Xu Fu tilted his head, his nose twitched, and finally he sneered, pointed in one direction, and said, "Over there."

Then Xu Fu and Crow took Lan Dali and eagerly went after the scarecrow in Jianglin's clothes.

"If you say walk you like dogs, I will walk you like dogs."

Jiang Lin looked at the shining talisman in his hand, and knew that Lan Dali and the others were going after the scarecrow.

"Husband, now there are demon emperors and green-eyed zombies here, what are your plans?"

"I originally wanted to go to the Jiuju faction, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. I went to the base of the ninja regiment to get the remaining "Dao Zang" and we left."

Jiang Lin stretched his fingers and pressed his eyebrows. Originally, he thought that after using the identity of "Shuimu Tianzun" to hurt Lan Dali and the others, he didn't have to worry about revenge at all. Now it seems that things are not as beautiful as he imagined.

This demon emperor and two green-eyed zombies are three extremely terrifying time bombs. If they are not dismantled as soon as possible, I don't know what moths will appear in the future.

But with his current ability, he couldn't deal with Lan Dali and the others.

Only go back and think longer.

The base of the ninja regiment is in Ibaraki, east of Tokyo. Jiang Lin and the others found this secret base for training ninjas at two or three in the morning.

Jiang Lin was much more low-key this time. He didn't reveal his whereabouts, and he didn't cause any movement. After stealth, he secretly infiltrated the base.

If the person in charge of the ninja regiment found out that he had come here, he might jump over the wall and destroy the research results of "Dao Zang" and different techniques.

Although there were many ninja patrolling guards in the base, they had no impact on Jiang Lin at all.

Even the Tokyo Imperial Palace can come and go freely, let alone a ninja regiment base.

Jiang Lin spent more than two hours traversing the entire base, but did not find any place to store books, and finally found a basement with the help of the perspective ability.

Jiang Lin arrived at the door of the basement, and just as he was about to break in, he heard the voice of a conversation inside.

"Mr. Mobu, from now on, the pattern of practitioners in the world will be changed by us, and we are happy to cooperate."

In the room, a middle-aged man wearing a bamboo hat looked at the old man in Shinto costume opposite and stretched out his hand.

Jiang Lin frowned slightly when he heard the words coming out of the room. The people inside spoke Chinese with a strong northern Shaanxi accent.

Are there people from Middle-earth in the base of the ninja regiment?

Jiang Lin's eyes flickered, his eyes passed through the door and wall, and he saw the interior scene in his eyes.

There are two groups of people in the room, one group is headed by a man in a bucket hat, and there are about seven or eight people. Although these people have different clothes, they are obviously Chinese people, and there are even Taoist priests.The other group was headed by an old Shinto man, and there were about a dozen people, all dressed as magicians and ninjas.

Ministry of Things?Is it the Jiuzang of the Ministry of Things?

Jiang Lin's eyes focused on the old man. When he went to Tokyo for a banquet at Hongmen, Jin Tianyi had introduced him to some leaders of various sects with a high level of cultivation. Among them, there was Jiuzang of the Ministry of Things. This person is The most influential school of Shintoism - the great priest of the shrine and Shinto.

Jiang Lin guessed right, the old man in the room was Jiuzang of the Ministry of Things.

Just look at what dirty deals you have.

Jiang Lin didn't act rashly, but he wanted to see what conspiracies were brewing by this group of people.

"Haha, Brother Shi, thanks to your participation in these years, the progress has been so fast. I hope we can have further cooperation in the future. This is "Dao Zang", but some of the unimportant parts were borrowed before, but the most important The content is still preserved.”

Mobu Jiuzang stretched out his arms to shake hands with Shi Teng, and then took out a rather worn ancient book from his arms and handed it over.


Shi Teng frowned slightly. He took the ancient book and flipped through it. After confirming that it was true, he said, "Mr. Wu, according to the agreement, is there a few more completed research results?"

Chapter nine hundred and eighty seventh cut Hu is cool


The expression on Mobu Jiuzang's face froze, and then he smiled awkwardly.

"What? Mr. Mobu is planning to go back on his word? Are you still going to cross the river and demolish the bridge?"

Shi Teng's tone suddenly turned cold, and the spiritual power surged on his body.

The six or seven people behind him also looked bad and were ready to fight.

"Brother Shi, don't get excited."

Mobu Jiuzang rolled his eyes and explained: "Several integrated secret books have been prepared, that is, the contents are all in Japanese, and I originally wanted to translate them into Chinese for you, but the eighteen different forbearances who are proficient in Chinese are gone. I'm back."

In fact, Jiuzang of the Ministry of Things really wanted to break the contract. After all, this group of people came from Middle Earth, and after the research results of different techniques were brought back, they would always spread.

But now the eighteen different ninjas have all died in battle, which has caused the strength of the ninja group to plummet.

More importantly, Shi Teng's group is not easy to deal with. If there are eighteen different tolerances, the odds of winning are not small, but now it is not good.

So I quickly weighed it up in my heart, but Jiuzang of Mobu still didn't choose to fall out with the other party.

"Ha ha."

Shi Teng sneered, what Jiuzang said was not translated well, he didn't believe it at all, this old guy is very good.

But he didn't break the word. After the big deal, he just translated it into Japanese.

Mobu Jiuzang nodded to the subordinates behind him, and several ninjas took the simple bound manuscript from the locker and sent it to Shi Teng and others.

"The guarantee is true, don't worry. Brother Shi, do you know anything about the celestial master who has caused storms in our country recently?"

Mobu Jiuzang let out a haha, and quickly changed the subject.

He already knew about Jiang Lin's rioting in Tokyo, and even the Yin-Yang Dao, the Eighteen Different Ninjas, and the army couldn't do anything about Jiang Lin.

Mobu Jiuzang also had to admit that in terms of cultivation, the background of the Middle Earth is far from their Japanese counterparts. Since Shi Teng is also from the Middle Earth, he may have some understanding of Jianglin.

Such a strong Celestial Master, if you want to win, you can only attack its weak points.

"He, I've heard of him, he's also a figure. What? You want to deal with him? Forget it, unless you can form a team that can deal with Mao Zong."

The well-known Tianshi in Middle-earth was Jianglin, so Shi Teng naturally guessed who was causing trouble in Japan.

Now Jiang Lin's reputation in Middle-earth is not very loud. As long as he is in the cultivating circle, basically everyone has heard of his name.

"Mao Zong? Has he been able to deal with Mao Zong?"

Mobu Jiuzang's voice suddenly rose a lot. He has been presiding over the work of the ninja group, so he doesn't know much about Jiang Lin's information.

"Not only can he deal with it, he has already been able to kill."

Shi Teng laughed, and then said: "For the sake of our cooperation, let me remind you that he is here now. If you want to return to Middle Earth, you need to go by water. Whether you can keep him or not depends on your ability. ."

After speaking, Sten turned around and walked towards the door. As soon as he reached the door, the entire door suddenly slammed into him.

Unpredictable, Sten was hit by the door panel, and the whole person flew out.

"I'm thinking that I don't know you either. I haven't eaten your steamed buns, and I haven't owed money to your family. I even gave advice to others on how to deal with me. I'd like to see what kind of character you are."

Jiang Lin's figure appeared at the door, and his eyes fell on Shi Teng, who was sitting by the wall.

The spiritual power of this person is somewhat special. Although he is not a Celestial Master, the spiritual power in his body is even higher than that of ordinary Celestial Masters.

This is not the point, the point is that he has never seen this man who was called "Brother Shi" by Jiuzang of the Object Department.

They have never met each other before, and this "Brother Shi" helped Dongyang Yaodao to make plans to harm his fellow countryman.

It is also a poisonous scheme to export, which is really rare enough.

Jiang Lin opened his palm, and took the "Dao Zang" in Shi Teng's arms, which had never been returned to God, in his hand.

Then he thought about it, and the bone sword left his body and shot at Shi Teng's accomplice.

Since they were with Sten, Jiang Lin was not polite to them at all.

Because Jiang Lin appeared too abruptly and shot too quickly, two of the seven people failed to respond in time, and their arms were chopped off by the bone sword. In addition, two arms were slashed by sharp blades Injured, the remaining three people dodged the Feijian attack.

Jiang Lin probed his hand again and photographed the manuscript that the four of them had taken off into his palm.

"Dao Zang" has been obtained, and Jiang Lin does not want to leave the research results of Yishu to these people.


At this moment, Jiuzang of the Ministry of Things had already realized what happened. He gave a loud drink and quickly raised his palm to shoot a few thunders.

Jiang Lin thought that Jiuzang of the Ministry of Things was attacking him, so he jumped up and rushed towards several manuscripts in the air.

But what he didn't expect was that these palm thunders were all aimed at the manuscripts in the air.

With a few bangs, the three manuscripts were shattered by thunder, and most of the scraps of paper were burned to ashes.

Jiang Lin's arm extended in an instant, grabbing the last manuscript in his hand, making the last palm of Jiuzang of the Ministry of Things emptied.

"Middle-earth Celestial Master!"

Wu Jiuzang looked at the manuscript in Jiang Lin's hand, and his eyes became red.

It took them so much effort to develop different techniques and new cultivation methods. They thought they would be able to serve as Sasukes who would invade China in the future.

"What are you looking at? What are you looking at? I didn't expect it. I cut off the beard just after it arrived. It's cool to cut the beard."

Jiang Lin looked at Jiuzang, Shi Teng and their accomplices, shook the manuscript and Daozang in his hand, and smiled unkindly.

"I have a grudge with these oriental demons and ninjas, but I have no grudge against you."

After receiving the two manuscripts, Jiang Lin squinted at Shi Teng, but now he has put aside the Jiuzang of the Ministry of Things, and is staring at this unprovoked product.



Shi Teng's face was speechless, what is this called!

How could he think that when he gave Jiuzang advice to the Ministry of Things, Jiang Lin was listening outside.

If you didn't talk too much, there wouldn't be such a thing!

Not to mention the severe pain of the five internal organs being hit by the door panel, the things I got were cut off.

This is still not enough, it seems that the master has to settle accounts with him.

Chapter [*] Guardian Spirit

A group of Shi Teng's accomplices who were affected set their eyes on Shi Teng, and their eyes were all nameless fire.

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