They heard the meaning from Jiang Lin's words. Jiang Lin and these martial arts ninjas had grudges, but they had no entanglement with them.

Now, because Shi Teng was alone, Jiang Lin attacked them indiscriminately, and even their arms were chopped off.

A typical city gate catches fire, which affects Chiyu.

Sten felt this kind of gaze, and wanted to shout at a few accomplices: How did I know that this master was so coincidentally at the base of the ninja regiment, and he was listening outside!

But he still didn't shout out. Now that Liang Zi has settled down, it doesn't matter whether he explains it or not, and the explanation seems to be wrong.

Without a fight, the consequences of this broken mouth are not easy to settle.

"Brother Shi, this Middle-earth Celestial Master is too arrogant. One sentence can hurt your people like this. If you don't get healed, you will be useless."

Jiuzang of the Ministry of Things did not expect that Jiang Lin would target Shi Teng and others because of one sentence. He was worried about how to deal with this evil star. Now there is a good opportunity to unite with Shi Teng and others.

"Jiuzang of the Ministry of Things, our cooperative relationship with you has ended, and you should not pull us into the water."

Before Sten could speak, one of his bald accomplices had already made a sound.

Others don't know the horror of Jiang Lin, but the bald head knows it. He heard someone say that Jiang Lin once faced Fei Zong, fought against it, and retreated completely.

Such a record, even if all the people here work together, can't do it.

Therefore, even if someone on his side had his arm cut off by Jiang Lin, the bald head would not want to fight with Jiang Lin, so it would be better to leave early.

Moreover, the manuscripts he got before were packed in cloth bags, not in his hands, so they were not intercepted by Jiang Lin. In this case, he was even more reluctant to stay here.

"Daoist Li Yang, we have planted it today, and there will be a period in the future."

It was Shi Teng who came up with the bad idea, not them. Now that Jiang Lin has to deal with Shi Teng, Jiuzang and the others, the bald head doesn't believe that Jiang Lin will be with them forever.

However, in order to prevent Jiang Lin from really wanting to keep people, the bald head also took action.

"Sun Illumination Technique!"

His palms and ten fingers spread out to protect the temples on both sides, and his bald head shouted loudly, and then his round bald head was like a kilowatt incandescent light bulb, shining with extremely strong light.

If we only talked about the brightness, the brightness caused by the bald-headed sun obsidian technique is even higher than that of Jiang Lin's ruthless Yang Xuanguang.

At the moment when the strong light came on, the bald head threw out a few talismans and stuck them on the legs of the people around him, and shouted, "If you don't want to die, go away!"

With a "bang", the bald head jumped up, shot into the sky, smashed the skylight, and ran out.

Although the people who were disabled by Jiang Lin were unwilling, they knew that bald heads never took risks in doing things, and their decision-making ability was extraordinary. They jumped up without thinking much, and the speed was astonishingly fast.

Just gone?

When the strong light dissipated, Jiang Lin was also surprised that the bald-headed few of them didn't even care about Sten, so they just slipped away.

And it slipped so fast.

He also planned to snatch the manuscript in the bald cloth bag, but since they had slipped away, he decided to deal with Jiuzang and the others first.

"Didn't one of you want to kill me, and the other to help out? Now that I'm here, why don't you guys move?"

Jiang Lin glanced at Shi Teng and Wu Jiuzang with his arms in his arms. He had already obtained what he was looking for. Now he didn't have to keep a low profile and was going to abolish this ninja regiment base.

Shi Teng took a step forward and confronted Jiang Lin. Although he and Jiang Lin did not interact, the grievance was also caused by providing advice to the Ministry of Things, but Jiang Lin had already let him eat a door plate, and now he took it again. Looking at him with disdain, also made him angry.

"Hehe, a generation of Celestial Masters, the guardian of the forbidden area of ​​Rahu in the underworld, is really crazy enough to kill Si Jianglin. Now that Liangzi is forged, let's see the real chapter under his hands."

Shi Teng took off the two-foot pistol he was carrying on his back, and with a flick of his hand, the pistol made the sound of a machine starting, turning into a long gun with red tassels.

"who are you?"

Jiang Lin squinted at Shi Teng. Even Jiu Shu and Zhang Han didn't know his specific position in the underworld, so it was impossible for outsiders to know.

The person in front of him not only knew that he was the Chief Slaughter Division, but also knew that he was dealing with the Rahu forbidden land.

"My surname is Shi and Teng, and Chief Jiang should know who I am in the future." Shi Teng chuckled lightly, then leaned on the ground with his gun handle and shouted, "Wu Ling, Shi Wengong!"

Shi Teng was surging with spiritual energy, and behind him appeared an ancient general wearing a golden helmet and silver armor, holding a halberd.

"Huh? Shi Wengong? The characters in Water Margin?"

Jiang Lin's eyes fell on the military general who was more than two meters tall behind Shi Teng. Although he was dressed as a general, he was a real ghost king.

And the strength is the peak echelon in the ghost king.

But the strange thing is that this ghost king does not have much yin energy, and his body is full of spiritual energy, and the ghost body looks very solid.

In addition, Jiang Lin also felt that this ghost king, known as Wuling, was different from the shikigami of the Japanese magician, the imperial envoy. At first, he didn't notice the difference, but after a while, he contacted Shi Teng. , it reacted.

The yin qi on this martial spirit has a very high degree of yin and cold, and it is the yin qi of the underworld.

"Whether you are a martial arts spirit or a shikigami, it is your misfortune to meet me."

Jiang Lincai, regardless of the origins of Shi Teng and his martial arts, murdered him for no reason, then he had to pay the price.

Whether it's a shikigami or a martial spirit, just catch it and train it.

It just so happened that his wife Jing Yuanying had broken through to the level of a ghost king and needed some nourishment from ghost qi.

"Haha, you don't have much experience at your age, and you don't even know the guardian spirit. Compared with the shikigami, the guardian spirit is much stronger."

Sten laughed, if Jiang Lin treated his guardian spirit as the shikigami of Japanese magicians, then he would have to suffer a big loss.

"Is there any difference?"

Jiang Lin shrugged his shoulders, what martial spirit or guardian spirit, for him today, it doesn't take much effort to solve it.

"Teng'er, do you need to summon me to deal with this hairy boy? But I see that he looks stunned and needs to be taught, and really wants to move his muscles and bones."

The Fang Tianhua halberd in Shi Wengong's hand was placed against the ground, and the halberd blades cut a large hole on the ground.

"Are you Shi Wengong, the military general in the Water Margin? I'll call you, do you dare to agree?"

A piece of Yin Commander appeared in Jiang Lin's palm, which lit up at Shi Wengong.

"I'm Shi Wengong..."

Shi Wengong didn't pay attention to Commander Yin in Jiang Lin's palm at all, and responded loudly, and then he was imprisoned by a strange force, turning into a stream of light and flying towards the token in Jiang Lin's palm.

Second uncle, you kid is cheating!

Chapter Nine hundred and eighty-ninth is it almost set now?late!

Because Shi Wengong couldn't maintain his ghost body, he could only murmur.

Do you dare to agree to what God called you, it turned out to be a routine for me.

Cheating, cheating!

Since Jiang Lin was promoted by Judge Lu last time, his Yin Commander has been given some functions by Judge Lu.

Ordinary ghosts and ghosts, even if they are not strong, have restraint on ghosts, because the tools in their hands have a powerful ability to seal ghosts, collect ghosts, and destroy ghosts.

Jiang Lin is already a rank six Slaughtering Division, and if the token in his hand does not have any deterrent function, it is too much to say.

Judge Lu also considered that Jiang Lin would soon go to the inner circle of the forbidden area to get the Goblin King, so he had given him a lot of convenience.

Even if it is a ghost king, when Jiang Lin encounters Jiang Lin, as long as Jiang Lin shows his token and the other party responds, he will only end up being captured.

"Do you dare to promise when I call you, do you think I'll just play around?"

Jiang Lin looked at the streamer that flew over, and smiled unkindly. His wife's spiritual body snacks were just like that.

Still a ghost king.

"I'm sloth!"

Shi Teng's eyes were about to fall off. Originally, he didn't know what Jiang Lin was doing, but in the blink of an eye, his guardian spirit was captured.

"Sixth grade... Sixth grade palm killing division?"

Shi Teng looked at Commander Yin in Jiang Lin's palm, and was stunned again.

He knew about Jiang Lin's information. There was a Yangjian Yin Division who appeared recently, but it took so long for him to become the Sixth Grade Palm Slaughter Division.

Sten was not surprised, he took off a round talisman with a copper chain on his arm, and then he held the talisman and injected spiritual power.

The circular command talisman shot out a black light, hitting Jiang Lin's Yin Commander.

Then the black light turned around, caught Shi Wengong, and dragged him back.

Jiang Lin frowned, this situation was beyond his expectations.

Then he focused his eyes on the round talisman in Shi Teng's hand, which had the word "general" on it, which belonged to the same seal carving as the word "si" on his Yin Commander.

Did you meet a colleague?

Jiang Lin's eyes narrowed slightly. Shi Teng had a token similar to his Yin Commander. In addition, he knew some of his positions in the underworld. Contacting this information, he had a guess that this Shi Teng seemed to be his colleague. what.

However, what about colleagues, the price still has to be paid!

"You are courting death!"

Just as Jiang Lin was watching Shi Teng, Mobu Jiuzang and the magicians and ninjas around him attacked him.

Jiang Lin felt a little unhappy that Shi Wengong was unsuccessful.

An afterimage flashed past, and then Jiang Lin took a leg-up posture in another position, and then a loud noise came from the wall opposite him.

Mobu Jiuzang spurted blood from his mouth, and his body softened in the huge depression in the wall.

Cobweb-like cracks appeared in the wall, and Mobu Jiuzang's chest also sank.

"I said, you are really courting death."

The ducks that I got in my hand flew away inexplicably, and these goods came up to add fuel to the fire, so Jiang Lin was going to send these idiots down first.

The five fingers merged, and the eight-meter-long Yang-fingered sword jumped out. The other ninjas and magicians were pierced by Jiang Lin before they could even perform their magic.

Arms are linked, wear one, wear another.

It's almost like wearing a skewer.

"I'm obedient."

After Shi Wengong was rescued and returned, he wanted to scold him, but then he saw Jiang Lin half-dead Jiuzang in the blink of an eye, and killed more than a dozen jutsu ninjas.

The visual effects are really stunning.

Shi Wengong was glad that he was caught just now, and he didn't have time to shoot, otherwise he would be stabbed by the lightsaber in Jiang Lin's hand, enough for him to suffer, and it would be difficult for him to react at all.

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