The door to the warehouse was opened with a creak, Jiang Lin instantly became invisible, and in a hurry, he took two breath-holding talismans and affixed them to his body.

Second uncle's, really his mother's enemy has a narrow road!

Jiang Lin wanted to scold his mother, how could he have run into these three goods in Japan.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, but Jiang Lin finally managed to maintain his rationality and did not act rashly.

Right now, he doesn't have the Seven-Star Crescent Moon Saber, nor the Fire Qilin's helper, nor does the Dragon Vein pressure control Lan Dali and them.

In this case, Jiang Lin didn't even think about borrowing the identity of Shuimu Tianzun.

Which of these three guys is not an old man, it's okay to fool once, but if you fool the second time, you don't have to think about it, you will die miserably.

They don't seem to have noticed that there is anyone else in here for a while.

Jiang Lin held his breath, looked at Lan Dali and the others, and found that these three guys didn't seem to realize that this huge warehouse had already entered.

This was also due to Jiang Lin's good luck. When Lan Dali and the three of them came to the door of the warehouse, they killed a dozen guards at extreme speed, and then broke the golden lock.

I didn't find any abnormality at all, and I didn't find that the golden lock was actually opened long ago.

Chapter [*] Walking them is the same as walking a dog

"Mr. Lan, there is a medicinal smell over there, and the good things are probably there."

Xu Fu moved his nose and pointed to the innermost part of the warehouse.

This movement of his nose made him frown. Why does it smell like Tianzun Shuimu again? Could it be that there is something wrong with his nose?

Looking around, Xu Fu didn't see anything unusual, so he thought he had an illusion again and didn't take it to heart.

It turned out that these three guys also hit their ideas on the treasures of the Japanese treasury.

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, since Lan Dali and the others didn't come to him, they probably didn't know his existence before.

If these three guys have been following, Jiang Lin will not be able to calm down, which means that Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou may be in danger.

"What are these things! What are they!"

Lan Dali went to the depths of the warehouse, only to find a few boxes containing medicinal materials, which were all inferior things.

But he was depressed.

This is the national treasury of a country, so you just collected some crooked melons and cracked dates? ?

In fact, the top ones were taken away by Jiang Lin long ago, and the rest were medicinal materials that Jiang Lin disliked.

Xu Fu and Crow walked over after hearing the words, and they also had question marks on their faces.

If there are no good treasures in the treasury, where will there be?

Jiang Lin teleported outside the door while Xu Fu and Crow were far away from the door, and then flashed one after another while being invisible.

After Jiang Lin ran, Xu Fu's auricle moved a little, Jiang Lin's teleportation had to use the strength of his feet, and he made a slight noise when he landed.

Xu Fu took two steps back, glanced outside, and then shook his head, thinking that not only did his sense of smell malfunction, but he also had auditory hallucinations.

Xu Fu and Crow helped Lan Dali rummage through the counter. Suddenly, they found the handwriting left by Jiang Lin on the wall.

"Mr. Lan, don't look for it! This place has already been landed first, and it is the Middle Earth Celestial Master mentioned by the crow."


Lan Dali followed Xu Fu's gaze and saw the writing on the wall.

"His grandma! I want to find some healing materials, why is it so hard for my mother!"

Lan Dali was so strong that he threw several jade boxes in his hand, and even smoked from his nostrils.

No wonder he didn't even have a good thing, it turned out that he was eating the leftovers from others.

"Mr. Lan, there is still some smell left here, and I heard some noise just now. I thought I heard it wrong. Now it seems that the Celestial Master may have just left when we came. Can you chase?"

The more Xu Fu thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. To say that his senses occasionally went wrong, it was impossible for him to have a problem with his ears.

Looking back now, he decided that the sound he made before must have been made by the Celestial Master who had arrived here one step earlier.

And that Celestial Master must have discovered them, so he was cautious to the point of tiptoeing.

As for the smell of staying here, which is very similar to "Shuimu Tianzun", Xu Fu didn't think much about it.

If it is really Shuimu Tianzun, will he avoid them?

"Chasing, Mr. Lan, you are really scared to see a Celestial Master now."

The crow looked at Lan Dali hesitating, and couldn't help but say irony, if they can see a Celestial Master in the future, they will avoid it?

Please, just a Celestial Master.


Lan Dali was teased by the crow several times, and his heart was also on fire. He was a demon emperor, and now he is intimidated by a celestial master. It is a joke to say it.

With their strong sense of smell, Xu Fu and Crow chased after Jiang Lin's retreat.

Jiang Lin ran in stealth, and when he heard the movement behind him, he turned his head and glanced.

"Damn, the sense of smell of these two green-eyed zombies is really more than a dog's."

Seeing this, he couldn't hold back his complaints. Xu Fu and Crow appeared at the end of the passage.

This sense of smell, serve!

He still has the Breath Relief Talisman on him, and he was tracked just like that.

Recalling the route on the drawing, Jiang Lin made a lot of twists and turns, widening the distance.

He is now invisible and can teleport. As long as he is not caught up and blocked, he can treat Lan Dali and the others as dogs.

Jiang Lin couldn't deal with these three guys, but he was able to walk them like dogs.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Lin left the palace. He raised his speed to the limit and ran towards Jin Tianyi and the others.

It didn't take long for Lan Dali and the others to come out. Xu Fu and Crow sniffed for a while, then they identified Jiang Lin's route and followed up with Lan Dali.

Could it be that my identity as Tianzun Shuimu has been seen through by them?

Jiang Lin was rushing in front of him, and he couldn't figure it out. These three guys didn't know that he was coming to Japan before, but they hadn't met before, and they kept chasing him just by smell.

"This is the end of the matter, thinking about it is useless, let's think about how to get rid of them."

No matter what, Jiang Lin would not easily let Lan Dali and the others surround him.


An hour later, Jiang Lin arrived at the place where Jin Tianyi and the others rested. He took a few talismans and said to the mouse: "These are some breath-holding talismans, you stick them on your body, we met them in the underground of Shu. The Demon Emperor and the two green-eyed zombies are right behind, and they're almost there."

"Fuck! How did they appear here??"

When the Flying Mouse King heard Jiang Lin's words, he jumped up in shock.

"Master, what should I do, what should I do? We are not their opponents this time."

The mouse boy grabbed his ears and became a dog in a hurry.

The last time they fought against these three guys, although they won a great victory, they were in the right place at the right time.

"Why are you in a hurry? With me, walking them is like walking a dog."

Jiang Lin shot out a non-lethal swipe with his fingers, and gave the mouse a burst of chestnuts.

This time, although he also has Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou who need protection, but now he is on the ground, not underground. It's a big deal to take the two of them to the sky to hide.

He couldn't deal with Lan Dali and the others, but in the same way, if the latter wanted to take advantage of him, there was basically no chance.

Walking them is like walking a dog?

The Flying Rat King almost suspected that he had heard it wrong. Jiang Lin actually said that he could walk a demon emperor and two green-eyed zombies like a dog when he had no external conditions to rely on.

Master Beer!

Chapter nine hundred and eighty sixth ninja regiment base

"As the rat king, you should be able to order the voles here to urinate and urinate in a radius of three miles. Those two green-eyed zombies have very smart noses."

Although Jiang Lin has a means of escape to save his life, but now he still needs to go to the base of the ninja regiment, it is better to get rid of Lan Dali and the others first.

After all, if they are really caught up and encounter a confrontation, there may be some uncertainties.

"No matter what country you are from, you have to recognize me as the boss and obey my orders."

The mouse boy patted his chest and sent out a special sound wave around him.

Jiang Lin nodded, and then got into the tent. Inside, Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou were sleeping sweetly, and they would babble from time to time. Husband and husband shouted. .

"Tianyi, Rourou, don't sleep, things have changed, we have to leave quickly, you put these breath-holding charms on your body."

Jiang Lin woke up the two wives and told them about the encounter with Lan Dali and his party. After Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou heard it, their sleepiness disappeared.

The three quickly cleaned up, and Jiang Lin expelled the Yang Yan, eliminating all traces and smells here.

Then he took out a scarecrow doll the size of a slap, ordered it to become bigger and the same height as people, and put the clothes on the scarecrow doll. Jiang Lin put a fire talisman on it, and then made the scarecrow doll. Ran in the other direction.

In the end, Jiang Lin buried a few magic talismans on the way the scarecrow walked. He also needed to know if Lan Dali and the three of them would be fooled, so that he could allocate time for the next things.

After doing this, Jiang Lin wrapped Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou's waists with both hands, jumped on the back of the Flying Mouse King, and let the giant mouse gallop toward the mountain not far away.

Running on the ground will always leave a slight smell, and the noses of Xu Fu and the crow are bright.

When they reached the top of the mountain, the Flying Rat King shrunk in size, carried Jiang Lin and the three of them to leap up, unfolding his wings and gliding away.

Jiang Lin and the others flew off the top of the mountain with their front feet, and Lan Dali and the others arrived with their hind feet. Unfortunately, the traces of this place have long since been eliminated by Jiang Lin, and the unpleasant smell of rat urine is everywhere for three or four miles, which can make Xu Fu and Crow's nose toss. Enough.

The strong smell of urine almost brought tears to both of them.

"Mr. Lan, I think that the Celestial Master must have found out that we were chasing after him, so that all the smells here will be eliminated. Since he is so afraid of us, we will play a game of cat and mouse."

The crow enjoyed the feeling of being a hunter very much, and now he wanted to drive the fleeing Celestial Master to despair step by step, biting his throat in the last bite, a shame of being bullied by the Celestial Master.

"Hey, with this little means, I still want to run away. It's naive. Track it for thousands of miles!"

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