But is this possible! ! !

With the pressure of Li Yingqi's momentum, the strong wind swept up the town, and the air above was surging,

Covered by this momentum, Lan Dali only felt like he was falling into an ice cellar, unable to even move.

Is this Yuan Ying?No, turn into a god? ?

The same is true for Xu Fu and Crow, a feeling of imminent death has arisen in their hearts.

"Husband, it seems that after they were teased by us when they were in Japan, they didn't take long, and they dared to follow them."

Li Yingqi lightly covered her cherry lips and smiled, and then her eyes were filled with chills, and they swept across Lan Dali and the others.


Jiang Lin didn't understand Li Yingqi's meaning at once, but just as Li Yingqi's voice appeared in his heart, he understood Li Yingqi's thoughts.

husband? ? ?

Hearing Li Yingqi's title to Jiang Lin in mid-air, Lan Dali's three psychological defense lines completely collapsed.

Can a Celestial Master become a Taoist companion with such a terrifying female cultivator?

The guesses, inferences, and confirmations that had been in their hearts before had completely collapsed at this moment.

At this time, the three of them were unable to think normally, and this turning point was beyond the upper limit they could accept.

Since seeing Jiang Lin's portrait in Japan, they have conducted various investigations and analysis, and finally confirmed that Jiang Lin is absolutely impossible to be a terrifying figure, whether it is Shuimu Tianzun, or self-destruction and reconstruction, all of which are fake.

Moreover, in their hearts, this fact was already certain and could no longer be certain.

That's why they were determined to find Jiang Lin and destroy him, in return for the hatred of being deceived and humiliated.

But now, they did see Jiang Lin, but the situation was a thousand miles away from what they already knew.

Even if Jiang Lin is so "terrifying", Nima has an equally terrifying Taoist companion!

Terrifying enough to completely destroy the levels of the three of them.

"Before my husband spared your life in the underground of Shu, it was already for the sake of the generals. In Japan, he found you following, and he only made fun of you a few times. Now you are actually following from Japan to Middle-earth. I don't think so. Like a husband who likes to sell people's face."

After all, Li Yingqi waved a hand, and the moon golden wheel flew into the air, and the spiritual energy in a radius of dozens of miles was gathering towards the golden wheel.

"Heavenly respects your life, Heavenly respect forgives your life!!"

Seeing this scene, Lan Dali shivered, knelt down quickly, and kowtowed like pounding garlic.

The feeling of death was so real that his instinct to survive made him kneel and beg for mercy without even thinking about it.

If there is only one such terrifying existence, he still has a chance to survive, but now that there are two, he has no idea of ​​escaping, let alone resisting.

"Heavenly Venerate, please forgive me!"

"Forgive me!"

Xu Fu and Crow also knelt down together and kowtowed to Jiang Lin again and again.

Is it his, his grandmother's, his ancestor's!

Which turtle son said that Shuimu Tianzun was fake, which turtle grandson! ! !

A demon emperor and two green-eyed zombies roared in their hearts. Now they have forgotten who first suspected Jiang Lin's identity.

If one of the three of them hadn't started, they wouldn't have hit the gun themselves.

What a suspicion, what a probe, what an analysis, it's ridiculous, ridiculous!

The three idiots felt as if they had been filled with bitterness, and they couldn't suffer any more.

"Tianzun, we... we are here to offer treasures to make amends!"

The crisis of death gave Lan Dali an epiphany, and he hurriedly lied to save his life.

"Yes, yes, Tianzun, we angered Tianzun last time, and we always wanted to find an opportunity to apologize to your old man. When we were in Japan, we smelled the smell of Tianzun, and we wanted to chase after you because we wanted to apologize to you. ."

"We are really here to make amends, the conscience of heaven and earth, the sun and the moon can learn from the sun and the moon!"

When Xu Fu and Crow heard Lan Dali talking about offering treasures, they realized what it meant, and quickly kowtowed to agree.

"Giving a treasure? What treasure?"

Jiang Lin sneered and looked at the three idiots who worshipped their ancestors.

Lan Dali immediately opened his mouth and spat out some objects from the abdominal space, namely a scale skin, a [-]-[-] meter long tendon, a medicine bottle, a jade box and several scales.

When Lan Dali and the others went out to sea by boat, they encountered the big sea dragon blocking the way. The three of them joined forces to besiege, and then they obtained these treasures.

Originally, they were going to take back these few treasures, but now that their lives were at stake, Lan Dali couldn't care less.

"Tianzun, Mrs. Zun, this is a monster emperor-level Jiaojia Jiaojin and Jiaojiaojiao. Although it may not be in the eyes of the two seniors, it is also our heart. We came here to apologize. of."

Lan Dali looked pious and apologized, and continued: "Last time, the three of us had eyes but didn't know Mount Tai, which disturbed Tianzun. For the sake of our ignorance, I beg Tianzun not to take this matter to heart."

"Since this is the case, I will spare your life, but the death penalty can be avoided, and it is impossible to escape. My husband and I experience the life of the world, and we don't like being disturbed. If you came here uninvited this time, I will give you some punishment. There is a next time, I will definitely cut it!"

Li Yingqi's aura fluctuated. She pointed a dot, and the moon gold wheel spun out at a speed like lightning. It swiped on Lan Dali's arm, and then slashed at Xu Fu and Crow's shoulders.

Lan Dali, Xu Fu, and Crow's arms were cut off in an instant, and the screams broke out, but the three of them also endured the severe pain and kept their voices, fearing that the noise would upset Jiang Lin and Li Yingqi, and they would suffer again.


"Thank Tianzun for your life, Mrs. Xie Zun for your life."

Li Yingqi's coquettish rebuke made Lan Dali and the others feel as if they had been granted amnesty. They grabbed their broken arms and ran away without looking back.

"Yingqi, why didn't you..."

Jiang Lin just wanted to ask Li Yingqi why he didn't kill Lan Dali and the others, when he saw Li Yingqi's breath quickly wilting, and his face turned snow-white.

Chapter nine hundred and ninety-six immortal coffin is missing


Jiang Lin was startled, he quickly grabbed Li Yingqi and fell from the air.

"Master, it's not that Ying Qi doesn't want to destroy the three of them, but that he is really powerless."

Li Yingqi broke out in cold sweat on her forehead, and said weakly, Yue Jinlun also dissipated its brilliance and returned to her body.

"You stop talking."

Jiang Lin felt inexplicably flustered in his heart, and then took the treasures such as Jiaojin into his hands and sent them into the ancient mirror. After that, he carried Li Yingqi on his back and entered the town.

"Master, Ying Qi really wants to stay with you for a long time."

Li Yingqi put his face on Jiang Lin's shoulder, enjoying the breath of Jiang Lin's body.

"Yingqi, don't scare me, what's the matter?"

Jiang Lin tried to sense Li Yingqi's thoughts, but he couldn't sense it. Li Yingqi didn't want him to know what happened.

"Master, I'll rest for a while, but it's not really a serious matter. I'll tell you when I get home."

"it is good."

Jiang Lin could feel that the spiritual power in Li Yingqi's body was dissipating, so he ran all the way to Li Yangju. Even when someone greeted him on the road, he didn't respond.

After rushing into the training room, Jiang Lin put Li Yingqi down and let her sit cross-legged, and then activated the spiritual gathering circle in the room.

He took a blood bodhi, and Jiang Lin poured it into the Qilin Qi from the Qilin Toe in his body, turning it into a drop of Qilin blood, and fed it to Li Yingqi.

Originally, Jiang Lin had three Red Heart Blood Bodhis, one of which had already been turned into Qilin blood. Jiang Lin divided them among Ren Tingting and the others, but it was not finished yet. The other was used to save Ninth Uncle, and this was the last one.

Originally, Jiang Lin planned to use it for himself, but in the underground of Shu, he had already collected a lot of Qilin blood essence and could no longer use it.

An hour later, Li Yingqi regained his complexion and opened his eyes.

"Master, your heart is so messed up."

Li Yingqi smiled slightly and looked at Jiang Lin, with visible relief and joy on his face.

"I'm not scared by you, your state is not right, what's going on?"

Jiang Lin sat next to Li Yingqi and took him into his arms.

"There is a problem with the Immortal Burial Coffin. By the way, Master, tell me how did you find the Immortal Burial Coffin?"

"I have been looking for things about Zuo Ci's tomb a few years ago, until not long ago..."

Jiang Lin heard Li Yingqi say that there was a problem with the immortal coffin, so he told Li Yingqi everything about his trip to Zuo Ci's tomb.

"That may be when the immortal coffin was in Zuo Ci's hands, and there was already a problem. The immortal coffin was missing. The original immortal burial coffin had a round character on the front and back, which should be the word 'immortal burial'. There is only one word 'burial' on the immortal coffin, and the immortal character Jue does not know where it is lost. I think it may have been lost when Zuo Ci and I were fighting for the immortal coffin."

Li Yingqi informed Jiang Lin of her situation. Because the immortal burial coffin was incomplete, the internal effect was reduced by most. She had slept in the coffin for so long before, and she just woke up today, but she could only wake up for less than a day.

And because her own primordial spirit is often separated from the body, the two are already difficult to coordinate. She will need to sleep in the immortal burial coffin in the future to recuperate her body. Unless the immortal character Jue is found, she can really wake up.

When Zhenkou faced Lan Dali and the others, Li Yingqi also used his own cultivation to force his actions, and that state could only be maintained for a short period of time.

That's why she mainly used intimidation. If she really wanted to kill her, her body and soul would have problems, and it would also reduce the time for her to wake up.

Jiang Lin nodded, no wonder Li Yingqi would say something that was inconsistent with the facts.

Although they didn't get rid of Lan Dali in the end, according to the situation at the time, his identity as "Shuimu Tianzun" should be firmly in their hearts.

You don't need to worry about them coming to your door anymore.

"You can only wake up for less than a day?"

Jiang Lin clenched his fists. After spending so much effort and cost, he finally found the immortal burial coffin, but who would have thought that the lack of immortal coffins would still be unable to solve Li Yingqi's problem.

But there are still clues to follow in the burial of the immortal coffin, as long as the tomb of Zuo Ci is found, and the immortal character Jue on it has no clues.

Is it on land, or in the sea?

Was it in the hands of a living person, or was it buried as a burial?

Is it in China or abroad?

For a while, Jiang Lin felt how hopeless.

In fact, when Li Yingqi and Zuo Ci competed for the immortal burial coffin, the immortal character Jue had already fallen from the coffin body, but neither of them noticed it.

Later, by chance, this piece of Xianzi Jue was acquired by two snake demons, one white and one green in Chengdu, Sichuan. With the help of Xianzi Jue's ability to subdue demons, the two snake demons took their old enemy, the demon monk method. Hai led into a giant crab and suppressed it with the immortal character Jue.

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