanese cultivator was. He was abused by other Heavenly Masters, which made him very disgusted with the Heavenly Master.

"You can do it! We met three Celestial Masters this year, and two nearly killed us. Do you still want to die?"

Lan Dali involuntarily froze, he is really a talker now.

When I first met "Shuimu Tianzun", I thought they were just a small celestial master, but the three of them were miserable. Later, they encountered a mysterious celestial master who guarded the dragon veins, and Nima almost chopped him up.

"Mr. Lan, what are you afraid of? How can the celestial masters that appear are so terrifying. We don't care if we meet Shuimu Tianzun. That is a special case. In the underground world of the Middle Earth and Shu, it is also because of the suppression. "Xu Fu, what do you think?"

The crow looked at Xu Fu, who had been silent for a while.

"Uh... In fact, I have always had an illusion. On the way, I seem to smell the smell of Shuimu Tianzun. You said that the middle-earth Tianshi who appeared here, could it be him?"

Xu Fu frowned. Before, he always thought that his sense of smell was wrong, so he didn't care much.

But now, when he heard the crow mention the Celestial Master, Xu Fu remembered it, and he also connected Shuimu Tianzun with the Celestial Master who appeared in Japan now.

When Jiang Lin first met Lan Dali and the three of them, because of the sudden incident, his appearance and smell were exposed.

When he joined forces with Huo Qilin, he had already taken measures to prevent Lan Dali and the others from recognizing them.

But this time, Jiang Lin never expected that it would be such a coincidence that Lan Dali and Xu Fu had already arrived here.

It is really a narrow road for enemies.

Since Lan Dali and the others have been in Kyoto, Jiang Lin has been in front of them, and the distance is not too far, so it is inevitable to leave some flavor on the road.

The sense of smell of the descendants of the generals is much stronger than that of ordinary zombies.

"How is this possible? How could Tianzun Shuimu do such a boring thing? He doesn't know how long he has lived. It hurts when he is idle, and he is here to challenge the Japanese monastic world."

Lan Dali waved his hands repeatedly to deny Xu Fu's guess, and continued: "Heavenly Shuimu is someone who dares to cut down even the true ancestor, no matter what country's cultivating world, to him, those people are all ants, you will have nothing to do. Are you playing with ants?"

"How about we look for this Celestial Master after we go to the treasury?"

Xu Fu thought that his nose had never been wrong, but what Lan Dali said was very reasonable, and he became interested in this Celestial Master who had never met before.

"Yeah, Mr. Lan, it's not Shuimu Tianzun, we're afraid of him as a bird, and there's no fire unicorn here, we can also use all of our strengths. No matter how powerful he is, what can he do to us? Xu Fu and I also You need the blood of those who have attained the Tao to nourish, isn't the celestial master's body stronger than the heavenly treasures for you, Mr. Lan?"

The crow felt that Lan Dali was too cautious, and he was not even as courageous as before. Anyway, he himself was so unlucky every time he didn't believe it.

In fact, Lan Dali really has a shadow in his heart. Although he is stronger than the two green-eyed zombies, his vitality cannot be compared with the two green-eyed zombies.

If they encounter danger again, Xu Fu and Crow may escape with their lives, and he estimates that he will have to be planted.

However, Lan Dali is not an ordinary monster after all, and what Xu Fu and Crow said is not unreasonable. After weighing it, he agreed, but he also made it clear that he should not act rashly.

Jiang Lin, who was more than a hundred miles away, didn't know that the danger was gradually approaching him. At this time, he was absorbing the yin evil in a very yin place.

"Husband, the place not far from here is my master's residence. I want to go and see. If he has passed away, it's fine. If not, I will cut off the relationship with him, and there will be no more. relationship."

Jin Tianyi knelt down beside Jiang Lin, combed his long hair, and continued: "Another reason is that you are going to the national treasury, which is the foundation of a country and has many protective facilities. The spy has carried out the task of stealing treasure, but unfortunately it failed, but the general layout of the imperial city and several routes of the treasury have been recorded by me, and they are also hidden there.


Jiang Lin nodded, knowing that Jin Tianyi was worried about his safety, and he had nothing to say about it.

Chapter [*]: It's Not That Enemies Don't Get Together (Part [*])

"Do you want to go by yourself?"

"Well. The two of us are husband and wife. If we go there together, it always feels like visiting the elders. I'll just go there by myself."

Jin Tianyi bowed and kissed Jiang Lin's face, saying that he would bring the Flying Rat King, and that it was more than [*] miles away, so there would be no danger.

Jiang Lin asked Jin Tianyi to bring a few more magical talismans for body protection before letting her leave.

He also knew that Jin Tian was probably thinking about the relationship between master and apprentice, and didn't want him to go there, and he didn't want to see his master conflict with her husband.

Not long after, Bai Rou Rou also came to Jiang Lin's side, and a pair of phoenix eyes looked up and down on Jiang Lin.

"It's been a long time since we've been married, Rourou, are you crazy about looking at your husband like this?"

Jiang Lin smiled and pulled Bai Rou Rou into his arms.

"Husband, the way you have long hair, especially your curly hair, is really handsome. Husband, I'm over [*], and I want to give you a baby, otherwise I'll be old, we... we... "

Bai Rourou blushed and looked at Jiang Lin, then to the tent on the side.She knew that Jiang Lin had a special physique and could turn into a zombie, but it was difficult to have offspring, but she could do it with a little effort.

It's just that she was a little embarrassed to talk about this happy thing in broad daylight.

"So you're worried that you're too old to get pregnant, didn't Tianyi tell you?"

Jiang Lin scratched the bridge of Bai Rourou's nose and said, "Guess how old Chili and Chen Yu are."

"Except for Sister Min'er, they should all be in the [*]th or [*]'s."

"The youngest of them is already twenty-five or six. The last thing to worry about as my woman is age. Don't you realize that you are much younger now?"

Jiang Lin explained to Bai Rourou the reason why Chen Yu and the others stayed in their faces, which made Bai Rourou both surprised and happy.

Not only will she not grow old, but she may live younger and younger.

"Although I don't worry about getting old, I still want to give birth to a baby for my husband."

"Do you want to give birth to a baby for me, or do you want to sleep with me? You are just greedy for my body."

Jiang Lin looked at Bai Rou Rou with a burning gaze, then lifted her up and entered the tent.

At night, Jiang Lin returned to Tokyo with the blueprint given by Jin Tianyi and the restored ancient mirror.

Today's Tokyo City was so troubled by Jiang Lin last night that the streets and alleys were full of patrolling soldiers, and the situation was also [*] to [*] miles outside the city.

In addition to the soldiers, there were also many magicians in groups of three or five, who were also looking for Jiang Lin's traces.

Now Jianglin has become a pillar of shame for a country, these magicians can't wait to sacrifice themselves, and they have to remove this pillar of shame.

In fact, the magicians in Tokyo City have already colluded, and now they are distributed in all directions of the capital, and a blood sacrifice formation has been arranged throughout the city of Tokyo. Ten thousand people sacrificed together to destroy Jianglin with the power of a great formation.

It's a pity that no matter how many of them there are, they will never see Jiang Lin's shadow.

After Jiang Lin was turned into a corpse, he hid his figure and went to the Imperial Palace struttingly. He didn't go to the trouble of looking for these little pawns to rot the shrimp. Seeing them so angry that they couldn't take their own feelings, it was really a little bit. Small cool.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin entered the heavily guarded palace.

"If you don't have this blueprint of Tianyi, it would be really hard to find."

Jiang Lin did not expect that he would ask some information from those soldiers, and it took so long to find the treasury.

Although the treasury is in the palace, the passages are crisscrossed and there is no correct route. It is not easy to find.

Moreover, there are strong restrictions on the palace wall. If one is not careful, the formation or enchantment is activated, and Jiang Lin can only wander around in the labyrinth.

Fortunately, he is now in front of the treasury.Although there are many obstacles along the way, there is not much difficulty for his formation and enchantment attainments.


Jiang Lin manifested his figure, and cast the immobilization spell to hold the guarded soldiers in place. Then he used a few little ghosts to control them.

"It's really not easy to touch the things in the vault."

Jiang Lin looked at the golden lock on the gate of the treasury, and muttered to himself, this lock may seem ordinary, but if it is rashly broken, it will trigger many organs.

Jiang Lin looked into the lock with his eyes and entered the lock with his mind. After a few breaths, the golden lock was opened, and the formations and organs connected to it were temporarily paralyzed.

As soon as he entered the warehouse, gold bars, silver ingots, and various priceless treasures came into view of Jiang Lin.


Jiang Lin was not polite at all. After closing the door, he took the ancient mirror as a sack, and sent all the gold bars, jewelry and other belongings in.

In addition, in the innermost part of the warehouse, there is also a collection of various medicinal materials, all of which are top-notch.

Then take it!

About half an hour later, Jiang Lin filled the entire inner space of the ancient mirror, and if he continued to fill it, it would cause harm to Jing Yuanying, and Jiang Lin was a little reluctant to give up his thoughts.

"People don't keep their names for good deeds, so I'll make an exception."

Jiang Lin stretched out his finger and wrote a few large characters on the wall of the warehouse: The Heavenly Master of the Middle Earth came to visit here, and what he took away was considered indemnity.

Just as Jiang Lin was about to leave, there was a sudden movement outside the door.

"Mr. Lan, you don't have to worry, it's a country's savings anyway, so there must be treasures you want."

The voice of Xu Fu came from outside, which made Jiang Lin stunned.

Lan Dali and Xu Fu? ?

How could they be here?

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