Lan Dali and the others divided into three groups to collect all the information about Jiang Lin.

Three days later, they reunited again.


Xu Fu was like a crazy dog, knocking down a big tree with one punch, kicking a boulder with one kick, and kept punching and kicking.

Don't let it go, or he'll go crazy.

The crow was laughing hysterically, and the laughter made people chill.

Lan Dali's bald head burst out with blood vessels and veins like earthworms, and his eyes were red like blood.

It took them three days to inquire about Jiang Lin's information.

It is a Maoshan Taoist priest who has only risen in China in the past ten years.

Self-cutting and rebuilding, self-cutting and barren!

"Grandma, I really can't swallow this breath!"

"Kill! Kill to his house!!!"

"I'm going to crush every inch of his bone!"

To be played like a fool by a little Celestial Master!

Lan Dali, Xu Fu, and Crow decided to take a boat directly to Li Yangju in Jianglin and tear Jianglin to pieces.

Chapter nine hundred and ninety-four this time, I'm going to hug my thighs

Jiang Lin didn't expect things to turn out like this. At this time, he had arrived in Hokkaido, Japan, and was going to continue northwards, detouring from Soviet Russia to return to China.

There were two demon emperors in the sea. Just in case, Jiang Lin completely gave up the idea of ​​taking a boat.

On land, he was able to retreat in the face of the Demon Emperor, but in the sea, once he was dragged down, it would be a real shame.

"Tianyi, Rourou, you guys are waiting for me here."

When he arrived at Kunlun Mountain, Jiang Lin got off the back of the rat. Now he has to guard against Lan Dali and Xu Fu. Since he cannot improve his strength for the time being, he can only use foreign objects.

Jiang Lin came here to fetch the golden wheel of the sun left in the Kunlun Mountains.

Back then, he took the white jade coffin and Li Yingqi out of the underground palace, but did not take the golden wheel with him. The spiritual energy on the Kunlun Mountains is still strong, and it will not let the spirituality of the golden wheel disappear so quickly.

But now he has been able to set up the Spirit Gathering Formation, and in addition to Fei Zong, he may also face Lan Dali and the others, and must retrieve this spiritual tool.

Arriving on the mountain, Jiang Lin felt a sense of feeling in his heart. After a while, a huge round wheel rushed out of the mountain with a bang.

Come out together, there is also a long jade box.

The golden wheel of the day was like a child, spinning around Jianglin.

"Long time no see, come in."

Jiang Lin reached out and stroked the wheel blade, put it into his body, and buckled it on his fake elixir.

Then he reached out and caught the flying jade box, but the strange thing was that he couldn't open the jade box, because there was a strong restriction on it.

With his current cultivation base and formation attainments, it is also impossible to open it.

And even if he used the perspective ability, he couldn't see what was in the box.

"What's in there?"

Jiang Lin measured the upper and lower ends of the jade box several times, but there was still no sign of it.

After trying two more times, Jiang Lin put the jade box in the ancient mirror and planned to study it later.

All the way south, Jiang Lin returned to Gantian Town after six or seven days.

At the same time, Lan Dali and the three of them had arrived five miles away from Gantian Town.

Because the sea monster appeared in the sea, the shipping on the Japanese side was stopped for several days, so they only found Gantian Town until now.

"Lang Jun, I have broken through to the level of a ghost king."

After Jiang Lin entered the door, Jing Yuanying sensed it. She ran out of the training room and threw herself into Jiang Lin's arms.

"Lang Jun, how come your hair has become so long, and it's still curly... It's so beautiful."

Jing Yuanying looked at Jiang Lin infatuatedly, raised her pretty face, and sent a sweet kiss.

At this time, Chen Yu and the others also came to the courtyard. A group of women were surprised when they saw their husbands change in shape, but then they either nibbled their teeth or nibbled their lips and looked at Jiang Lin in unison. .

The collective is crazy.

"Husband, look who is that?"

Chen Yu calmed down and then pointed to the slim beauty standing behind them.


Jiang Lin saw Li Yingqi, who was dressed in white and smiling like a flower, and his heart beat violently.

"Yuan Ying..."

Jiang Lin looked at Jing Yuanying in his arms, a little apologetic on his face.

Jing Yuanying pursed her cherry lips, then nodded obediently, and let go of her arms.

"Master, Yingqi misses you so much."

Li Yingqi was hugged by Jiang Lin and turned around, and when he landed, he hugged Jiang Lin tightly.

"It's all my fault that made you sleep for so long."

Jiang Lin kissed Li Yingqi's forehead and inhaled the fragrance of her hair, his heart was shaking.

"Okay, Master, so many sisters are watching."

"It's okay, I hold them often."

Jiang Lin was reluctant to let go, but Li Yingqi was still angered and broke out of Jiang Lin's arms.

"Sister Yu, Sister Ting, ladies and gentlemen, I want to chat with my husband alone for a while."

Li Yingqi looked at Chen Yu and others, and the girls also consciously went to the back garden.

"Hmph, it seems that without me, Master is not lonely at all."

Li Yingqi pouted, she has not slept for ten years, she has so many sisters.

After waking up, there were nearly twenty people who called her sister alone.


As soon as Li Yingqi complained, Yingkou was kissed by Jiang Lin.

Among his own women, the one Jiang Lin felt most guilty of was Li Yingqi.After being pregnant with his child, he had waited for more than a thousand years, and even after getting together, he could only lie down in a white jade coffin.

After a long time, Jiang Lin removed his lips, Li Yingqi blushed, and murmured, "Master, other people's primordial spirit can be in your body, but not in the flesh, you have to put them into your own body."

"Yingqi, you..."

Before Jiang Lin finished speaking, his brows furrowed. He sensed that three evil spirits were approaching Gantian Town from outside the town.

They were actually found home!

Jiang Lin was furious, and the three idiots of Lan Dali were sticking to him like candy.

"Master, let's go."

Li Yingqi and Jiang Lin have a good heart, and now that Jiang Lin's mood has fluctuated, she can naturally sense it.

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

If it was only himself, this time must be the most difficult battle, but when Li Yingqi woke up, it would be different.

"Cough, this time I'm going to hug a thigh."

"Hold your thighs?"

Li Yingqi looked at Jiang Lin suspiciously, and then she understood the meaning of "holding the thighs".

"Yes, hold your thighs."

Jiang Lin smiled wickedly, and his eyes fell on Li Yingqi's pair of slender jade legs. Li Yingqi let out an anger, then took Jiang Lin's arm and flew him directly into the air to the town.

Along the way, she also asked Jiang Lin for information about Lan Dali and the others. Hearing Jiang Lin say that he had bullied the three idiots with the identity of Shuimu Tianzun, Li Yingqi laughed too hard.

One of them is surrounded by the moon gold wheel in the center, and the other is surrounded by the sun gold wheel, and they are like a pair of immortals.

"Mr. Lan, it's just ahead."

"Finally found."

Xu Fu and Crow looked at the archway in Gantian Town and smiled coldly.

"You three idiots, are you here to find me?"

Jiang Lin and Li Yingqi stood side by side in the air at the mouth of the town, looking down at Lan Dali and the others below.

"you this……"

After Lan Dali raised his head to see Jiang Lin, he grinned wickedly, and just as he was about to say harsh words, the expression on his face froze.

Li Yingqi now fully exudes his own momentum, and his cultivation base is fully displayed.

Chapter Nine hundred and ninety-fifth Heavenly Venerable Forgiveness! !

Li Yingqi stood in the golden wheel of Baoguang Shuoshuo, and the spiritual power of the golden moon of the moon dissipated, causing the golden wheel of the sun to echo.

Jiang Lin was also covered by Li Yingqi's aura because of the echo of the two spiritual weapons.He and Li Yingqi are in good spirits, and the two spiritual tools echo each other, giving Lan Dali the feeling that his cultivation has skyrocketed at the moment, which is already similar to Li Yingqi.

At this time, the three of them are full of all kinds of question marks, what is going on?What's going on?

What about the little celestial master?

Isn't this "Shuimu Tianzun" fake?He is a little celestial master.

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