Many years later, the petrified giant crab was excavated. Because the immortal character Jue inside has the function of deterring the group of demons, the giant crab was named "Zhenguo Shiling" and was collected in the first place) (Du Pingjing.

Decades later, Jiang Lin will have a chance meeting with the two snake demons, Bai Yiqing, and the demon monk Fahai.

"Master, don't worry too much, the big deal is the same as before. Although it is difficult to stay with Master, Ying Qi knows that Master is willing to go to the mountains and seas of swords to wake me up. Ying Qi is really happy."

Li Yingqi wrapped his arms around Jiang Lin's neck and continued: "Yingqi's physical body has changed now, and with the immortal coffin, there will be no problems for hundreds of years, and the immortal character Jue should be able to find it. If it really doesn't work, Master, if you bite me, people can stay with you."

"Nonsense! Your physique is no better than mine. If you are bitten by me, you will become a bloodthirsty zombie."

Jiang Lin flicked Li Yingqi's bright and clean forehead, so that she would not be allowed to have such thoughts in the future.

"Master, there's still half a day left. How are you going to spend it with Ying Qi? The matter of finding the Xian Zi Jue will be discussed later. Right now Ying Qi's time is a moment less than a minute."

Li Yingqi's pupils seem to have turned pink. If it takes a little longer, she will definitely tell Jiang Lin about her lovesickness, but now there is not much time, so let's go straight to the topic.

"Let's talk about it later."

Jiang Lin kissed Li Yingqi on the lips, hugged him horizontally, and went to the room of the third hospital.

"Master, from now on, Ying Qi's primordial spirit is not in your heart, and you must also remember Ying Qi."

After overturning, Li Yingqi pressed his face to Jiang Lin's chest, sighing like blue.

Then she drew the image of the immortal character on Jiang Lin's heart, and fell asleep peacefully.

Jiang Lin dressed the person in his arms, carried him into the fairy coffin, took a pen and paper, and drew the shape of the fairy character Jue.

This time I have to find Zhang Quan and a few of them.

Chapter nine hundred and ninety-seventh go to the port of Xu

After drawing a few pictures, Jiang Lin went out of the room and went to Uncle Ping, the housekeeper, and asked him to contact Zhang Quan and his group with drawing paper and some valuable antiques.

After cleaning up a little, Jiang Lin went to the back garden. He had been out for a while this time, and he wanted to spend more time with his wives who were looking forward to his return at home.

After Chen Yu and the others knew about Li Yingqi, they also felt very pity. They got along very well with Li Yingqi, but they didn't expect her to fall asleep not long after she woke up.

"Come on, darlings, pick whatever you like."

Jiang Lin released Mochizuki rhinoceros and rewarded it with some rare medicinal materials.

Thanks to this little guy, the entire space inside the ancient mirror was full.

After that, Jiang Lin took out all the harvests in the ancient mirror. All kinds of natural materials and earth treasures, as well as gold and silver jewelry, almost covered the aisle of a back garden.

"My goodness."

The eyes of a group of women were blinking incessantly. They heard Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou say that Jiang Lin had been to the Tokyo treasury, but they didn't expect Jiang Lin to bring so many gold, silver, jewelry and jade.

Even Jin Tianyi and Bai Rourou, who accompanied Jiang Lin to Japan, were stunned. Did their men loot the entire treasury?

"Husband, you have robbed so much wealth from the Japanese treasury. Will they put pressure on Beiyang ZF through diplomatic means and come to trouble us?"

Bai Min'er glanced at the gold, silver and jade stones in the garden, shocked and a little worried.

This wealth is a huge amount of money, or a very huge kind.

"It's not a robbery, it's indemnity. And if they want to make trouble, they can come, and I can kill one emperor and another."

Jiang Lin didn't worry about any means on the Japanese side. If he dared to find trouble again, he would have to die, and he would have to pay him compensation.

If it was someone else who wanted to take his life, he would kill the person and that would basically be the end of the matter, but as a small Japan, this principle does not apply.

If he kills it, he still needs to destroy the soul, and after the soul is destroyed, he will have to pay compensation.

Jiang Lin let the two demon kings enter the garden, counted the gold bars and silver bricks, and transported them to the storage room.

The two demon kings made a rough calculation, and this wealth was probably similar to the treasure of Cixi that Jiang Lin brought back from the northeast.

This doesn't even count the value of those jewels, jade, and treasures of heaven and earth.

Jiang Lin chose a very delicate hosta and inserted it into Jing Yuanying's hairpin. The four ghost wives in his family, except for Xiaohong, were basically dressed in ancient costumes if they weren't going out, which was more suitable for this ancient style. Brilliant hair accessories.

Jing Yuanying looked happy, Jiang Lin asked them to choose, it was different from Jiang Lin choosing to give it to her.

Jiang Lin then chose two more gemstone necklaces for Linglong and Hongdou. The two new daughters-in-law lingered with him for a few days while they were underground. He was busy for the next month or two and had no time to accompany them.

"A Ning, you have a lot of friends in the press, and ask them to help you find the objects on this drawing. I'll go to the newspaper office with you, and I'm going to ask my handsome and brother-in-law to help."

After coaxing two new wives, Jiang Lin handed a piece of drawing paper to Shu Ning. It was much more difficult to find the immortal character Jue than to find the burial coffin. Jiang Lin could only use all the resources he could call to find it.

"Don't worry, I also very much hope that Sister Yingqi can wake up."

Shu Ning put the drawing paper in his pocket and went to the newspaper office with Jiang Lin.

In the following days, because it was already the twelfth lunar month, Jiang Lin did not go to Jiu Shu and Master Hong Jinbao to discuss the "Dao Zang" and the method of cultivating Qi. Mao Xiaofang also traveled far away, so he put this matter down. .

The wedding of the three of them, Bai Rou and Linglong Red Bean, was also held years ago.

After more than half a month, Zhang Quan came to Gantian Town, but the news he brought was not too optimistic.

"Emperor, I have been looking for many colleagues in the past half a month. Unfortunately, no one has seen this ancient relic, or even heard of it."

In the living room, Zhang Quan's face was a little apologetic. He had boasted in front of Jiang Lin, but this time Jiang Lin asked him to help him find this immortal character, but he couldn't see any information at all.

"Sure enough."

Jiang Lin sighed. He never doubted Zhang Quan's ability in this regard. How could the "little tomb king" recognized by the tomb robber community be called in vain, but even so, Zhang Quan still had no clue about the immortal character Jue.

"Emperor, it may be that my experience is not enough, but it is also possible that this jade has long been lost overseas and is no longer in Middle Earth. You can go to the antique circle over there to inquire about it. Since the last century, we have Many antiquities in Middle-earth are from there to overseas. I also have close friends there, and I can leave a contact information for you. After the New Year, my brothers and I will travel from south to north and east to west. Once again, help the benefactor to find this ancient relic."

The remuneration given by Jiang Lin this time was very high, and Zhang Quan also knew that this jade was very important to Jiang Lin.

"Xugang? It's quite a coincidence."

When the wedding was held at home, Shu Ning also wanted to be a bride. She had been living with Jiang Lin for a year, and it was time to get married.

Shu Ning called the parents who moved to Xugang and asked them to go to Xugang for a wedding a year ago.

"Then trouble the little tomb king."

"Engong, there is no trouble with your affairs. My brothers and I will do our best to deal with it."

Zhang Quan left the contact information of an antique shop and said goodbye to Jiang Lin.

"According to the ancient building? I hope there are some clues."

Jiang Lin looked at the address on the note and put it away.

On the second day, Jiang Lin and Shu Ning went to Guangzhou together and sailed south.

"A-Ning, you go home first, I'll do something."

When he arrived at Yuegang, Jiang Lin planned to go to find out about the news of Xianzijue.

"Okay, but don't make me wait too long."

Shu Ning also knew that Jiang Lin was worried about Xian Zi Jue now, so he didn't stick to him.

Jiang Lin followed the note given by Zhang Quan and went to an antique shop he introduced.

As soon as he found the street where the antique shop was located, Jiang Lin heard pedestrians talking: "Oh, the people who looked at the ancient building died so miserably, the whole person was shriveled, it was too scary."

"It must have been something evil, something of a dead person, is it so easy to touch?"

According to the old building?

Hearing the conversation of the pedestrian next to him, Jiang Lin frowned. This antique shop was the place he was looking for, not to mention that something happened to the antique shop when he just arrived.

Chapter [*] What is a gentleman?Can you eat?

When Jiang Lin arrived in front of Zhaogulou, the antique shop had been sealed off, and there were still many onlookers around, pointing at the shop, but did not dare to approach.

In the shop, a foreigner in a British police uniform used a wooden stick to poke the white cloth on the ground. When he saw the body under the white cloth, he almost vomited.

Next to the foreign police officer, there were four plainclothes with guns. When they saw the appearance of the corpse, they also felt that their stomachs were overturned.

The one killed by the zombie was a black zombie.

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at the corpse, and determined the cause of death of the deceased.

"This is a prosperous area. No matter what method you use, close this case as soon as possible."

The foreign police officer ordered the fat plainclothes in broken Chinese and left the antique shop.

"Inspector, how to investigate this case?"

"How to investigate? How do I know how to investigate? It is said that he was killed by a mad dog, so the case will be closed."

Inspector Fatty rolled his eyes at the three subordinates. He didn't know what kind of perverted murderer he was.

It's the same job, this fat man is far from Captain Song.

Jiang Lin happened to see this scene outside, and he compared the plainclothes detective in the shop with the captain Song of Gantian Town.

As soon as he entered the door of the antique shop, there were footsteps behind Jiang Lin.


Jiang Lin turned around, his eyes flashed by the camera.

"Hello, I'm reporter Zhang Xiaochuan. I heard that there was a strange murder in your antique shop. We want to know the situation from you."

Opposite Jiang Lin, stood a tall, short-haired beauty with trendy clothes and a camera. Behind her, there were two young people holding notepads.

My antique shop?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, then he looked at his clothes, and then glanced around, only to realize why the reporter had mistaken him.

He was wearing a long gown, which was different from the clothes of the people around him.

Nowadays, on the side of Xugang, men basically wear jackets or new clothes. Jiang Lin has already cut his long hair. With this slightly retro dress, he went into the antique shop. It's kind of like playing with antiques.

"You're mistaken, I'm not the boss here, I'm here to find someone."

"Excuse me."

Zhang Xiaochuan smiled awkwardly and entered the store.

As soon as Inspector Fatty saw Zhang Xiaochuan coming, he immediately greeted him with a smile on his face, but Zhang Xiaochuan was quite annoyed by him, so he greeted him perfunctorily, and went to the corpse to uncover the white cloth and took a few photos.

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