Shi Teng was also shocked by the scene just now. He could deal with Jiuzang and the group of ninjas from the Ministry of Art.

He has heard of Jiang Lin's name below, and he has also heard of Jiang Lin's deeds in the world, but that's all.

Now that Jiang Lin made his move, he realized that he had provoked a strong man.

After the sword of light in his hand dissipated, Jiang Lin turned to look at Shi Teng, hooked him, and said, "It's your turn, don't kill the spirit."

"Too deceiving!"

Shi Teng's face became very ugly. Jiang Lin's strength was indeed beyond his expectations, but this did not mean that he would not have the strength to fight.

It is simply arrogant to pay the spirit and not kill it!

"Although this fellow is unusual, he is also really crazy!"

Shi Wengong couldn't stand Jiang Lin's arrogance either, so he charged with his halberd.

"Go back to me!"

Jiang Lin held the bone sword in his hand, gathered strength with one arm, and swiped the sword and the halberd blade in one place.

"Good physical strength!"

Shi Wengong felt the great power from his Fang Tianhua halberd, and he was extremely shocked. His strength was already great enough, but he could slash his arm with Jiang Lin's sharp sword when he swung the halberd.

One uses heavy weapons and the other uses light weapons. Shi Wengong is rather timid, and it is obvious who is stronger or weaker.

When Shi Teng saw this scene, his heart sank suddenly, Jiang Lin was not only extraordinary in Taoism, but his strength was far beyond ordinary people.

This time I really got into trouble!

Thinking of this, Shi Teng immediately formed a seal with his hands and sent the spiritual power in his body to Shi Wengong.

This time, I won't be able to do my best.


Jiang Lin blocked the momentum of the halberd with a sword, and quickly swung his arm to slash again, causing Shi Wengong and his halberd to fly backwards.

"Turtle School Qigong!"

Jiang Lin retracted his sword into his body, his spiritual power poured out, and his palms lined up.

Before Shi Wengong had mastered his balance, he was hit by a pillar of fire the thickness of a bucket.


The door frame and wall of the basement collapsed suddenly, and Shi Wengong hit the stairs outside, then rolled up, and knocked all the ninjas who were running over.

"Shi Wen Gong!"

Shi Teng's eyes were wide open, his guardian spirit was much stronger than the average ghost king, but under Jiang Lin's hands, he couldn't even hold on for one round.

In fact, if Jiang Lin hadn't wanted to keep this martial spirit as a snack for Jing Yuanying, he would have killed Shi Wengong with the blow just now.

"Just take care of yourself!"

Jiang Lin stretched out his arm and stabbed out the Yang Finger Sword, but Shi Teng was not an ordinary person, and he saw Jiang Lin cast this kind of spell just now, so he held the Hongying spear in front of him to block the stab.

Failing to stab, Jiang Lin waved his arm, and the eight-meter-long Yang Finger Sword slashed across.

Steen parried with his spear, but the force of the lightsaber forced his body to stagger sideways.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Lin jumped up, held his sword in both hands, and slashed down at Shi Teng.


Shi Teng raised his gun across his head to parry, but was pressed down by Jiang Lin on his knees.

"Director Jiang, we... we are colleagues, we have something to say, something to say!"

The bones all over Shi Teng's body were clucking, and now he finally knew how big the gap between him and Jiang Lin was, and he immediately surrendered.

"It's getting close to me now? It's too late!"

Jiang Lin sneered, this Shi Teng still has the face to use the relationship between colleagues to get close. In the case that he has never met and has never met, this guy clearly knows that he and he are colleagues, and he is helping others with poisonous schemes. See what kind of colleagues he has missed.

Chapter nine hundred and ninetieth different ghost door


Shi Teng also knew that Jiang Lin wouldn't be so easy to talk about, and he was actually buying a little time for himself when he softened up just now.

As soon as the barrel of the gun turned, two short steel needles with the length of two knuckles shot out from the barrel of the gun, directly reaching Jiang Lin's heart.

At the same time, Jiuzang of the Object Department behind Jiang Lin also killed him silently.

"Do you think this little trick can save you?"

Jiang Lin slashed with one palm, and his five fingers clamped the flying short needle in an instant.

At this time, a smile of successful strategy appeared on the face of Jiuzang of the Ministry behind Jiang Lin.

He had already condensed the spiritual power he had cultivated throughout his life into his Prajna palm, and once it hit Jiang Lin's back, he could shatter his heart from the air.

"Fish come out of a bay, turtles come out of a beach, and do all kinds of tricks. Don't you know that my Lord Ma has three eyes? I also have eyes behind me!"

Jiang Lin raised his foot and kicked Shi Teng's face, then placed his palm with the short needle on his back.


Wu Jiuzang slammed his palm on the back of Jiang Lin's palm, and his palm was pierced through by the short needle between his fingers.

The great priest of the Shinto shrine, with black smoke wafting from his palm, he covered his throat with one hand, his eyeballs protruded, and he kept retreating.

The short needle is highly poisonous, and the blood seals the throat.

After falling to the ground and struggling for a few times, Jiuzang of the Matter Department lost his breath.

Shi Teng was kicked in the face by Jiang Lin and flew upside down in the air. Seeing that Jiang Lin was not only fine, but used a short needle to poison Jiuzang to death, his heart was already half cold.

His heart-piercing needle has been tried many times in the past, and it has been tried many times, but today it actually failed.


Shi Teng ignored the prints on the soles of his own face, tapped the ground with the tip of his spear, and used his retreat to bend it. With a twist of his wrist, Shi Teng controlled the direction of the ejection and flew towards the broken door.

"Want to run?"

Jiang Lin just took two steps before he stopped and let out his own Yang Yan.

"Bear bear~"

The entire basement became a sea of ​​flames almost instantly. It was filled with manuscripts of the ninja regiment's research on different techniques. The fire burned cleanly, so that the hundreds of years of hard work by these thieves were all in vain.

Then Jiang Lin rushed out in one step. Hundreds of ninjas and many other magicians gathered together and attacked him.

As Jiang Lin thought, there were more than eighteen different ninjas who mastered different techniques. Among the hundreds of ninjas on the opposite side, there were many who showed abilities similar to those of the eighteen different ninjas.

Jiang Lin didn't bother to waste any time with these people, so he just enlarged it.

A huge three-legged Golden Crow appeared behind him, the Golden Crow's huge wings spread, and the more than [*] meters long Yang Finger Sword shot forward like a rain of arrows.

A ninja regiment base, screams echoed everywhere.

After Jiang Lin released the three-legged Golden Crow, he chased after Shi Teng and his martial spirit who were more than a hundred meters away.

There was a strong explosion behind him, and this ninja regiment base, which had an unknown history, became a ruin.

Hundreds of ninjas, more than [*] different ninjas, and more than [*] magicians, all turned to ashes under this explosion.

Oh my God!

No wonder the bald head is running away.

Shi Teng looked back, and even his courage was cold.

He hated why he hadn't softened to Jiang Lin earlier, and even more hated that his mouth had been slapped like a broken sole.

If you don't talk much, there will be no such thing as now.

"What are you running, what is there to run? Aren't we colleagues? Warm a little wine, two plates of fennel beans, and drink two."

"Can't afford to drink!"

Sten's MMP in his heart, is he still alive if he doesn't run?Also drink two, coax fools!

The distance between Jiang Lin and Shi Teng was still [*] to [*] meters. His arm stretched out, and a Yang Yan whip burst out from his palm, entangling Shi Wengong.

Shi Wengong was scorched by Yang Yan, and Shi Teng saw that Jiang Lin was about to catch up, and immediately opened the gate of hell with the talisman.

The seal in his hand changed, and Shi Wengong, who was dragged by Jiang Lin, turned into a stream of light and flew towards his body.

In a foreign country, can you open the door to hell?

Jiang Lin did not expect that Shi Teng would be able to open the ghost gate to the underworld in Japan, which was unreasonable.

Judge Lu once clearly told him that his Yin Commander can open the gate of hell, but he must be in Middle-earth, and he must be in the area under his jurisdiction.


Jiang Lin didn't think much about it, he waved his bone sword, and a huge crescent sword qi charged towards it, slicing Liuguang in half.

"Jiang Lin, this hatred, I have written down!"

After Shi Teng put Wu Ling's upper body into his body, he gritted his teeth and roared at Jiang Lin, and then he got into the gate of hell.

"You don't even have a chance to take revenge."

Jiang Lin teleported directly to the ghost gate, inhaled half of the ghost energy into his body, and then rushed into the ghost gate.

No matter who opened the door, can he still be unable to get in?

The truth was really not as Jiang Lin thought, he really couldn't get in.

As soon as his body entered halfway, Jiang Lin had a harder time entering. His Yin Commander automatically appeared. At the same time, a red light from the ghost gate swept over the Yin Commander, and then a voice came from the ghost gate. A force pushed him out.


Jiang Lin frowned and tried several times again, but the result was still the same. Only at this time did he realize that the ghost gate opened by Shi Teng was different from the ghost gate he had opened before.

In front of this ghost gate, in addition to the surrounding ghost head carvings, there is also a tree carving, and the word "Fusang" is written on the trunk.

The ghost gate opened by Jiang Lin in the past, whether in Renjia Town or Gantian Town, was different from this.

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