Shu Ning opened the door and hugged Zhang Xiaochuan's quilt.

"Cousin, I really treat you as my own sister. I'm really afraid that you will be deceived and be deceived."

After the two sisters got into the bed, they started whispering. Zhang Xiaochuan was very worried that Shu Ning had been given some kind of ecstasy by Jiang Lin.

Shu Ning explained a lot to Zhang Xiaochuan, but Zhang Xiaochuan still didn't believe it.

"Xiao Chuan, do you believe that there are ghosts and ghosts in the world as long as you see ghosts and so on, so you don't suspect that Jiang Lin is pretending to be a ghost?"

"Yes, as long as I see it with my own eyes, I will think that he will subdue demons and eliminate demons."

"Okay, just wait."

Shu Ning thought about it for a while. When she didn't believe this, it was Jiang Lin who asked her to meet Meiling, so she also wanted Zhang Xiaochuan to meet her.

Shu Ning sat up and closed her eyes to concentrate. Under the light, her shadow began to move.

After a breath, a black and terrifying charm walked out of the shadows, and then the ghost bent over and brought its face close to Zhang Xiaochuan.


On the other side, Jiang Lin was about to take off his clothes and fall asleep when he heard a scream coming from Shu Ning's room.

"Master, what's going on?"

The mouse boy on the bedside table jumped up immediately after hearing the scream.

"A Ning!"

Jiang Lin rushed out, because Zhang Xiaochuan and Shu Ning's voices were similar, and when he screamed again, Jiang Lin couldn't tell the difference because of his anxiety.

He also didn't expect Zhang Xiaochuan to be in Shu Ning's room.

Chapter [*] What kind of trick is this doing?

"A Ning, what's wrong?"

Jiang Lin arrived at the door of Shu Ning's room and kicked open the wooden door.

But what caught his eye was not Shu Ning, but only two pieces on his body)... (Zhang Xiaochuan, who was wearing clothes, ran towards him.


What's happening here?

Jiang Lin's face was full of big question marks.

"I... my legs..."

Because of being overly frightened, Zhang Xiaochuan's face was snow-white. She was so frightened that she rushed from the bed to the door. Under the intense exercise, her legs cramped directly.

With his legs out of control, Zhang Xiaochuan stumbled into Jiang Lin's arms.

Jiang Lin helped Zhang Xiaochuan up. As soon as she let go, she fell to one side. Jiang Lin could only step forward and hug her waist.

"What are you doing? Aning, wasn't you the cry just now?"

Jiang Lin glanced at Shu Ning and found that she was okay, and he was relieved, but then he glared at Shu Ning, which surprised him this time.

Shu Ning smiled awkwardly and explained in a low voice, "It's Xiaochuan's voice. I wanted to change her prejudice against you, so I did what you did before and released Charming Spirit. I didn't expect to frighten her."

Seeing Jiang Lin so nervous, Shu Ning also knew that what he did this time was ill-considered, not only frightening his cousin, but also frightening Jiang Lin.

Hearing this, Jiang Lin was speechless. At the beginning, Shu Ning didn't believe in ghosts. He did show her Charming Spirit, but it was most of the day at that time, but now it is mostly midnight. In addition, Charming Spirit's strength has grown. It became more terrifying, and scaring people to death was not a joke.

"my leg……"

His waist was held by Jiang Lin, and he was frightened again just now. His legs were also in severe pain due to cramps. Zhang Xiaochuan's breathing became more and more rapid, and there were signs of shock.

"I said you're a cousin, you're more than frightening her, it's almost frightening her to death."

Jiang Lin was also quite convinced. Although he had a little conflict with Zhang Xiaochuan, he didn't want her to die.

"Husband, then save her quickly."

Shu Ning is also panicked now, she didn't expect things to be so serious.

Zhang Xiaochuan's face was as white as a piece of paper, and Jiang Lin couldn't care less, he directly hugged her and laid her flat on the bed.

He touched Zhang Xiaochuan's eyebrows with his fingers, Jiang Lin pinched her legs twice, and finally poked her feet with his fingers.


Zhang Xiaochuan was rushed by Jiang Lin's spiritual power and quickly recovered. She recalled what Jiang Lin had touched just now, and screamed again, and then wrapped the quilt around her body.

"A Ning, what happened?"

At this time, there were messy footsteps and the voices of Shu Ning's parents in the corridor outside the room.

"What to do, cousin?"

Zhang Xiaochuan exposed his head from the quilt, so anxious that he didn't know what to do.

If the elders saw such a scene, she would want to die.

Shu Ning was stunned for a moment, before realizing that earlier, she and Zhang Xiaochuan had been under the covers except for their coats.

Just now, she was also worried about her cousin's safety. She didn't think about this episode at all, and she had been married to Jiang Lin for a long time, so she didn't realize that something was wrong.

"Old... Brother Lin, hurry up."

"What are you going to do? I kicked the door. What lies can you make up? Don't make a sound."

Jiang Lin lifted the quilt and covered Shu Ning's body, and Zhang Xiaochuan quickly covered his head with the quilt.

Shu Ning's parents also arrived at this time.


The four elders looked at Jiang Lin and Shu Ning in the room and looked at each other.

What the hell is this doing?

"Dad, Mom, I was frightened by a mouse just now. Jiang Lin broke in when he heard my cry."

Shu Ning sat on the bed with his knees in his arms, covering his body with both hands on the edge of the quilt, only showing one head, explaining to his parents embarrassedly.

Her parents' eyes were on Jiang Lin, as if they were looking at a prisoner, so Shu Ning had to explain.

Otherwise, my man would be too wronged.

Scared of mice?

Who are you fooling?

Several elders were all in disbelief.

In this scene, it was clear that he wanted the overlord to force his bow.

"Cough cough."

Shu Ning's father Shu Lan coughed and said, "Actually... in fact, you will get married in a few days. If you want to... er, we will not object. After all, you are both adults, and it would not have been earlier. Can't."

Shu Ning: "..."

Zhang Xiaochuan under the quilt: "..."

Don't do it, don't do it!

Zhang Xiaochuan was about to cry. What would she do if her uncle and aunt would "move the boat" and let Jiang Lin and Shu Ning have their bridal chamber tonight?


I'm a year or two early.

Jiang Lin almost laughed. If Shu Ning's parents knew that their daughter had warmed his bed for a year or two, they would have reacted like this.

"Ning'er, your parents are only your daughter, and you are often absent. We also want to hug a grandson early. If Jiang Lin wants to..., will...cough...experience, just relax. All right."

Shu Ning's mother also misunderstood the situation here, and enlightened Shu Ning as a past person.

"Mom and dad, you really misunderstood. It's okay, let's go."

Shu Ning actually wanted to say that she had already experienced what she should have experienced.Now she just wants a few elders to leave quickly, otherwise the scene may really become very embarrassing.

Not only is it embarrassing, but it can also be very explosive.

Shu Lan gave the three wives a look, and they left together consciously.

"What did you say you did?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes and left Shu Ning's room.

If there is not one more person in the room, maybe he will not leave, but if there is Zhang Xiaochuan still in the bed, it is better to avoid it.

Jiang Lin closed the door, and Zhang Xiaochuan got out of the bed, his face as if he had been smeared with rouge.

"Cousin, will I meet people in the future?"

Zhang Xiaochuan tapped Shu Ning with his fists, and then covered his flushed face.

What is this whole thing called tonight!

If I knew earlier, I wouldn't come to my cousin to sleep here! ! !

Can you blame me?

Shu Ning felt too wronged.

Didn't you believe it when you saw a ghost? My room screamed. Jiang Lin was worried about me and rushed over to see it.

You are too timid!

After a long while, Zhang Xiaochuan recovered a little. She thought about it carefully, who can blame this?

Shu Ning also asked her beforehand if she had no prejudice against Jiang Lin after seeing ghosts, and she agreed.

As a result, a scream caused so many things.

It's all because of his prejudice against Jiang Lin!

Fortunately, my uncle and aunt didn't find me, otherwise I would be really embarrassed.

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